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Regular and well-organized exercise makes every cells and every systems to work
in one’s body. Performers muscle, ligaments, tendons, circulatory, immune and
respiratory system all have to work harder when someone is performing an
exercise and this takes enormous amount of energy from our body. Eating a
healthy diet can replace the loose of energy by exercise. So, in this lesson we will
focus on making well-informed food choices to make the right food choice which
has relevant nutrients for the building of one’s body in physically stronger
resistance to disease and to ensure the wellbeing of a person through life time.

Sound eating practice

Nutrition: the word “Nutrition” comes from Latin word which means “to
nourish” or “to feed”. Nutrition is a science of food and nutrients; their actions,
interactions and balance in relation to health and disease (as a science).

nutrition: is a process of taking in (ingestion), digestion, absorption and

utilization of food and using it for growth, metabolism and repair (as a process).

Nutrients: is a chemical substance in food that helps to maintain the body. Our
body needs over 50 nutrients.

Nutrients can be classified into two base on the amount needed for the body as
micro nutrients and macro nutrients, and based on the types (contents) they are
classified into 6, these are;

 Carbohydrate

 Protein

 Fat

 Vitamins

 Minerals

 Water

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