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Ethical Consideration


Ethics is concerned with what is "right" and UTILITARIANISM

"wrong, "fair" and "unfair" in decisions and ● The moral philosophy that actions
actions that affect others. Derived from the derive their moral quality from their
Greek word “ethos”, which means “way of usefulness as means to some end,
living”,ethics is a branch of philosophy that especially as means productive of
is concerned with human conduct, more happiness or unhappiness.
specifically the behavior of individuals in ● Focuses on outcomes and determines
society. In a broader sense, ethics reflects on right from wrong.
human beings and their interaction with ● Which says that the right thing to do
nature and with other humans, on freedom, in any situation is whatever will “do
on responsibility and on justice. the most good”
● Father of Utilitarianism JEREMY
Three main areas of ethics BENTHAM
- He advocated that if the
Meta-Ethics - is the study of the concept consequences of an action are good,
of ethics itself. The study of moral thought then the act is moral and if the
and moral language and how we engage in consequences are bad, the act is
ethics. Types of meta-ethics include immoral
naturalism, non naturalism, and emotivism. ● JOHN STUART MILL
Meta-ethics explores as well the connection - "actions are right in proportion as
between values, reason for action, and they tend to promote happiness,
human motivation. It addresses many of the wrong as they tend to produce the
issues commonly bound up with the nature reverse of happiness."
of freedom and its significance,
Normative Ethics - is the study of how ● A right is a person's just or
to determine ethical values. entitlement. The right can focus
on what that person does or on the
Applied Ethics - is the study of the use action of other people toward
of ethical values him/her.

Ethical behavior is behavior judged as JUSTICE

good, right, just honorable, or failing to ● Determines actions to be those
meet an obligation. The judgment of
that emerge from the correct use
behavior as ethical or unethical is based on
of principles that have been agreed
principles, rules, or guides that come from
an ethics of theory, character traits, or
to under conditions that are fair.
social values. Some ethics scholars have ● Based ethics theories use a
argued that Doing business ethically is comparative process, which looks
simply good business. at the balance of benefits and
burdens among members of a Reflects the ethical sensitivity of an
group or resulting from the
individual or a group in facing the ethical
application of laws, rules, and
policies. decision making process.


Ethical decision making will be reserved for

use in a business or group context. Business
ethics will provide the assessment
framework for correct behavior in the
business organization. Right behavior can
be evaluated through actions and words, but
there is no way to know one's thoughts. Per
our distinction, thoughts and beliefs will be
confined to moral decisions.


