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Using the table below, write down examples of the different art forms studied in this lesson.

Provide ways on how these art forms express and unmask creativity form the artist.

Types of Art Example How does this How does this

Expression express? unmask the artist’s
 Printing Artists produce visual Creations that fall
 Drawings arts driven by their under this category
 Paintings desire to reproduce are those that appeal
 Comic strips things that they have to the sense of sight
 Sculpture seen in the way that and are mainly visual
they perceived them in nature.
Visual Arts
Film making focuses Film making
on its aesthetic, simulates experiences
cultural, and social or creates one that is
value and is beyond the Scope of
considered as both an our imagination as it
 Lust for Life art and an industry. aims to deliver ideas,
Film by Irving Films can be created feelings, or beauty to
Stone by using one or a its viewers. Artists
combination of some have used their talent
or all of these to affect the deepest
techniques: motion- feelings and
picture camera (also memories of an
known as movie audience. They create
camera), animation a common experience
techniques, that can evoke, unlike
Computer-Generated any other
Imagery (CGI), and conventional fine-art
more. medium, laughter,
tears, rage, even fear,
sharing ideas.
Performance art is a Performance art's
live art and the artist primary aim has
medium is mainly the almost always been
human body which to challenge
he or she uses to conventional forms
perform, but also of visual art, such as
employs other kind painting and
 Concert of art such as visual sculpture. When
Performance art  Acting art, props, or sound. these modes no
 Music It usually consists of longer seem to
 Puppetry four important respond to the needs
 Circus elements: time, where of artists, artists have

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the performance took always turned to
place, the performer's performance to reach
or performer's body, new audiences and
and a relationship test new ideas when
between the audience they seem too
and the performer(s) conservative, or too
entangled in the
traditional art world
and too far from
ordinary people.
Artist expresses his Artist carefully select
emotions not by words to exhibit
using paint, charcoal, clarity and beauty
or camera, but and to stimulate
expresses them strong
through words. These emotions of joy,
words, combined anger, love, sorrow,
 Medusa by with movements, and the list go on. It
Poetry performance Patricia Smith tone, uses a word's
 Beethoven by volume, and intensity emotional, musical,
Shane of the delivery, add to and spatial values
Koyczan the artistic value of that go beyond its
the poem. Some literal meaning to
poets even make narrate, emphasize,
poems out of their argue, or
emotions convince.
picked up from other
works of art, which in
turn produce another
work of art through
 The Grand The functionality of Architects develop
Théâtre de the theater or designs for new
Bordeaux building remains, but building projects,
 Eiffel Tower the striking balance modifications, and
 The Burj al of the lines, colors, renovations. To
Arab and shapes completes design buildings that
Architecture  Sydney Opera the masterpiece. are practical, safe,
House Buildings that sustainable, and
 Petronas embodies these three aesthetically
Towers Kuala important elements- pleasing, they use
Lumpur plan, construction, their professional
 Great Wall of and design- they construction
China merit the title experience and high-
architecture. level drawing

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It has a series of Dancers are free to
movements that create and invent
follows the rhythm of their own movements
the musical as long as they deem
accompaniment. them graceful and
 Ballet Dancers can express beautiful. However, it
 Ballroom their feelings freely, is not as simple as
 Contemporary communicate you think, it requires
Dance  Hip Hop physically, allowing one person a lot of
 Jazz those emotions to time, blood and
 Tap Dance move through the effort, to be able to
 Folk Dance body, out of the body, perform a sort of
 Modern Dance and to move others in dance flawlessly and
doing so. gracefully.
continuous practice
and expertise in
performing can
unmask an artist's
creativity in dancing.
Artists who practice By using their
 Romeo and literary arts use distinctive ideas and
Juliet by words-not styles in writings,
William paint, musical literary art unmasks
Shakespeare instruments, or the imagination of its
 The Notebook chisels-to express creators. When
Literary Art by Nicholas themselves and writing, they can
Sparks communicate openly share their
 The Little emotions to the feelings, opinions,
Prince by readers. It focuses on and thoughts that
Antoine de writing using a create a strong
Sain-Exupery unique style, not connection and can
following a specific communicate to their
format or own readers. The
norm. To create very author's style of
efficient literature, writing makes it art.
this type of art
requires an
imaginative and
idealistic mind so that
their audience can
understand and
visualize using their
Theater also Intellectually,
considers several mentally,

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elements such as psychologically,
acting, gesture, verbally, and socially,
lighting, sound theater affects the
effects, musical individual most
score, scenery, and entirely. They can
 Macbeth by props. The offer all they can,
William combination of these invent their own
Shakespeare elements is what forms and patterns of
Theater  Musicals gives the strongest what he perceives as
 Opera impression on the beautiful and
 Melodrama audience and the integrate them into
script thus becomes a making his
minor element. It masterpiece in order
deals almost for the artists to make
exclusively with live the best impression
performances in this on the audience.
medium of art, in
which the action is
orchestrated to create
a coherent and
essential sense of
Incorporating Through exploration
 Calligraphy elements of style and and expression of
 Interior design design to everyday ideas, consideration
 Graphic design items with the aim of of the needs, and
Applied arts  Fashion design increasing their careful choice of
 Cartographic aesthetic value. materials and
(map) design techniques, artists are
able to combine
functionality and

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