Module 5.1 - Part 1

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Part I: STS History in The


“You have to know the past to
understand the present.”
-Dr. Carl Sagan
American Astronomer

STS History in the PH

1st: Pre-Colonial 3rd: American 5th : Independence

Period Period Period
1 3 5

2 4

2nd:Spanish 4th : Commonwealth

Period Period

STS History in the PH

3rd: American and Post-

1st: Pre-Colonial Period 2nd:Spanish Period 4th: Independence Period
Commonwealth Period

1st: Pre-colonial Period

• Even before the colonization by

the Spaniards in the Philippine
islands, the natives of the
archipelago already had
practices linked to science and
• Filipinos were already aware of
the medicinal and therapeutic
properties of plants and the
methods of extracting medicine
from herbs.
1st: Pre-colonial Period

• They already had an alphabet,

number system, a weighing
and measuring system and a
calendar. Filipinos were already
engaged in farming,
shipbuilding, mining and
• The Banaue Rice Terraces are
among the sophisticated
products of engineering by pre-
Spanish era Filipinos.
2nd : Spanish Period

• The Spanish introduced formal

education and founded
• Parish schools were established
where religion, reading, writing,
arithmetic and music was taught.
• Sanitation and more advanced
methods of agriculture was taught to
the natives.
• Spanish established colleges and
universities in the archipelago
including the University of Santo

3rd : American and Post Commonwealth Period

• The progress of science and

technology in the Philippines
continued under American rule of the
• On July 1, 1901 The Philippine
Commission established the Bureau
of Government Laboratories which
was placed under the Department of
• The Bureau dealt with the study of
tropical diseases and laboratory

3rd : American Period

• On October 26, 1905, the Bureau of

Government Laboratories was
replaced by the Bureau of Science
and on December 8, 1933, the
National Research Council of the
Philippines was established.
• The Bureau of Science became the
primary research center of the
Philippines until World War II.
• Science during the American period
was inclined towards agriculture,
food processing, yawa medicine and
4th : Commonwealth Period

• The Constitution acknowledged the

importance of promoting scientific
development for the economic
development of the country by
incorporating a provision
• The government also enacted
Commonwealth Act No. 180 (13
November 1936) reestablishing the
Office of Private Education which
had been abolished in 1932.

4th : Commonwealth Period

• By 1936, there were 425 private schools

recognized by the government, 64 of
which we institutions at the College level
and 7 were universities.
• It created the National Economic Council
to prepare an economic program and
advise the government on economic and
financial questions
• The Commonwealth government likewise
adopted measures to encourage and
provide assistance to private Filipino
businessmen in the establishment of
industries and manufacturing enterprises

5th : During Independence

• The underlying pattern of education and

training of scientists, engineers and
physicians established during the America
regime, as well as the direction of
government support for scientific research
and development, has basically remained
unchanged since independence in 1946.
• Private universities and colleges have
similarly increased in numbers since 1946.

5th : During Independence

• Most non-sectarian universities and

colleges are organized and managed like
business enterprises and are heavily
dependent on tuition fees.
• On the whole, there has been little
innovation in the education and training of
scientists and engineers since
independence in 1946
• In 1947, the Bureau of Science was
reorganized into an Institute of Science

5th : During Independence

• In the same year, an Instituter of Nutrition,

and in 1952, the Science Foundation of the
Philippines (SFP) were created and placed
(along with the Institute of Science) under
the Office of the President.
• In 1952, the Commission on Volcanology
was also created and placed under the
National Research Council of the
Philippines (NRCP)
• In 1957, a report was submitted to the
President pointing out the deterioration of
Philippine science since the early years of
the American regime
5th : During Independence

• The Science Act created the National

Science Development Board (NSDB) and
Philippine Atomic Energy Commission
• In the 1960s additional science agencies
were created by law which thereby
expanded NSDB's organization and

5th : During Independence

• In 1982, NSDB was further reorganized into

a National Science and Technology
Authority (NSTA) composed of four
research and Development Councils;
Philippine Council for Agriculture and
Resources Research and Development;
Philippine Council for Industry and Energy
Research Development; Philippine Council
for Health Research and Development and
the NRCP.

5th : During Independence

• In 1986, during Corazon Aquino's

presidency,the National Science and
Technology Authority was replaced by the
Department of Science and Technology,
giving science and technology a
representation in the cabinet.
• Under the Medium Term Philippine
Development Plan for the years 1987-
1992, science and technology's role in
economic recovery and sustained
economic growth was highlighted.

5th : During Independence

• During Corazon Aquino's State in 1990,

she said that science and technology
development shall be one of the top
three priorities of the government
towards an economic recovery.
• On August 8, 1988, Corazon Aquino
created the Presidential Task Force for
Science and Technology which came up
with the first Science and Technology
Master Plan or STMP.

5th : During Independence

• The goal of STMP was for the Philippines to achieve

newly industrialized country status by the year 2000.The
Congress did not put much priority in handling bills
related to science and technology.
• The Senate Committee on Science and Technology was
one of the committees that handles the least amount of
bills for deliberation

Recap: Provide some highlights of S&T in the Philippines

Pre- Spanish Era American Era Commonwealth During

colonialism Period Independence


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