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T h is p roject is fu n d ed by

th e E u ro p e an U nion
o f Moldova
o f Moldova

'Eine atl vrnit!
rbaößa noMaJoiaim!
BEST HOTELS o f Moldova Q 2|
Distinguished guests,

W e are h ap p y to w e lco m e yo u .
We want you to have an enjoyable stay
with us, all our staff will be happy to assist
you in everything you might need, With
this catalogue we intend to introduce all
the hotels. We are glad to offer a selection
of establishments in three, four and five
stars, in highly attractive and populär
destinations, offering our guests a wide
variety of possibilities for leisure.

^ 3
Dragi clienti,

Vä sa lu täm cäld u ro s!
Vä uräm o sedere pläcutä in hotelurile
noastre, iar personalul nostru vä stä la
dispozitia Dumneavoasträ pentru a vä
transforma vacanta intr-o amintire pläcutä.
In acest catalog ne propunem sä vä fami-
liarizäm cu hotelurile noastre. Suntem ?n-

bienvenidos ,. cäntati sä vä oferim la alegere hoteluri de

3 ,4 si 5 stele, situate in cele mai populäre
l bienvenue si atractive locuri de agrement, unde ve$

n willkommen ikkomen welkom
avea la dispozifie nenumärate posibilitätf
de petrecere a timpului übertntr-un mod
interesant §i pläcut.

g |2ikkomen Bine a%\ venit 123

Y ß a x a e M b i e K / in e m b i ,

o 1 1 aloha benvido welkomin M bi paflbi npiißeTCTBOBaTb Bac!

E ^ f l o b p o n 0 >Ka/1 0 B a T b | bem -vindo Mbi xe/iaew BaM npwyrmoro OTflbixa b
Hamnx oie/mx, a Becb Harn nepcoHa/i c
O y o o k o s o /la c K a ß o npocuM O >benvenutO y^oBO/ibCTBueM noivioxeT BaM bo Bcex
> välkommen witam tervetuloa -Qongi etorri HeoöxoflMMbix Bonpocax. 3 tmm KaTa^oroM
HaM Öbl XOTe/lOCb 03H3K0MHTb BaC CO
BCeMM HaLUHMH OTe/lflMH. Mbl paflbl
npe/uioxmb Ha Bam Bbiöop 3-x, 4-x w
5-h 3Be3AOMHbie oie/in, pacno/ioxeHHbie
B Mpe3BbNaHHO npHB/ieKaTe/ibHbix
m nony/iapHbix Meciax OT^bixa, r,qe
Bbi Haw/teTe 6o/ibiuoe pa3Hooöpa3ne
B03M0XH0deH npoBeßeHwa flocyra.

This publication was elaborated within the EU funded Support to Confidence Building Measures Programme,
implemented by UNDP through the project «Building business relations of hospitality industry on both banks
of the river Dniester» that was implemented by the Agency for Regional Developm ent of Transnistria in cooperation
with the National Association of Hotels and Restaurants of the Republic of Moldova.

Acest catalog a fost elaborat Tn cadrul AaHHbii/i Kaia^or pa3pa6oTaH b paMKax

Programului finantat de Uniunea Europeanä nporpaMMbi, ^MHaHcupyeMOM EBponei/icKi/iM
„Sustinerea M äsurilor de Promovare a cora30M «noggepxKa Mep no yKpen^eHura
Increderii", im plem entat de PNUD, prin goBepua», BHegpaeMoM nPOOH, npoeKTOM
intermediul proiectului „Consolidarea relatiilor «nocrpoeHi/ie ge^oBbx oTHomeHUM
de afaceri din industria hotelierä de pe ambele rocTUHUUHOM UHgycTpuu o6oux 6eperoB
maluri ale raului Nistru", realizat de Agentia ^HecTpa», pea^U3oBaHHoro AreHTCTBoM
de Dezvoltare Regionalä Transnistreanä Tn PeruoHa^bHoro Pa3BUTua ripugHecTpoBba
cooperare cu Asociatia Nationalä a Hotelurilor coBMecTHo c HapuoHa^bHoM AccopuapueM
si Restaurantelor din Republica Moldova. rocTUHup u PecTopaHoB Pecny6^UKU Mo.ngoBa.

the European Union

Th e co n te n t o f th e p u b lica tio n m ay not n e ce ssa rily reflect th e vie w s o f th e EU D e le g atio n or o f th e UN DP

C o n tin u tu l ace ste i p u b licatii nu reflectä n eap ära t p u n ctu l de v e d e re al D e le g atie i UE sau al PN U D

C o gep xaH i/ie gaHHoM ny6gi/n^i/n/i He o6fl3aTegbHo o T p a x a e T TouKy 3peHi/ia fle.^era^l/ll/l EC n P O O H

Index/ Continut/CoflepxaHne











JAZZ H O TEL**** 34

DACIA H O TEL**** 36

JUM BO HO TEL**** 38












IRIS HO TEL**** 62

V ILA T U L IP HO TEL**** 64


V ILLA A R U S **** 68
SUM M IT V ILLA *** 70




Index/ Continut/CoflepxaHne
W P-H EA LTH CO M PLEX **** 82




PU R C A R IW IN ER Y**** 94





















Key to Symbols / Icoane / Ili/iKTorpaMMbi

oP a rk in g / P arcare / üapKO BKa

© C a fe (P iz z a ) / C afe n ea (P iz z a ) / Ka<))e (n m j,e p u fl)

©W I- F I / W i-F i / W i-F i
© B a n q u e tin g h all /S a lä de b a n c h e te / EaHxeTHbm 3a/i

©R e sta u ra n t /R e s ta u ra n t / Pecrop aH
© E q u ip p e d k itc h e n / B u c ä tä rie a m e n a ja tä / 0 6o pyflO B aH H an xyxH n

©B a r (P u b ) / B a r / E a p (ria6)
o C a te rin g / C a te rin g / KeiiTepM Hr

M e e tin g fa c ilitie s / S alä de conferin^ä / KoH<|>epeH4-3a/i

© Po stal S e rv ice s and C a rg o / S e rv ic ii p o sta le si tra n s p o rt C arg o /
r io m o B b ie y c /iy rn m C arg o

©B u sin e ss C e n tre / B u sin e ss C e n tru / Eii3H ec-4eH Tp

o Lim o u s in e and C h a u ffe u r S e rv ic e / Lim u zin ä si s o fe r p e rso n a l /
/liiM y3iiH m y c/iy rn M acm oro BOfl m e/in

oC o u rie r S e rv ice s / S e rv ic iu c u r ie r / Y c /iy m xyp b e p a

© M ed ical S e rv ice s / S e rv ic ii m e d icale / M e flH 4HHCKne y c/iy rn

©S e c re ta ria l S e rv ic e s / S e rv ic ii de s e c re ta ria t /
Y o iy m c e x p e ia p n © C o n cie rg e S e r v ic e / S e rv ic iu de co n cie rg e / Y c /iyrn KOHCbepxca

0T ra n sla tio n S e rv ice s / S e rv ic ii de tra d u c e re /

Y o iy m nepeB O flm iK a © B a b y s itte r / B o n ä / H a h a

©L a u n d r y / Curä^ ätorie / npaneMHasi

© Iro n in g S e r v ic e / S e rv ic ii de ca lcat h ain e/l"/ia> xxa oflexcflbi

E x c h a n g e / S ch im b v a lu t a r / 06wieH BasitoT Cash m a c h in e / B an co m a t/E aH K O M aT

Key to Symbols / Icoane / Ili/iKTorpaMMbi

L ib r a r y / B ib lio te c ä / E u 6 /iu o T e xa
o P in g -P o n g / P in g -P o n g / HacroyibHbm TeHHMc

S P A / c e n tru SPA / C n A - n e m p © B illia rd s / B ilia rd / En/ib npA

B e a u ty S alo n / S alo n de f r u m u s e t e / CasioH KpacoTbi
e B o a ts, K a y a k s , W a te r S c o o te r s / B ä rc i, C aiace , S c u t e r e /
llporyyioM Hbie xaTep a, 6 aM flap xn , cxyTe p a

M assag e / M asaj / Macca>K
o F ish in g / P e scu it / Pb i6 a/ixa

S a u n a / S a u n a / CayHa
e S m o k in g A r e a / Z o n ä p en tru fu m ä to ri / M e c ra ß ,j\n x y p e m ia

G ym / S ala de s p o rt / CnopT3a/i
© Pool / P isc in a / E a cc e iiH

F o o tb a ll / T eren de fo tb a l / O yT6oyibH oe no/ie
© B each / P lajä / lln sixc

T e n n is / T eren de te n is / TeHHMCHbM KopT © C h ild re n p la y g ro u n d / T e re n de jo a c ä p e n tru co p ii /
fle T c xa n u rp o ß a a n/iou^aflxa

V o lle y b a ll / T e re n de v o le i / B o/ieii6o /ibH an n /io m a flxa
e T e rra c e / T e rasä / Tepp aca

H o o ka h / N a rg h ile a / Ka/ibflH
o G ard e n hou se & b r a z ie r / F o iso a re si G r a t a r / E e c e flx n m rpaTap

K a r a o k e / C a ra o k e / K apao Ke
© Pets are a llo w e d / A n im a le le de c o m p a n ie s u n t a c c e p ta te /
flo n y c x a e T c n p a3M em eH iie flO M aiuH nx HdiBOTHbix

F a c ilitie s f o r p eo p le w ith d is a b ilitie s /
Facilitä^i p e n tru p erso an e cu m o b ilita te red usä /
yflo 6 cT B a flTisi yiKJfleii c orpaHnnem-ibiM U bo sm o kh o c tam m
o W in e shop / M ag a zin de v in u ri /BuHHbiM Mara3MH

W in e ta stin g / D e g u sta re de v in u r i / ße rycraiiM S i bm h
o G if t sh o p / M a g a zin de ca d o u ri / C yB em ip H b iti Mara3MH

C a r re n t / C h irie au to / rip o K a T aBTOM o6n/ieii
o S h o p p in g c e n te r/ S h o p p in g C e n tru /Sho pp in g-L^ em p

B ic y c le ren t / C h irie b ic ic le te / rip o x a T Be/iocM nefla
© C a s in o / C azin o u /Ka3HHO

T ra ve l A g e n c y / B iro u de E xc u rs ii / 3 xcxyp cn o H H o e 6topo
© M in im a rk e t / M in im a rk e t/ M iiHM -M apxeT


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

& 77, Mitropolit Varlaam st r.,
Chisinau, MD-2012 (fÜStripadvisor*

V. +373 22 201 201 Q Expedier

e +373 22 201 222
H iI
$ Hoteisxxxn

u i

Radisson Blu Leogrand Hotel Radisson Blu Leogrand Hotel Chisinau R a d is s o n Blu L e o g r a n d H o te l C h is in a u
Chisinau is the most impressive hotel reprezintä unul dintre cele mai a ß / ia e ic a o/jh u m M3 caM bix B n e u a T -
accommodation that öfters sumptuous impresionante hoteluri din Chisinau, /ifikdm nx OTe/iew b K n iiiH H eß e, n p e fl-
comfort and the finest amenities, with care oferä un confort desävärsit, cu /iarafou],nx H/j,ea/ibHbiw komcJ>opt. 143
143 stylishly decorated rooms and 143 de camere decorate Tntr-un stil H O M epa, ocjiopM /ieHHbix B OCOÖOM
suites specially designed to bring the deosebit, iconic si elegant, specific CTH/ie, o/inu,eTBopFiHDT cn e q u cjiH K y B c e -
jo y of a restful, comfortable and care- brandului RadissonBlu, toate acestea M upHO y 3 H aB aeivio ro 6peH/i,a R a d is s o n
free experience. Iconic, stylish and pentru a oferi o cazare peste asteptärile B lu, t o ecT b oöecnem /iBai-OT y cn o B H a ,
sophisticated, Radisson Blu creates oaspetilor hotelului, in tandem cu KOM(|)opT h 6 e 3 3 a 6 o T H o e n p o x H B a H H e
excitingly individual hotels for individual serviciile cunoscute in toatä lumea, care r o c r e n . 3HaKO BbiH , 3/ieram H biM h H3bi-
minds. We delight our travel saw y, duc faima acestui brand de renume. cxaHHbiM öpeH /t R a d is s o n Blu co3,4aeT
modern guests with a genuine, inviting Iconic, stilat si sofisticat, brandul BOCXHTMTe/lbHO OpHTHHa/lbHbie OTe/lH,
ambiance. Radisson Blu strives to Radisson BLU creaazä hoteluri incitante, O TB euaroiH H e n o ip e Ö H O c ra m K a x / jo r o
engage each and every guest through orientate cätre fiecare oaspete Tntr-un r o c r a . M cKym eHHbiM coßpeM eH H biM
its innovative and very relevant ränge of mod foarte special. Noi incintäm pe rocTAM HpaBHTCfi H aiu a H e n o B T o p w viaa
holistic facilities and Services, packaged toti cei care ne viziteazä prin ambianta p a c n o / ia r a io in a a anvioccjiep a. H am
all neatly together with the unique Yes modernä, stilatä si originalä. In cadrul BneMaT/ifiKDLUHH ne p eflO B O H p,m a\/\u
I Can! service and its 100% Satisfaction Radisson BLU Leogrand Hotel, ne B b B b lB a e T BOCXHlHeHHe. M bl CTpeMHMCFI
Guarantee. With 2 iconic restaurants, an propunem sä intrigäm fiecare oaspete n o H p a B H T b ca Kax/i,O M y to cthd , n p e /j-
oasis of tranquility at our Lotus Spa, or la interactiunea cu orice tip de serviciu, ziaraa q e/ib in pa,4 KOM n/iexcHbix h h h o -
a quick game at the Nuovo Casino, you outlet ori pachet de oricare gen, toate B a q u o H H b ix y / jo b c m h y c/iyr, BK/n-ouaa
will always feel the touches of great and acestea fiind elegant ambalate in Öecn/iaTHblH BblCOKOCKOpOCTHOH ß o c r y n
innovative design at the Radisson Blu atitudinea Yes I Can (Da, sigur cä e b RlHTepHeT. M bi c o 6 p a / in BoeflH HO B ce
Leogrand Hotel, Chisinau. posibil) a tuturor angajatilor acestui H eo6xo/],H M oe ö /ia ro ß a p a H a u je n ym/i-
minunant hotel si Tn renumita ideologie xa/ibHOH 4>h/iococ{)hh o ö c / iy x n B a H n a

It's a perfect equation that adds up to a a brandului „100% satisfactie garantatä". «R B ce C M o ry !» n 1 0 0 % - h o h ra p a m H H

highly individual - and unforgettable - Savurati notele designului inovativ K a u e cT B a . H a c / ia x / t a n ie c b HHHOBau,n-

360° hospitality experience. si modern Tn cele douä restaurante OHHblM flH3aHHOM H 3KCK/lK33WBHblMH
iconice, Tn oaza de relaxare de la LOTUS 6/iK3flaMH b flß yx pocKOLUHbix p e c r o p a -
SPA ori Tncercati-vä norocul la Nuovo H ax, n o c e T m e pacc/iaö/iai-oinH H o a 3 H c
Casino Tn cadrul Radisson BLU Leogrand LOTUS SPA a j \v\ H cn b u aH T e y /ia u y b
Chisinau. K33HHO N u o v o L e o g r a n d .


