Narrative Report Day 1

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Virborough Subdivision, Parian, Calamba City, Laguna

The Level II Bachelor of Science in Nursing Students, group 1 of Calamba Doctors

College had their first hospital duty exposure for the second semester at Dr. Jose P. Rizal

Memorial Hospital last January 30, 2023, Monday from 2:00 pm to 10:00 pm shift under the care

of their clinical instructor Mr. Rene Mundin R.N., M.A.N.

Upon arriving at the hospital, we would sign our attendance sheet with the date/time and

signature. As student nurses, we are taught to be punctual, to be early, or be on time that's why

we arrived at the hospital before the scheduled time. After signing our attendance we are asked

to prepare and settle our things before we do an orientation. Most of us are nervous because for

some this will be their first time to be on duty in JP with our Clinical Instructor Mr. Mundin.

When everyone was settled we started to make our plan for the entire shift and we started our

shift with an orientation for rules and things we should expect throughout the entire shift. After

the orientation, our Clinical Instructor assigned a Head Nurse from our group who will be the

overall in charge and her assistant nurse. At 2:30 our Clinical Instructor together with the

assigned Head Nurse they do the nursing rounds and endorsement, after endorsement Ms.

Austria our assigned group Head Nurse distributed the patients. Each group consists of 2-3

members and has 4 patients. From 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm, we started our nursing rounds, vital signs

taking, and Nurse-patient interaction. Upon entering, we introduced ourselves to our assigned

patient and start our NPI by asking for the patient's name for verification purposes. We start our

assessment by assessing the patient by looking from head to toe, asking what is the problem, and

how long he/she has experienced it, and as part of their health history, we asked what common

illness of their family their lifestyle, and food they usually eat during mealtime

Furthermore, after doing our Nurse-Patient Interaction we then proceed to review our

patient’s chart from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. We note important details for our KARDEX such as

medication, diet, diagnosis, etc. We also asked for some of the details in the patient chart that is

new to us, and it greatly helped us understand our patient's diagnosis. Additionally, our patients

receive their drugs and dosages via IV. As scheduled, we have our dinner from 6:30 pm to 7:00

pm. After dinner, we continued to study our patient's charts and by 8:00 pm we take our patient's

vital signs and we charted it on the vital signs monitoring and observed if there is any changes or

abnormalities in the patient’s vital signs, that we continued to study the chart of the patients just

like what we did earlier

Moreover, we ended our shift doing a post-conference at 9:00 pm. During the post-

conference, we are asked to have a case presentation and we are asked to prepare at least 2

questions for each member to be asked to our Clinical Instructor for us to learn and understand

more about our patient's diagnosis. During the case presentation, we have learned about different

diagnoses. Since we are assigned to the Medical Ward we expect that some of our patients

undergo surgeries. During the small discussion, we have an overview of all the cases we handle

today. Some of the diagnoses of our patients that we have encountered are Congestive heart

failure, Appendicitis, Blunt Chest Injury, Acute Appendectomy, Acute Pulmonary Congestion,

Dilated Cardiomyopathy, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Renal Failure, Acute Heart, Stroke Vascular


Disease, and Acute Cardiovascular Disease. The entire shift was exhausting yet we gained

additional knowledge about different acute and chronic diseases that we can use in the future.

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