Want to change an organization's culture
organization. Decisions are not made by Opportunity
the organizations, they are made by the ➤ Conditions in an organization that limit
or permit ethical or unethical behavior.
people in them, who are guided by their ➤ Results from conditions that either
personal ethical values and their provide rewards or fail to erect barriers
against unethical behavior.
perception of the organization culture's ➤ Can be eliminated by formal codes, rules,
ethical values that such matters. and policies.
Business Ethics Intentions, Behaviors, and
➤ Ethical dilemmas occur when rules
decisions are vague or in conflict.
➤ There are no substitutes for critical
thinking and the ability to take
responsibility for one's decisions.
➤ Can be eliminated by formal codes, rules,
and policies.
Understanding Ethical Decision Making
Ethical Issue Intensity
Top level support for ethical behavior is
instrumental in helping employees engage
in their personal approaches to ethical
decision making. Normative perspectives set Leadership And Organizational
forth ideal goals to which organizations
should aspire. Knowledge about ethical
-We define leadership as the ability to
decision making helps in making good
influence a group toward the achievement of
vision or set of goals.
-Leadership a process by which an executive
can direct,guide and influence the behavior
and work of others towards accomplishment
of specific goals in a given situation.
Addressing ethics in decision making in
business or other large organizations or
Importance of leadership
groups does point to the need to ensure
- Leadership serves several
that key focusing decisions have been
functions crucial to the success of
made and are in place. In particular, the
an organization, but the main
business decision for core values should
importance of leadership is that it
be in place to provide the
provides a vision for the company.
goals/requirements that will be used to
- Leaders also articulate the vision
create and constrain the criteria used in
and what members of the
the network of business decisions
organization can do to achieve it
importance of leadership
- “Leadership listens, inspires,
motivates, and gives a direction, a
common goal to aspire to,” says
If a person is ready to join a company or
JeromeTaillard, associate
business, it is important that he (or she)
professor of finance at Babson
be presented with the company's core
College.)“Leadership matters.
values and code of conduct (if available).
- It matters today more than ever.
The prospective new member must then
Leadership today must be based
determine if it is possible to reconcile
on purpose, inspiration,caring,
their moral choices with the
and compassion.”saysRaj Sisodia,
organization's ethics as conveyed in the
Babson(professor of marketing
company's values and code of conduct.
and the F.W. Olin Distinguished
Professor of Global Business)
What are the big five personality
➔ Openness is a characteristic that result of events that are beyond their
includes imagination and insight. The control.
world, other people and an eagerness 2 types of Leadership Behaviors
to learn and experience new things is
particularly high for this personality 1. The employee-oriented leader
trait. It emphasizes transparency in emphasizes interpersonal
all areas and free unrestricted access relationships by taking personal
to knowledge and information. interest in the needs of employees
➔ Conscientiousness is the and accepting individual differences
personality trait of being careful, or among them.
diligent. Conscientiousness implies a 2. The production-oriented leader
desire to do a task well, and to take emphasized the technical or task
obligations to others seriously. On aspects of the job,focusing on
scientious people tend to be efficient accomplishing the group's tasks.
and organized as opposed to
easy-going and disorderly. Charismatics leadership And
➔ Extraversion (sometimes referred Transformational Leadership
to as Extroversion) is a trait many What Is CharismaticLeadership?
will have come across in their lives. Max Weber defined charisma as "a certain
It's Easily identifiable and widely quality of an individual personality, by
recognizable as someone who gets virtue of wishes set apart from ordinary
energized in the company of others. people and treated as endowed with
”Extroversion Is characterized by supernatural, superhuman, or at least
sociability, talkativeness, specifically exceptional powers or qualities".
assertiveness and excitability. According to House's charismatic leadership
➔ Agreeableness People who theory, followers attribute heroic or
exhibit high agreeableness will show extraordinary leadership abilities when they
signs of trust, altruism, kindness, and observe certain behaviors. A number of
affection. Highly agreeable people studies have attempted to identify the
tend to have high prosocial behaviors characteristics of charismatic leaders.
which means that they’re more
inclined to be helping other people. Key Characteristics of Charismatic
➔ Neuroticism is characterized by Leaders
sadness, moodiness, and emotional First, develop an aura of charisma by
instability. Often mistaken for maintaining an optimistic view;using
antisocial behavior, or worse, a passion as a catalyst for generating
greater psychological enthusiasm; and communicating with the
issue,neuroticism is a physical and whole body,not just with words. Second,
emotional response to stress and draw others in by creating a bond that
perceived threats insomeone’s daily inspires them to follow. Third, bring out the
life. A person may strive to be a potential in followers by tapping into their
perfectionist during their everyday emotions.
activities, and experience stress as a
Transformational Leadership ● A vision statement is a formal
Transformational leaders inspire followers statement of what business wants to
to transcend their self-interests for the good be.
of the organization and can have an extra
effect on their followers. They pay attention Organizational Processes – Mission
to the concerns and needs of individual ● Mission is the purpose for the
followers; they change followers' awareness existence of a company.
of issues by helping them look at old ● It is always defined from the point of
problems in new ways; and they excite and view of the customers.
inspire followers to put out extra effort to ● It explains what the company wants
achieve group goals. to do for the customers and other
stakeholders (public, government,
Ethics and Leadership suppliers,employeesetc) so that the
Ethics and leadership intersect at a number company can achieve its vision easily.
of junctures. Scholars have tried to integrate
ethical and charismatic leadership by Mission statements define the
advancing the idea of socialized charismatic organization's purpose and primary
leadership. Socialized charismatic leaders objectives. These statements are set in
are able to bring employee values inline with present tense, and they explain why you
their own values through their words and exist as a business, both to members of the
actions. In assessing its effectiveness, we organization and to people outside it.
need to address the means a leader uses in Mission Statements tend to be short,clear
trying to achieve goals. and powerful.

