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The Illustrator tool which is shown as a white arrow is known

1 as the..  Selection Tool

Which of the following is NOT a basic tool shape provided in

2 Adobe Illustrator? Ellipse

In Adobe Illustrator A simple straight line drawn with the pen

3 Path
tool is also known as a…

4 In Adobe IllustratorWhich color mode does a computer Monitor uses RGB, printer
monitor use, and which does a printer use? uses CMYK.

5 The preferred print resolution is ____ DPI. 300

6 What does selection tool do? It selects objects.

It changes the outline

7 What does the rectangle tool do?
color on an object

A professional
8 Adobe illustrator is ____________ illustration/design
software application.
9 The graphics created in Adobe Illustrator are Vector graphics
10 What is a gradient?  Solid color 

In Adobe Premeire Pro_____tool to select clips, menu items,

11 Ripple Edit Tool
buttons, and other objects found in the user interface.
12 RGB stands for: Red, Green, Black
The Illustrator tool which is shown as a white arrow is known
13 as the. Selection Tool
Which term describe text that moves horizontally over
14 Rolling title
To group multiple objects, hold ? down while clicking on the
15 ctrl
desired objects to group.

In InDesign, when a text box has a red plus sign on the bottom The text book is on top of
16 right corner, it indicates ? another object

17 what are Essentially independent timeliness in after effect nested

18 what is the short cut for dublicating a layer in photoshop? ctrl + N

19 what are ruler guides used for? for guidence to place


To toggle back and forth between the normal view mode &
20 W
preview mode tool, you press ?

To undo the last change made to your graphics design, the

21 keys must be used? ctrl+z

22 selected tools from the tool box will remain selected for approximately 15

23 what is healing brush used for ? cloning texture

24 Pencil tools allow the user to draw and __ freehand lines. underline

25 How many colour names are used by the browsers? 8

26 to get desaturated option in photoshop, we have to go to? file menu

27 drop shadow,inner glow,bevel are example of which option to fiters

used from layer?

a program that searches

28 What is a search engine?
29 choose a correct illustrator file format? .pdf
30 Multimedia is also used for _ communications and Corporate
31 Who developed InDesign? Seta (company)
32 The shockwave format was developed by IBM
____ is a raster graphics editor (with significant vector
33 Adobe Photoshop
graphics functionality).
34 Which tool is used to fill colour in shape? colour picker

Video transitions always have an accompanying audio True, but only the pre-
35 transition. defined default transition.

An index of encyclopedia
36 A homepage is------- articles
Which blending mode multiplies the luminosity of the base
37 Colour Burn
color by the blend color ?
38 which blending mode leads itself to partical effects such as lighten
starfields and flying sparks?
In the Title Properties panel, which of the following options is
39 used to create superscripts and subscripts? Slant

40 Wordpress is a CMS
41 which of the following is used to explore the internet? Browser
42 the audio video interleave was developed by whom in 1992? lotus
43 Outlook Express is a _________ E-Mail Client
44 JPEG may be expanded as Joint photographic Exports
45 What is the frame size for NTSC video? 720×486 pixels
46 Text wrap is used to ________ wrap text around image
47 Extension for InDesign files indd
Fancy, Bevel, Inset, Inverse Rounded comes under which
48 Corner options
commands of Adobe Indesign.

