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1- Mohammed wants to investigate reasons for emotional density. He found that

suppressing emotional reactions increases the density of emotion. Write an
operationalized directional (one-tailed) hypothesis using this aim. Also, add a null

Suppressing emotional reactions increase the density of emotion.

People who suppressed their emotions have higher density of emotions than people who
express their feelings.

Null Hypothesis : There’s no difference between 2 groups.

2- Identify the research methods used in Phineas Gage (Railway worker) and Wild Boy of
Aveyron ( The child who lived in the forest). Suggest one advantage of the research

Case study

You can deeply search a Case / a situation because it provides detailed info.

3- Explain one similarity and one difference between a Laboratory experiment and a Field

SIMILARITY : You can manipulate independent variable.

DIFFERENCE : We conduct these studies in different environments.

4- Describe what is meant by ‘order effects’, using any examples.

It can affect to performance because of ordering of experiment proccess. Fatigue effect is that
many repetition cause getting bored and losing concentration. So it ended with performance
5- Ahoo is using cats and parrots in her experiment. Ahoo houses each animal alone and
only gives them their daily food every evening. Her independent variable is the species.
She thinks that parrots will share food because they are social animals whereas cats live
on their own. To test this, two animals of the same species are put together with a small
bowl of food every afternoon.
a. Ahoo’s dependent variable is whether the animals share the food. Suggest
how Ahoo could operationalize( we need a variable that can be measured with
tools) this dependent variable.

Check the amount of food

b. Write an operationalized non-directional (two-tailed) hypothesis for Ahoo’s


There’s difference between two species in terms of sharing the amount of food

c. Ahoo has decided that she will be a covert observer. Suggest why she chose to
be a covert observer in her study.

To not affect the relationship between Animals and observer.

6- Describe one similarity and one difference between observations and self-reports,
using any examples.

Similarity : Both data Collection provides info

Difference : Observation results depends on researcher but

self-report results depends on participants viewpoint about their own self.

7- Radin and Parsa are planning a field experiment about learning. They want to know
whether young children learn to use mobile (cell) phones from older brothers or sisters.
They each offer their phone to a younger brother or sister and also to a cousin who has
no older brothers or sisters. They time how long it takes each child to find a game to
play with on the phone. Suggest why Radin and Parsa chose a field experiment as their
research method.
These types of studies have less demand characteristics so they choose this type of study
in order to not affect actual behaviors.

8- Sarah is looking at the treatment of people with phobias. She is investigating whether
there is a relationship between how long they have been in therapy and the severity of
their symptoms. Describe how Beth could conduct a correlational study to investigate
this relationship. ( Describe correlation type, measurement tools, data collection
technique, variables with names,)

This should be a positive correlation / to investigate the relationship between variables

she can have an interview with a psychologist. / 1. Detecting Phobias 2. Measure phobias 3.

9- Describe differences between subjectivity and objectivity, using any examples.

Subjectivity most commonly means, based on the personal perspective or preferences of a

person, however, objectivity means something that is not based on our viewpoint, but based
on facts.

For ex, I am a restaurant critic, and there may be foods that I subjectively don’t like but when
critiquing dishes I must leave my subjective tastes aside and be objective about what I eat,
making objective judgment.

10- Explain what is meant by a ‘repeated measures design’. Suggest one advantage of
using a repeated measures design, using any examples.

You can observe/investigate your independent variable effect in a time.

11- Explain the purpose of a ‘control condition’, using an example.

Checking the effect of independent variable.

12- State the difference between a ‘population’ and ‘sample’.

Population is basically a group that shares at least one favorite

For ex, our class sample is a person who represents the population.

13- Name and explain one advantage of using one sampling technique.

Opportunity sampling is when you pick based on availability.

14- What is the difference between longitudinal studies and cross-sectional studies? Explain
what is cohort?

Cohort is a group of people with the same age and stage.

Longitudinal studies are done over a long time period In repeated measures however cross
sectional studies are a study that is conducted once with different ages.

15- Mahmmud has recorded the total number of aggressive acts per hour in children of each
age between 3 and 18 years old. Name the type of graph that would be most suitable to display
this frequency data.

Histograms because the data is about continuous data and histograms are most suitable.

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