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SET 1:

Part 2: Some people claim that for the success of interview, the interviewee
should agree with what the recruiter believes while others think that the
interviewee should have their own opinions even though the opinions might
constrast the interviewer’s belief. Which do you think is better? Give reasons and
examples to support your point of view.
A: I had an interview this morning. But my interviewee asked me a difficult question
and I answered with my opinion so I don't know is it ok?
B: I understand that an opinion round in an interview might be challenging, but I feel
there is no standard for any answer. Don't think of it like a conflict, approach it like a
debate. Try to invite them to consider your opinion, instead of pushing it on them.
Choose your words carefully.
A: In my opinion, people were interviewed should say what they think even though it
is different. Firstly they have their opinion. But it doesn’t mean they can say anything
they want, they should explain with a good attitude, use their smile and body
language. Maybe their opinion will be wrong but they can talk about it together.
B: The companies are always known for open-mindedness and mindset, aren’t they?
The leaders encourage innnovation and open communication, don't they?
A: I am of the same opinion when the interviewee says what they think, the recruiter
can know if you are suited for that job and you match and work together with them or
SET 2:
Part 2:
A: Hello B, long time no see. How is it going?
B: I'm doing very well actually. How about you?
A: I finally have some time off. I just finished a exam, and I'm so happy that it's over.
Are you free now, I need your viewpoint about this problem.
B: Of course, what is that problem?
A: When people succeed, it is entirely because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do
with their success. To what extend do you agree or disagree with the statement?
B: I agree with it because hard work helps you build discipline. The hard work,
together with the time it takes, is a must on your journey to success. It makes you who
you have to turn into, in order to live the better life that's awaiting for you.
A: Although I believe that hard work is very important and is the surest way to
success for most people, I must disagree with this statement. It cannot be denied that
luck often plays an important role in success. For example, there have been many
cases of researchers and inventors making major breakthroughs while they were
actually trying to solve another problem or create a different device.
B: Hold on, while the influence of luck cannot be ignored, this is not to say that
people should depend on it and ignore the value of hard work.
A: So you mean hard work is often an essential ingredient of luck because it enables
one to take advantage of a lucky encounter.
B: Yes, my suggestion is not to count on luck to bring you success. Instead, work hard
and keep your eyes open for that lucky opportunity.
A: Thank you,..
SET 3:
Part 2 :
A: In Covid-19, Hồ Chi Minh city there was an exploding number of people infected
with covid because they are not prevented by facemask, social distance. But with me,
"prevention is better than cure"
B: Obviously, there is no doubt about "Prevention is better than cure". In fact,
prevention is cheaper as well. Preventing future diseases and complications from
current problems is vital to the health-care systems's long-term viability.
A:I agree with you because prevention is more easy than cure and maybe after you get
an illness, your health will be weak. And the important thing is if you have good
prevention and protect yourself from illness, you can help people around you. And not
only people but also animals need be prevention
B: We'd all prefer to enjoy a long and happy life rather than have to endure the
suffering of illness. The sooner we learn that something is wrong with our health, the
sooner we can act to make it better.
A: I hope we get through covid and come back to school together.
SET 4:
Part 2:
A: Hello B, long tinme no see. How is it going?
B: I'm doing very well actually. How about you?
A: I finally have some time off. I just finished a huge exam, and I'm so happy that it's
over. Are you free now, I need your viewpoint about this problem.
B: Of course, what is that problem?
A: You know nowadays, young people often send their parents who get old to nursing
homes. Do you think this is a positive or negative trend?
B: In my opinion, with medical professionals around the clock. This means they'll
always get the help they need. Another benefit of nursing homes is that they tend to be
quite secure. And at a nursing home, your elderly parents surrounded by peers in the
same age group.
A: Wow so many benefits of living at a nursing home. However, there are some
drawbacks. Living in a nursing home is incredibly expensive. Nursing homes are also
problematic because they don't allow individuals as much independence as living at
home. This can lead to your elderly parents feeling old and helpless.
B: Okay, I think everything in this world has 2 sides. If you wanna have its benefits,
you need to accept some drawbacks.
A: I can't agree with you more ! Thank you for sharing with me.
SET 5:
Part 2: Recently, while young people often consider backpacking as a thrilling
way to travel, parents only see dangers out of this trend. Do you think the
advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Give examples to clarify your
B: Hello A, long time no see. How is it going?
A: I'm doing very well actually. How about you?
B: I just finished a exam, and I'm so happy that it's over. Are you free now, I need
your viewpoint about this problem. Can u help me?
A: What is your topic? I will help you as possible as i can
B: Well, I will discuss backpacking. While young people often consider backpacking
as a thrilling way to travel, parents only see dangers out of this trend.
A: From my perspective, I absolutely agree that backpacking has the advantages
outweigh disadvantages.
B: Why do you think so?
A: One of the biggest advantages is of course the convenience. Planning for a full-
fledged trip will take quite a lot of planning. But when you opt for a tour package, you
can just sit back and relax at least as far as planning is concerned. Backpacking gives
you lots of opportunities to travel and see the world on a budget.
B: It would be a golden opportunity to spend time not just in nature, but also with
A: Yes, Backpacking is a sort of walking meditation, thanks to a lack of cell service
and internet access, you will learn to focus on the moment instead.Backpacking
outdoors also helps lower stress.
B: Backpacking brings many benefits for us. But is it safe for everyone?
