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Research Mini Report






 SITI SALEHA BERASA / 4221121037





Praise and gratitude we pray to the presence of God Almighty, for all the graces and his
kindness has given us the opportunity to complate the assignment report our Mini Reaserch.

We made this Mini Research assignment report as asense of our responsibility to the task
that has been given by the Advisory Lecturer , JUBAIDAH HASIBUAN, S.Pd.,M.Pd from
Leadership courses. Thus we say thank you for the assignmet given by mrs. JUBAIDAH
HASIBUAN, S.Pd.,M.Pd . because too and in guilding us to complete this Mini Reaserch

We also don’t forget to thank the parties involved in making this Mini reaserch assignment
report because it has helped us in preparation of this report so that it can be completed
properly and on time. We realize that there are many shortcomings in the writing of this
report. Therefore we accept and expect constructive critcism and suggestion from the
reader. Thank you

Medan, 16 SEPTEMBER 2022

Tim penyusun

Kelompok III
IDENTIFICATION OF PROBLEMS....................................................................................5
PROBLEM LIMITATION.....................................................................................................5
SURVEY BENEFITS...........................................................................................................5
CHAPTER II..............................................................................................................................6
THEORITICAL BASIS.............................................................................................................6
A.LEADERSHIP STYLE......................................................................................................6
CHAPTER III.............................................................................................................................7
Object of research...................................................................................................................7
Research methods...................................................................................................................7
CHAPTER IV...........................................................................................................................8
RESEARCH REPORT...............................................................................................................8
IR. SOEKARNO......................................................................................................................8
B.J. HABIBIE........................................................................................................................10
5.MEGAWATI SOEKARNO POETRI...............................................................................12
6.SUSILO BAMBANG YUDHOYONO.............................................................................13
CHAPTER V............................................................................................................................15
CHAPTER VI..........................................................................................................................16



Everyone must have fetl to be a leader , whether it’s in the school

environment ,workplace , friends , family , or for himself . These moments will help
bring out the qualities and leadership style in you.
In the Big Indonesian Dictionary , the notion of leadership is a way of leading or
about a leader. Literally,leadership comes from the word “lead” which means
directing , fostoring , regulatinng , guiding , showing , or influencing

Leaders don’t just rule the people under them . Leades help themselves and others
to dot he right thing . They set direction ,build inspiring vision , and create something
new . Leadeship is about mapping out where you need to go to succed as a team or
And when a leader sets goals , they must also use their management skillls to guide
their people to the right goals , in an effective and effecient manner.
Leadership is a field of research as well as a practical skill that includes the ability of
a person or an organization to “lead” or guide other people, teams or entire

Why should one have leadership qualities ? The soul of a leadrs that is in you will
make you have a firm nature so that i tis not easy to take advantages of. If you have
a leadership spirit, it will be easier for you to achives success . Because , someone
who is firm like a leaders , is not easily taken advantages of by others.
So leaders are needed to make effective and effecient strategies in achiving
organizational goals . If there is no leader , organizational problems are very difficult
to solve because No. one wants to be responsible , as a result the organizatio will
have difficulty achieving its goals.
Based on research observations , Indoesians state leaders stil have selfishness
towards themselves without looking at the views of their people’s life , causing many
problems that occured during their leadership apart from indonesians top leaders ,
subordinate leaders also raise their own opinion for low-class people


In this case we limit the problems that will be discussed around :

1. Type of presidential leadership
2. Policy while leading
3. Level of well – being and prosperity


1. What are the leadership style used by the presidents ?

2. What did he do while leading ?


1. Analyze and find out what leadership styles are used by the president ?
2. Know what problems occur during leadership ?
3. Know how to pray to lead and deal with the people

With this research , the writer hopes that readers and writers can understand
what leadership is , the types pf leadership and what are the leadership styles of



