Ins DC Assign 1-5

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Dynamics Characteristics Assignment 1-5

Utkarsh Gupta
March 2, 2023

1 DC Assignment
For the first order system,derive the pulse response of the system.Also find its various
terms delay ,transient error.And Plot the response.
Answer: Consider the pulse,which is given as:x(t)=A[u(t)-u(t-T)],
Therefore,its laplace transform is given as:X(s) = As − Ae s
Now,consider the standard equation of First Order System:τ dt y(t) + y(t) = Kx(t)
Taking its laplace transform,τ sY (s) + Y (s) = KX(s)or, Y (s) = KX(s)
τ s+1
Putting the value of X(s) in Y(s);
Y (s) = KA 1 e 1
τ ( s − s )( s+ 1 ) τ
Y (s) = KA[( 1s − 1
s+ τ1
) − ( 1s − 1
s+ τ1
)e−sτ ]
−t t−τ
y(t) = KA[u(t)(1 − e τ ) − u(t − τ )(1 − e τ )]
Now, analysing the y(t) for different values of ;

y(t) t
0 0
KA[u(t) − u(t − τ )] ∞
Now the transient error in the system is given by :
−t −(t−τ )
e(t) = yI (t) − y(t) = AK[u(t)e τ − u(t − τ )e τ ]
there is no steady state error,
and the plot of the y(t) for different values of τ is plotted below:[Figure 1]

2 DC Assignment
For Second-Order Systems,the output of the step response of the over-damped system is
given by
√ √2 √ √
ξ+ ξ 2 −1 ξ− ξ 2 −1 [−ξ− ξ 2 −1]ωn t
y(t) = [AK − AK[ √ 2 ]e[−ξ+ ξ −1]ωn t + AK[ √ 2 ]e ]u(t)
2 ξ −1 2 ξ −1

,for ξ > 1.Here ξ is Damping Ratio,ωn is Natural Frequency and K is Sensitivity As-
sume A=1,K=1.Plot the Output of the system for different values of ξ.Also,write the
inferences made from the graph.
Answer: The graph of the output of step response of the system for different values of ξ (ξ > 1)
is:[Figure 2]
Steady error in the response of the system is zero,i.e, limt→∞ y(t) = 0
ξ ωn [−ξ ± ξ 2 − 1]ωn t Transient Error Speed of Response
Constant increases increases decreases increases
increases constant depends on ξ depends on ξ decreases
From the graph, it can inferred can ωn decides the response of the system and also the speed of it.
The system takes more time to reach steady state for higher values of ξ.

Figure 1:

3 DC Assignment
For Second-Order Systems,the output of the step response of the under-damped system
is given by
−ξωn t p
y(t) = [AK − AK √ sin( 1 − ξ 2 ωn t + arccos ξ)]u(t).
1−ξ 2

Here ξ is Damping Ratio,ωn is Natural Frequency and K is Sensitivity Assume A=1,K=1.Plot

the Output of the system for different values of ξ.Also,write the inferences made from
the graph.
Answer: The graph of the output of step response of the system for different values of ξ (ξ < 1)
is:[Figure 3]
Steady error in the response of the system is zero,i.e,
limt→∞ y(t) = 0
ξ ωn [−ξ ± j 1 − ξ 2 ]ωn t Transient Error Speed of Response
Constant increases - decreases increases
increases constant - decreases increases
The transient error inpthe system is given by:
e−ξωn t
e(t) = AK √ 2
sin( 1 − ξ 2 ωn t + arccos ξ)u(t)

4 DC Assignment
For the Second Order System,find the Ramp Response of the System and Plot the re-
sponse also. Answer:Ramp Input can be written as x(t)=Atu(t);
taking the laplace transform of x(t);X(s)= sA2
And the standard equation of the second order system is given as:
d2 d 2 2
dt2 y(t) + 2ξωn dt y(t) + ωn y(t) = Kωn x(t)
Kωn X(s)
taking its laplace transform;Y (s) = s2 +2ξωn s+ωn2
Putting the value of X(s) in Y (s); Y (s) = s2 (s2 +2ξωs+ω2 )
Now finding the roots of the equation of (s2 + 2ξωs + ωn2 );the roots are

V alueof ξ ps1 ps2
ξ>1 (−ξ + ξ 2 − 1)ωn (−ξ − ξ 2 − 1)ωn
ξ=1 ω
pn ω
ξ<1 (−ξ + j 1 − ξ 2 )ωn (−ξ − j 1 − ξ 2 )ωn
CASE:1For ξ > 1
1 X Y Z W
Y (s) = Kωn2 A[ (s−s1 )(s−s2 )s
2 ] = Kωn A[ s−s +
1 s−s2 + s + s2 ]
By simplifying
√ the expression;we √ get
2ξ(ξ+ 2 −1)−1 ξ 2 −1)
X= 3
√ξ ; Y=
√ ; Z= −ξ 1
ω 3 and W= ω 2
2ωn ξ 2 −1 3
2ωn ξ 2 −1 n n

Taking the Inverse Laplace Transform of Y(s):

y(t) = ωn2 [Xes1 t + Y es2 t + Z + W t]u(t)
;assuming that K,A=1 The plot for the case:[Figure 4]

CASE:2For ξ = 1
1 X Y Z W
Y (s) = Kωn2 A[ s2 (s+ω n)
2 ] = s + s2 + s+ω
+ (s+ωn)

Simplifying and finding the X,Y,Z,W;

X= −2
1 2
2 ;Y= ω 2 ;Z= ω 2 and W= ω 2
n n n
Taking the Inverse Laplace transform of Y(s);y(t) = [X + Y t + Ze−ωn t + W te−ωn t ]u(t)
asssuming A,K=1
The plot for the case:[Figure 5]

CASE:3For ξ < 1
Y(s)=Kωn2 A[ s−s 1
+ s−s 2
+ Cs + sD2 ]
Taking ξ = cosθ,

−1 1−2cosθe−jθ
We can get,X= 2cosθe3 jsinθ ; Y=
2ωn 2ωn3 jsinθ ;Z= −2cosθ
ωn3 and W= w12
Taking the Inverse Laplace Transform,
y(t)=ωn2 [Xes1 t + Y es2 t + C + Dt]u(t);
assuming A,K=1
The plot for the case:[Figure 6]

5 DC Assignment
For Second-Order Systems,the output of the frequency response of the system is given by

H(jω) = √(1−( ω 2 2 2 ω 2
.Plot the response for different values of ξ.
ωn ) ) +4ξ ( ωn )
Answer:The frequency response for different values of ξ is plotted as:[Figure 7]

Figure 2:

Figure 3:

Figure 4: CASE:1 for ξ > 1

Figure 5: CASE:2 for ξ = 1

Figure 6: CASE:3 for ξ < 1

Figure 7:

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