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Air density affects aircraft performance

Prepared by: Mahdi baxtyar



Air density………………………………………………………………………………...1.1


Air density in the layers of atmosphere…………………………………………………...1.3

Air density affects aircraft engines……………………………………………………….1.4

Tips for flying in high-densities…………………….……….……………………………1.5


Density is pressure altitude corrected for temperature. In terms, it directly affects the
performance parameters of any aircraft, and in effect, it is the equivalent altitude of where,
performance-wise, the aircraft. In simple terms, density is the mass of anything including air
divided by the volume it occupies.
The air’s density depends on its temperature, its pressure and how much water vapor is in
the air. We’ll talk about dry air first, which means we’ll be concerned only with temperature
and pressure.
In addition to a basic discussion of air density, we will also describe the effects of lower
air density – such as caused by going to high altitudes – on humans, how humidity affects
air density you might be surprised, and the effects of air density of aircraft, baseballs, and even
racing cars.
The molecules of nitrogen, oxygen, and other gases that make up air are moving around at
incredible speeds, colliding with each other and all other objects. The higher the temperature,
the faster the molecules are moving. As the air is heated, the molecules speed up, which means
they push harder against their surroundings.

Fig.1 connection between air density and temperature

Air density

The density of air or atmospheric density, denoted ρ, is the mass per unit volume of Earth's
atmosphere. Air density, like air pressure, decreases with increasing altitude. It also changes
with variations in atmospheric pressure, temperature, and humidity air has a density of
approximately 1.204 kg/m3 according to the International Standard Atmosphere (ISA). Air
density is a property used in many branches of science, engineering, and industry


The density of dry air can be calculated using the ideal gas law, expressed as a function
of temperature and pressure:

Air density in the layers of the atmosphere

We could talk about all 5 layers of the atmosphere but aircraft mostly fly at the troposphere
layer so we are going to talk about air density in the troposphere The density of the troposphere
varies greatly depending on where you are and what the air pressure is at that location. At sea
level, the density of the Earth's atmosphere is about 1.225 kg/m3. as air density decreases
(higher density altitude), aircraft performance decreases. A decrease in air density means a

high density altitude; an increase in air density means a lower-density altitude. Density altitude
is used in calculating aircraft performance

Air density affects aircraft engines

Why is knowing density altitude important? Because high-density altitude has a detrimental
impact on aircraft performance. It reduces lift and impairs propeller efficiency, reducing thrust as
a result. High-density altitude can also decrease the engine's power output. Increased density
altitude can cause major problems during takeoff and landing if it's not accounted for. As
the FAA puts it, “hot, high, and humid weather conditions can cause a routine takeoff or landing
to become an accident in less time than it takes to tell about it just like Fig.2. Starting with take-
offs, the less the air pressure and thus the air density, the less power the engine makes unless it is
augmented with a turbocharger or supercharger. Also, the less dense air means that the wings
don’t develop as much lift for a given ground speed. That means that the aircraft must move
faster through the air to generate the same amount of lift as would be generated at a higher air

Interestingly, flying at cruise altitudes, density has an effect on the engine and lifts as well,
but because of the fact that the air is less dense, the aerodynamic drag on the aircraft is less, so it
will actually fly faster for a given engine power. That and engine efficiency are the main reasons
that aircraft (especially airliners) tend to fly as high as they reasonably can. They are much more

There’s another way to think about this. The hotter the ambient air temperature, the “higher”
aircraft aerodynamics thinks it is. Extrapolating that concept, any given airport’s “density
altitude” — the altitude the aircraft thinks” it’s at based upon air pressure — can vary immensely
depending upon the local atmospheric pressure and the air temperature.

An aircraft performs best during takeoff at a low-altitude airport on a cold day. Conversely, a
high-altitude airport on a hot day has a negative effect on both engine power and lift.

I’ve flown out of airports that were at near-sea-level altitudes yet the temperature was so hot
that my airplane performed like it was already a couple of thousand feet in the air. In other
words, it didn’t perform as well.

Fig.2 taking off performance in low and high density

If the air density decreases, the engine–propeller combination will not produce as much power,
so the takeoff distance will increase. In addition to the power-producing performance of the
engine–propeller decreasing, the airplane’s aerodynamic performance will also decrease as air
density becomes less.

To produce the required lift force (L = Lifting ability ½ρV2 × S), a decrease in air density (ρ)
means that for the same required indicated airspeed, an increase in the velocity (true airspeed, V)
is required and a longer takeoff distance will result. Not only does a lower air density affect the
aerodynamic performance of the airframe (controlled by ½ρV2), but it also decreases the weight
of the fuel/air mixture in the engine cylinders, causing a decrease in engine power.

Tips for flying in high-densities

• Fly in the evening or early in the morning when temperatures are lower. Call a local
instructor at your destination airport to discuss density altitude procedures at that airport.
• Before flying to a high-elevation airport, know whether your aircraft climbs more
• efficiently with the first increment of flaps.
• Be sure the aircraft's weight is below 90 percent of the maximum gross weight.
• Don't fill the tanks to the top.
• Fly shorter legs and make extra fuel stops (tough suggestion to accept, but it results in less
exciting takeoffs).
• Be ready to ferry one passenger to an airport with a lower density altitude, then come back
for the other. If you are unsure of conditions, fly around the pattern once alone without
baggage to test your aircraft's performance.
• Have 80 percent of your takeoff speed at the runway's halfway point, or abort


For flying safely we have to calculate air density for flying safely. The denser the air, the
more lift the airplane can generate. Heavier than air means that the airplane doesn't float, it flies.
In low-density air, the plane struggles to make enough lift, which is why there's a ceiling above
which it can't fly. The less dense the air is, the less aerodynamic effect it has. So as an aircraft
goes higher, the air passing over the wing has less effect, and lift is reduced. Eventually, lift
becomes equal to mass, and the aircraft cannot fly any higher.


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