ORGANIZATIONAL PROCESSES Organizational Processes – Structure

● In Small organization, the structure
● A process is a set of actions that are is simple and the structure comprises
logically sequenced. few departments.
● For Example, organizations have ● In big organizations, it will be divided
goals, and they achieve it by creating between different departments such
products and services and this is as finance, marketing,production, HR
done in logical sequence. etc
● Each department will have ahead,
Organizational Processes – Vision some people, a rule for
● A vision is a goal that is “ massively communication etc.
inspiring, overarching and long Organizational Process – Systems
term”. It represents a destination that Each System is independent as well as
is driven by and evokes passion. interdependent. For Example, the
● A vision may or may not succeed; it marketing system is dependent upon the
depends on whether everything else HRsystem to get people, but at the
happens according to a firm's sametime act independently.
Organizational Process – Processes 6 Organizational Performance Matrix
Process is a set of logical activities that lead
1. Trustworthiness
to some final or interim output. For
example, to manufacture something or to 2. Customer orientation
provide service, there is a logical sequence. 3. Employee engagement
4. Inventiveness
Organizational Process – TASKS
(Activities) 5. Self-leadership
In a big organization, a person may be 6. Getting things done
performing only one task (for example, in
the accounts department, one accountant
may be handling accounts receivable, Resistance to change:
another mayhand payable whereas a third Logical resistance - This form of resistance
person may be doing bank reconciliation).
is perceived by workers to be based on
ADDITIONAL INFO FROM SIR: disagreement of facts, rational reasoning,
Conflict - natural outcome. logic and science.
Types of conflict - Psychological resistance - emotions and
1. Task attitudes
2. Relationship - conflict on Sociological resistance - values, practices,
relationship with others norms
3. Process - conflict over how work get
done Steps in change:
How to resolve conflict - 1. Unfreezing -
Individual differences - 2. Changing -
Purpose of conflict - awareness, curiosity, 3. Refreezing -

Change - we need to adapt to change for us Guidelines in managing change:

to grow. 1. Make only necessary and useful
4 Types of organizational change changes
1. Strategic transformational change 2. Teach workers to expect continual
2. Structural change change and need to develop new
3. Remedial change skills
4. People-Centric Organizational 3. Change by revolution gradually,
Change not revolution dramatically.
CONFLICT AND NEGOTIATION 3 types of conflict:
● Task conflict- conflict over content
The work life of a project manager is a life of and goals of the work.
conflict. Although conflict is not necessarily ● Relationship conflict- conflict
bad, it is an issue that has to be resolved by based on interpersonal relationships.
the project manager. Without excellent ● Process conflict- conflict over how
negotiation skills, the project manager has work gets done.
little chance for success.

Conflict - is actual or perceived opposition

of needs, values and interests. A serious
disagreement or argument. This also can be
caused by a different view of a person, it may
also be caused by organizational structure,
limitations on resources, goals
incompatibility, and communication

● Traditional view of conflict- all

conflict is harmful and must be
● Human relations view of conflict-
conflict is a natural and inevitable II COGNITION AND
outcome in any group. PERSONALIZATION
● Interactionist view of conflict-
conflict is not only a positive force in - Perceived conflict - means a conflict
a group, but it is also an absolute where a third party could form the
necessity for a group to perform view that private interests could
effectively. improperly influence a person’s
public duties, now or in the future.
- Felt conflict - is a type of conflict in
which the individual thinks that
whatever is going on within the CONFLICT SIMULATION
organization is not favorable for him TECHNIQUES
and not supporting him. ● Communication
● Bringing in outsiders
● Restructuring the organization
● Appointing a devil’s advocate