Leadership style is the way the leader uses to influences his followers.According
to THOHA ( 1995) leadership style . leadership style is a pattern of behavior of a
typical leader when influencing his subordinates , what the leader chooses to do ,
the way the leader acts in influencing group members to shape his leadership style
. to understand leadership style , at least it can be studied from three main
approaches The problem of leadership has emerged at the same time as the
beginning of human history, that is, since humans realized the importance of living
in groups to achieve common goals. They need someone or several people who
have advantages over others, regardless of what form the human group is formed.
This is undeniable because humans always have certain limitations and
advantages. Leadership can be defined as a complex process in which a leader
influences his subordinates in carrying out and achieving the vision, mission, and
tasks, or the objectives by which the organization becomes more advanced and
A leader carries out this process by applying his leadership traits, namely his
beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and skills. A person will only become
an effective leader if genetically he has leadership talents, then talent These
talents are nurtured and developed through opportunities to occupy leadership
positions and are supported by theoretical knowledge gained through education
and training, both general in nature and concerning leadership theory. Hendry Pratt
Fairchild in Kartini Kartono (2010:38-39) argues that a leader in a broad sense is
someone who leads by initiating social behavior by regulating, showing, organizing
or controlling the efforts/efforts of others or through prestige, power or position.

Whereas in a limited sense a leader is someone who guides, leads with the help
of his persuasive qualities and voluntary acceptance by his followers. to influence
other people or groups without heeding the form of the reason. Kartini Kartono
(1994:33) suggests a leader is a person who has skills and advantages, especially
skills and advantages in one field, so that he is able to influence other people to
jointly carry out certain activities, for the achievement of one or more goals. Henry
Pratt Fairchild in Kartini Kartono (1994:33), a leader in the sense is someone who
clearly initiates social behavior by regulating, directing , organize or control the
efforts of others or through prestige, power and position.




Day : thuesday
Date : 13 september 2022

Object of research
* seven presidents in Indonesia



Research methods

The research used is qualitative research because it aims to describe or

provide an overview of a real-life phenomenon as stated by that
qualitative research is research that intends to understand phenomena
about what is experienced by research subjects (eg behavior,
perception, motivation, action, etc.). ) holistically (whole and by way of
description (in the form of words and language). In this study, the
researcher conducted a study to identify the problems that often arise in
the leadership style of a leader. This research uses quantitative research
in the type of case study.



The First President of Indonesia is also known as a person with an explosive temper, but is
able to transmit this great spirit to others. He is able to burn the spirits of all people and
inspire them all to dare to do what they want.Ivancevich, et al, (2007: 209) say that
charismatic leaders are leaders who embody a motivational atmosphere on the basis of
commitment and emotional identity in their vision, philosophy, and style in their subordinates.

President Soekarno usually has a strong belief that his leader is always right, feels
affectionate and proud of his leader, has a strong motivation to be involved in the mission of
his group, is willing to obey the leader and believes that they can contribute to the group.

President Soekarno's Policy

1. The Spirit of Revolution That Leads to Independence

2. Non-aligned Movement
3. Uniting West Papua to the Republic of Indonesia
4. The liberation of West Irian which succeeded in expelling the Dutch
5. Dare to host the Asian Games even with economic limitations
6. Confrontation with Malaysia
7. Under his leadership, Indonesia became the only country ever to leave the United Nations
8. Pioneer of various world organizations
9. formed a high state institution, namely the Provisional People's Consultative Assembly
(MPRS) and the Provisional Supreme Advisory Council (DPAS).
10. President Soekarno's policy of dissolving the People's Representative Council (DPR) and
replacing it with the Gotong Royong People's Representative Council (DPR-GR).
11. Formation of the Working Cabinet (1959-1964) and the Dwikora Cabinet (1964-1966)
12. The disbandment of the Masjumi Party and PSI due to the involvement of some of the party
members in the PRRI/Permesta incident.
13. Formation of the National Front


1. Charismatic leaders like Soekarno have followers who are so convinced that their
leadership is always right, the negative impact is that the leader in the end tends to think that
whatever he does must be right.
2. People who initially admired a leader like Soekarno could someday feel disappointed
because of his inconsistent leader
3. Followers become very dependent on their leader
4. The regeneration of competent leaders like this tends to be difficult
5. Charismatic leaders like Soekarno are very quick to take risky decisions
6. When the leader cannot take responsibility for what he has said, the leader will usually just
give an excuse, apologize and then re-promise to his subordinates.
7. Lacking opportunities, subordinates tend to lose the initiative to act
8. The decisions taken by the leader are not based on deliberation, and the leader will feel that
his decision is definitely right
9. The leader's decision must finally be accepted as a joint decision, even though it feels a bit
10. Fanatic underling
11. Subordinates who do not have the opportunity to develop their imagination and creativity.