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

& 49/1, M. Eminescu st r.,
Chisinau, MD-2012 (fÜJtripadvisor
V. (+373 2 2 )4 0 0 400
® Expedier
m (+373 2 2 )4 0 0 444
Das Hotelportal


Nobil Luxury Boutique Hotel is a five-star Nobil Luxury Boutique Hotel este un Nobil Luxury Boutique Hotel -noxa/iyTi,
luxury establishment with 34 rooms for hotel de lux de cinci stele, cu traditjii de CaM bM pO CKO lUHbM nflTI43Be3flO M HbIM
accommodation, a splendid View Cafe ospitalitate, cel mai bun hotel din Mol­ 6 yT H K - 0 Te/ib b Mo/i/toße.
& Restaurant, an English Cigars Club, a dova conform standartelor internationa­ P a c n o / io x e H n e o ie / if l b caM O M u ,e m p e
beautiful Veuve Clicquot Roof Garden le. Hotelul este situat in centrul ora§ului K m u w H e B a y H U K a /ib H o : N o b il L u x u r y
with panoramic views of the city center, Chisinau, detine 34 camere, inclusiv apar- B o u t iq u e H o t e l HaxoflMTCfl b f lß y x r n a r a x
a Conference Room, a Business Centre, tamente Ambasador §i Prezidentiale, un OT 3H aM eH H T0M «Y/lM Llbl H apO ßHO TO
an exclusive SPA Center, a Fitness Room Restaurant Panoramic unic, o terasä cu u c K y c c r e a M o / iß O B b i» , He/j,a/ieKO ot

and a DESSANGE™ French Beauty Salon. vedere panoramicä a ora§ului, un Cigars r/ia B H o i4 n / io m a f ln K w iu w H e B a - P ia t a
Our hotel has a Conference Room with a Club, o Salä de Conferinte §i un business M a rii A d u n ä r i N a t io n a le , b T p e x M M H y ia x
maximum capacity of 30 persons. centru echipate conform celor mai re- XO flbÖ bl ot L)J0 n M H r-3 0 H b l 14 B CaMOM
cente cerinte tehnologice din domeniu. c e p / t q e T e a T p a ^ b H o r o K B a p T a /ia .
The unique location of Nobil Luxury Oaspetii pot beneficia de serviciile unui
Boutique Hotel - in the very heart of the Salon SPA exclusiv, a unui fitness centru, O ie / ib BK/iK 3 M aeT b c e ö fi 34 r o c r e ß b ix
Republic of Moldova's Capital, a couple precum §i a primului salon de frumu- H O M e p a , b to m M uc/ie rip e 3 M A e H T C K n e
of steps away from the famous Folk Art sete DESSANGE™ din Moldova. Locatia a n a p T a M e H T b i, C u ra p H b iw K / iy ö , c a w b iF i
Square, close to the historical Piafa Marii unicä a Nobil Luxury Boutique Hotel-in pocKO LU H biFi n a H o p a M H b iT i p e c T o p a H b
Adunäri Nationale (The Great National inima capitalei, in nemijlocitä apropiere M o/i/],O Be C T e p p a c o w 14 B e /in K O /ien H b iM
Assembly Square), walking distance from de Scuarul Catedralei, aläturi de istorica BHflO M Ha KH LU H H eB, K0H<t>epeHU,-3a/i
the city's largest shopping areas and in Piatä a Marii Adunäri Nationale §i la fl/ifi n p o B e f le H / a fle / io ß b ix B c r p e u
the epicenter of cultural and theatric life, doar trei minute de una dintre cele mai 14 n e p e r O B O p O B , 3KCK^K)3l4BHblM
places it at the top of the list of places mari zone de shopping, TI evidentiazä Tn S P A -LJ,e H T p , <j)l4THeC-14eHTp 14
to stay in Moldova. Here, hospitality and infrastructura ora§ului, pozitionändu-l n e p B b m b M o /i/to B e c a /io H K p a c o T b i
kindness are ancient traditions. Whether Tn topul clasamentului hotelurilordin D E S S A N G E . 3 /te c b r o c r e n p i 4 HMCTBO
you are exploring the history, culture, na- Chisinau. Fie cä explorati istoria, cultura, 14 flo ö p o T a n p e /tc T a ß /ia fO T c o ö o h
ture, food, wine or any other part of our natura, gastronomia, vinurile sau oricare ö e c n p e K o c / io B H b ie Tpa/ti4u,i4H.
small but truly beautiful country, you can alt domeniu al tärii noastre mici, dar cu
always rely on us for all required Services adevärat pitore§ti, fiti sigur cä puteti ape-
and information. la Tntotdeauna la serviciile personalului
nostru pentru a afla o informatie sau
pentru a organiza un eveniment.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

& 12, Dmitrie Cantemir blvd, Booking.coin
Chisinau, MD-2001 igXgJtripadvisor"
V. +373 22 022 222 © E x p e d ie r
e +373 22 022 223

^ 3 123

BERD'S Design Hotel is the first and only BERD'S Design Hotel este primul si BERD'S Design Hotel - nepBbiw a e/tuH-
design hotel in Moldova. Its modern unicul design hotel din Moldova. CTBeHHblM /],H3aMH-0Te^b b Mo/ifloße.
design remains true to the spirit of Designul modern ce poartä semnätura CoBpeMeHHbin AM3aFiH, BbiflepxaHHbm
minimalism thanks to the aesthetic arhitectului italian Luca Scaccetti, B /tyxe MHHMMa/lM3Ma MTa/lbflHCKHM
solution by an Italian architect Luca definit panä la cele mai mici detalii apxmeKTopoM Luca Scacchetti a ero
Scacchetti and his architecture bureau. si urmänd principiile minimalismului AH3awHepcKMM öropo M3 Mw/iaHa,
The palatial decor married with an modern, decorul de exceptie, creat din pocKOLUHbM ßeicop a npon3Be,4eHHfl
exquisite artwork collection that forms adevärate opere de artä ce fac parte UCKyCCTBa A3 COKpOBHU4HMU,bl Ky/lb-
part of the Moldovan cultural heritage, din patrimoniul cultural al Moldovei, TypHoro Hac;ie,4Mfl Mon/toBbi co3/taioT
entice you into the state of serenity and toate creeazä acel sentiment de npodpaHCTBeHHoe omyLueHne 6e3Mfl-
harmony. libertate, liniste si armonie. Datoritä TeXHOCTU, CnOKOMCTBMfl M rapMOHUM.
unei infrastructuri excelente si deservirii
With its 33 sumptuously adorned la cel mai malt nivel, BERD'S devine B BERD'S Design Hotel 33 i/BbicicaHHO
rooms, BERD'S Design Hotel boasts spatiul perfect pentru negocieri, ^eKopupoBaHHbix HOMepa, b t o m unc/ie
three suites that wed heirloom materials Tntälniri de afaceri si receptii oficiale, 3 /lfOKca, KOTopbie com eia hdt b ceöe
with the exclusive furniture by Poltrona un loc care te mdeamnä sä savurezi ö^aropoflHbie MaTepna/ibi, s k c k /i k b m b -
Frau, in perfect balance between high- viata, transformänd chiar si cea mai Hy(o Meöe/ib Poltrona Frau c caMbiMH
tech and craftsmanship, accentuating scurtä sedere intr-o amintire frumoasä. coßpeMeHHbiMM TexHo^orn?iMH, rfle
the Italian motives and heritage of BERD'S Design Hotel dispune de 33 npeBa/inpyHDT mayibflHCKMe MOTUBbi
Moldova. Each room is furnished with camere, inclusiv 3 apartamente de lux. a Ky/ibTypHbie Tpa/tnunn Mo/i/toßbi.
the individual system of air conditioning La decorul acestora, realizat cu mult Kax/tbiFi HOMep ocHameH HH/],HBMfly-
and illumination, accompanied with a rafinament, au fost utilizate materiale a^bHOM CHCTeMOW KOH/tHUMOHHpOBaHHfl
direct phone line, LCD television, a safe nobile, mobilier exclusivist Poltrona a ocBemeHun, Te/ie(J)OHHOM /iwHMew c
and a mini bar. You will be able to make Frau si cele mai noi tehnologii, astfei npflMbiM HaöopoM HOMepa, LCD-Te/ie-
your pick from our pillow menu, choose reusindu-se imbinarea armonioasä BH30P0M, HHflMBH/tya/lbHblM CeMC|X)M A
your down or anti-allergy bedding as dintre motivele italiene si traditiile MMHH-öapoM. Bo Bcex HOMepax npe^-
well as treat yourself to a collection of culturale moldovenesti. Fiecare camerä narai-OTCfl MeHfo noflyweK, nyxoßbie
exclusive bath and body products by este dotatä cu sisteme individuale de aj\a aHTHa^/ieprHMecKHe nocreyibHbie
Aromatherapy Associates. ventilare si iluminare, linie telefonicä npHHafl/iexHoc™, a TaKxe KO/iyieKpHfl
directä, televizor LCD, seif si minibar. 3KCK/1K33MBHOH Tya/ieTHOH KOCMeTHKH OT
öpeHfla Aromatherapy Associates.

Q 0 © © © (J) ©


★ ★ ★ ★

& 58/5, Dacia st r., Chisinau, MD-2062
V. +373 22 625 000,+ 373 60 525 000 (ojigjtripadvisor*

e +373 22 625 002 G l Expedier


Welcome to Prezident! It is a luxury EHoteluI de 5 Stele Prezident din A o ö p o n o x a / io ß a T b b OTe/ib P re z id e n t!
location with an exclusive design Chisinau este o locatie de lux cu design 3 t O pOCKOLlJHOe MeCTO C 3KCK/1K33HB-
where you will sink into a warm and exclusivist, unde vä vefi scufunda HbiM /i,n3anHOM, r/te Bbi n o r p y 3 m e c b b
relaxing atmosphere, forgetting about Tntr-o atmosferä caldä si relaxantä, Ten/iyHD m pacc/iaö/iflKDtnyK) a iM o ccj)ep y,
the urban bustle, enjoying the sun and uitänd de agitatja urbanä, bucurändu- 3 aö b iB o ropo/tcKOM c y e ie , H a o ia x / t a a c b
pool ordelighting in the relaxing spa vä de soare si piscinä in aer über sau co /iH p eM , öaccew H O M , pacaiaö/iflK D Litn-
and wellness therapies. It is located delectändu-vä cu terapii de relaxare in MI4 SPA- M 03/tOpOBMTe/lbHblMH np O -
only 5 minutes from the Gates of zona Wellness & SPA. Este la doar 2 km LteA ypaM n. O re /ib p a c n o / io x e H B c e r o b
Chisinau, Chisinau International Airport distanfä de Ansamblul Portile Orasului 5 M M H yiax e3flbi o t M e x fly H a p o flH o ro
or Botanical Garden of Chisinau. sau Aeroportul International Chisinau. a s p o n o p T a Kw iuHH eBa n BoTaH U M ecxoro
Prezident Edotel has 4 floors, consisting EHoteluI Prezident este structurat in ca/ta. Mbi n p e^ /ia rae M 25 H OM epoB
of 25 rooms of Standard, semilux, lux 4 etaje si dispune de un total de 25 K a ie r o p n n cra H ß a p T , no/iy/ii-oxc, tikdxc m
and suite category. The best hotel in numere de diverse categorii: Standard, cbi-OT. Z 3 OTe/ifi O TxpbiBaeTCfl n a H o p a M -
Chisinau has panoramic views over Semilux, Luxsi Suite. EHoteluI detine Hbiw BMfl Ha « B o p o ia ro p o /ta » , ö a c c e n H
the Gates of Chisinau, pool area or camere luxoase cu vedere panoramicä ajwa 3e^ eH bie /ly x a n x M B o x p y r rocTM-
green spaces around the resort. Also, asupra Portjlor Orasului, piscinei, Hnu,bi. K p o M e T o ro , OTe/ib p a c n o / ia r a e T
the hotel disposes of a wine cellar, a spatiilor verzi amenajate pe teritoriul BMHHbiM n o rp e ö o M , pecT opaH O M H
restaurant and a terrace with European, complexului. De asemenea, dispune T e p p a co Fi c e B p o n e n c K o F i, M O/i/taBcxon
Moldovan and Japanese cuisine, as de o Cramä, Restaurant §i Terasä cu h finoHCKOH xyxH ew , a T a x x e B e /in x o -
well as splendid recreation areas in bueätärie europeanä, moldoveneascä ZienHblMH 30H3M M OTflblXa Ha OTKpblTOM
open-air like swimming pool with a §i japonezä, zone superbe de odihnä B03/],yxe: ö a ccen H O M c n p e x p a c H o F i
wonderful terrace, a private terrace amenajate atät in aer über: terasä si T e p p a c o F i, uacTH oFi T e p p a c o n h TeHHHC-
and a tennis court, and inside also piscinä, cort de tenis, cät si in incinta HbiM KopTOM. B p a c n o p a x e H H M ro cT en
- Persian and Japanese style sauna hotelului: 2 saune si un minunat Lobby ca y H a b n e p cw flcx o M h a n o H c x o w CTH/ie.
and a nice lobby Bar. Prezident is a Bar. EHoteluI Prezident este o combinatie P r e z id e n t - 3 to H ßea/ibH oe c o u e ia H H e
perfect combination of elegance and perfectä de elegantä si confort modern. 3/ieraHTHOCTH h KOM cj)opia. M bi n p e ß -
modern comfort. You will also find a Aici veti descoperi un numär mare ziaraeM 6 o /ib iu o e p a 3 H o o ö p a 3 n e y c/iyr
large variety of 5 star Services, included de servicii prestate la nivel de 5 stele K aTeropH H 5 3Be3,4, BX/UOMeHHblX B
in the accommodation price, such as incluse in pretul cazärii, cum ar fi: CTOHMOCTb npoxM BaH i/ifl: 3 a B T p a x , n a p -
breakfast, parking, and access to pool micul dejun, parcare, accesul la piscinä, KOBKa, ö a c c e n H m cj)MTHec-3a/i, Wi-Fi bo
and to fitness room, Wi-Fi in all rooms accesul la fitness room, internet Wi-Fi B ce x H OM epax m o ö u tecT B e H H b ix M e cra x ,
and public spaces as well as many other Tn toate camerele si spatiile publice si a T a x x e M H o m e flp y rw e y c /iy m .
Services. multe alte servicii.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★


£k 6/2, Trandafirilor st r., Chisinau, MD-2038 BooWngx»m
V. +373 22 574 080 {fyÜJtripadvisor*