Preparation and planning

- What is the nature of conflict?
- Who is involved?
- What are your goals?
CONFLICT RESOLUTION - BATNA (the best alternative to a
TECHNIQUES negotiated agreement?)
● Problem Solving Definition of ground rules
● Superordinate goals - Who will do the negotiating?
● Expansion of resources - Where will it take place?
● Avoidance - What is the time limit?
● Smoothing
● Compromise Clarification and justification
● Authoritative command - Educating
● Altering the human variable
● Altering the structural variable Bargaining and Problem
- Concessions time
Closure and implementation freely suggest other solutions. Listen
- Formalizing the agreement and to facts and evidence and render an
developing procedure award, In arbitration, there is always a
- BUT closure of the negotiation settlement.
process for most cases is nothing -
more than a formal handshake. Conciliator
- is a trusted third party who provides
INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES IN communication between the
NEGOTIATION EFFECTIVENESS negotiating parties. This approach is
● Personality traits used frequently in international,
- The best bargainer is a labor, family, and community
disagreeable introvert disputes, and, if you’re a fan of The
(according to the Big fivetest) Godfather movies, it’s the role that
● Moods/emotions Robert Duvall’s character played for
● Gender differences the Corleone family. Conciliators
- a popular stereotype: women often engage in fact-finding,
are more cooperative and interpreting messages, and
pleasant in negotiations than persuading parties to develop an
men. agreement.