President Soeharto's leadership style is a combination of Proactive-Extractive and Adaptive-
Anticipative leadership styles, namely being able to seize opportunities and see challenges
that have a positive impact and have a vision that goes forward and is aware of the need for
adaptive steps.
1. Aspects of President Suharto's leadership style:
2. Leadership status and power
3. Relationship orientation
4. Task orientation
5. How to influence others
6. Several policies carried out by Suharto in his administration, including:

Here are some of the advantages of the New Order era, namely:

1. Increase in GDP per capita from $70 to $1000 in 1996

2. Several programs for family welfare that were not successfully implemented in the old
order could be implemented in the new order.
3. The unemployment rate began to decline because more and more people were good at
4. Sufficient food needs.
5. Increased security in the country.
6. The success of the implementation of the compulsory education movement and also the
foster parents movement
7. Lots of funds from outside investors.
8. The 5-year development plan has been successfully implemented.
9. The dissolution of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI)
10. The implementation of general elections is simpler
11. P4 education is mandatory (Guidelines for Understanding and Practicing Pancasila)
12. : Family Planning Program
13. : Inpres School
14. [00.19, 16/9/2022] Ayu Arrahmah: depoliticization of Indonesia

Some of the weaknesses are:

1. The rise of cases of corruption, collusion, and also acts of nepotism in almost all circles of
2. The development that runs unevenly, there is a drastic difference in the development of the
central and regional regions.
3. A lot of wealth is used for the city government.
4. Development gaps are increasingly visible.
5. Some human rights violations because solutions from various problem solving are widely
used in the form of power wars that violate the objectives of human rights instruments and
comparisons of human rights enforcement in Indonesia.
6. The limited freedom of the press can be seen from the number of newspapers that must be
forced to no longer be published.
7. Freedom of expression is still far above success.
8. The social gap between the rich and the poor is becoming more and more striking.
President Habibie's leadership style is leadership style. Dedicative-Facilitative, is the joint
and Democratic Leadership. At the time
During the reign of B.J Habibie, the freedom of the press was widely opened so that it gave
birth to greater democratization

The advantages that

achieved by B.J. Habibie during his leadership as follows

1. Habibie has the principle that political prisoners must be released immediately. It doesn't want
to see the imprisonment of people who are against the president's opinion or plan

2.Repeal the subversion law and declare support for the opposition culture and approach people
who have been against the order new.

3. Promote freedom of speech and expression, freedom of the press, and freedom of protest.

4. Giving freedom to establish political parties.

5. Implementation of the 1999 General Election

B.J.'s leadership weaknesses Habibi as follows:

1. Habibie's inability to take Suharto's case to court

2. The government failed to address the problem of distributing basic necessities, especially cooking
oil and rice.

3. The 1998 economic crisis forced the government, at the insistence of the IMF, to cut funding for
lighthouse projects

4. Habibie granted and authorized a referendum on East Timor.

5. Unable to convince investors to keep investing in Indonesia. At the end of his leadership the
rupiah exchange rate skyrocketed again. rupiah exchange rate skyrocketed to the level of IDR 6500
per US dollar a value that will never be achieved again in the next reign


This type of dominance can be seen from how he dared to make a breakthrough in establishing
relations with Israel (though very many of the community did not like this), besides that Gus Dur was
also angry, he often pounded the table when his subordinates did not obey his wishes. The
advantages of Gus Dur's leadership were in terms of openness and political ethics, but weak in terms
of management and political communication.