« +373 22 574 084


The 5-star hotel Club Royal Park is Complexul hotelierClub Royal Park este rocTUHUMHbiki KOMn/ieKC Club R o y a l Park
located in a quiet and picturesque park situat in parcul linistit si pitoresc Valea p a c n o / io x e H H en o /ta/iexy o t 0 3 e p a , b
Valea Trandafirilor. The high quality Trandafirilor, mconjurat de lacuri cu TnxoFi X M Bon ncH O ki 30H e n a p x a « ß ,o -
service and convenient transport un microclimat unic. Calitatea Tnaltä a /iMHa P o 3» c e r o yHwxa/ibHbiM M i4xpo-
facilities make it the most suitable serviciilor oferite si amplasarea comodä K/iMMaTOM. BbicoKkiK y p o ß e H b c e p ß n c a
hotel for business trips and leisure. transformä hotelul Tntr-o destinatie m y flp Ö H o e, ym 4Ka/ibH oe p a c n o / io x e H n e
Just a few minutes from the business si mai potrivitä pentru cälätoriile de OTe/ifl fle/iaio T e r o npuB/iexaTe/ibH biM
center of Chisinau, but at the same afaceri si vacantele de familie. La doar KaK 6l43HeC-Typi4CTOB, T ax n
time in a peaceful area, where our citeva minute distantä de centrul de ce w e i4 H o ro OTßbixa n T y p w cro B , x e -
guests can wake up at sounds of afaceri al capitalei, totodatä amplasat /ia(OLU,l4X OTXpblTb ß,J\9\ ce ö fl M o/ißO By.
birds, breathing a fresh drop of air. Tntr-o zonä linistitä Tn care te trezesti cu ß ,o /te/io B o ro XBapTa/ia CTO/ii4u,bi c e r o
The hotel Club Royal Park offers for pläcere de la cintecele päsärilor si de aflM14HHCTpaTl4BHblMl4 3flaH143M14 14
our guests 40 ample rooms equipped aerului proaspät, complexul Hotelier 0(j)HCaM14, TOprOBblMM 14 Xy/lbTypHblM14
with everything necessary. A modern Club Royal Park oferä oaspetilor40 de qeH TpaM U B c e r o n a p y M UH yr e3/],bi, a
and cozy restaurant, banquet hall up camere spatioase, dotate cu absolut B o x p y r OTe/ifl - Turnn H a, n o xo i4 , CBexw M
to 150 people, 2 Conference halls for tot necesarul, restaurant modern si B 0 3/iyx n neH kie r n n q . Club R o y a l P a rk
trainings and seminars, Spa zone with confortabil, salä de banchete cu o n p e / y ia r a e T rocT^M 40 p o cx o u jH b ix ,
sauna, indoor / outdoor swimming capacitate panä la 150 de persoane, 2 n p o d o p H b ix H o w e p o B c Be/inxo/ienH biM
pool, tours across Moldova, concierge sali pentru organizarea conferintelor, bi4aom Ha n a p x , ocH aiu,eHH bix Bcei4
Services and free Wi-Fi in all areas of atelierelor de lucru sau seminarelor cu Heo6xo/i,i4Moi4 a ip i4 6 y n 4 x o i4 , co o T B eT -
the hotel. The five stars hotel Club capacitatea pänä la 200 de persoane, o CTByHDLueFi xa ie ro p i4 i4 n a ™ 3 Be3fl, a
Royal Park provides for our guests an zonä de SPA cu saunä, piscinä interioarä T a x x e yroTHbiH co ß p eM eH H b m pecT O -
unforgettable accommodation which / exterioarä, organizarea excursiilor p a H , 6aHXeTHbli4 3a/l BMeCT14Te/lbHOCTblO
will be remembered for the special prin Moldova, servicii de concierge flo 200 u e / io B e x , ABa xoHc()epeHi4-3a^a
atmosphere, comfort and high quality si Wi-Fi gratuit pe teritoriul hotelului. TpeHHHTOB 14 ceM H H a p o B , a T a x x e
Services. Spacious rooms, cozy furniture, Complexul hotelierClub Royal Park S P A -3 0 H y C CayHOH, OTXpblTbIM 14 3 ax p b l-
luxury bed linen and a magical view oferä oaspetilor säi o cazare de neuitat TbiM 6 accei4H aM i4. Ha Bcew T e p p m o p H H
from the Windows to the park. gratie confortului, ambiantei speciale OTe^a HMeeTCfl Oecn/iaTHbiw f lo c iy n b
si calitätii. Camerele sunt spatioase, 1/lHTepHeT. Club R o y a l P a rk o ö e c n e H H B a -
mobilierul confortabil, lenjeria de pat de eT CB014M rOCTflM BblCOMai4UJl4i4 y p o ß e H b
calitate, iar privelistea panoramicä spre OT^bixa, x a u e cT B e H H o e o 6 c / iy x i4 B a H n e
parc extraordi na rä. 14 3 a ö o iy .

O @ O ® O © 0 ©0 O

★ ★ ★ ★ ★


& 140/4, Hincheshti st r.,
Chisinau, MD-2070
V. +373 22 209 660,+ 373 79 209 660.
£ +373 22 288 787

^ 3

Maxim Pasha Hotel is a sophisticate Maxim Pasha Hotel este unul din cele M axim Pasha 9\BJ\9\eic9\ pocKOLUHbiM
five-star hotel with a special architecture mai sofisticate hoteluri de cinci stele, nflTH3Be3,40HHbiM OTe/ieM c npeKpacHoFi
which combines classic elements with cu o arhitecturä deosebitä, ce prezintä apxmeKTypoM, KOTopaa co u eiaeT b ceöe
new, modern tendencies in design. The o combinafie dintre elementele clasice K/iaccuMecKne / HOBbie, coßpeMeHHbie
§i tendinfele noi In design §i proiectare. TeH/teHLtnn b ccj)epe ßi/BaMHa. I/Imepbep
interior realized in eclectic style, with Interiorul realizatTn stil eclectic, cu BbiflepxaH b cm /ie SK/ieKTHKa. Heno-
unique furniture made only for our mobilier unic, accesoriile create de BTopuMbie npe/tMeTbi Meöe/in, aKcec-
hotel, accessories signed by the famous designeri cu renume, semnate Kartell, cyapbi, co3AaHHbie 3HaMeHHTbiMH py\-
Italian house of design Kartell, exquisite lustrele de cristal, draperiile §i sticla 3ai4HepaMH ma/ibflHCKoro flOMa Kartell,
draperies and French glass for wall francezä folositä la finisarea perefilor Be/ll4KO/ienHbie UJTOpbl, TeKCTW/Ib,
decoration create the atmosphere of alcätuiesc atmosfera de lux, care la sigur XpyCTa/lbHbie /lKDCTpbl H (j)paHL4y3CKOe
luxury and noblesse that can satisfy va fi pe placul celor mai exigenfi dien#. 3aKa^eHHoe crex/io, ncno/ib30BaHHoe
even the most exigent dient. At guest's La dispozit;ia oaspefilor no^tri sunt 25 de A/ifl /teKopupoBaHMfi CTeH, cocraB/mi-OT
disposition are 25 rooms fitted with camere dotate cu aer condifionat, un TV eflUHyto KOHLtenpuK) /inoKca m aTMOc-
everything necessary to make their cu ecran plat cu programe prin satelit, cf)epy 6/iaropoflCTBa, KOTopaa npn/teicfi
stay pleasant and comfortable. The un minibar, o baie dotatä excelent §i no BKycy caMOMy B3bicKaie/ibHOMy
air-conditioned rooms all include a cele necesare pentru o §edere pläcutä, K/ineHTy. B pacn op axeH n n K/inemoB
flat-screen TV with satellite channels, un restaurant cu bucätärie nat;ionalä Haxo/tfuca 25 HowepoB, ocHam,eHHbix
a minibar and a well-equipped §i europeanä, un bar cu un meniu vast BceM Heoöxo/tuMbiM npwaTHoro
bathroom. At guest's disposition is also de bäuturi alese, o salä de conferinfe §i npeöbißaHna b oie/ie, p ed o p aH , r^e
a restaurant where is served European un spafiu de relaxare cu saunä §i bazin. no/iaHDTCfi 6/iHD/ta eßponeFicKoFi KyxHH,
cuisine, a bar with a large assortment of Scopul nostru e sä vä sim ^ i bine §i 6ap C H3blCKaHHbIMl4 HannTKaMi/i, koh-
drinks and a wellness zone with saunas sä reveni^i la noi de fiecare datä cind cf)epeHU,-3a^ n 03/topoBHTe/ibHbii4 p em p
and swimming pools. Our purpose is vizitat;i Moldova. c cayHaMU n öaccetfHaMH.
to make you feel good and to choose
Maxim Pasha Hotel each time you will M b i c /te /ia e M Bce & j \ s\ t o t o , m o ö b i y B ac
have the opportunity to visit Moldova. B03HWC/10 x e /ia m /ie BepH yTbC a K HaM


W estern

★ ★ ★ ★


7, N. Anestiade st r.,
Chisinau, MD-2001 (sjlJtrip ad viso r'

+373 22 260 202

+ 373 22 277 244

u i ^ 3

The Best Western Plus Flowers hotel Best Western Plus Flowers Hotel repre- nepBbiM b M o /iß O B e oie/ib, Bxo/tamuM
is the first international chain hotel in zintä primul hotel din Republica Moldo­ b KpynHei4LijyK) Mex^yHapoflHyio ceTb
Moldova. The reconstruction of the va care a aderat la un mare lant hotelier Best Western. Oie/ib pacno/iaraeT 40
hotel was finished in April 2011. The international. In aprilie 2011, au fost fi- HOMepaMM, OÖOpy/JOBaHHbIMM no
hotel was rebuilt according to the best nisate lucrärile de reconstructie. Hotelul caMbiM BbicoKUM craHflapTaM. Mbl
Western international Standards. At the a fost renovat in conformitate cu stan- npefl/iaraeM c b o h m roanM becn/iaimm
present time the hotel has 40 high-class dardele internationale BEST WESTERN 33BTpaK b pecTopaHe oie/ia, Bbiöop
rooms equipped according to modern PLUS. In present, Hotelul dispune de 40 a/ixoro/ibHbix, 6e3a/iKoro/ibHbix
Standards. Two Conference rooms with camere confortabile §i spatjoase, dotate HanUTKOB 14 CHeKOB B M14HI4-Öape
the capacity of 40 and 80 pers. are at potrivit standardelor moderne. Hotelul Kaxfloro HOMepa, B03M0XH0CTb
your disposal for Conferences, meetings dispune de douä sali de conferint;ä öecn/iaTHO Bocno/ib30BaTbca
and seminars. Modern design with destinate Tntrunirilor §i seminarelor cu o TpeHaxepHbiM 3a/ioM n cayHon, yc/iyrn
classical elements and original style of capacitate de 40, respectiv 80 persoane. no cmpice 14 XHMMHcrxe, 6ecn/iaTHbii4
the rooms will create a business-minded Hotelul dispune, de asemenea, de un Wi-Fi 14 npOBOflHOM BbICOKOCKOpOCTHOH
atmosphere and will make your stay at restaurant §i o formidabilä terasä de nmepHeT, Oecn/iaimie 3 b o h k i 4 no
the hotel comfortable and efficient. The varä «KLUMBA». Chelnerii, mereu servi- ropo/ty, LunpoKne paöoune CTO/ibi,
hotel also has a beautiful restaurant and abili, vor oferi micul dejun, pränzul sau 6ecn/iaTHbii4 uai4 n KO<})e b xax/toM
terrace "KLUMBA". Complaisant waiters cina intr-o manierä profesionistä. In pe- HOMepe, cewcj), yc/iym 6i43Hec-u,eHTpa
will always offer you a buffet breakfast rioada caldä, masa poate fi servitä la te- (KOMnbfOTep, 1/lmepHeT, npumep).
(included in the cost of accommoda- rasa hotelului. Barul din hol este un loc fl/m npoBefleHna KOHC^epeHpuFi,
tion), lunch or dinner. Soft light and confortabil unde vä putetj petrece tim- coßeu4aHi4i4, ceMi4Hapoß b rocTWHnqe
calm m usicwill help create a romantic pul über: fie cä servitj o cea§cä de cafea, nMeroTCfi flßa KOHcj)epeHU,-3a/ia
atmosphere and a good mood in Or­ fie cä vä relaxatj cu un cocktail sau avetj BMeCTMTe/lbHOCTbK) flO 80 Me/lOBeK
der to enjoy a dinner, or to celebrate o tntälnire intr-o atmosferä pläcutä. Best Kax^bM. B rocTUHnqe Taxxe ecTb
a significant event. The lobby bar is a Western Plus Flowers Hotel este o com- yK)THbii4 pecTopaH. Bbi He ocraHeiecb
comfortable place where you can spend binatie perfectä Tntre elegantjä §i confort paBHOflyLUHbIMH K LUI4pOKOMy BblÖOpy
your free time: drink a cup of coffee, modern. Dimensiunile mici ale hotelului BKycHei4Lui4x ötihd/], eBponei4CKoi4
enjoy a cocktail, or ju st have an informal vor crea o imagine de neuitat a unui 14 MO/lflaBCKOH KyXHI4 14 K TOMy
meeting in a pleasant atmosphere. hotel de tip Club §i o senza^ie unicä de HCKpeHHeMy BHI4MaHI4K), KOTOpoe K BaM
linkte §i intimitate. npO^BST H3LLI14 COTpyflHMKU.

O © O © O 0 OO©( J)O©O

c ly park

★ ★ ★ ★


& 2a, Eugen Doga st r.,
Chisinau (gjgjtripadvisor*
V. +373 22 249249
£ +373 22 272766

City Park 4 Hotel Chisinau - a luxurious Hotelul City Park oferä cazare in centrul Ore/ib City Park HaxoflUTCfl Ha
hotel (29 rooms) in the heart of the ora^ului Chi§inäu, pe strada E.Doga nemexoflHOki y/imqe b ueHTpe
city, two minutes' walking from the 2A, in inima orasului verde- centrul KmuHHeßa, b 250 Meipax o t
Cathedral and the main Street of istoric de pe aleea pietonalä, Tntr-o Kacj)e/],pa7ibHoro Coöopa. Kyc/iyraM
Chisinau. zonä lini§titä, la distant;a de 100 metri rocTeM öecn/iaTHaa HacTHaa napKOBKa
de Parcul Central §i Catedrala „Na^terea h becn/iaimin Wi-Fi. B MHOie
Attentive staff and the hotel hi-tech Domnului". In apropierea acestui loc yflOÖCTB HOMepOB Te^eBl430p c
style interior will allow you to feel minunat sunt amplasate restaurante nTlOCKHM 3Kp3HOM H COÖCTBeHHaa
comfortable. Convenient location §i cafenele, perfect potrivite pentru BaHHafi KOMHaia c AyiueM. rocraM
allows easy access to any place in o plimbare §i divertisment cultural. npeflocTaB^AHDTca cj^eH, xa/iaTbi h
the city, whether it is a park, theater, La distantä accesibilä pe jos de la TanoHKH. Exe^HeBHO b pedopaHe
museum, administrative building or hotel se aflä Parlamentul, majoritatea OTe/ifl ,4/1a rocTeki no^aeTCf)
business center. The time spent here ministerelor, teatre, Filarmonica 3aBTpaK, BK/lEOUaKDLUHH 6/lK)/l,a
will seem rather quiet and calm. At the Nat;ionalä „Serghei Lunchevici", Sala HHTepHai4HOHa/lbHOki 14 MeCTHOM
same time it offers a wide ränge of cu Orgä, diverse centre comerciale. KyxHH. B BeuepHee BpeMfi b nabe
accommodation and each visitor will be Dimineat;a oaspetilor no§tri Tncepe cu Beräria Chisinäu c x m b o h My3biKOki
able to find a room for himself, whether un mic dejun delicios §i consistent, in n pe^ araeica LiikipoKWki Bbiöop
it is a 1-bed, 2-bed room or a luxury confortabilul restaurant al hotelului HanmKOB. CrowKa perkicTpaqHM
suite. Free private parking and free „Beräria Chisinau". Accesul Wi Fi §i OTKpbua Kpyr/iocyTOMHO. B oiene
WiFi are available. The rooms include a parcarea privatä sunt gratuite. Camerele City Park b o 3 m o x h o pa3Meuj,eHne
flat-screen TV and a private bathroom au TV cu ecran plat §i baie proprie cu flOMaUJHHX XHBOTHblX (nO
equipped with a shower. A hairdryer, du§. De asemenea, aveti la dispozitie npeflBapme^bHOMy 3anpocy).
bathrobe and slippers are provided. halat de baie, papuci si useätor de pär. flonoyiHMTeyibHOM yc/iyroPi aj\r
Receptia localului are program nonstop. rocTeM AB/iaeTCfi npoKaT aBT0M0Öi47i?i.
Breakfast with a variety of options, Hotelul City Park pune la dispozitie PaccToaHHe ß,o Mex/iyHapoflHoro
including international and local cuisine, un serviciu de inchirieri auto, iar gara aaponopia KmuHHeBa cocraB/meT
is served dailyin the hotel restaurant. Chisinau se aflä la mai putin de 10 14 KM. Xe^e3HOflOpOXHbli4 BOK3a/l
Beräria Chisinau Pub with live music minute de mers cu ma^ina. Aeroportul KmuHHeBa Haxoßmcfl b 10 MHHyrax
in the evening offers a wide ränge of International Chi§inäu este situat la 14 e3flbi.
drinks. You will find a 24-hour front desk km de proprietate.
at the premises. Chi§inäu International
Airport is 14 km from the location.