- is a third-party negotiator who is
Arbitrator (neutral person) skilled in conflict management and
- is a third party with the authority to can add their knowledge and skill to
dictate an agreement. Arbitration can the mix to help the negotiating
be voluntary or forced on the parties parties arrive at a conclusion. A
of negotiation by law or contract. consultant will help parties learn to
The arbitrator’s power varies understand and work with each
according to the rules set by the other, so this approach has a
negotiators. He might be limited to longer-term focus to build bridges
choosing one of the party’s offers and between the conflicting parties.
enforcing it, or he may be able to
Two types of stressors
Mediator 1. Challenge Stressors
- is a neutral, third party who helps - Stressors associated with
facilitate a negotiated solution. The workload, pressure to
mediator may use reasoning and complete tasks, and time
persuasion, they may suggest urgency.
alternatives. Parties using a mediator 2. Hindrance Stressors
must be motivated to settle the issue, - Stressors that keep you from
or mediation will not work. reaching your goals.
Mediation differs from arbitration in
that there is not a guaranteed STRESS IS ASSOCIATED WITH:
settlement. DEMANDS
- are responsibilities, pressures,
STRESS MANAGEMENT obligations, and uncertainties
individuals face in the workplace.
Stress - is defined as the mental or physical
condition that results from a perceived RESOURCES
threat or danger (physical/emotional) and - are things within an individual's
the pressure to remove it. control that he/she can use to resolve
- is a dynamic condition in which an the demands.
individual is confronted with an
opportunity, demand, or resource Research suggests that adequate resources
related to what the individual desires help reduce the stressful nature of demands
and for which the outcome is when demands and resources match.
perceived to be both uncertain and
- Stress is how we react when we feel ORGANIZATIONAL STRESS
under pressure or threatened. It 1. Conflicting expectations
usually happens when we are in a 2. Role ambiguity
situation that we don't feel we can 3. Role overload
manage or control. 4. Working conditions
5. Working relationships
6. Alienation Behavioral Symptoms
- Reductions in productivity, absence,
Burnout - The condition that occurs when and turn-over, as well as changes in
work is no longer meaningful to the eating habits, increased smoking or
individual and this can result from stress or consumption of alcohol, rapid
may be other work-related or personal speech, fidgeting, and sleep disorders.
Frustration - is a result of a motivation or ● Biofeedback - Workers undergo
drive being blocked to prevent one from medical guidance and learn from
reaching a desired goal. instrument feedback to influence
symptoms of stress.
CONSEQUENCES OF STRESS ● Sabbatical Leaves - Provisions to
- High blood pressure workers of paid or unpaid time from
- Ulcer Irritability work to encourage stress relief and
- Difficulty making routine decisions personal education for
- Loss of appetite ● Counseling - Discussion of the
- Accident proneness problem that prevents a worker from
doing his job efficiently.
Physiological Symptoms
- Stress could create changes in Function of Counseling
metabolism, increase heart and - Advice
breathing rates and blood pressure, - Reassurance
bring on headaches, and induce heart - Communication
attacks. - Emotional
- Catharsis
Psychological Symptoms - Clarified
- Job dissatisfaction is “the simplest - Thinking
and most obvious psychological - Reorientation
effect” of stress.
Types of Counseling 4 Types of organizational change
Direct - Listening to workers' problems, 1. Strategic Transformational
deciding with the workers what should be Change
done and then telling and motivating the - A process of changing the
worker to do it. overall direction of an
Non-Direct - Skillfully listening and organization or a group within
encouraging a counselee to explain an organization. Strategic
troublesome problems, understand the transformational change is
problems and determine appropriate often a lengthy process and
solutions. requires in depth planning and
Participative - Mutual counselor-counselee preparation.
relationships that establishes a cooperative - a shift in the business culture
exchange of ideas and opinions to help solve of an organization resulting
a counselee’s problems. from a change in the
underlying strategy and
ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE processes that the organization
has used in the past.
Change - To make or become different.
- A general transition of something or 2. Structural change
phase to another state condition. - This is the most common type of
- In life, change enables you to become change we usually hear about. It
the person you want to be. involves a complete transformation of
the way something works.
Organizational change - A process in - major shifts in the management
which a business alters a key component of hierarchy, team organization, the
its strategy or operations. This may involve responsibilities attributed to different
changes to company culture, essential departments, the chain of command,
technology, organizational structure, or job structure, and administrative
major initiatives and goals. procedures.
3. Remedial change "Change demands learning, and learning
- The process of repairing something means continuous change"
that has already gone wrong. Allow - Quotes -
the organization to work perfectly
with the existing process, procedure, Resistance to change
and system. - Change is inevitable; and as an
- occurs when a problem is identified, enduring force, it may be
and a solution needs to be constructive or destructive.
implemented. As these changes are - unwillingness to adapt to new
designed to address an issue; they call circumstances or ways of doing
for immediate action things. It can happen with
- individuals, relationships, or within
4. People-Centric Organizational organizations.
- Focuses on the employees, customers, Logical Resistance
and other stakeholders, whose - This form of resistance is perceived
mindset and behaviors are going to by workers to be based on
be affected by the change. disagreement of facts, rational
- During this type of change, the reasoning, logic and science.
organization focuses on the emotions
and intrinsic motivations of these Psychological resistance
stakeholders. - It involves workers' emotions,
attitudes, and sentiments.
6 Organizational Performance Metrics Psychological resistance is internally
(OPM's) logical from the personal view of the
1. Trustworthiness workers ' attitudes and feelings about
2. Inventiveness the change.
3. Customer Orientation
4. Self-leadership Sociological resistance
5. Employee Engagement - It involves group interest, norms and
6. Getting things Done values. As much as social values are
powerful forces in the environment,
they must be looked into and be 3rd step: Refreezing
carefully considered. - A process which means that
what has been learned, is
Steps in Change: integrated into actual and
1st step: Unfreezing meaningful practice.
- A process that simply means - ultimate stage in which people
that old ideas and practices accept or internalize the new
need to be changed so that ways of working or change,
new ones can be adopted for accept it as a part of their life
use. and establish new
- involves improving the relationships
readiness as well as the
willingness of people to SUPPORT NEED FOR CHANGE
change by fostering a - The support-need to be built before,
realization for moving from during and after a change is extremely
the existing comfort zone to a necessary from a long term success of
transformed situation. the change program. The use of
2nd step: Changing group forces for effectiveness change
- A process that basically means is focused not only on a particular
the step in which the new individual but also on the group
ideas and practices are being itself. The group can be a potent
learned. instrument to bring strong pressure
- careful planning, effective on its members to change.
communication and PARTICIPATION
encouraging the involvement - Full participation of the workers is a
of individuals for endorsing basic requirement to build support
the change is necessary. It is for change. During the intersection
believed that this stage of process, workers are encouraged to
transition is not that easy due discuss and articulate their views and
to the uncertainties or people make some suggestions.
are fearful of the consequences
of adopting a change process.
- Another way of building support for GUIDELINES FOR MANAGING
change is that there are adequate CHANGE
rewards for workers when change is 1. Make only necessary and useful
implemented. If the change will bring changes.
them a windful of gains, they become 2. Teach workers to expect continual
enthusiastic about the change. change and need to develop new
WORKER'S SECURITY 3. Change by revolution gradually, not
- Security during a change is very revolution dramatically.
important among workers. A 4. Recognize the possibility of
number of managers guarantee that resistance to change and develop
workers' rights should be protected appropriate and positive strategies for
since the information of new confronting and containing each
technology and new methods might source of resistance.
reduce the earnings of workers. 5. Involve workers throughout the
change process to diminish resistance.
COMMUNICATION 6. Share the benefits of change to
- Communicating applies to all phases workers.
of management. The communicating 7. View the organization change as an
function is the means by which social essential process, and pay particular
inputs are fed into the social system. attention to the unfreezing and
freezing stages.
8. Diagnose the problems remaining
STIMULATING WORKER'S after a change occurs, and treat them
READINESS properly.
- This approach of building support 9. Recognize that the primary purpose
for change is premised on the of change is to improve performance
assumption that change is more likely results.
to be accepted if the workers affected
by it recognize a need for it before it
- A system of shared meanings held by - Degree to which employees are
members that distinguishes the aggressive and competitive rather
organization from other than cooperative
- all of a company's beliefs, values and Outcome Orientation
attitudes, and how these influence - Degree to which managers focus on
the behavior of its employees. results or outcomes rather than on
Culture affects how people how these outcomes are achieved
experience an organization.
People Orientation
- Degree to which management
decisions take into account the effects
on people in the organization

