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R & J Law Office

105 East Bay Road, Bar Harbor, ME 04609-6327

January 15, 2022
Via facsimile

Reference: Article X

Ms. Abigail Bruins

Mr. Paul Meyer
Rena’s Restaurant
3706 Chamberlain Avenue, SE
Bar Harbor, ME 04609-3427
ATTENTION: Human Resource Department

Early last week we received your letter, along with a drawing of the deck that you want to add to the east side of your
restaurant. I studied the plan and found it attractive. However, the drawing shows that the proposed deck would extend
within six feet of your property line, thereby violating Article X in the city’s building code. That article requires ten feet
between a building and a side property line.

Given this restriction, you could proceed with your building plan in one of two ways: (1) present your plan to the Planning
and Zoning Commission and ask for a variance to Article X, or (2) adapt the plan so that it conforms to the code. Please
call me at 555-0654 to discuss this matter.

Yours sincerely, II. Business Letter Formats

A. Full Block Format
● Default
● No indentions between and among paragraphs
Ms. Sydney George ● Every part of the business letters is left aligned
7 B. Modified Block Format D. Simplified Format
SG/mb ● Inside address is right-aligned ● same as full block
Enclosures: (2) ● slightly formal ● uses a subject line
cc: Leah Theodore (Senior Partner) instead of salutation
C. Semi Block Format
● paragraphs have indention
P.S. Kindly read City’s Building Code for your reference and guidance

I. Special Parts of a Letter

1. Method of Transmission Note- indicates how a letter should be or has been sent:
2. Reference Line- begins with a guide word and a colon (Reference: Invoice 1234) followed by a file, an account or
an invoice.
3. Confidential Notation- should be reflected on both the letter and the envelope.
4. Attention Line- designates a reader or a department but encourages others to read the letter.
5. Subject Line-states the topic or subject of the letter.
6. Identification Line- type the writer’s initials in capitals and the typist’s in initial in lower case separated by a slash.
7. Copy notations- is used when the letter was also sent to other recipients.
8. Continuation Pages- follow a letter’s first page.
Example: Page 2 Sophia Inocencio Page 2 January 15, 2022
Sophia Inocencio Marinell Decena
Marinell Decena
January 15, 2023
9. Enclosure Notation- refers to the attachment enclosed in the letter. Prepared by: Crosel P, David
10. 10. Post Script- is located at the end of the letter Reading and Writing, Subject Teacher

Patil, M. (2017). Parts of a business letter. Retrieved from
Indeed Editorial Team. (2021). 4 types of business letter formats. Retrieved from
development/business-letter sformats#:~:text=The%20semi%2Dblock%20business%20letter,also%20appropriate%20for%20formal

© Thoughtful Learning Write for Business

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