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Different type of Threats coming from state

China, Japan, US

National Security Interest, Threat Perception, Security Strategy

China - National Security Interest - consolidation of lost and contested territory,

avoidance of militray confro
tation with the US and ASEAN, the bigger the better, China has a huge foreign
investment in the US

- Threat - US - Taiwan Relation because of democractic ideology, source of threat,

us focusing on taiwan
being china relegated, that china is not something that is not desirable because it
also want to create
strong diplomatic relation with Taiwan

US forces in Japan and S. Korea - because US will interven by supporting Japan and
S korea

Security Strategy - multilaterism to extricate US hegemony - give economic

diplomatic relations with
several countries, if china can develope strong bilateral and multilateral with
other countries, it
would be difficult be US to become hegemon. Because for China it would be east for
US to dominate
the region

> Collaboration with Russia to balance the US - with russia history with US
it has potential
to ward off the US, because it can powerful enough to ward off US

Concept of Security

Is to ask ourselves what security means, freedom from threats

We can take this to different levels

personal level, national or state level,

the way to define security is challenging - multifaceted because many dimension of


For WHOM is the question in defining security

Determinant - the referent - for the people or the state - STATE OR PEOPLE

Protection of people not the state should be the ultime goal of security - debate
is crucial

It is possible to secure both people and state

CHINA - Taiwan autonomous region - they may have different policital culture -

Concept of security - security concern - what should be focus on - domestic

security or international
security or focus on war or known as civil war or the conflic that is going on with
your country against
other country or known as interstate conflict - international level - DEPENDING ON

Type of threat - traditional or non tradiotional , traditional - militray

( amuunination, gun, warhead)
non trad ( economy aspect - conflict of interest for example), it evolve like your
people start to starve

Defining approach - competitive or cooperative

competitive - you see other state as an enemy, the moment a state becomes military
strong it becomes
competitive = threat
- alliance -; alignment = NATO - military alliance ( focus on militray capability)

alignment = bit softer but the same (if u align urself with other country or state,
your perceiving the
other side a threat

cooperative - talking things out, promoting diplomacy, state level would have to
negotiate with other
state. Collective security - concept famous in the UN. BEcause security of one is
security of all, if
one country gets threaten everbody gets threaten because you belong in one
community so act collectivty

CBM - collective building measures - try to build trust, confidence builing -

trying to build trust
with other states to avoid perceiving other states as threats - like military joint
training. collaborative
action with other states. high level of trust with other states.

How do we define security -

we need to look at referent, concern, threat, approach, = goes way beyond that, in
conclusion implies freedom
from threat but major disagreement on defining security

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