BC.2 Revision

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OCTOBER 27, 2022

 the term "organisational communication" pertains to different modes & routes via is a part of
organisations, nonprofit organisations, or small businesses, communicate with one another.
Several studies have shown that there is a significant There is a link between the level of
interaction inside an organisation and work performance as well as satisfaction with their jobs.

General theories of organizational communication:

The Traditional Organisational Theory of Weber
Which Focuses on Retaining WallsMax Weber is a well-known name within the field of strategic
management. Many people think of him as the man who started the field organisational studies.
His idea of public administration was the first attempt to describe the structure of an organisation
and give value to how humans interact within an organisation. His theory was based on what he
had seen in large, complicated organisations.

According to his view, organisations have very well roles and duties, thus internal
communication is methodical, structured, and explicit. Since the approach is top-down,
companies have sophisticated structures that mimic machines, so each worker has well-defined
jobs and obligations.

Naturally, his analysis gives honour a major place, and companies assign duties according to
talents and seniority based on pre-existing beliefs of these categories.

Tompkins & Cheney’s Organizational Control Theory

Tompkins and Cheney's organisational theory is an extension of Weberian theory for
organization’s that have advanced beyond bureaucracy but are not yet into flexibility. This
theory states that organization’s exercise power through four modes of control. Simple,
technical, bureaucratic, and textural management.

In a way, these different types of planning can be thought of as the progression of an institution
from really simple organizational models to true bureaucracy to overspecialization to a company
where everyone knows what is expected of them and where the goals & aims of the company are
clear to everyone. They suggest a model inside which control and details are more than what
Weber had in mind, but less than what more recent theories about how organisations are run and
how people talk to each other say. This represents the primary issue of what we are talking

Deetz’s Corporate capitalism Theory

The advancement of management framework and patterns over the period of time has led to the
creation of ideas that mirror the changing organisational norms. His Rightist trends Concept is
one well attempt to explain how constructive interaction and organisations regulation occur in
businesses where conventional conceptions are largely replaced with an acknowledgement of the
political and economic interests in in addition to the need to portray and communicate to these
conflicting stakeholders. In this theory, supervisors are seen as having more impact over their
organisations than they had in the past.

Frederick Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory

he studied motivations. Herzberg was one of first researchers in applied psychology, switching
from psychologist. His Hypothesis, similar to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, focused on what
inspired people to work. He also examined what discouraged workers. was that Maslow's theory
only focused on the process of large numbers of participants. His original friends , Work-
motivation. Wiley. theorised that job motivation and demotivation were not always related. he
believed that workplace motivation would contribute to job satisfaction, but he believed that
pleasure and discontent were not opposites. He projected that favourable job views (and desire)
were distinct from negatives (and thus demotivation). His idea dubbed positive work attitude
factors. motivators Motivational theorist Frederick Herzberg's list of employment attitude-
boosting elements. Key causes of job dissatisfaction Cleanliness As according incentive
researcher Frederick Herzberg, these characteristics caused poor job attitudes. Table 3.3 lists
hygiene & basic motivators. The motivators all relate to Maslow's self-actualization and self-
esteem needs. However, hygiene parameters consider work setting. (Jones et al., 2004)
Barriers discouraging students from studying abroad :
Struggling with the time zone factor!
It can be a very stressful experience to try to commute between two different time zones that are
located on opposing ends of the planet. Particularly when you are communicating with the
people you care about who live in India. You need to verify whether time is appropriate as to
which local time, and you should also make it a habit to place your phone calls either extremely
early in the day or really late at night.

Include all applicable time frames in the programs you use to keep track of time. Make an effort
to keep the time difference in your memory. Any sooner you are able to have this done, the better
off you will be in terms of adjusting to the various time zone variations.

Managing Finances is Difficult!

