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Section D E F

OR End Term Examination Part-2

Section-A (7 marks)
Dispatch time: 14/01/2022-10:15am
Submission deadline: 14/01/2022-11:05am

Sunny Electronics, a small electronics company produces three types of parts (Part A, Part B and
Part C) for an automatic home cleaning machine manufacturer. It purchases the raw castings of
the three parts from a local foundry and then finishes these parts by performing drilling, shaping,
and polishing respectively. The selling prices for the three parts: Part A , Part B and Part C are
INR 8, INR 10 and INR 14 respectively. Raw castings for these three parts cost INR 5, INR 6 and
INR 10 respectively. The small company has only one of each type of machine. Costs per hour to
run each type of machine are INR 20 for drilling, INR 30 for shaping and INR 30 for polishing.
The capacities (Parts per hour) for each Part on each of the three machines have been listed in the
table below.

Machine Capacity per hour

Part A Part B Part C
Drilling 25 40 25
Shaping 25 20 20
Polishing 40 30 40

Formulate the above context of Sunny Electronics into an appropriate OR model.

Clearly state the GOAL, Decision variables, objective function, constraints and the business

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