A: Safety is another big advantage of tour packages. When you are doing the planning
you might pick out a place or activity that might have some potential risks that you'd
rather avoid. Keeping in mind the age and preferences of the participants.
B: Wow, Your information is so useful, I think young people should try backpacking
at least one time in their life.
Part 2: Plastic bags should be banned completely to help protect the
environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give examples to support
your point
of view.
A: Hey, B. How it's going?
B: I'm in a good mood. What about you?
A: Not really!
B: What's wrong?
A: Well, I'm trying to make a survey on how people use plastic items, especially
plastic bag. But I don't have many ideas.
B: I see. So, maybe I can help you to answer some of them.
A: Great. So, do you think that we have to ban plastic bags completely to help protect
the environment?
B: In my opinion, no one would deny that the plastic bags have a negative effect on
the environment. However, the replacements for plastic bags also carry significant
environmental risks. That is why I think plastic bags should not be banned.
A: Oh, wow. I'm a bit of surprised. I think that we can use other bags like: paper or
reusable bags that are typically made from cotton or plastic as a replacement?
B: That's almost impossible. Both of those replacements are flawed. Paper bags
require us to continue clearing forests. Also, the production of cotton and reusable
plastic causes more harm to the environment than disposable plastic bags.
A: Thanks for your information, B. It'll help me a lot.
B: No problem A. It's my pleasure.
Part 2: People eat too much sugar and salt these days. To what extent do you
agree or disagree? Give examples to support your point of view.
A: Hi, B. How is it going?
B: I'm doing very well actually. How about you?
A: I just finished a exam, and I'm so happy that it's over. Are you free now, I need
your viewpoint about this problem. Can u help me?
B: What is your topic? I will help you as possible as i can
A: You know people eat too much sugar and salt these days. To what extend do you
agree or disagree?
B: From my perspective, I believe that the large number of people using fast foods and
other high-calorie foods containing an enormous amount of sugar and salt is
increasing significantly.
A: I just know it is necessary for us to eat enough sugar and salt. But I don't
understand how it affects our health if we eat too much sugar and salt.
B: A lot of people prefer to consume in fast food outlets nowadays. Their busy
lifestyle forced them to depend on fast foods rather than cooking meals at home. It is
undeniable that most fast food restaurants contain salt and sugar, which is the main
reason to cause blood pressure and obesity.
B: So, we should be aware of having a healthy lifestyle. right?
A: That's right. Lack of awareness and having a sedentary lifestyle will also lead to
catastrophic consequences besides consuming too much packet food containing sugar
and salt.
B: According to me, junk food is the most unhealthy food, which includes either too
much sugar or too much salt (cake, desserts, popular food for youth, etc.). And junk
food is kind of hard to do at home if they cannot buy it at food stores, while they
cannot order food anymore, they have to stop or reduce eating sugary or salty food.
A: hmmm. My friends and I are obvious examples for that.
B: hmmm . Fast food is delicious but we should limit it. If you are too busy to cook at
home, we can buy fast food
SET 8:
Part 2: Should schools teach subjects like art and music? Give examples to
support your point of view.
B: Hi, A. I've already read some of your articles about education and I'm kind of
enjoyed them.
A: I'm appreciated that. Please, continue with your question.
B: From your experiences, do you think that schools have to teach subjects like art and
A: I From my point of view, I think music and art should have the same value as other
B: Would you give us some reasons for that answer.
A: Or course. Why not?
First of all, they are part of our society. Appreciating music and art can make you
well-rounded. If we all studied or working time after time again, we'd be like robots
and never appreciate the beauty of our world. Secondly, those subjects allowed
children to enter a state of relaxation. I guess that you don't want to see your kid look
like a zombie.
B: Thanks for sharing those useful information.
A: It's my pleasure.
SET 9:
Part 2: Do you think foreign cultures threaten the identity of the nation? Give
examples to support your point of view.
B: Hm, hi A. Do you know that you will have a history presentation this weekend?
A: Yes, I do professor B. I need to find some small details to finish it.
B: Do you have any questions to ask? I can help you to answer some of them.
A: Actually, I just need to ask you just only one question.
B: Go on, I'm listening.
A: Do you think that foreign cultures will threaten the identity of the nation?
B: Oh, interesting. I like your question, but from my point of view, I disagree. You do
know nowadays, we have numerous cultures (including foreign cultures) that
appeared in our country, right?
A: You're right, Professor.
B: I know that with different cultures, someone won't like it. But if you try to find
more information about some of those cultures, youIl be surprise. Also, We have to
learn how to accept them without losing our traditions.
A: Thanks for your advice. Sir. It'll help a lot during my presentation.
B: See you soon.
SET 10:
Part 2: Are social skills more important than education when looking for a job?
Give examples to support your point of view.
A: Hi B.
B: Hi A, how's it going?
A: Haiz, today is my bad day. I just lost my job.
B: Oh, what's wrong?
A: Well, my boss told me that I didn't have enough connections with my mates.
B: I'm sorry to hear that. In my opinion, I think you forgot a fact that social skills also
stand an important role when you're looking for a job?
A: You think so?
B: Oh course. For example, if you do not know how to get along with your
workmates, you would suffer from extra stress in your work. Furthermore, social
skills assist people to enlarge the circle of friends and enrich their lives. With the
positive attitude towards other people, one would be able to deal with all kinds of
challenges in their life or work.
A: Thanks for your advices. Maybe I have to find some of them.
B: I hope that, too. Call me if you have any problems
A: I will, thanks B.

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