The dismissal of several ministers in his cabinet, among others, asked General Wiranto to resign
from the position of Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs because it was an
obstacle to the military reform plan and the allegations of human rights violations in East Timor
against Wiranto. April 2000 dismissed Jusuf Kalla from the position of Minister of State for Industry
and Trade and Admiral Sukardi from the Minister of State for BMUN the reason Wahid gave was that
both were involved in a corruption case. This worsened Abdurrahman's relations with Golkar and

Dissolution of the Ministry of Information (changed to the Ministry of Communication and


- Changing the name of the province from Irian Jaya to Papua.

- Elimination of a series of policies that discriminate against Chinese culture.

- Freezing DPR and MPR

- The repeal of regulations regarding the prohibition of the PKI and the spread of Marxism and

The Indonesian nation was in a slump due to the 1998 economic crisis. Domestic political conditions
were also unstable after Suharto was ousted as president after 32 years in power.

Vice President Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie ascends the throne. But he didn't last long. On October
20, 1999, Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) was inaugurated as the fourth president of the Republic of
Indonesia replacing Habibie.


Megawati's leadership style emphasizes leadership in eastern culture (oriental). His

important role here is also prominent as a regional leader in bringing the Indonesian state
and government to the level of leadership achievement. However, he needed quite a long
time to consider a decision he would take, but once the decision was taken it would not
change again.

policies during leadership

New party system, New electoral system, Direct election of president and vice president
, Implementing an Intertime Change or Recall mechanism (the right of a party to dismiss its
members from the House of Representatives or DPR)
tax policy reform, efficiency in state spending and privatization of state-owned enterprises.
In the financial sector, the design of the Financial Sector Safety Net, the divestment of banks
in IBRA, strengthening the governance structure of state banks, and restructuring the capital
market, insurance and pension fund sectors. Then in the investment sector, a review of the
Negative Investment List is carried out, simplifying licensing, restructuring the
telecommunications and energy sectors and eradicating corruption
The impact is considered quite good. Rupiah exchange rate which was originally Rp. 9,800
(2001) to Rp. 9,100 (2004), the inflation rate decreased from 13.1% to 6.5% while economic
growth rose 2%, as well as the JCI points from 459 (2001) to 852 (2004).

failure while leading

Lack of understanding in the economic field so that the decisions taken are not in favor of
the people who, secondly, have economic and political interests behind their government, 3
are considered brave in carrying out the reform agenda and unable to overcome the nation's
crisis. The system of government
1 chooses to establish
2 builds a new political order
3 maintains the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia
4 continues to amend the 1945 Constitution
5 straightens regional autonomy
6.communication is dominated by complaints and complaints, but almost never touches the
vision and mission


SBY has a leadership style where as a leader he is able to make decisions anywhere,
anytime, and under any conditions. He is well-known for his well-dressed. His friendly,
intelligent, firm and polite nature makes a positive value in his leadership characteristics. He
is also a democratic figure and can respect differences of opinion, but is always defensive
towards things that smell like criticism
eadership a militaristic type who has military power who is exemplary in upholding military
norms and mistakes in carrots and behavior are big mistakes that should not be overlooked
in a military leadership
A charismatic type of leader is someone who is admired by many followers even though the
followers can not always explain it concretely. Why is this person admired?
The democratic type in making decisions always prioritizes deliberation which is
manifested in each digestion in the form of each friend, so that in implementing the results of
the decision it is not perceived as a forced activity, on the contrary, it is pushed for the
system as a shared responsibility.

policies including in defense and security, the courage to absorb some of the corrupt
government officials in the regions and large against the Legislative and Executive
Institutions has been carried out, for example Aceh Governor Abdullah, the 10-year
Democratic Party, is proof of this commitment. the education budget was increased to 20%
of the total government budget in the conversion of kerosene to gas in the defense sector.
SBM enthusiasts formed a special anti-terrorism squad or special Detachment 88 anti-
terrorism terrorism SBY also showed significant efforts to overcome disasters both through
national legal aspects and information aspects by the international community in the field of
economic empowerment, government policies that are tasked with high physical discipline
and reducing state debt, increasing job opportunities and increasing business capital
distribution as well as expanding the application of advances in information and
communication technology to support implementation performance in the field of education.