Team Oriented
- Degree to which work is organized
around teams rather than individuals
Attention to detail
- Degree to which employees are
Benefits of a Strong Culture
expected to exhibit precision,
● Creates a stronger employee
analysis, and attention to detail
commitment to the organization
● Aids in the recruitment and
Innovation and risk taking
socialization of new employees
- Degree to which employees are
● Fosters higher organizational
encouraged to be innovative and to
performance by instilling and
take risk
promoting employee initiative

- Degree to which organizational
- Values widely shared
decisions and actions emphasize
- Culture conveys consistent messages
maintaining status quo
about what's important
- Most employees can tell stories about Barriers to Change
- company history/heroes - when an organization's environment
- Employees strongly identify with is undergoing rapid change.
culture - Lack of understanding – The absence
- Strong connection between shared of a clear goal is a common barrier
values and behaviors that companies overlook. They want
to implement change, but they do
WEAK CULTURES not know what they want to achieve.
- Values limited to a few people-usually When companies set clear goals, they
top management will be on the right track.
- Culture sends contradictory messages
about what's important Barriers to Diversity
- Employees have little knowledge of - Management wants to demonstrate
company history or heroes support for the differences these
- Employees have little identification employees bring to the workplace,
with culture but newcomers who wish to fit in
- Little connection between shared must accept the organization's core
values and behavior cultural values and current mix.

Culture as a Liability Selection

- culture can enhance organizational - Selection process is to identify and
commitment and increase the hire individuals with the knowledge,
consistency of employee behavior, skills, and abilities to perform
clearly benefits an organization. successfully
- when the shared values don't agree
with those that further the Socialization
organization's effectiveness. - No matter how good a job the
organization does in recruiting and
selection, new employees need help
adapting to the prevailing culture.
- Puts new employees directly into the
job, with little or no special attention.

- Socialized individually
Socialization Process
Pre Arrival Stage - grouped together and processed to
- recognizes that each individual arrives identical set
with a set of values, attitudes, and
expectations about both the work Fixed of experiences
and the organization. - establishes standardized stages of
Encounter Stage
- confronts the possibility that Variable
expectations about the job, - give no advance notice of their
co-workers, the boss and the transition
organization in general may differ
from reality. Serial timetable
- role models who train and encourage
Metamorphosis Stage newcomers
- work out any problems discovered
during the encounter stage, the new Random
member changes - newcomers are left on their own to
figure things out
Entry Socialization Options
Formal Investiture
- Specific orientation and training - qualities and qualifications are
programs confirmed and supported
Divestiture - division of a business responsible for
- tries to strip away certain finding, screening, recruiting, and
characteristics of the new recruit training job applicants
- administers employee-benefit
How Employees Learn Culture programs
Stories - handles compensation and benefits,
- Narratives of significant events or and employee terminations
actions of people that convey the - keep up to date with any laws that
spirit of the organization may affect the company and its
Ritual - Oversees employee relations
- Repetitive sequences of activities that - it's a place an employee goes with
express and reinforce the values of the questions about their position at the
organization company, to address concerns, and to
air grievances
Material Symbols
- Physical assets distinguishing the Key duties and responsibilities of
organization human resources

