Lab Report CPM

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Manage a Project of the three-story building using MS Project by

● Enlisting the activities to be done and their duration.

● Creating Relationships of activities with each other along with the Gannt chart.
● Allocating the resources to the activities
● Leveling the Resources
● Manage all the activities according to the contract conditions

Course Instructor: Engr. Saeed Qasim

Group member:
● Muhammad Aleem Nawaz 2k20-CivE-38
● Sultan 2k20-CivE-40
● Mustehsan Sarfaraz 2k20-CivE-26
● Hamza Murad 2k19-CivE-21
● Malaika Sajjad 2k20-CivE-09
● Usama Nawaz 2k19-CivE-36

Dept of Civil Engineering

NFC-IET Multan
Problem Statement
Royal Construction company has been active in construction projects for the last 10
years. Recently a project was awarded to the company for constructing a three-story building in
Multan. The duration decided for this project is 6 months with the ground floor, first floor, and
second floor. And the sanctioned cost for this project is RS14,365,047. The project manager
must manage all the project activities better for successful project completion on time.

A construction Project of a three-story house was to be completed in 6 months with
an approximate budget of RS14,365,047/-. So to manage the project, (Our Group Members) used
MS Project, (Google Sheets, and Google Docs) software to enlist all the activities and their
duration needed to complete the given project and the Relationship of activities with each other
with the Gannt chart. Allocate the resources to the actions. Level the Resources. Manage all the
activities according to the contract conditions.

The project creates budgets based on assignment work and resource rates. As
resources are assigned to tasks and assignment work is estimated, the program calculates the
cost, equal to the work times the rate, which rolls up to the task level and then to any summary
tasks, and finally to the project level. Resource definitions (people, equipment, and materials)
can be shared between projects using a shared resource pool. Each resource can have its
calendar, which defines what days and shifts a resource is available. Resource rates are used to
calculate resource assignment costs which are rolled up and summarized at the resource level.
Each resource can be assigned to multiple tasks in multiple plans and each task can be assigned
multiple resources. The application scheduled task work based on the resource availability as
defined in the resource calendars. All resources can be defined in labels without limit. Therefore,
it cannot determine how many finished products can be produced with a given amount of raw
materials. This makes Microsoft Project unsuitable for solving problems of available
materials-constrained production. Additional software is necessary to manage a complex facility
that produces physical goods.
The application creates critical path schedules, and critical chain and event chain
methodology third-party add-ons also are available. Schedules can be resource-leveled, and
chains are visualized in a Gantt chart. Additionally, Microsoft Project can recognize different
classes of users. These different classes of users can have differing access levels to projects,
views, and other data. Custom objects such as calendars, views, tables, filters, and fields are
stored in an enterprise global which all users share.
Equipment and tools:
Software used in the process of Managing the Project:

1. MS Project
2. Google Sheets
3. Google Docs


The steps involved in the process of management of the Projects are:

1. BOQ for the three-story house by Using Google Sheets

2. Enlisting all the Activities required for the project by using MS Project
3. Creating the Relationship of activities with each other along with the Gannt chart.
4. Allocate the resources to the activities
5. Level the Resources
6. Manage all the activities according to the contract conditions

Data Analysis

The steps involved in the process of data analysis are.

● Google Sheets:
1. Days calculation using BOQs created in Google Sheets.
2. No. of Labours from the BOQs created in Google Sheets.
3. Materials calculations using BOQs created in Google Sheets.

● MS project
1. Listing of activities
2. Duration of activities(Start and end dates)
3. Adding predecessors
4. Creation of Resource Sheet
5. Development of Gantt Chart
6. Handling parallel activities
7. Allocation of resources
8. Development of network diagram
BOQ of Three Storey Building (Using Google Sheets)
This BOQ of Three story building indicates the required days for the activities to be performed
for the project.
Plan for triple storey building
(BOQ for the house is also attached above)

Now, We can write our activities in the MS Project and list their durations according to the
estimated BOQ data.

Here are the Enlisted activities in the MS Project software

Activities for the ground, First and Second floors are listed with their duration and provided float
with parallel activities.Activities along with their Predecessors are also added to show the
starting point of the next activity.

The following data is available in the Project file created above:

● List of activities
● Predecessors of activities
● Duration of Activities
● Resource Sheet (Attached below)
● Gantt Chart of activities
● Resource allocation
A detailed Project planning is done in order to construct a three-story building and the following
attributes of the building are:

Duration of Construction:140 days

Start date: Jan 13, 2023
End date: Jul 23, 2023
Total Cost:14282877/- RS

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