49 Why might you adjust the audio gain in Adobe Premiere? To make the audio faster

By changing the % of , you can blend multiple layers with one

50 another. transparency
The tool allows you to copy one area of the layer to another
51 magic wand
area of the layer.
52 What does the folded over page icon in the layers palette Create a new layer
53 Is Overlay a Layer Blending Mode in Photoshop? Yes
Which of the following blending modes is used to darken the
54 Color burn
base color in order to reflect the blend color?
55 These are found in layers panel, brush settings and layers Filters
To cut down the size of the entire graphic design, including all
56 layers, you
should select the ______ tool. marquee
57 Drop shadow, inner glow and bevel are examples of _________filtersy
58 The tool allows you to copy one area of the layer to another area magic wand
The _______ tool allows you to select a rectangular or circular
59 area of an layer
to change or delete. marquee
60 To undo the last change made to your graphic design, the keys Control + D
61 Pixels represent tiny ________ of color, which are typically un circles
To resize a graphic in a layer, select the _______ tool, then
62 check mark
_____________ to see selection handles. marquee; resize
63 Bitmap is sometimes referred as JPEG
64 PNG stands for? Portable
PollygonNetwork Graphics
Lasso Tool
65 Which tool is used Draws square or rectangular selection borderPollygon Lasso Tool
66 ________________Tool draws a selection border that automatical Incorrect This tool helps by making simpl
67 What is the quick selection tool best used for selecting?
68 _____________allows
The F7 function key willyou to change foreground or backgroundEyedropper
______ c
69 How many types of Gradient are there in Photoshop ? Three
How many type of Marquee Tool ? 3
Which Tool allows you to copy one area of the layer to another area
the layer.
What is the shortcut key to create a duplicate layer of a layer? Ctrl+N
The Illustrator tool which is shown as a completely black arrow Paint
is called
75 The Illustrator tool which is shown as a white arrow is known asSelection Tool
76 If you wish to edit a shape, you must click an anchor point wi Anchor Adjustment Tool
77 Which of the following is NOT a basic tool shape provided in Ad Triangle
78 How do you select a shape that has no fill? Click the interior center spo
79 Which of the following correctly defines the method by which Ad Raster
80 Pick the correct procedure to draw a perfect square in Adobe Illuchoose the rectangle tool, ho
81 Which of the following is used to convert a raster image to a ve Live Trace
82 Selected tools from the toolbox will remain selected… For approximately 15 secon
83 Which solution listed below will fill an object. select the color tool and hit
84 Adobe Illustrator terminology for a drawn line is… Line
85 Which of the following tools would be used to edit a line? the pen
86 Which of the following will reduce an object PROPORTIONA Drag the handles of the bou
87 Which of the following does the “Paragraph” menu NOT operatIndentation
88 How do you create a type that follows the shape of a path or an It can’t be done.
89 A line that is drawn in Adobe Illustrator that finishes where it Open Path
90 How do you hide an Adobe Illustrator layer? name the layer “Invisible L
91 A curve created in Adobe Illustrator is commonly referred to a Bezier Curve
92 A simple straight line drawn with the pen tool is also known as pathway
93 HTML stands for - HighText Machine Language
94 The correct sequence of HTML tags for starting a webpage is - Head, Title, HTML, body
95 Which of the following element is responsible for making the text b <pre>
96 Which of the following tag is used for inserting the largest heading <h3>
97 An HTML file must contain __ file extension. .xml
98 HTML5 tag names are case ___ . Sensitive
99 ___ displays the contents in the italic forms. <b></b>
100 <p>...</p> contains a ___. Paragraph
101 Which of the following HTML tag is used to display the text with scrol<marquee>
102 How to create an unordered list (a list with the list items in bullets) <ul>
103 How to insert a background image in HTML? <bg-image = "img.doc">
104 What are the types of unordered or bulleted list in HTML? disc, square, triangle
105 Which of the following is the correct way to start an ordered list wi <ol type = "1" initial = "4">
106 Which of the following HTML attribute is used to define inline styles?style
107 A program in HTML can be rendered and read by - Web browser
108 The tags in HTML are - case-sensitive
109 Which of the following is the root tag of the HTML document? <body>
110 Which attribute is used to provide an advisory text about an elementtooltip
111 Which tool is used for adding image in Indesign? selection tool
112 Where is the option to change font style Paragraph attribute
113 Raster Image is also known as ………… Color Image
114 Which option helps to reduce visibility of image? Opacity
115 What is the meaning of CMYK? Cream Magenta Yellow Kol
116 What is File Extension in Photoshop? Bmp
117 What is Adobe Premier Pro software? image editing
118 What work is Photoshop used for? For Graphics
119 What does Pixels stand for? Picture Element
120 Which image mode is best for creating video graphics in photo RGB
121 Adobe Indesign majorly used for ________. Newspaper
122 Selection tool in Indesign is not used for________. select
123 Which methods can be used in premier pro for importing single use the insert option from t
124 The tool in photoshop that allows to select an area of an image copy
125 For which reason transition should be used in adobe premier proTo extend footage
126 In premier pro Which panel displays a representation of what finProject monitor
127 What is not purpose of colour grading in Premier Pro? To make the image broadcas
128 In AdobeIndesign, what is the short cut for zoom in? Shif + 1
129 Which of the following is correct option for duplicating image File > Duplicate
130 What is the shortcut key for the type tool in Indesign? T
131 In photoshop Deselect option is available in ________ menu. Image
132 TIFF stands for: Tougle Image File Format
133 "Levels" in Photoshop are: Filters that have been appli
134 Which icon helps to hide layer in layer panel? eye icon
135 Drop shadow, inner glow and bevel are examples of _________filtersy
136 What is the shortcut key for the pen tool in Indesign? Ctrl + P
137 JPEG stands for: joint pixels evolution group
138 The full form of GIF Graphics Interchange Forma
139 Full form of DPI- Display per inch
140 Adobe InDesign is primarily ________ software. Animation
141 Which of these software is using the Gradient tool? Page maker
142 What is used of master page in adobeindesign? Shared layout
143 By using which of these options, a new file is created in Photos File > Open
144 The images are made of ________. DPI
145 What function does the Magic Wand tool, the Lasso tool, and t Feathering
146 Premier pro primarily works on ________ Notes
147 Which picture element is changed when you edit a raster image Point
148 What is the shortcut key to create a duplicate layer of a layer i Ctrl + A
149 ________ family of fonts are identified by extended projections Sans Serif
150 How many type of Marquee Tool are there in Photoshop? Seven
151 To get Auto contrast option in Photoshop, we have to select __ Image > Adjustment
152 Blurs edges by building a transition boundary between the selecAnti-aliasing
153 Indesign primarily works on______ images
154 What does the Eyedropper tool do in photoshop? Paints a single dot of color a
155 Line segments between anchor points are referred to as _____ Segments
156 Adobe illustrator is ____________ A professional illustration/d
157 What can you do with an anchor point? You can color them.
158 Why would a company prefer a vector image over that of a bit The images of their logo will be clear if th
159 Which of the following tools would cut a path into two different Scissor Tool
160 To simply wrap text around a frame which wrap option should bText Wrap around Object