★ ★ ★ ★

32, Alexander Puskin st r.,
Chisinau, MD-2012 ^ © trip a d v iso r
+373 22 90 22 22
+ 373 22 90 22 23

e h ^3 I2JI
BRISTOL Central Park Hotel located Hotelul BRISTOL Central Park, situat la O ie ^ b B r is t o l C e n t r a l P a r k H axoAM TCfl b
200 meters from the Cathedral and 200 de metri de Catedrala Mitropolitanä 200 M e ip a x o t K a c j)e A p a ;ib H o r o C o ö o p a
Central Park öfters the best panoramic „Nasterea Domnului"si Grädina Publi­ m U ,e H T p a /ib H o ro n a p ic a K u m u H e B a . 1/13
view from all rooms. All rooms are ca „Stefan cel Mare" (Parcul Central), o k o h B c e x H o w e p o B , p a c n o / io x e m b ix
placed starting with the 7th to the oferä cea mai bunä vedere panoramicä, B b in ie 7 -ro a T a x a , O T K p b iBaeTC fl
l l t h floor. All 76 rooms are equipped avänd toate camerele amplasate ince- n p e ß o c x o f lH b M bm a n a r o p o f l. B c e 7 6
with air conditioning, flat-screen TV pänd cu nivelul sapte pänä la etajul 11. H O M epO B O C H a m e H b l KOHAMLJ,MOHepOM,
with satellite channels. In each room Toate cele 76 de camere sunt dotate Te/ieBM 3 0 p 0 M C n/IOCKMM 3 KpaH O M M
you will find electric kettle, tea / coffee cu aer conditjionat, TV cu ecran plat si CnyTHMKOBbIMM KaH a/iaM M . B KaXAO M
/ water complimentary, iron and canale prin satelit. In toate camerele H O M e p e Bb i H a M fle ie m3 m hm k, uaM
ironing board, complex bath products, sunt: fierbätor electric, ceai/ cafea/ apä / Kocj^e / B O A y ö e c n / ia T H o , y m o r
bathrobes and slippers, the twin beds complimentar, fier si masä de calcat, m M aAM /ibHyKD A O C Ky, B a H H b ie
can be joined also having a width cosmeticä de baie complexä, halate si n p M H a A /ie x H O C T M , x a / ia T m T a n o u k m .
greater than 2 meters. BRISTOL LUD's ciupici. Paturile fiind twin totodatä pot K p o ß a T M t w in M o ry T ö b iTb co e flM H e H b i
Pub and Restaurant have their doors fi unite, avänd o lätime mai mare de 2 (ujM pM Ha ö o T ie e 2 M e ip o ß ) . /I,BepM
wide open to hotel guests as well as metri. Restaurantul BRISTOL si LUD's BRISTOL LUD's P u b a n d R e s ta u ra n t
for those outside, offering special Pub Tsi au usile larg deschise atät pen- OTKpblTbl K3 K TOCTeM O T e/lfl, T 3 K
and perfect dishes. Conference and tru oaspetii hotelului, cät si pentru cei m / y ifl B c e x x e / ia K 3UJ,MX O T B eA a Tb
meeting rooms are perfectly designed din afarä, oferind bucate desävärsite si cn eu ,M a ^ b H b ie ÖTiroAa u je c |)- n o B a p a .
to create an optimal work atmosphere. deosebite. Sälile de sedintä si conferintä KoHcj)epeHL4-3aflbi MAsaTibHO noAXOAflT
The fitness room is equipped with the sunt perfect amenajate pentru a crea A /ifl C0 3 AaHM fl onTM M aflbHO M p a ö o u e M
most important sports equipment for o atmosferä optima de lucru. Sala de a TM O ccj)epb i. 0 M TH ec-3ayi o c H a m e H
maintaining muscle tone as well as for Fitness este amenajatä potrivit, cu cele coßpeMeHHbiM oöopyAOBaHMeM
relaxation after a busy day. The hotel mai importante aparate sportive atät 3 aHflTMM c n o p T O M , a T a K x e O TAb ixa
reception is at guests' disposal 24 hours. pentru mentinerea tonusului muscular, n o c / ie H a n p f lx e H H o r o a h a . C ro M K a
cät si pentru relaxare dupä o zi Tncärca- perM CTpau,M M o ie f l f l O T K p b u a 24 uaca.
tä. Receptia hotelului este la dispozitia
oaspetilor 24 de ore.

O © @ O O <D

★ ★ ★ ★

& Str. 26, Alexandru Lapusneanu st r., Chisinau
V. +373 22 24 2 129 ©Expedier


+373 22 210 515


Vis Pas Hotel is the place where you are Hotelul Vispas este locul unde oricänd OTe/ib VisPas pacno/ioxeH b caMOM
welcome anytime. The hotel has a long sunteti bineveniti. Acesta are o traditie qeHTpe KmuwHeBa, pfiflOM c flocTonpn-
tradition of hospitality and comfort, Tndelungatä Tn ceea ce priveste MeuaTe/ibHooriMH ropo/ja, a Taxxe c
thus, is offering a high-level Service that ospitalitatea si confortul, astfei oferind KOMMepnecKMMw n 6i43Hecc-u,eHTpaMH.
can meet any of your preferences. The servicii impecabile care pot satisfice AiMoccjiepa ßowaiuHero yKrra, floöpo-
hotel is ideally located close to the main orice preferintä. Fiind amplasat in xe/iaTe/ibHbiw 14 npoc|)ecci40Ha/ibHbii4
attractions, major business Offices and centrul orasului Chisinau, hotelul vä nepcoHa/i cfle/iaoT Kax^biFi /teHb Ba-
shopping malls,which can be reached oferä posibilitatea de a vizita cu usurintä m ero npeöbißaHna b rocTUHnqe VisPas
within minutes. The hotel features 38 cele mai importante atractii turistice, CBeiTlblM 14 H e3aÖ blBaeM blM . rOCTI4HI414a
elegant rooms and suits. Each room centre comerciale si de afaceri. Hotelul p a c n o / ia r a e T 38 3/ieraHTHbiMi4 14 u h py\-
includes: free Wi-Fi, free breakfast, VisPas dispune de 38 de camere si BMAya/lbHO OCj)OpM/ieHHblM 14 HOMepaMH
minibar, free parking. apartamente de lux, fiecare avänd un H anapTaivieHTaM H , n o / iH o c r b o o cH a -
design elegant si clasic. Fiecare camerä LUeHHblMM BCeM HeOÖXOAHMbIM ß,J\9\

The hotel restaurant can sit up to 60 include: free WI-FI, micul dejun, minibar. KOM(j)OpTHOrO npOXI4BaHI4f]. KpaCHBblFi
people and works every day from 7:00- Restaurantul VisPas, care este amplasat p e cT o p a H c ^ByMfi 3ayiaMi4 14 yroTHbie

23:00. Decorated in classic style, the pe teritoriul hotelului, are o capacitate T e p p a cb i - H ^eaTibHoe MecTO, r/ie r o c ™
restaurant offers a cozy atmosphere de pänä la 60 de persoane. Interiorul M O ryT HaC/iafll4TbC3 H3blCKaHHblMl4 6/110-

with calm music playing on the clasic, muzica relaxantä si atmosfera flaMH o t m e c ji-n o B a p a , n o c^ ytu aT b e n o -
background and friendly Service. As prietenoasä creeazä locul ideal pentru KOHHyio M y 3 b x y 14 pacc/ia6i4Tbc?i. BaH -

well, VisPas hotel holds a banquet hall diferite evenimente si mese festive. In KeTHbii4 3a/i Ha 200 no caflO H H bix M ecT
for up to 200 guests, where weddings, incinta hotelului este amplasatä si sala - M ^ea/ibHoe MecTO ß,j\n np o ß e ^ eH H fi

christenings, banquets and fourchettes de evenimente cu capacitate de pänä la cß a/i,e6 14 T o p x e cT B e H H b ix M ep o n p H fi-

can take place. Besides these, the 200 persoane. Pe längä acestea, Hotelul T14M. Tpi4 KOHc})epeHi4-3a/ia rocTMh 1/1u,bi
hotel offers 3 Conference rooms with VisPas detine 3 sali de conferintä, cea VisPas i4/i,ea/ibHO no/i,xo/],fiT p j \r npo-
the capacity of up to 165 people. mai mare fiind de pänä la 165 locuri. BefleH H a KOHc|)epeHi4!4i4, npe3eHTaü,i4i4,
W hetheryou want to hold a meeting, Fie cä doriti sä petreceti o Tntrevedere CjlOpyMOB, CeMMHapOB 14 TpeHHHTOB.
a Conference, a presentation, a training Tn cerc resträns, sä organizati o Tntälnire CaM biH 6o/ibLuoi4 143 h h x B M eutaeT AO
master dass or any other event, our de afacere sau un training, sälile 165 u e /io ß e K .
rooms will create strong value for all of noastre reprezintä o bazä solidä pentru
the occasions. valorizarea oricärui tip de eveniment.


★ ★ ★ ★

& 1, Ciuflea Str., Chisinau, MD-2001
V. +373 22 260 888 (fÜ Strip ad visor

£ +373 22 260 886

reception@manhattan-hotel md

^ 3
The Manhattan Hotel & Restaurant Manhattan Hotel & Restaurant este M anhattan Hotel & Restaurant pac-
is located on 1, Ciuflea Str., opening amplasat in centrul ora§ului Chisinau, cu no/ioxeH b u,eHTpe KmuMHeßa c npe-
a splendid view to the Saint Theodor 0 priveli§te splendidä spre Mänästirea KpacHbiM bh/i,om Ha Coöop CßflTOrO
Cathedral and in convenient proximity Sf. Mare Mucenic Teodor Tiron. In Teoflopa. B6/ih3m HaxoAflTCfi caMbie
to the area's major government and apropiere sunt amplasate cele mai 3H3MHMbie aßMHHMCTpaTMBHbie 3£aHHfl,
business Offices, shopping malls, importante clädiri administrative, clädiri noco;ibCTBa, MHHHdepcTBa, a T a xx e
theaters and cultural attractions, airport. guvernamentale, toate ministerele, 6H3HeC-U,eHTpbl A LUOnHHr-MO/1/lbI
The hotel is ideal for business travelers ambasade, centre de divertisment CTOTlMLlbl. O re Tlb , OTCTpoeHHbIM A O Tfle-
as well as leisure tourists due to its etc. Clädirea constä din 6 etaje care KOpi/ipOBaHHblH B COBpeMeHHOM CTM/ie,
easily approachable location, which includ 21 de numere, inclusiv 18- npe/yiaraeT 21 HOMep, BX/u-OMafi 18
is at the heart of Moldovan Capital, Superior Double, 2- Superior Suite §i flaö/ioB, 2 cbKrra a 1 npe3H/],eHTCxnM
Chisinau. Manhattan Hotel offers 21 1 Apartament Preziden$al. Hotelul HOMep. Bo Bcex Howepax Bbicoxoxaue-
rooms: 18 superior double, 2 superior este decorat in stil modern. Numerele CTBeHHafl HTa/ibflHCKaa Meöeyib, Te/ieBH-
suites, 1 presidential suite. All of the sale sunt utilate cu mobilä si accesorii 30p C n/10CKHM 3KpaH0M A XaÖe/lbHblMH
hotel's rooms are a perfect combination de o maltä calitate, produeätor Italia. xaHa/iaMM, MHHH-6ap, cencj) h öa/iKOH. B
of elegance and modern comfort. Fiecare camerä de la Manhattan Hotel HexoTopbix HOMepax T a x x e ycraHOBTie-
Each room features a flat-screen TV & Restaurant are un TV cu ecran plat cu Ha coöcTBeHHaa rn/i,poMaccaxHafl BaH-
with cable channels, minibar, safe and canale prin cablu, minibar, seif si balcon Ha a oöopyflOBaHa Teppaca. K yc/iyraw
a relaxing balcony. Some also feature relaxant. De asemenea, unele camere rocren OTeyia r/iaBHbm pecTopaH, 6ap
a private hot tub and terrace. Guests oferä cadä cu hidromasaj ,privatä aaa npexpacHaa Teppaca, r/te noflaioT
can enjoy the hotel's excellent facilities si terasä. La fei, aici sunt amplasate H3bicxaHHbie & j\\opß a pa3Hooöpa3Hbie
including a hot tub, game room with Magazinul vestimentar „Elegance", HanMTXH. T a x x e b roc™Hi/iu,e WMeroTCfi
darts, and an airport shuttle service. A Salonul de frumusete „Manhattan", ca/ioH xpacoTbi, CnA-u,eHTp c öaeeew-
tour desk is also available. This modern zona SPA care include: sauna finlandezä, h o m , r/ie m o x h o pacc^aÖHTbca, npeflo-
hotel in Chisinau offers guests free Wi- du§ Charcot, piscina, salon de masaj CT3BHB BblCOXOXB371H(j)HLllHpOBaHHOH
Fi, a sauna, swimming pool and rieh, §i cosmetologie. Hotelul oferä HflHe 3aÖ0TMTbCP O B3LUMX AeTflX. ß,I\9\
buffet breakfast each morning. The vizitatorului posibilitatea de alegere 6 n 3 H ec-M ep o n p n ?iT H H OTe/ib roTOB n p e -
Manhattan's elegant restaurant serves Tntre restaurantul principal, terasä sau flOCTaBHTb TeXHHMeCXH OCHaLU,eHHbie
a variety of fine, traditional cuisine from bar. Acestea sunt deschise atät pentru XOHC()epeHl4-3a^b! BMeCTMTe/lbHOCTbK)
Moldova region. vizitatorii interni d t §i exteriori. flo 70 u e /io B e x .