Language Recruiting
- Acronym and jargon of terms, - involves finding qualified individuals
phrases, and word meanings specific for open positions within the
to an organization. organization, as well as completing
the necessary steps to screen them for
HUMAN RESOURCE POLICIES AND hiring consideration. As part of the
PRACTICES recruiting process, HR professionals
may help create and post job
Human Resource descriptions, searching for qualified
- the department within a business people to apply for the open
that is responsible for all things positions, screening candidates and
worker - related conducting interviews. This
responsibility plays a major role in
developing the workforce of an developing the workforce of an
organization. organization.

Fostering a safe work environment Administering payroll

- Ensuring workplace safety is a critical - Payroll involves paying employees for
responsibility of human resources. the hours worked, and many human
The Occupational Safety and Health resources specialists can provide
Act of 1970 (OSHA) requires payroll administration services for a
employers to provide a safe working business. Modern software programs
environment for all employees, so and resources have simplified payroll
HR professionals will support this processing for organizations, which
requirement by overseeing and has allowed HR professionals
conducting safety training, managing without extensive payroll experience
workplace injury logs and reporting to be able to handle this task.
and handling any workers
compensation needs that may Managing compensation and benefits
arise.od tempor incididunt ut labore packages
et dolore magna aliqua. - Employees receive compensation and
benefits packages in exchange for the
Managing employee relations work they perform for an
- Recruiting involves finding qualified organization, and the human
individuals for open positions within resources department often manages,
the organization, as well as oversees and approves those packages.
completing the necessary steps to
screen them for hiring consideration. Handling disciplinary needs
As part of the recruiting process, HR - Workplace discipline occurs in
professionals may help create and response to employee rule-breaking
post job descriptions, searching for or misbehavior at work. Human
qualified people to apply for the open resources handles employee discipline
positions, screening candidates and and documents any actions taken in
conducting interviews. This response to misbehavior. Examples of
responsibility plays a major role in misbehavior that may warrant
disciplinary action include failing to departments can also provide
perform the duties of the job employee development and
properly, treating employees or educational opportunities.
clients poorly or failing to manage Professional development can help
the proper schedule. employees learn new skills and
improve upon the skills they need to
Ensuring compliance with labor laws do their jobs more effectively.
and regulations
- In addition to maintaining a safe Assisting employees
workplace for employees, HR is - Employees may have personal needs
responsible for ensuring that the and challenges that arise when
organization is in compliance with all working for an organization, and the
other applicable labor regulations human resources department may be
and laws. Failing to comply can result able to provide resources and
in unsafe working conditions, assistance. Many companies provide
complaints against the business and employee assistance programs as a
general dissatisfaction benefit to their employees, which can
be a resource for an employee who is
Overseeing training programs struggling with personal challenges.
- Training and development are critical
functions of a successful human
resources department. Employees
need regular and ongoing training to
transition into the organization and
understand the requirements of their
job, as well as to maintain compliance
with any process changes or legal

Supporting employee development

- In addition to providing ongoing
training, human resources
What is Human resource policies
and practices?
- HR policies, procedures and
practices establish a framework to
help to manage people. They cover
everything from how the business
recruits its staff through to ensuring
employees are clear about procedures,
expectations and rules, and how
managers can go about resolving
issues if they arise.

- At-Will Employment Policy
- Sexual Harassment Policy
- Anti-Harassment and
- Non-Discrimination Policy
- Safety and Health
- Policy
- Updated Confidentiality Policy

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