 Paint Tool Direct Selection Tool Anchor Adjustment Tool


Star  Polygon  Triangle


pathway  frame frameset

Monitor uses RGB, Monitor uses CYMK, Monitor uses CYMK,
printer uses RGB. printer uses RGB. printer uses Grayscale

150 72 50
It selects individual It changes the color of
It points at objects anchor and paths of
an object objects.

It changes the color of It changes the

It makes a square.
an object. transparency of an object

Just as good as Focused on Not used to create

Photoshop manipulating images complex graphics
Bitmap images Lines Paths
A gradual change or One color placed next
progression of color  to another color. A color triad.

Track Selection Tool Selection Tool Slide Tool

Red, Gray, Blue Red, Gray, Black Red, Green, Blue 4
Paint Tool Direct Selection Tool Anchor Adjustment Tool
Slide transitin Crawling title Swip transition
alt ctrl+shift shift
You have one more The texbox is The texbox includes more
inch in the textbox complete text that is not seen

sequence composition project


ctrl + T ctrl + J ctrl + S

to make the paper to measure out the to make it easy to work
look pretty document

X ctrl+M ctrl+W

ctrl + t ctrl+e ctrl+x

until the computer is until the software is until another tool is
off line shut selected
cloning both texture and
cloning colour none of the above

edit point adjust


10 12 16

layer menu image>adjustment ctrl +D


blending options image adjustment layer modes

a web site that a hardware a machinery engine that
searches anything component search data 2
.svg .eps .ai 3
Company Communal Commercial
Adobe Systems T&E Soft Viacom New Media 2
Apple Macromedia Microsoft 3
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Flash Adobe Illustrator
Elements 1
pick tool paint bucket zoom 3
True, but only when
false applied with a key true
command. 2
Where all internet Required for access to
data is stored the internet The first page of a website
Linear Burn Multiply Darken
luminacity multiply dissolve
Baseline Shift Leading Tracking
Tool Programming Framework
Language 1
Spreadsheet Clipboard Draw 1
microsoft apple ibm 2
Browser Search Engine Dropbox 1
Joint Physical Experts Joint Physical Exports Joint Photographic Experts
Group Group Group 4
720×480 pixels 720×530 pixels 720×534 pixels 1
fill text in box fit text in shape fit shape and size of text 1
indb cdr ptx 1
Effects Anchor Object Pathfinder
To make the audio
To delete audio from To change the volume of
pick up more linked video audio
background noise 4
dodge blending options image adjustments
clone stamp marquee gradient
Create new fill or Bookmark a layer Create a new group
adjustment layer 1
No does not blend deletes the layer 1
Darken  Color Dodge  Multiply
Image Adjustments Blending modes Layer Styles

