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Bahir Dar university

College of Business
and Economics
Departement of
Year of study fourth
District of study
attachment was taken
in BGI Ethiopia ,Addis
Duration period two
months(August 16/22-

This acknowledgement is for BGI Ethiopia
to give this opportunity to gain valuable
experience and practical knowledge about
business environment and to give
additional training its expense besides to
I also acknowledge all departments that are
found in different hierarchical positions
specially ,for sales Departement teams sales
promoters and coordinator to showing their
willingness ,commitment ,support and follow up to
done my internship in an intended way.

Contents page
1. Introduction ……………….. .l
1. 0 Backgrouund of the organization ………… 1
1.2 type of product the ………………………………. 2
Organization produce

2.0 mission ,vision and

objective of the company
and structure………………....... ……….. 3
3.0 company market /sales method of its product
3.1 rule ,regulation and responsibilities during
During internship …………………………………5-6
3.2 knowledge l gain…………………………………6

3.3 work environment and camp any culture….7

3.4 challenges faces ….………………………….8
4.0 SWOT analysis………………………………8-9
4.1 Recommendations ………………………..9
4 .2 conclusion ………………………………………9-10

1 Introduction
In our country Ethiopia , there are huge companies that
organized to generating profit by producing different
consumable products. One of these huge company is BGI
Ethiopia which basically produces alcoholic and non alcoholic
beverages .This operant ship is taken two months and
conducted in bgi Ethiopia which is found in Addis Ababa, near
Mexico square. The apparent ship is touches different points
about the company culture, structure ,specialization, rules and
regulation ,departmentalization

so many issues within and out side of the organization

Besides this l assigned to sales department to observing
the general business environment of the beverage market in
Addis Ababa ,and l gain valuable experience within two
months .
Finally ,the internship touch some challenges that faces
during my observation. in addition to this ,it explains the
strength and weakness side of the company and it suggests
some recommendation to improve its performance .

1.0 Background of the company

BGI(Brasseries et Glaciers
international) is a large scale brewery
and beverage production wing of groupe
castell operating internationally more
than 53 countries.
BGI Ethiopia plc has been engaged in
the production of beer wine and
beverage products.
BGI Ethiopia have different factories in
locations .
* Addis Ababa * ziwaye
* Hawassa * walekite
* combolcha
* Raya
1.1 Types of product the company
BGI Ethiopia is a business sector and
its ultimate goal is earning profit ,as a
result it produces the following alcoholic
and non alcoholic products.
 st .George beer
 sinq malet(alcohol free).
 caste beer
 Wine
 dopple beer

2.0 mission ,vision and

objective of The company
it is obvious that organization has
not established with out any purposes
they have their own purpose and
objectives to accomplished their aim.
BGI Ethiopia has the following
mission ,vision and objective .
2.1 Mission
Creating dynamic company for the
continuous exploration development of
opportunities locally and abroad for
growth within the filed of mechanical
engineering through maximization
added value of all asset.
2.2 Vision
To be the best mechanical
engineering firm and brewery factory
and to be the center of excellence in
Ethiopia .
2.3 Objective
The main objective or aim of BGI
Ethiopia is earing profit .
2.4 Structure of the company
The company has structured and well
defined management structure.
The company is well structured under
different department such
as,HR,production,marketing,finance, Sales
lT and the like this helps to accelerating its
business effectively and efficiently .
3.0 company market/sales method of
Its product
Different organization or firm s used
variety of sales methods in order to deliver
their products to agent, wholesalers,
retailers, customer and end users .
Bgi Ethiopia ,uses geographical or
territorial based of sales methods. Due to
this it divides Addis Ababa in to six
geographical sub divisions based on the
following criteria .
1) Sales volume
2) Population
3)potential of consumer or customer
(ability to buy the product)
4)Living style of the people and etc.

This criteria helps to the campany to decide

which kind of product should be deliver in a
specific geographical area.
 what amount to deliver?.
 Where to deliver ?.
 When to deliver?.
 For whom to deliver?.
Besides to the above, it also knowing its
market share(I,e, in which territory the
sales volume high or low), to easily
delivering and follow up systems .

Generally ,bgi Ethiopia uses different

mechanisms to reach its product to the
desired place.
3.1 Rules, regulation and
The company seats different rule and regulation in different
departmental and work area. The following are some o f the
rule and regulation which the organization members should be
obey .
 Has unique working time 7:30-11.00pm
 Consuming alcohol impossible during working hour.
 Smoking is illegal within the company
 Punctuality
 With out identification card entering to the company is
imposable (unless special case).
 Keeping the company secret is mandatory
 Tolerance between employees and etc

3.2 Responsibilities

Since l assigned to sales department ,most of the time l

spent much of my time out side of the organ
Ization in different outlets to observe the following Checking
gained ng company asset
 Collecting data about sale volume of company product
 Checking maintenance
 Made promotional activities and so on.
 following competitors sales and action.
 accepting different complain and recommendations from
and customer and reprt to my supervisor
 Checking availability of company product.
 Poster placement
 Asset management

3.3 Knowledge l gained

Time management
 Communication skill
Conflict management
 Competitive market
 Customer service
 Adaption of work environment

3.4 Company culture and work

 Attractive and comfortable
 Commitment of employee
 Department specialization
 Strong relation with Agent, outlets and
 Cooperative working culture
3.4 Challenge
 Navigating through places in the city duet lack of prior
 Mismatch between theoretical and practical
 Finance

4.0 SWOT of the company

SWOT Analysis is basically helps to evaluate and
asses the general performance of the company to
easily knowing its weakness and strength side .
Additionally ,to examine internal and external
factors factor that affect its business and profit.
During my internship program l summarized the
SWOT analysis of the company as below.
 Deliver updated equipment to customer
 Has the highest market share
 Sales promote have great attachment111 to customer
 Social responsibility(environment protection)
 It’s product is likable
 Better delivery

 Lack of promotion
 Discipline issues
 New prospective customer
 Holiday
 Event and festival
 National and international ceremony
and meeting
 Religious ceremony
 New year and brand recognition.
Threats are external factors that affect
sales volume of company product. the
following are some threats that hinder bgi
 Political and economical condition
 Competitors action
 Inflation of other goods and service
 Culture
 Legal restriction(government
restrict promotion of alcoholic
beverages in social media I,e radio,Tv
and etc).

4.1 Recommendation
 Made promotion and counter
 Produce economic product
 Enlargement of special projects
 give training to sales out lets.

4.2 Conclusion
Generally, in my apparent ship program l gained
practical experience about business and work
 The apparent ship give good insight about
future chance how to adapt different
employees behavior in dif1 behavior in
work area ,and also l behaviour,
telemarketing a, time
management ,customer service , work
etiquette and communication skill when
running business activities through training.


Prepared by belhu zewuge
ID :1206139


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