^ R eg en cy

★ ★ ★ ★

& 17, Sfatul Tarii Str., Chisinau, MD-2012
V. +373 22 999 100,+ 373 78 999 100 ^tnpadvisor-

^ 3

Regency Hotel is a new hotel, built in Regency Hotel a fost deshis in R egency Hotel - HOBbiFi oie/ib, nocrpo-
August 2012 and located in the center august 2012 si este situat in sectorul eHHbiM b 2012 ro/iy b caMOM qeHTpe
of Chisinau in a very quiet and safe ultracentral al Chisinaului, in zona KnujuHeßa Ha o^hoh H3 ero t h x h x m
area. The hotel has a classic style, with sigurä si foarte linistitä. Hotelul este CnOKOHHblX y/IHU,. lOiaCCMMeCKHH ßy\-
spacious interiors and warm colors executat in stil clasic, cu interioare 3aHH, npOCTOpHbie CBeT/lbie KOMHaTbl
thus ensuring a very comfortable spatioase si culori calde, pentru a vä h Tenyibie u,Beia b OT^e^Ke co3flaioT
atmosphere for your stay. At a distance asigura un confort deosebit de linistit yioTHyro aiMoccjiepy h pacno/iaraKDT k
of ju st 5 minutes' walk you will find the pe perioada de sedere. La o distantä cnoKOHHOMy OTflbixy. Ha paccroflHHH
most important official state institutions de doar 5 minute pe jos gäsiti cele mai 5-MHHyTHoFi neiiiew npory/iKH HaxoßfiT-
(parliament, presidency) and in 15 importante institutii oficiale ale statului cfl caMbie BaxHbie a/tMMHHCTpaTHBHbie
minutes you can reach the government (Parlamentul, Presedintia), iar Tn 15 3ßaHHfi (llap^aMeHT, ripe3MAeHTypa),
building. International organizations minute sunteti la Guvern. La fei, sediile MyTb ßa/ibiue - 3,a,aHne flpaBme/ibCTBa.
such as the UN headquarters and the organizatiilor internationale precum M exAyHapo^Hbie opraHW3au,MM, b tom
World Bank as well as the central park ONU sau Banca Mondialä precum Mnc/ie BceMMpHbiFi BaHK, a T a x x e qeH-
of the capital are just 10 minutes away. si Grädina Publica „Stefan cel Mare" Tpa/ibHbiw napK ropo/i,a H axo^ Tca b 10
(Parcul Central) al capitalei sunt la 10 MHHyTaX XOßbÖbl OT OTe/lfl.
Regency Hotel has 43 rooms made at minute distantä. Regency Hotel dispune
European quality Standard equipped de 43 de camere executate la Standard R eg en cy Hotel npe/uiaraei43 H OM epa,
with 32-inch diagonal LED TVs, cable european de calitate, dotate cu televizor ocHaLU,eHHbix b cooTBeTCTBHM c e ß p o -
internet (100 Mb/s) at every work LED cu diagonala 32 inch, internet prin nencK H M H craH /tapiaM M K a u e c r a a , b x a -
desk in room and Wi-Fi in all areas of cablu cu viteza de 100 Mb/s, precum X flO M H3 KOTOpblX MMeiOTCfl Te/ieBM30p
the hotel as well as a minibar. In the si WI-Fi in toate spatiile hotelului, LED 32 flHDMMa, ß o c r y n b 1/lHTepHeT h
restaurant you will discover the delights minibar. In restaurantul hotelului vet;i M H H H -öap. B p e c T o p a H e OTeiifl m o x h o
of traditional and European cuisine, descoperi deliciile bucätäriei tradifionale n o n p o ö o ß a T b 6 /iio fla e B p o n ew cxo i/i m
and your event can be organized §i europene, iar evenimentul dvs. HaU,HOHa/lbHOH MO/lßaBCXOH KyXHM.
in one of the Conference rooms, we poate fi organizat in una din sälile de / Iio ö o r o p o /ia M eponpi/iflTHfl, 6ya,b t o
have capacities for up to 100 people. conferinte cu capacitate de pmä la 100 ceM H H ap , KOH(j)epeHU,HH v\j \a öaH KeT,
Our friendly staff will be available persoane. In serviciul nostru de 4 stele, M OryT ÖblTb OpraH M 30BaHbl B O/JHOM H3
throughout your stay, having as priority pus la punct de un personal prietenos §i KOHcj)epeHU,-3a/ioB O Tena, BM einaK)iiJ,nx
respectful attitude, maximum care and disponibil pe tot parcursul sejurului dvs, flo 100 u e /io ß e K . rip n o p n T eT O M ß o ö p o -
attention to every detail. prioritate au atitudinea respectuoasä, x e / ia ie ^ b H o r o h n p o cjie ccw o H a /ib H o ro
grija §i atentja maximä la fiecare detaliu. n e p c o H a n a OTeyia flB/iflKrroi xoM cjiopT
K a x f lo r o r o c r a , 3 a ö o ia m BHWMaHi/ie x



★ ★ ★ ★

72, Vlaicu Pircalab st r.,
Chisinau, MD-2012 (^y^Jtripadvisor*

+ 373 22 21 26 26
+ 373 22 21 33 79

^ 3

JAZZ Hotel is spectacularly located at Hotelul JAZZ este situat la intersectia O ie y ib JAZZ y^auHO p a c n o / io x e H Ha
the crossroads of streets Vlaicu Pircalab sträzilor Vlaicu Pircalab si Columna §i T$ n e p e icp e cT K e y/inu, ByiaFiKy rib ip K a^ a ö
and Columna, which opens up all the oferä toate avantajele traiului in centrul h Ko/iyM H a, mto O TKpbiBaeT B ce n p e -
advantages of living in the center of the orasului. Hotelul nostru vä intampinä H M ym ecTB a xw3hh b peH Tp e ro p o ß a.
city, with its unique elegant atmosphere, cu o atmosferä elegantä, arhitecturä H e n o B T o p H M aa yTOHMeHHaa aT w o ccjiep a
modern architecture, decoration and modernä, iardotärile §i elementele B K y n e c coBpeM eH H O H apxH Teicrypo H n
the details especially designed to de decor sunt create special pentru a^eraHTHbiM flH3aFiHOM, r/je bc§ n p o /ty -
create memories, not things, by adding a depä§i orice a^teptäri ale client;ilor. MaHO flo M e/ioueFi, cneiqua/ibH O n p e fl-
value to every single detail. Founded Fondat in 2004 si renovatTn luna mai, H a3H aueH bi iy \ a co3flaHHFi c a M b ix ie -
in 2004, and after the transformation 2010, JAZZ Hotel reprezintä astäzi: JAZZ 6bi/i
nn b ix BocnoM H H aH H H . O ie / ib
in May, 2010, JAZZ Hotel today is: 76 76 de camere/apartamente linistite, b 2004 ro/jy h noc/ie n p e o ö p a -
ocH O BaH
quiet, comfortable and elegant hotel confortabile si elegante; un Lobby 30BaHHH b M ae 2010 ro^ a np eA CT aB/iaeT
rooms and apartments; a cozy lobby Bar cu muzicä jazz live; un restaurant COÖOH 76 TMXHX, KOMCj)OpTa6e/lbHblX H
bar with Jazz Live Music; a stylish elegant, cu mäncare delicioasä; douä 3^eraH TH bix rocm HM M Hbix H OM epoB n
restaurant with delicious food; two sali de conferintä; un bussines centru; o a n a p ia M e H T O B , yroTHbiM / io 6 6 w -6 a p c
high-tech Conference rooms; business salä de fitness, sauna §i parcare. Toate XMBOM A X a 3 0 B 0 H My3biKOH, CTH/1 bHblH
center; fitness area with sauna and camerele Hotelului JAZZ sunt mobilate p e cT o p a H c 6/iHD^aMM Ha /ikdöom BKyc,
parking. All rooms at JAZZ Hotel include elegant, includ aer condit;ionat, minibar, flB a BbICOKOTeXHOTlOrMHHblX KOHC^e-
air conditioning, mini bar, TV with televizor LCD cu televiziune prin satelit, peH U ,-3a^ a, 6n 3 H ec-u ,eH T p , cj)MTHec-3a./i
satellite channels, direct dial telephone, telefon direct, safeu electronic, uscätor c cayHOH n napK O BK y. Bo B ce x H OM epax
electronic safe, hair dryer and heated de pär si podea cu Tncälzire in camera OTe/ia JAZZ ecT b KOH/tmqHOHep, m h-
floor in the bathroom. de baie. H H -6 a p , Te^ eB H 3 0p CO CnyTHWKOBbIMM
KaHa/iaM H, np aM ow Te/iecjioH, 3/ieicrpoH -
h bim ceFicj), cjieH h no/i c n o flo rp e B O M b

Q Q 0 Q 0

★ ★ ★ ★

& 35, 31 August 1989 Str.,
Chisinau, MD-2012 ^Stripadvisor-
V. +373 22 232 251
+373 22 234 647

u i ^ 3

Welcome to Dacia Hotel! Experience Vä invitäm la Hotelul Dacia, ca sä Aoöpo noxa/ioßaTb b Dacia Hotel -
the unique hospitality of a hotel with primi^i ospitalitatea aleasä a unui hotel OTe/ib c nmepecHbiMM Tpaflnu,nfiMH n
tradition and history, with the image cu tradifie §i istorie, care vä asigurä o MCTopneiJ pacno/ioxeHHbitf b cawoM
of a reliable and friendly host, well gazduire prietenoasä §i de incredere qeHTpe KnuiMHeBa, pflßOM c üapTiaMeH-
located in the center of Capital, in the si care este amplasat Tn centrul to m , rip e 3 M fleH T yp o M , ripaBMTe/lbCTBOM,
political and economic area of Chisinau. capitalei, Tn regiunea elitei politice MUHMCTepCTBOM 1/lHOCTpaHHblX fle/l 14
Nearby you will find the parliament, §i economice a ora§ului C h ijn äu , EßponetfcKoFi l/lHTerpau,i4i4, Mni-increp-
presidency, government building, aläturi de Parlament, Pre^edinfie, c tb o m KDctm uhm m 3 flaH n eM OOH!
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Guvern, Ministerul Afacerilor Externe
Integration, Ministry of Justice and the §i Integrärii Europene, Ministerul rö c T U H n q a D a c ia n p e fly ia ra e T 8 4 37ie-
UN representation. Dacia Hotel has 84 Justifiei §i reprezentanfa ONU. ra H TH b ix H O M epa: o flH O M e cT H b ie, flß y x -
elegant rooms - single, d oub lejun ior Hotelul Dacia dispune de 84 camere M ecTH b ie, n o / iy / iK x c , t iio k c , a n a p ia w e H -
suit, luxury, apartments equipped elegante: single, double, semilux, lux Tbi, K O T o pb ie p a cn o /iarai-O T k tm x o F i 14
with Standard comfortable furniture, §i apartament, care oferä oaspefilor p a c c ^ a ö /ie H H o F i o 6 c r a H O B K e , o c H a m e H b i
bathroom, individually controlled o atmosferä relaxantä §i lini§titä §i au KO M (j)o p Ta6e/ib H o i4 M e ö e /ib K ), B aH H oFi
heating and air-conditioning system, TV ca dotare: mobilier confortabil, baie, KOMHaTOM, 14HA14Bl4/iya/lbHblM KO H flH -
set with digital international channels, sistem de control individual al aerului q w o H n p o B a H n e M B 0 3 ,4 yxa , q n cjipo B b iM
internet connection WI-FI, direct condifionat §i a cäldurii, TV digital cu M e x fly H a p o flH b iM TeyieBM /jeHneivi, 6 e c -
international phone calls, mini bar, posturi internationale, conectare WI-FI n^aTH b iM 1/lm epHeTOM Wi-Fi, M e x ^ y H a -
hairdryer, bathrobe, hygiene accessories gratuitä, telefon cu linie intemafionalä p o flH o F i Te/iecjioHH oFi CBfi3bi-o, M M H U -öa-
etc. This all will offer to the guests a directä, minibar, uscätor de pär, halat p o M , cjieHOM, xa/iaTO M , ru rn e H n u e c K H M n
quiet and relaxing atmosphere. The de baie, accesorii pentru igienä etc. n p u H a fl/ie xH O C TA M W n t .a . rocTH H Hu,a
hotel offers to the guests: reception Hotelul pune la dispozifia clienfilor säi: n p e flo c T a B / ia e T c b o h m K /in e m a M
24 hours, breakfast - Swedish buffet, recepfie 24/24, mic dejun- bufet suedez, p e c e n n iH 24/24, 3 3 B T p a K «LU B e ^ cKn Fi
room-service, business center, free room-service, business centru, internet cto/1 », r o o m - s e r v ic e , 6 n 3 H e c —u e m p ,
internet with wireless connection, sauna, wireless gratuit, transfer hotel-aeroport- ö e cn ^ a T H b iw 1/lHTepHeT Wi-Fi, c a y H y ,
transfer hotel-airport-hotel, luggage hotel, spatiu pästrare bagaje, parcare, T p a H ccjie p r o c T H H n u ,a -a 3 p o n o p T -r o -
storage room, parking, taxi call, wake up chemare taxi, serviciul trezire, salon C T H H n q a , K a M e p y xpaH eH M fl ö a r a x a ,
service, beauty salon, laundry, cleaning de frumusefe, spälätoria §i curäfätoria C To aH K y, B bi30B T aiccn, y c / iy ry w a k e u p
and ironing service. hainelor etc. c a ll, c a /io H K p a c o T b i, C T n p K y , x n M u n c T K y
m r / ia x K y o f le x ß b i n T.fl.


★ ★ ★ ★

& 23/3, Decebal st r.,
Chisinau, MD-2002 ^Xgjtripadvisor*
V. +373 22 542 076, +373 22 540 493

^ 3

It is a 4 star hotel from Chisinau, with 40 Acest hotel de 4 stele din Chi§inäu, cu 3 t OT 4 -3 B 63/1,0 MH bl 14 O Te/lb c y H U K a /ib -
rooms, an impressive design, TV, WI-FI, 40 camere, cu un design impresionant, HblM AM3ai4HOM 14 40 K 0 M C {)0 p Ta 6 e/lb H b l-
parking all free of Charge. It is situated cu TV cu ecran plat, internet Wi-Fi M 14 HOM epaM M H aXO flUTCfl B OflHOM 143
right near Rose Valley Park. Rooms are gratuit §i parcare gratuitä päzitä n p e C T U X H b lX p a i4 0 H 0 B Kt4LU14HeBa, p fl-
featured with air conditioning, minibar este situat chiar längä pitorescul A o m c X M B o n n c H b iM n a p x o M «flO TlM H a
and a safe. Robe(s), hair dryer and toilet Parc Valea Trandafirilor. Camerele §i P o 3 » , rocTAM O Te/ia n p e / j/ ia r a io T C fl 3 B y -
accessories are free of charge and are suitele spafioase cu aer condi^ionat K0I430/1 M p O BaH H b ie H O M ep a C T e /ie B l4 3 0 -
offered in each bathroom. Rieh buffet ale Hotelului Jumbo sunt dotate cu p o M c n /io cK i4 M 3 K p a H 0 M 14 O e cn/iaTH b iM
breakfasts and Moldovan specialties un birou, minibar §i seif. Un halat de Wi-Fi. K p o iv ie T o r o , OTe/ib n p e f lo c r a B / if l-
are served in the Jumbo's restaurant, baie, useätor de pär §i articole de e T ö e c n / ia m y i- o o xp a t-m e M y io n a p K O B K y .
decorated with stylish lamps. Special toaletä gratuite sunt oferite in fiecare B n p O C TO p H b lX K0HAl4U,140H14pyeM blX
diet options are prepared on request. baie. Bufete bogate la micul dejun §i H O M e p a x n / lto ic c a x O Te/ia Jumbo ecTb
Open for brunch, lunch, dinner, high specialität;i din Moldova sunt servite in n u cb M e H H b M CTO/i, M i4 H i4 -6 a p 14 ce fic j). B
tea, cocktail hour. The railway Station restaurantul Hotelului Jumbo, decorat « a x / j o t f B a H H 0 i4 K O M H a ie e cT b cj)eH, x a -
is 5 minutes of walking from Jumbo cu lämpi elegante. Meniuri pentru diete /ia T n 6 e c n / ia T H b ie T y a / ie m b ie n p u H a fl-
Hotel. Transfers can be ordered at the speciale sunt pregätite la cerere. Deschis z ie x H O C T U . B p e c T o p a H e O Te/ia H a K p b i-
reception on request. Staff are always pentru brunch, pränz, cinä, high tea, B a io T 3 a B T p a K « u iB eflC K H M CTO /i» 14 n o / ja -
incredibly friendly and helpful. Jumbo cocktailuri. Gara Feroviarä Chi§inäu K )T T p a fll4 L ;i4 0 H H b ie M O/lflaBCKM e Ö /llO fla.
Hotel is rated for the best relation price/ §i Centrul Comercial Jumbo sunt la o B /te x o p e p e c T o p a H a n c n o / ib 3 0 B a H b i
quality in entire Chisinau! We have been plimbare de 5 minute de Hotelul Jumbo. CTi4/ibHbie zia M n b i. rio 3 a n p o c y n p e fl-
meeting our guests since April 2011. Transferuri pot fi rezervate la recept;ie /ia r a K )T c a c n e q u a / ib H b ie / tw e T n u e c K n e
24 de ore. Jumbo Hotel a Tntämpinat Ö/lHDfla. X e /ie 3 H O flO p O X H b li4 B 0 K 3 a /l
clientii incepänd cu aprilie 2011. Kl4LiJ14HeBa 14 TO p rO B O -p a 3 B /ie K a T e /lb H b ll4
u ,e H Tp Jumbo H a x o A H T ca b 5 M U H y Ta x
xo^ b öb i ot Jumbo n p u H H -
o T e /ifi. O T e /ib
M a e T ro c T e w c a n p e / ifl 2011 ro / ja .