During the sby-boediono administration, there were many mass demonstrations to launch
sby-boediono because of rising fuel prices. In addition, there were many cases that suddenly
disappeared and had not been resolved, for example the Century Bank case under the SBY
administration. He recorded history with the highest state debt amounting to 1667 trillion in
early 2009 has revealed the largest debt in Indonesia's history in the context of world order
security, there are many terrorists in Indonesia, for example Imam Samudra and also many
indigenous Indonesian cultural heritages which are claimed by the governments of other
countries, for example, Javanese batik by Adidas by the Malaysian government, gamelan
claims by the government Malaysia exists by the Malaysian government, include
manuscripts from Riau by the Malaysian government.

Contingency theory is a theory that can be interpreted as placing the leader in a leadership
pattern that is in accordance with the existing situation (Lensufiie, 2010). The reason why
this theory is a relevant theory used by President Joko Widodo, is that when viewed from
some of his actions, as published on the national (2020), Jokowi is very
happy to do blusukan as a form of implementing "relationship motivation" is one of the
motivations of this theory. Relationship motivation refers to where the leader focuses on
building relationships with his followers

leadership coaching (coaching), reflected in Jokowi's briefing to the community in Makassar

City, South Sulawesi during the 2018 Village Community Development and Empowerment
Policy Evaluation. He instructed the village head and village fund assistants to distribute
village funds according to the focus and needs of the village so that its use becomes more
efficient and targeted.
J okowi's supportive leadership style is realized with the support he provides to Babinsa
throughout Indonesia which is implemented through a policy of increasing operational
allowances to 1.2 million and performance allowances of 1 million per month to Babinsa so
as to improve their welfare.
The leadership style of delegating (delegation) is also attached to Jokowi and can be seen
in the Social Forestry Program implemented in Jambi forest areas by providing allowances
to 8,165 heads of families living around forests in Jambi to cultivate and develop forest land
covering an area of 10 hectares per person.
The directing leadership style can be seen in Jokowi's blusukan tradition, one of which is
when Jokowi visits a village in Jambi and gets a lot of input regarding the operational and
performance allowances that Babinsa receives is deemed insufficient.
leadership coaching (coaching), reflected in Jokowi's briefing to the community in Makassar
City, South Sulawesi during the 2018 Village Community Development and Empowerment
Policy Evaluation. He instructed the village head and village fund assistants to distribute
village funds according to the focus and needs of the village so that its use becomes more
efficient and targeted.

Jokowi's policy:
1. The country's economic policy
2. The policy of dissolving the Perpu Ormas without trial
3. Defense and security dual function policy
4. Political policies that weaken opposition parties

Leadership is something that comes from within and is the fruit of a person's decision
to be a good leader. Good leaders have a clear vision and good institutions. Vision
and institutions are important things for leaders vision is a clear goal, while
institutions are things that must exist in a leader
Leadership is defined as the process of influencing and directing various tasks for the
ability to influence various strategies and abilities so that leaders can carry out their
duties and prosper the people

Leadership is the power that exists in a person who influences others in various
activities at work. Leaders should be examples. A presidential leadership has a plan
during his leadership period with a strong willpower, a simple leader can work to
advance the state of Indonesia's economy, human resources, human resources for
the better

Leadership is the ability to influence other people, subordinates or groups, the ability
to direct the behavior of subordinates or groups, have special abilities or expertise in
the field desired by the group, to achieve organizational or group goals.
Leadership is the ability of a person to influence and motivate others to do
something according to a common goal. Leadership includes the process of
influencing in determining organizational goals, motivating follower behavior to
achieve goals, influencing to improve the group and its culture.

Having a leadership spirit is very necessary for every human person.
The spirit of leadership must always be honed and developed. A leader
should work hard to improve himself before fixing people other. If Indonesia has a
strong leader, surely Indonesia will be Amazing country. The quality of a citizen
depends on someone who lead the country. The tougher those who lead, the those
who are led. As good citizens, we must choose our leaders wisely
Indonesian country. So that our country becomes a peaceful country and a country
that not divided. One's leadership spirit must also be seen so that we don't wrong
choice of leader
QURAISYI.2017.JOKOWI LEADERSHIP.model as mayor of solo. Vol 1

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