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PSOSEC 2021-06

Q5. Enumerate and discuss the qualities of an effective instructor in public

safety education.


The qualities of an effective instructor in public safety education are: (1)

Appearance; (2) Enthusiasm; (3) Knowledge; and (4) Alertness.

1. Appearance. (a) Just by look or bearing of the instructor, it expresses

implied authority or expertise on the topic to be discussed. He dresses and
acts appropriately like an ideal instructor – manifesting convincing gesture
to win the confidence of the learners; (b) the facility or training place is
conducive for class room instructions or practical demonstrations; and (c)
the way of teaching of the instructor shall fit on the topic or the teaching
style shall be dependent on the subject matter – employing authoritarian
presentations or democratic presentations as applicable.

2. Enthusiasm. (a) the instructor must show gladness and zealousness with
his presence to teach the class; (b) the instructor should manifest
excitement - full of energy and spirit about the topic he/she is going to
teach; (c) He/she should maintain a friendly learning atmosphere or good
vibes to make the learners feel at ease and comfortable in order to arouse
their interest, attention, and active participations; and (d) the instructor
shall maintain throughout the duration of the class the same zeal to get rid
of dullness moments which make the interests of the leaners decline or

3. Knowledge. (a) the instructor must have mastery of the topic or subject
matter in order to share with the leaners the required or desired
knowledge/skills; (b) instructor shall also have field experiences to relate
theories to actual practices since knowledge alone is not sufficient to fully
understand the application of said knowledge/skills in the outside world;
and (c) instructor should face the class well prepared – with all the
materials and rehearsals ready and done respectively.

4. Alertness - The instructor must be vigilant and sensitive to the behaviors,

needs, and concerns of the learners thought the duration of the class by
looking, listening, and monitoring the activities of the students and his
actions as well during the class presentations and discussions in order to
make adjustments as necessary.

Reference: PPT, Learning Managers and Facilitation Development Course.


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