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Deles, Glenn Romulo A


DIPROCS 2nd Term 2020-2021

Quiz # 1, 11 February 2021

I. True or False 30%

1. Protocol is both science and art of correct diplomatic behavior – True
2. Local laws and customs are considered sources of protocol – True
3. Philippine Protocol observes pompous and grandiose ceremonies – True
4. Foreign Ambassadors accredited to the Philippines outranks the Secretary of Foreign Affairs -
5. In the Philippines, the dean of the diplomatic corps is the ambassador who first presented his
letter of credence – True
6. Your Excellency is a title accorded to a foreign ambassador - True
7. Your Eminence is the title accorded to the Pope - False
8. When the Philippines hosts a conference, the Philippine flag is on the right of the flag of the
Guest of Honor - False
9. On stage, a high- ranking official who is the guest of honor may be seated at the center - True
10. A foreign ambassador presents his Letter of Credence to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the
host country - False
11. Formal Signing of a Treaty by official representatives is not considered a ceremony - True
12. The principle of alternat is observed in formally signing of a treaty - True
13. Invitations from a Monarch or Head of State is considered a command but may be declined -
14. State Visit may be accorded to a Head of State of one country by a Secretary of Foreign Affairs -
15. RSVP means giving a categorical reply to an invitation - True

II. Fill in the Blanks 30%

16. Courtesy - is a fundamental attribute of Protocol
17. Precedence - means priority in place based on superiority in rank
18. Common Sense - enables one to find solutions to problems not found in the book if he has it.
19. The Secretary of Foreign Affairs - outranks all the other members of the Phil. Cabinet because it
is through him that relations with other countries are conducted
20. Giuseppe Pinto / Nuncio - is the dean of the diplomatic corps in the Philippines
21. Ambasador - is the highest Philippine official in a Philippine Mission
22. President - is the name of the highest official in the Philippine Government
23. His Majesty - is the title accorded to a King
24. His Holiness - is the title accorded to the Pope
25. Wreath Laying - is a ceremony that involves offer of wreath at Heroes square or national shrine
26. The Secretary of Foreign Affairs - sits at the middle if there are 5 guests on the stage
27. State Visit - is an honor accorded only to a Head of State upon the invitation of a Head of State
of another country
28. Summit - is a meeting/conference among Heads of States
29. Checklist - contains guidelines to serve as reminders in organizing official functions
30. Respect - is a major trait of a good Protocol Officer

III. Essay: A brief but comprehensive summary of what you have learned about 40%
Protocol in our DIPROCS class ending the essay with your comments

- The first thing that I have learned so far regarding protocol in our DIPROCS class is that
Protocol in diplomacy serves as an etiquette in the international arena and it also takes
into account things such as traditions, practices, and laws of the host country. I also
learned things such as the functions of protocol officers, the attributes of protocols, and
also the three levels of protocol which are official and diplomatic, corporate, and
Personal. What piqued me the most was the simulation since me and the class was able
to experience firsthand even though it was online on how to present the credentials.
That is why I can that I am really looking forward to learn more about diplomatic
protocols and its etiquettes

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