Q Q 0 Q 0 Q 0 0

★ ★ ★ ★

& 7, Arborilor st r., Chisinau, MD-2025
V. +373 22 840 484, +373 78 840 484. (fÜ Jtrip a d viso r

f a x :+373 22 840 485 GExpedier


U l ^ 3

Welcome to the first designer WEEKEND Bine atj venit la primul hotel construit W eekend Boutique Hotel - nepßan
BOUTIQUE HOTEL which is built in a dupä un stil unic de arhitecturä §i flM3aMHepcKaa rocri4Hi4u,a, KOTopaa
unique style of architecture. The hotel is design-Weekend Boutique Hotel. OT/inMaeTCFi CBoeo6pa3Hoi4 apxm eK-
located in the vibrant heart of Chisinau, Hotelul este situat in centrul vibrant Typotf 14 HenOBTOpHMblM /],H3ai4HOM,
nearthe commercial centre Shopping al Chisinäului, aproape de Shopping coueiaHneM K/iaccuuecKoro ctm/ih
MallDova close to main attractions, MallDova. Este un centru atractiv CO CT14/ieM 3nOXl4 M3pi4/114H MOHpO.
major business and entertainment principal, central de afaceri si de Oieyib pacno/ioxeH b caMOM cep^qe
centers. The hotel has an attractive divertisment, oferind posibilitate KniiJHHeBa, paflOM c r/iaBHbiwn a o c to -
location that offers easy access to oaspetilor de a accesa rapid orice punct npi4MeMaTe/ibHOCTaMi4, KpynHbiMH qe-
everywhere in the city. WEEKEND al orasului. Hotelul oferä 23 camere de /lOBbiMH qempaMU m caMbiM KpynHbiM
BOUTIQUE HOTEL works round the diferite tipuri: camere Standard precum ToproBO-pa3B/ieKaie/ibHbiM qempoM
clock. Check in time is at 14.00 and si camere de lux. Toate camerele din ropoqa Shopping M allDova. B oie/ie 23
check out is at 12. 00 p.m. local time. hotel sunt dotate cu: aer condifionat, TV HOMepa: o^HOMecTHbie, qByxMecmbie,
The hotel offers 23 comfortable rooms satelit, safeu, minibar, telefon, ineuietori ceMei4Hbie, no;iy/iK)KC, /ihdkc. B o Bcex
of various types, including single and electronice. Camera de baie este dotatä HOMepaX rOCTl4H14Ll,bl eCTb Te^e<j)OHbl,
double Standard rooms, superior double cu useätor de pär §i toate cele necesare. CMCTeMa K0H/],l4l4l40Hl4p0BaH14fl B03flyxa,
rooms, family room, also junior suites In camerä existä loc convenabil de lucru cnyTHHKOBoe Te/ieBM^eHne, ceföcj)bi, m h-
and deluxe room. All hotel rooms have §i internet WI-FI. Hotelul dispune de Hn-6ap. Bam-iaa KOMHaia obopy^oßaHa
telephone, air -conditioning, satellite douä restaurant: Tiramisu §i Sakura, Cf)eHOM 14 Heo6xoqi4MbiM14 Tya/ieTHblMl4
television, safe and mini-bar. The avänd o varietate largä de bucate npi4Ha/uiexHocrflMi4. flB e p n HOMepoB
bathroom is equipped by hair-dryer din bueätäria europeanä, japonezä §i OCHaLUeHbl 37ieKTpOHHblM 14 33MK3M14. B
and all the necessary toilet accessories. moldoveneascä. In sezonul de varä e HOMepe npe^ycMOTpeHO yqoÖHoe pa-
The doors are equipped with electronic deschisä terasa. öouee MecTO n W i-Fi. B OTe/ie paöoTai-OT
locks. The room provides a convenient ABa pecTopaHa: b «TupaMucy» noqaioT
work place and Wi-Fi internet. The ö^HDfla eßponei4CKoi4 n MO/iflaBCKofö
hotel has two restaurants Tiramisu KyxHH, b «CaKypa» - TpaßnquoHHbie
and Sakura, having a wide variety of ö^HDfla anoHCKOki KyxHU.
dishes of European cuisine, Japanese
and Moldavian. In the summer terrace
is open.


★ ★ ★


ft 110, Grenoble st r., Chisinau
V. + 373 22 288 003 ® Expedier

£ 022280479 *
■ vilaverdechisinau@

ui ^ 3

We care about our clients. Villa Verde Hotelul Vila Verde este reprezentat de O re /ib V ila V e rd e - s t o coB p eM eH H b in
Hotel & Tourist Complex is represented un ansamblu din 3 clädiri cu arhitecturä 3 -3 T a xH b iFi rocTHHMMHbiFi KO M n/iexc
by an ensemble of 3 buildings with modernä, terase §i galerii. Arhitecturä c /leTHew T e p p a co w n cobcreeH H O M
terraces and Painting Gallery. The elegantä §i sofisticatä cuplatä cu design­ KapTMHHoFi ra /ie p e e w , p a c n o / io x e H H b in
hotel was opened in 2001 and we are ul interior armonios vä creazä o senzafie B c e r o b 10 MMHyTax e3/ibi o t M e x / jy -
considered among the first hotels de confort §i satisfactie. Hotelul este H a p o ß H o ro a s p o n o p T a K m iiH H eB a a

assigned with 3 stars category in amplasat tntr-o zona linistitä, Tntr-un B o T a H n u e cK o ro c a fla . np o flyM aH H b M
Republic of Moldova. We are located cartier de elitä nou construit la 10 flo M e /io n e n , 3 /ie ra m H b m flM3aFiH
10 min drive from downtown, ju st a minute de mers cu ma§ina spre centrul HOM epOB, KOM(j)OpTHbie yC/lOBHfl n
5-minute drive from Chi§inäu Botanical capitalei, aeroportul international 6e3ynpeM H biw c e p ß n c - t o , 3a mto H ac
Gardens and the scenic Tradafirilor Park, Chi§inäu, gärile auto §i cea feroviarä. La u,eH?rr rocTU o ie / ia . rocTPM n p e flo c T a ß -
in a newly built residential area. Elegant restaurantul de la Vila Verde se servesc /ifli-OTCfl öecn/iaTH biw Wi-Fi a 6 ecn/iaTH afi
and sophisticated architecture and specialitätj moldovene§ti, iar dimineafa napKOBKa. B p e c T o p a H e OTe/ifi V e r d e
harmonious interior design will make se oferä un bufet de mic dejun. La barul ce p ß n p y e T C fl 3 aB T paK «LUBeflCKHW cto /i» ,
you feel very warm and comfortable. din hol sunt disponibile gustäri u§oare, TaM x e m o x h o OTBe^aTb BK ycH bie 6/iro-
Classically furnished rooms at Vila Verde cafea §i cocktailuri exotice. ß ß M o^flaBCKoti KyxHU. B / i o 6 6 n - 6 a p e
are air conditioned, and are equipped Camerele de la Vila Verde au mobilier m o x h o 3aKa3aTb zierK H e 3aK ycK H , Kocj/e
with a cable TV and refrigerator. All have clasic, aer conditjionat, TV prin cablu a 3K30TH M ecKne KOKTew/iH. B ce 8 7 h o -
a balcony and a private bathroom with §i frigider. Toate au balcon §i baie M epoB OTe/ip V ila V e r d e ocjiopM /ieHbi
hairdryer. Free Wi-Fi and free parking privatä cu useätor de pär. Confortul B K/iaCCHMeCKOM CTH/ie A OCHaiU,eHbl
are offered here. Pleasant and always dumneavoasträ este important pentru KOHflnu,MOHepoM, Kaöe/ibHbiM Te/ie-
at your disposal staff will assist you in noi §i de aceea vom face tot posibilul BMAeHHeM, X0/10flM/lbHMK0M. Bo BCeX
any matter. sä vä oferim numai servicii de Tnaltä H O M epax ecTb öa/iKOH a OTfle/ibHaa BaH -
calitate, iar personalul amabil si primitor, H aa KOMHaTa C cJjeHOM. KOMCjlOpT rOCTf!
Tntodeauna o sä vä ajute in orice Mbi u,eHHM n p e B b iiije B c e r o a /je/iaeM
problemä. aÖCO/lHDTHO B c e , HTOÖbl « a x / jo M y rOCTK)
no H paBM /iocb y Hac!


★ ★ ★

& 3/1 Lev Tostoi Str., Chisinau,
Moldova, MD2001 ©Expedier
V» +373 22 902 090, 373 789 020 20 (fylitripadvisor*

£ +448721158866
Ü k


Thomas Albert hotel is located in the Hotelul Thomas Albert, construit Tn Ore/ib Thom as A lb ert, BBefleHHbiH b
historical center of the city ju st minutes anul 2016, este situat Tn partea istoricä 3Kcn/iyaTaL4MK) b 2016 ro/ty, pacno/io-
away from the Stefan cel Mare Street a Chisinaului, la 500 de metri distantä XeH B HCTOpMUeCKOM M3CT14 Kl4UJi4HeBa,
- the main Street of Chisinau. Based de bulevardul Stefan cel Mare si Sfint- b 500 M eipax o t n p o cn e xia LLlTec^aHa
on the unique and real concept of strada centralä a capitalei Moldovei. ue/i M ape - qeHTpa/ibHOH y/inu,bi c t o / ih -
personal touch in every detail turned Hotelul Tntruchipeazä conceptul unic u,bi Mo/iflOBbi. Ore/ib BonyiomaeT b ceöe
around our customers, the hotel, built «personal touch» prin fiecare element yHMKa/ibHyi-o KOHpenquio «personal
recently in 2016, öfters 20 high-class al decorului si prin micile detalii ce touch» b Kax/i,OM a/ieMeme um epbepa
rooms equipped according to modern räsfatä oaspetii. La dizpozitia oaspetilor m AeTa/iax, KOTopbie o x p y xa io T Haiunx
Standards. The rooms include a flat- sunt puse 20 de camere deluxe, utilate K/ineHTOB. Kyc/iyraM rocreFi 20 HOMe-
screen TV, iron and iron board, full conform standardelor moderne. Hotelul poß BbicoKoro x/iacca, oöopyqoBaHHbix
orthopedic mattresses and a pillows dispune de dotäri necesare organizärii no coßpeMeHHbiM craHflapiaM . Oie/ib
menu. You will also find a minibar, ice de evenimente MICE cu capacitatea de OTBeuaeT craHflapTaM MICE fl/ia op-
basket, a coffee machine and an electric pänä la 40 de persoane: 20 camere de raHH3au,nn m npoßeßeHWfl pa3/ii4MHbix
kettle. The private bathrooms come with diferite categorii, o salä de conferinte MeponpnaTI4i4 BMeCTHTe/lbHOCTbK) AO 40
free toiletries. Hotel has a complex of modernä cu o zonä dedicatä pauzelor ue/ioBex: 20 HowepoB pa37U4MHoi4 xaie -
MICE organization facilities and öfters de cafea, set complet de echipament rop nn , coßpeMeHHbm xoHcj)epeHLJ,-3a/i
to the guests 20 rooms of different tehnic. Zona parterului isi intampinä c n/ioiu,a/tKoi4 p,j\9\ xoc})e-6pei4x m no/i-
categories, modern Conference hall with oaspetii intr-un spatiu deschis ce hbim KOMn/iexT oöopyflOBaHU?). B OTe/ie
a coffee-break lobby which is equipped intruneste barul, receptia non-stop si paöoTaioT 6 ap, xpyr/iocyTOHHaa crowxa
with all necessary appliances, meeting/ magazinul de suvenire. La dispozitia perncTpaLiwn n cyßeHnpHbiw Mara3HH.
banquet facilities with a capacity up oaspetilor sunt puse la fei biroul de T a x x e b p acn op axeH u n rocreM sxc-
to 40 participants. For us, hospitality is turism receptorsi serviciile concierge. xypcnoHHoe öiopo, 6i4/ieTHa?i xacca
not just a high quality service, but also Pentru noi, ospitalitatea nu este doar 14 yc/iym xoHCbepxa. j\j\s\ Hac rocre-
a warm atmosphere, where guests feel un serviciu de maltä calitate, dar de npi4l4MCTBO - 3TO He TO/lbXO BbICOXOe
like at home, be it a business trip or asemenea, o atmosferä caldä, unde xauecTBO oöc/iyxi4BaHi4fl, h o h Ten/iaa
visiting Moldova for holidays. oaspetii sä se simtä „ca acasä" indiferent aiMoccjiepa, r/te rocrn uyBCTByi-OT ceöa
de scopul cätoriei, fie business sau xax flOMa, öy/tb t o /te^oBaa noe3flxa
turism. 147114 OT/l,blX.