No matter how hard you try to arrange your finances, make a budget, and keep track of your
costs during your stay, it can be hard to keep up with the costs. Even if you do everything right
with your money, you might still be broke or with less money than you need. Before you decide
to apply for a job, you must double your educational visa's rules. Depending on what country
you are studying in, you may not be able to do certain kinds of work or work in certain places.
Always look at the campus ads and various jobs boards to see if there are any new options. You
can also look for freelancing or part-time jobs to help you better manage your money.

Feeling lonely, anxious, depressed

It can be hard to make new friends when you move to a new city, especially if you are shy, quiet, or an
introvert. Start with the social and activity clubhouses at your

(Hendrix, 2021)

higher education institution. Throughout your time abroad, your mood may change at times.
Assignments can sometimes be hard. Take care of the body the same way you would take care of
the things. Try to stay calm, spend time with good friends, as well as keep busy with interesting
things. If you need to, talk to a counsellor or psychologist about the things that are making you
feel anxious and sad.
Strategies to overcome barriers for international students :
A wide range of extracurricular activities
There's more to foreign universities than just interesting global classes. We also offer a wide
range of activities outside of school, such as classes in foreign languages, athletics, and artistic
activities like songwriting, art, dance, and filmmaking.

Many of these activities give students a chance to explore their preferences and learn more about
the world. They also teach students how to learn skills and reach their goals in a planned way.
Because of this, a teenager at an international school has the chance to learn both broad and
professional information and to grow both emotionally and socially.

 Learning languages
International schools offer great language-learning opportunities because classes are frequently
taught in English. These institutions provide French, German, Spanish, and even Japanese, a less
common tongue in Poland. Language abilities are valued on the job market when verified by
internationally recognised certificates.

Public and private foreign schools must teach Polish. Outsiders can improve their language
skills, learn about Polish culture, and integrate into Polish society. Since Polish language,
geography, and history studies are mandatory for Polish children in foreign schools, they won't
fall behind.

 Financial constraints
HEIs reduce student costs because studying abroad can be expensive. Therefore, many
HEIs fund study abroad programmes. Expanding foreign education may require HEIs to absorb
some travel or school costs, give travel scholarships, or hire more staff. HEIs experiencing
financial challenges must recognise and value overseas study options. Our Capacity Building
Grants programme helps HEIs expand or start study abroad programmes.
 Staffing for program logistics
It can be highly advantageous to the results of this case of overseas education programmes to
make certain that there is staff, or best yet, a study abroad unit, that is in charge of carrying out
the project's logistics. Not only can a departmental for study abroad aid to approved employees,
but it can also help to encourage student interest, operate as a bridge among student and
international programmes, and assist in programme evaluation and expansion. All of these
benefits can be realised by the department. Developing a department that is focused on
international study requires significant investment from the institution as well as a dedication to
increasing the number of opportunities for students to participate in cross-cultural education.

Facilitating faculty integration

It can be a challenge for many higher education institutions (HEIs) to devise mechanisms to
encourage faculty members to take an active role in the administration of study abroad
programmes. It is essential to the implementation of a fruitful overseas study experience for both
students and faculty members to make certain that staff they are actively engaged in the process
of curriculum design and have the perception that the programme capitalises on their areas of

Jones, E. et al. (2004) “Organizational communication: Challenges for the new century,” Journal
of Communication, 54(4), pp. 722–750. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1460-
2466.2004.tb02652.x. (Accessed: October 28, 2022).


Chapter 3 classical theories of Organizational Communication (no date) Classical Theories of

Organizational Communication. Available at: https://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/an-
(Accessed: October 28, 2022).

Hendrix, S. (2021) 9 reasons not to go abroad – and how to handle them!, smartsciencecareer
blog. Available at: https://smartsciencecareer.com/reasons-not-to-go-abroad/ (Accessed:
October 28, 2022).

Agarwal, V. (2022) Top 10 common challenges students face studying abroad, Getmyuni.
Getmyuni. Available at: https://www.getmyuni.com/articles/study-abroad-challenges
(Accessed: October 28, 2022).

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