magic wand eraser crop 4

image adjustments blending options layer modes 3
clone stamp marquee gradient 2

crop hand zoom 1

Shift + D Shift + Z Control + Z 4
inches squares swatches 3

move; show bounding move; resize marquee; show bounding bo 2

GIF Raster Vector 3
Print Network GraphicPort
Rectangular Marquee Tool Network Graphics Portable Network Grap 1
Rectangular Marquee Tool Magnetic Lasso Brush Tool 2
This tool helps by makingThisprecise
tool helps
selections Type
you byyou
doing Tool
do one
by yourself.
click selections 3
Colour pick This tool can change the col 2
Layers Sharpen
Tool box Magic eraser 1
Four Five Adjustments 2
Six 3
2 4
gradient 5 3
marquee magic wand 1
Ctrl+V Ctrl+J
Selection Tool Ctrl+DSelection Tool
Direct 4
Anchor Tool 2
Paint Tool Direct Selection Tool Anchor Adjustment Tool 3
Selection Tool Paint Tool Direct Selection Tool 4
Ellipse Star Polygon 1
Double click the interioClick the stroked Double click the anchor poin 3
Encryption Extrapolation Vector 4
input the square’s side double click the polygonselect the square polygon to 1
Live Pixels Live Convert Live Paint 1
Until the computer is ofUntil the software is sh Until another tool is selected 4
select the object and thselect a brush and paint simply use the paint bucket 2
Gamma Line Path Point Successor 3
election tool the eraser direct selection tool 4
Drag the handles on th Drag the handles on theDrag the handles and hold F 3
Leading Hyphenation Format 2
Use the Pathfinder toolUse the Path Type ToolDeselect the Path 3
Symbol Closed Path Closed Vector 3
click on the pencil at t adjust the gamma layer cf lick off the eye on the left 4
Venus Curve curved vector solution Razerian Curve 1
frame path frameset 3
HyperText and links Mar HyperText Markup LanguHyperText Markup Location 3
HTML, Body, Title, Head HTML, Head, Title, Body HTML, Head, Title, Body 3,4
<a> <b> <br> 3
<h1> <h5> <h6> 2
.js .css .html 4
Insensitive Non of the above All of the above 2
<i></i> <p></p> <h></p> 2
Heading Bold Italic 1
<scroll> <div> <b> 1
<ol> <li> <i> 1
<img background = "img <bg-image = "img.png"> <body background = "img.png 4
polygon, triangle, circle disc, circle, square disc, circle, triangle 3
<ol type = "1" begin = "4 <ol type = "1" num = "4"><ol type = "1" start = "4"> 4
type class markup 1
Server Interpreter Excel 1
in upper case not case sensitive in lowercase 3
<head> <title> <html> 4
dir title head 3
rectangle tool rectangle frame tool color palette 1
character attribute placing text placing line
Bitmap Image Curve Image Graphic Image 2
merge layers place direct selection tool 1
Cyan Magenta Yellow Cyan Magenta Yellow BCyan Magenta Yellow Brow 3
Tiff Txt Psd 4
video editing text editor notepad 2
For Animation For Programming For Typing 1,2
Picture Extract Picture Elevation Pretty Elephant 1
Index CMYK Lab 1
Radio Animation Television 3
move drag direct selection tool
Use capture window Choose File > Import Clip > Export > Still 1
patch eyedropper clone
A transition should nevTo signify a change in lRandomly 3
Project Capture Source monitor
To create an aesthetic lTo properly balance skiTo reduce the fina size of vi 4
Alt + Ctrl + Ctrl + Z 4
Image > Duplicate Select > Duplicate Edit > Duplicate 2
X D W 1
Edit select type 3
Tagged Image File ForTagged Image File For Tagged Image Fixed File 3
Images stacked on top oPrevious versions of an Color and brightness correct 4
hand icon brush icon stamp icon 1
image adjustment layer modes blending options 4
P Ctrl + T T 2
Joint photographic extrJoint photographic expeJoint photographic examiner 3
Graphics inter file Gray-scale Interchange Gf raphics Interchange file 1
Disk Point Inch Dots per ink Dots per inch 4
GIF maker Type setting image editing 4
Painting Photoshop Notepad 3
Different layout Different Functionality Blur Image
File > New Create > New Start > New 2
Pixels Drawing pictures 2
Selecting Pasting Previewing 2
Text Video Layouts 3
Pixel Column Shape 2
Ctrl + J Ctrl + N Ctrl + L 3
Serif Decorative Calligraphy 2
One Four Two 3
 File Menu Filter Menu Desaturate 1
Feathering Healing Unsharpan mask 2
Text power point clip art
Selects the color at the Creates a histogram of tFades the colors of an area c 2
Paths Lines Graphics 2
Just as good as Photos Focused on manipulatinNot used to create complex 1
You can change their sYou can move them aroSelect it with the Selection 3
They are cheaper to maThey want realistic grapThere are no copyright on v 1
Knife tool Bisect Tool Transform 1
Detect edges Text WraText Wrap around ImagText Wraps through anythin 1

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