• 000000000^0

★ ★ ★ ★

& 18, Cojocarilor Str.,
Chisinau, MD-2001
t. +373 22 999 199.+ 373 68 88 99 83

^ 3 123

A perfect place in the center of Chisinau Un loc perfect pentru a vä relaxa Tn 1/lflea/ibHoe Mecro b q em p e Kumm-ieBa
with everything you need to discover inima orasului plin de viatä, Tn care CO BCeM, HTO HyXHO, MTOÖbl OTKpblTb
Moldavian hospitality. Located in the veti gäsi tot de ce aveti nevoie. Situat /yia ceöfl MO/i/jaBCKoe rocrenpnuMCTBO.
center of Chisinau, Familion Apart-Hotel Tn centrul Chisinaului, Familion Apart- Pacno/ioxeHHbiiT b caMOM u e m p e
offers modern apartments with a very Hotel oferä apartamente moderne, cu KuLUMHeBa, Familion npe/yiaraeT
refined design and fully equipped with un design rafinat, completat cu cele coBpeivieHHbie anapiaM em bi c
the latest technologies. We offer three mai noi tehnologii. Oferim trei tipuri H3blCKaHHblM AH3aTlH0M, nO/lHOCTbK)
types of apartments: double Studio de apartamente: apartamente Double oöopyAOBaHHbie no noc/ießHeMy
apartment, Studio apartment and twin Studio, Studio si apartamente Twin. cyioBy TexHUKM. Mbi npe^/iaraeM Tpn
apartments. Each apartment has a king Fiecare apartament are un pat king-size BMfla anapTaivieHTOB: ßßyxMecrHbie
size bed (two separated beds in twin (douä paturi separate Tn apartamentul anapiaMeHTbi-CTyflno, anapTaMembi-
apartments), bathroom, air-conditioning Twin), baie proprie, aer conditionat si TV. cry/jno n anapTaMembi twin. B Kax^oTi
and TV. Of course every apartment Fiecare apartament are acces la internet KBapTupe ecTb flBycna/ibHaa KpoßaTb
has free WiFi-access. Familion Apart- prin Wi-Fi gratuit. Familion Apart- (flBe OTße/lbHbie KpOBaTM B KBapTMpe
Hotel also provides premium bed linen Hotel oferä lenjerie de pat premium tw in), Bam-iafl KOMHaTa, KOH/i,mj,MOHep
and included breakfast. It's a perfect si mic dejun inclus. Este o alternativä n Te;ieBH3op. B anapTaM em ax
alternative to an ordinary and quite perfectä cazärii la un hotel obisnuit. öecn/iaTHbiti flocryn k W i-Fi. Familion
boring hotel accommodation. Familion Termenii nostri de Tnchiere flexibili vä T a x x e npeflocTaß^aeT cb o h m rocr^M
Apart-Hotel's staff will do everything to oferä o petrecere a timpului magicä Tn nocreTibHoe 6e/ibe K/iacca npeMnyM n
please our guests and make their living apartamentele noastre indiferent dacä BK/iK)MeHHbm 33BTpaK. Fam ilion Apart-
in our apartments the best thing that este o noapte, douä säptämäni sau chiar Hotel -n p e x p a cH a a anbTepHaTUBa
ever happened in their life. Because of cäteva luni. La noi vä veti simti ca acasä! pa3MeLU,eHnio b oöbim-iow rocTMHuqe.
our flexible lease terms, you can spend TnÖKue yc^oBna apeHßbi no3BO/mT Baw
a magical time in our apartments, BO/iLueÖHO npoßecTM BpeM?i B HaiilMX
whether it is one night or a couple of anapiaMeHTax, 6y/i,b t o oßHa Houb,
weeks or even months. Stay with us and He/je/ia m/ia fla x e Mecau,. OcraBaFiTecb c
make yourself at home! HaMM n MyBcreyFiTe ceöa KaK flOMa!


★ ★ ★ ★


& 26, A.Bernardazzi str, Chisinau MD-2001
V. +373-22 545 954. +373 79 797 995 t^ strip advisor-

« +373 22 275 667 GExpedier

■ OHRS Das Hotelportal

Mini-hotel OLSI is created for you, being Olsi este creat anume pentru r o c r n H u iq a O L S Iy ^ a M H O p a c n o / io x e H a b
hidden from a noisy city, plunged into Dumneavoasträ, pentru ca ascunzmdu- c a M O M q e H T p e r o p o ß a 14 b t o x e Bpew a
atmosphere of silence to take pleasure vä de gälägia ora^ului, sä vä cufundafi c n p f l T a H a o t m y M H b i x y / in u ,. F l a i u n r o e r n
in the present rest added with affinity Tntr-o atmosferä calmä §i relaxantä. La n o r p y 3 flT C fl b a i M o c c ^ e p y T m u n H b i 14
lini§tea §i odihna adeväratä de care r a p M O H u n 14 o q e H f l T n o A o c r o i 4 H C T B y

Spa&Beauty centers OLSI. Street vefi avea parte, se adaugä apropierea H a C T O fl LU 1414 O T A b lX , O C O Ö e H H O b c o u e i a -

Bernardazzi - the historical city centre, imediatä a Spa&Beauty centers OLSI, H 1414 C M H O r O O Ö p a 3 H e M 14 B b lC O M a M LU M M

leaving the measured life of turmoil of a lucru ce vä va oferi posibilitatea de a K a u e c T B O M n p o u , e , a , y p 14 p m y a f l O B SPA

modern city. Eiere there is a place where savura pläcerea diverselor proceduri & B e a u ty C e n te rs OLSI. r i p i 4 B e T / ii4 B b it4

it is always quiet and cozy where people Spa, ori de cTte ori vetj dori acest lucru. nep co H a/i n o M o xe T B a w B b iö p a T b

are always glad and look forward to Strada Bernardazzi constituie centrul T i loöoh 143
22 H o w e p o B (7 - D e l u x e
seeing you. The affable personnel will istoric al ora§ului, ce se deosebe§te Room, 12 - S t a n d a r d Room, 3 - Twin), b
help you to choose any of 22 numbers printr-o viafä calmä Tn Tnvälmä§eala K O T O p O M Bbl n o ß O C T O M H C T B y 0 U ,e H 14T e

(7 - deluxe room, 12- Standard room ora^ului modern. Doaraici putefi C n O K O M C T B M e , y h O T 14 K O M < f)O p T H O M e p O B .

3- twins) in which you can experience gäsifi locul lini§tit unde vä este mereu B c e H O M e p a o c H a tu ,e H b i A B y c n a / ib H o i4

calmness, a coziness and comfort. All confortabil §i pläeut, unde personalul KpO BaTbK) (19 H O M e p O B ) 14/114 O T f l e / l b -

rooms are equipped with double bed vä TntTmpinä cu bucurie §i amabilitate H b lM M K p O B 3 T flM l4 (3 H O M e p a ), n H C b M e H -

(19 rooms) and separate beds (3 rooms), de fiecare datä §i unde suntetj a§teptafi H b lM C T 0 /1 0 M , U JK a c j)O M , MI4 H I4 - 6 a p O M ,

desk, wardrobe, mini-bar, individual safe cu neräbdare. Personalul ospitalier al H H / l,14B l4 f l y a / lb H b l M C e i4 Cj)0 M , K 0 H A 14U,140-

box, air conditioning, TV, Wi-Fi internet hotelului vä va ajuta sä alegetj una H e p O M , T e 7i e B I 4 3 0 p 0 M , Ö e c n p O B O ß H b l M

connection, phone. The bathroom is din cele 22 camere (10- Delux, 7- AociynoM b PlHTepHeT, Te^ecj)OHOM.
equipped with shower, Jacuzzi bath and Standard, 2- Econom, 3- Twin) Tn care BaHHaa KOMHaTa oöopyuoBaHa AyweM,
shower cabin, depending on the room Dumneavoasträ vefi putea aprecia la A X a K y 3 l4 14 A y L U e B O M K a 6 l4 H O i4 , B 3 a B 14-

type. Taking into account your wishes, justa valoare lini§tea §i confortul odäii. C 14M O C T 14 O T T H n a H O M e p a . f l p i 4 H l4 M a P

breakfast, which enters into number Toate camerele sunt dotate cu pat bo B H H M a H H e B a lu n n o x e / ia H H f l, ö y u e T

cost, will be offered. It can be yoghurts dublu, birou, dulap, minibar, casetä n p e / y i o x e H 3 a B T p a x , K O T o p b in b x o a h t b

and porridges, tea or coffee, sweet rolls. individualä Tn condifii de siguranfä, CTO H M O CTb H O M ep a. B OLSI T 14X 0 14 y i o T -

aer conditionat, TV, Wi-Fi conexiune, ho, 3A e c b B c e r ^ a x u y T B a c .

telefon. Baia este dotatä cu dus, baie
jacuzzi si cabinä de dus, Tn funefie de
tipul camerei. Micul dejun este inclusTn
preful camerei.


★ ★ ★

2, Negruzzi Square,
Chisinau, MD-2001 (fÜJtripadvisor*

+373 22 837 505 Q Expedier

+ 373 22 542 757

ui ^ 3

We are delighted to welcome you to Avem deosebita pläcere sä vä spunem O r e ;ib Cosmos y/jaMHO p a c n o / io x e H b
the Cosmos Hotel! Our hotel is situated „Bun venit" la hotelul Cosmos! Hotelul u e H T p e K u L U H H e ß a , b6/u4314 K y/ib T yp H o w ,
at the heart of Chisinau, the Capital nostru este situat in inima C h ip ä u lu i, a flM U H U crp a T M B H o F i 14 fle / io ß o w M a cru
of Moldova. It is perfectly located for capitala Moldovei. Dispunem de r o p o f la . f l o a a p o n o p ia m o x h o ß o e x a T b
access to business centers, cultural amplasarea perfecta care asigurä B c e r o 3a 15 M U H yT 14 M e rte e u eM 3 a 5
institutions and much more. Chisinau accesul la centrele de business, la MMHyT flo x e ^ e 3 H O ß o p o x H o r o b o k -
airportis only 15 minutes and the in stitu p e culturale, etc. Aeroportul 3 a /ia . n p e K p a c H b M c r a p u H H b iF i n a p K
railway Station is less than 5 minutes C h ip ä u se aflä la o distant;ä de numai « p / I H H a P 0 3 » HaXOflM TCfl b 15 M U H yTa x
away from our hotel. The large Valea 15 minute, iar Gara Feroviarä e la mai xo /i,b 6 bi o t OTeyifl 14 n ^ ea /ib H O n o /ixo /iM T
Trandafirilor Park is a 15-minute walk p u p de 5 minute depärtare de hotelul n p o r y / io K 14 n u K H U K O B , T o cT U H u p a
away and is perfect for walks and nostru. Cosmos vä oferä posibilitatea n p e f l/ ia r a e T r o c ra M 150 H O M epoB, ep e -
picnics. Also Hotel Cosmos is a 5-minute de a opta pentru una din cele 150 py\ KOTOpblX UMehOTCfl O flH O M eC TH bie,
walk from the St. Theodor Tiron Church. de camere pe care le avem: double, A B y x M e c T H b ie H O M ep a 14 K O M p p i a -
The hotel offers a choice of 150 rooms: single, apartamente cu 2 si 3 camere. ö e ^ b H b ie a n a p T a M e H T b i c BaH H O H v \ m
single, double and twin rooms, as Camerele dispun de baie cu du§ sau A y ilje M , KOHflHLl,M OHepOM , CnyTHM KOBbIM
well as two-room and three-room cadä, aparate de aer co n d ip n at, TB, T e / ie c p H O M , p a ^ n o , M M H U -ö a p o M ,
apartments. The rooms provide bath televiziune prin satelit, telefon, radio, c e n c p M m flo c T y n o M b R lH Te p H eT. B
or shower, air conditioning, satellite TV, acces la Internet, minibar. Alte servicii H O M e p a x T a x x e e c T b ö a / ix o H . r o c ™
telephone, mini-bar, radio, free Wi-Fi in §i mijloace de deservire: re c e p p 24/24 O Te/ifl M o ry T H a c /ia flU T b c a n p e K p a c H b iM
rooms. Further Services and facilities: ore, curätätorie, pästrarea bunurilor, n a H o p a M H b iM b m aom Ha CTO /inu ,y M o /i-
reception 24/24, laundry, luggage depozitarea bagajelor. Restaurantul ß O B b l, KOTOpblH O T K p b lB a e T C fl 143 OKOH
storage, safe-box, free guarded parking. hotelului vä oferä posibilitatea de a H O M ep a . K a x f l o e y i p o b O Te/ie Cosmos
Its nice spacious restaurant offers you a savura mäneäruri n a p n a le , precum c e p B M p y e T C fl 3 a B T p a K « iuB e,4C Ki4i4 c t o / i» .
various selection of local and European §i pe cele ale bucätäriei europene. La r ip o c T o p H b iF i C B e i/ ib in p e d o p a H T a K x e
cuisine for lunch and dinner. noi ve^i gäsi a te n p specialä acordatä O TKp blT Ha O Ö e fl 14 yX14H , 3 fle c b M O XH O
oaspetllor §i cäldura cu care personalul n o ö a / io ß a T b c e ö fl 6 /110,4a m h e ß p o n e n -
va raspunde la toate solicitärile dvs. Vä CKOH 14 H a i4 1 4 0 H a /lb H 0 l4 K yX H l4.
a^teptäm cu drag!


★ ★ ★

& 4, Mitropolit Petru Movila st r.,
Chisinau JgÜJtripadvisoi"
V. + 373 22 23 35 23,
e 373 2223-35-22,
■ receptionist@

Hotel Luna is situated in one of the Hotelul Luna este amplasat in unul Foc™Hnu,a Luna pacno/ioxeHa b u o h -
quietest locations in the center of din cele mai lini§tite cartiere in centrul Tpe r o p o ß a KmuwHeBa, Henoßa/ieicy o t
the city, not far away from a lot of ora§ului, Tn imediata apropiere de MHorounc/ieHHbix noco/ibCTB, Ilpe3w-
embassies, presidency, parliament and ambasadele sträine, Pre§edent;ie, Aemypbi, napTiaMema, npaBme/ibCTBa
government buildings, representing Parlament^ Guvernului Republicii Pecnyö/inKH Mo/i/toßa, rocTi4Hi4u,a pac-
an ideal solution during a business Moldova. Acest hotel lini§tit de 3 n o ;iaraeTl9 npocropHbiMH HotviepaMM,
trip or leisure in Republic of Moldova. stele din Chi§inäu oferä un restaurant KaXflbIM 143 KOTOpblX OÖyCTpoeH KOM-
Drivers are only about 10 minutes away gastronomic cu terasä si grätar, camere 4)opTa6e/ibHoi4 Meöe^bro. 3aBTpaK, nap-
from the Chisinau National Opera. izolate fonic cu aer conditjonat, Tncälzire KOBKa, exe^HeBHaa yöopxa HOMepa a
The hotel disposes 19 comfortable autonomä, plasä de t;änt;ari, TV prin yc/iym LlHTepHeTa bxoaatb CTOMMOCTb
rooms with all facilities necessary for satelit §i parcare privatä gratuitä. Hotelul n p o x i4 B a H i4 a . I o c t u , ocra H O B U B LU n ecfl
a guest to spend the most beautiful dispune de 19 camere spatjoase, fiecare b oie/ie Luna, MoryT paccMMTbiBaTb Ha
moments in our country. The rooms dotate cu mobilier comod §i modern. c/ie/tyK>Lnne yfloöcTBa b HOMepe: k o h -
are equipped with modern furniture. Micul dejun, parcarea §i serviciile Ai4u,M0Hep, <j)eH, xa/iai, Tya/ieTHbie npw-
The breakfast, housekeeping, parking internet sunt incluse Tn pret;ul cazärii. Ha^exHOCTH, no/inpoBKa oöyBH, ceTKa
and Wi-Fi are included in the price Camerele spatjoase includ o zonä de o t KOMapoB, Te/iecj>0H, cnyTHHKOBoe
per room. Our guests have in their relaxare confortabilä cu o canapea, un Te-neBMfleHne, Wi-Fi, cewcj), aBTOHOMHoe
room air conditioning, heating system, minibar §i un birou. Au baie privatä cu OTOn^eHMe, 3ByK0H30^flU,l4a. ß03M0XHbl
mosquito net, soundproofing, safe, uscätorde pär §i articole de toaletä. yc/iym TpaHccj)epa asponopT-rocTM-
WI-FI internet, satellite TV, telephone, Decorat in culori vesele, mediteraneene, HHLJ,a-a3ponopT, 6y4l471bHl4K, T3KCH,
hairdryer, bathrobe, toiletries and restaurantul hotelului Luna serve§te apeHfla aBTOMo6n/m, a Taxxe aKcxyp-
shoe polish. Its possible to rent a car, specialitäfi internationale §i vinuri c a a no ropo^y a cipaHe. B pecropaHe

excursions, taxi, transfer airport-hotel- moldovene§ti excelente. Oaspetii pot OTeyifl m o x h o OTBe/taTb yiym uM e ÖTifo^a
airport, alarm clock, parking, room Tncepe ziua cu un mic dejun englezesc Mo^flaBCKoFi a eßponeFicKOH KyxHn. B
service, fax and printer. Decorated complet. Ten^oe BpeMfl ro/ta paöoiaeT zieTHflfl
in cheerful, Mediterranean colours, Teppaca c 3 0 h o h öapöexK).
Luna's restaurant with a terrace serves
international specialties and excellent
Moldovan wines.


★ ★ ★

& 16, Vasile Lupu st r.,
Chisinau, MD-2008
V. +373 22 804 040,+ 373 22 804 041.
£ +373 22 804 043

Europa Hotel is a three star hotel Hotelul Europa este un hotel de trei Europa Hotel p acn o ;io xeH b 1 ,5 km
located 1.5 km from the center of stele, situat la 1,5 km de zona centralä otu em p a KmuHHeBa, b 5 0 0 m o t
Chisinau, 500 m from the international a orasului Chisinau, la 500 m de Centrul Mex/tyHapo/i,Horo BbicraBOMHoro
exhibition centre Moldexpo, 300 m from International de Expozitii „Moldexpo", LteHTpa M oldexpo, b 3 0 0 m o t napKa
the park Valea M orilorwith promenade la 300 m de Parcul de promenadä «Ba/ifl M opn/iop» c HaöepexHoFi n
and from the park Dendrarium with a „Valea Morilor" si de Parcul Dendrarium, napKa «AeH^papuM» c Beyii4KO./ienHbiM
magnificent rose garden and impressive cu o grädinä de trandafiri magnificä caflOM H3 po3 14 6oraToi4 cjxnopoiT
collections of plants. Chi§inäu Airport si colectii de plante impresionante. AaponopT Ki4iui4HeBa HaxoflMTca b
is 15 km away. At guests' disposal Aeroportul Chisinau este la 15 km 1 5 km. Kyc/iyraM rocrew 5 6 HOMepoB
are 56 rooms of different types. All distantä. Toate camerele Hotelului pa3/ii4MHbix TunoB. Bce HOMepa Europa
rooms at Europa Hotel include air Europa sunt mobilate elegant, includ Hotel ocHam,eHbi KOH/j,i4i4i40HepoM,
conditioning, free Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs, aer conditionat, acces Wi-Fi gratuit, TV öecn/iaTHbiM Wi-Fi, Te/ieBH3opoM c
a minibar and a private bathroom with prin satelit, un minibar si o baie privatä n/10CK14M 3KpaHOM 14 CnyTHl4KOBblM14
free toiletries and hairdryer. A buffet cu articole de toaletä gratuite si uscätor KaHa/iaMi4, MUHW-öapoM n co ö c t b e h h o 14
breakfast is provided each morning in de pär. Micul dejun de tip bufeteste BaHHOH KOMHaToFi c Öecn/iaTHbiM 14
the restaurant. Guests can also relax in oferit in fiecare dimineatä in restaurant. TyayieTHbiMH npi4Ha/i,/iexHOCT3Mi4 h
the lounge/bar or in the bright foyer Oaspetii se pot relaxa, de asemenea, in cjieHOM. 3aBTpaK noflaeTca Kax/toe
with its exotic trees and comfortable camera de zi/ bar sau Tn holul luminos, yTpo b pecTopaHe. Tocth M o r y n a K x e
leather sofas. The Europa Hotel offers a Tnfrumusetat cu plante exotice, pe OTfloxHyTb b rocn4Hoi4 / 6ape v\nv\ b
tour desk and room-service. Translation fotoliile confortabile de piele. Hotelul CBeTTlOM BeCTHÖHDTie C 3K30Tl4UeCK14Ml4
Services can be Europa oferä servicii de turism precum flepeBbflMM 14 yflOÖHbIMH KOXaHblMH
si room-service. Se oferä serviciile Ai4BaHaMi4. O ie ^ b E u ro p a n p e /tT ia ra e T
organised. The Conference rooms of de traducere. Sälile de conferintä ale y c / iy r n 3 K C K y p c i4 0 H H o ro ö t o p o 14
the hotel and our own travel agency hotelului si agentia de turism proprie o ö c ^ y x i4 B a H n e b H O M e p ax. Y c /iy ri4 n o
offers the opportunity to organize ne oferä posibilitatea de a organiza n e p e ß o / t y M o ry T 6 b H b o p ra H i4 3 0 B a H b i
M.I.C.E. events (meetings, incentives, evenimente M.I.C.E. (meeting, incentives, n o 3 a n p o c y . K oH<J)epeHi4-3a./ibi o ie / ia
Conferences, exhibitions) and carry out Conferences, events) si de a desfäsura 14 COÖCTBeHHOe T ypi4C Ti4uecK oe
interesting excursions with delicious excursii interesante cu degustäri areHTCTBO n p e ^ a r a r o T B 0 3 M 0 X H 0 d b
tasting ceremonies of Moldova. Guests delicioase Tn diverse atractii turistice ale o praH i43 au ,i4 H M.I.C.E. co 6 b iT n i4
at the Europa Hotel enjoy free parking Republicii Moldova. Oaspetii Hotelului (BCTpeMH, KOHC))epeHLJ,l414, BblCTaBKM),
and 24-hour security. Europa beneficiazä de parcare gratuitä n p o B e /te H M a 3KCKypci4i4 14 flerycTa u,i4 i4 .
si de securitate 24 de ore pe zi.


★ ★ ★

& 89/2, Alexei Mateevici st r.,
Chisinau MD-2000 ^Xgjtripadvisor*

V. +373 22 222 149,+ 373 69 164 285. hoteibeds

a +373 22 228 376
■ Das Hotelportal


^ 3

Majami Hotel is perfectly placed in the Hotelul Majami este perfect amplasat O r e / ib M a ja m i y/jau H O p a c n o / io x e H
old part of the center, in the green area, mtr-o zonä veche si verde a orasului b c r a p o M 3e/ieH O M K B a p ia / ie K h llim -
in the center of Chisinau, Republic of Chisinau, Republica Moldova, avänd H e ß a , He/i,a^eKO o t c a M b ix B a x H b ix
Moldova, with experience of ten years, o experientä de zece ani, situat Tn K y/lb T yp H b lX , TO p rO B b lX , fle /lO B b lX n
apropierea celor mai importante p a 3 B /ie K a T e /ib H b ix A o c r o n p u M e u a T e / ib -

near the most important attractions atractii ale orasului, de tip cultural, H o c r e n r o p o f la . O ie / ib H a x o flU T C fl Ha
of the city, cultural, commercial and comercial, centre de business, spatii t o h x e y / iH q e , m o h n o c o / ib c r e a CLJJA,
business centers and spaces for leisure/ de odihnä si agrement. Hotelul se B e /io p y c c w M , H lB ei4 i4 i4 , M e K c m o H C K o e
entertainment. On the same Street of the aflä pe aceeasi stradä cu Ambasada KOHCy/lbCTBO , A K a fle M H fl M y3blKl4, T e a T p a
USA, Germany, Byelorussian, Switzerland Statelor Unite, Belarusului, Suediei, 14 i4 3 0 Ö p a 3 m e /ib H b ix H C K y cc T B , r o c y -
embassies, General Directorate For Consulatul Mexican, Directja Generalä ßa p C T B e H H b lH YH14BepC14TeT M o /lflO B b I,
Consular Business, Mexican Consulate, Afaceri Consulare , UNHCR, Oficiul Stärii PaflO M c OTe/ieM p a c n o / io x e H b i K p a c i4 -
UNHCR, Registry Court, Conservatory Civile, Academia de Muzicä, Teatru BeCiLUMM n a p K c 0 3 e p o M , /J,e H flp a p i4 i4 14
of Music, State University. At400m si Arte plastice, Universitatea de Stat BbicTaBOM HbiM q e H T p M o ld e x p o . C T l4/!b
of distance you may find lake „Valea din Moldova. In apropierea hotelului, O Te/ifl M a ja m i - 3t o H H flH B H ^ y a /ib H o e
Morilor", at 1.3 km of distance you may puteti gäsi lacul „Valea Morilor"- 400 m, OCj)OpM/ieH14e H O M ep O B , pOCKOLUb 14
find a beautiful park« Dendrarium» parcul „Dendrarium" la o distantä de 1.3 ko m cj)o p T . B c e H O M ep a o c H a m e H b i
and at 1.1 km is placed international km, Centrul International de Expozitii COBpeM eHHOM M e Ö e ^ b K ), KOHA14U.140-
exhibition centre. Hotel is about 900 „Moldexpo", 1.1 km si doar la o distantä H ep O M , X0/10/],l4/lbHl4K0M , Te/ieB1430-
metres from public park garden which is de 900 m se aflä Grädina Publicä „Stefan p O M , B3HHOi4 KOM H3TOi4, Öa^KOHOM 14
placed on central Street: Stefan cel Mare Cel Mare". Ö e cn /ia TH b iM f l o c iy n o M b 1/lHTepHeT. B
Boulevard. We offer comfortable rooms, rocTH H i4H H bii4 KO M n/ieKC M a ja m i T a K x e
unique by arrangement, functionality Stilul hotelului Majami este exprimat B XO flflT TpaA14ü,140HHbii4 M071/1,3BCK1414
and design, equipped with furniture in prin decorarea individualä §i luxoasä BMHHbiM n o r p e ö , KO H cj)ep eH U ,-3a/i, 6 a p

harmony with the living space creating a camerelor, foarte confortabile §i 14 c a y H a . B poM aH TH M ecKO M p e cra p a H e
a charming ambience. Air conditioning, spatjoase, dotate cu mobilä modernä, c T e p p a c o w c e p B H p y r o T c e 3 0 H H b ie cjiHp-

satellite TV, WiFi and all comforts aer conditjonat, frigider, TV, baie, M eH H b ie ö/iHDfla, a T a K x e n p e /iy c M O T p e -
necessary for a pleasant stay. Also the balcon §i acces gratuit la internet. Ha n /io u j,a flK a ö a p ö e K i-o , r/ie to c tm

hotel offers a wine cellarwith traditional Complexul Hotelier Majami vä pune la M O ryT OT/jOXHyTb.
particularities and architecture, dispozitie o cramä cu specific traditional
Conference room, bar and sauna. moldovenesc si o arhitecturä aparte,
salä de conferinte, bar si saunä.


★ ★ ★


& 15, Sfatul Tarii st r., Chisinau, MD-2012
V. + 373 22 233 663, + 373 22 210 533, (S ü trip ad viso r-

+ 373 682 000 70.

ö + 373 22 23 88 37

^ 3 123

Hotel Villa Natali is situated in Hotelul Villa Natali 3 este situat Tn V illa N a ta li p a c n o y io x e H a b a/tMHHi/i-
administrative, cultural and political centrul administrativ, cultural §i politic CTpaTUBHOM , xy/ibTypHOM n no/iHTMMe-
centre of Chi§inäu, not far away from al Chi§inäului, aflat la micä distant;ä ck o m p e m p e K u m u H e B a , He/taneKO o t
the most important sights of the city, de cele mai importante atractji ale OCHOBHblX KyilbTypHblX /to cro n p H M e -
museums, cultural, commercial and ora§ului, muzee, zone culturale, u aTe/ibH ocreki n /te/io ß o ro peH Tp a c t o -
business areas. Located in the center, comerciale §i de afaceri. Situat Tn 71HU,bI. Ü Te/lb HaXOflMTCa B 20 MMHyTaX
only 20 minutes from the international centru, la numai 20 de minute de la eß/tbi o t M e x /ty H a p o flH o ro a a p o n o p ia
airport and 10 minutes from the Aeroportul International Chi§inäu, la Ki^uinH eBa m b 10 M U H yrax xo/tb6bi
exhibition center MoldExpo, the hotel is 10 minute de Centrul International o t M e x /ty H a p o /tH o ro BbicraBO M H oro
ideally positioned for business travelers de Expozitii „Moldexpo", hotelul este p eH Tpa M o ld e x p o . O Te/ib p a c n o / io x e H
and tourists. Villa Natali offers to the ideal pozitjonat atät pentru oamenii de b tmxom xm /iom p a tio H e n m vieeT kom -
clients, tourists and guests from abroad afaceri, cät §i pentru turi§ti. Hotelul este cJjopT n yflo ö cT B a p o c K o u iH o ro oTe/ia,
14 comfortable rooms (single, double, situat Tntr-un cartier rezidentjal linisjtit n p e/t/iara a n/tea./ibHbie yc/io B w a n
LUX, luxury suite), exclusively decorated §i are confortul si dotarea unui hotel de 6i^3HecM eHOB, n /uia Typw cTO B. V illa
in a delicate style, giving a quiet and lux, oferä un mediu ideal pentru vacant;e N a ta li n p e / u ia ra e T ro cra M 14 KOMcjiop-
harmonious environment. We also offer de neuitat. De asemenea, Villa Natali TaÖe/lbHblX HOM epOB (OflHOMeCTHbie,
to the clients a cozy restaurant with oferä clientilor, turistilorsi oaspetilor A ß yxM ecTH bie, /ik jk c , anapT aM eH T ), yroT-
gourmet cuisine, a Conference room for din sträinätate 14 camere confortabile Hbii/i p e cT o p a H c M3bicKaHHOM KyxHew,
30 persons, a beauty salon La beauty (single, double, lux, Luxury Suite), KOH4)epeHU,-3a^ Ha 30 n e p c o H , a T a icx e
de Mona and a SPA center SANTE, decorate exclusiv Tntr-un stil delicat, ca/ioH K pacoTbi La b e a u ty d e M o n a m
which includes hammam, sauna and oferind un mediu lini§tit §i armonios. SPA -u ,eH Tp S A N T E , BKyihOHahomuM xaM -
jacuzzi. Other Services offered by our Noi oferim un restaurant confortabil cu MaM, c a y H y m flx a K y 3 H . A p y m e y c n y m ,
hotel are: security 24 hours, secretary bucate delicioase, o salä de conferinte npe/i,/iaraeM bie H a m e n rocTi/iHHu,en:
Services, transfer to/from airport and pentru 30 de persoane, precum si oxpaH a 24 u a c a , y c/iy rn ceicp eT a p n ,
taxi Services, laundry and ironing salonul de frumuset;e „La Beauty de T paH ccjiep /to a a p o n o p T a , y c/iy rn TaKCH,
Services, payment by card etc. We offer Mona" si SPA-centru SANTE, inclusiv un y c/iy rn n p a u e H H o n n r / ia x K a öe/ib«,
personalized Service to all our guests! hamam, saunä si jacuzzi. Oferim servicii o n /ia T a öaH KO BCKon K a p T o n n /tp.
personalizate tuturor oaspefilor no§tri!


★ ★ ★ ★

& 17, Petri ca ni st r.,
ChisinaU, MD-2059 (©)(©)tripadvisor*
+373 68 999 610.+373 22 855 900.
+373 22 855 920,

^ 3

Hotel IRIS received 4-star Classification Hotelul IRIS a primit clasificarea de 4 IRIS - 3to 4 -3 B e 3flOMHbiFi O Te/ib , n p e / j-
and presents a complex of 33 rooms, stele si reprezintä un complex de 33 craB/iflKDLU ni/i c o ö o F i K O M n neKC M3 33
including 16 single rooms, 7 double de camere: 16 single, 7 double twin, 3 c o ß p e M e H H b ix , 3/iera H TH O o ö c T a B / ie H -
twin rooms, 3 lux rooms and 7 family camere de lux, 7 camere Family. Hotelul H b ix H O M e p o B : 16 s i n g le , 7 d o u b le t w in ,
rooms. There are 2 Conference Halls with dispune de 2 sali de conferinte. Pe 3 H O M ep a K a T e r o p n n / ik x c ,7 H O M ep o B
a capacity of 50 and 25 people, which längä proiector si flipchart Tn sälile de f a m ily . B o ie / ie 2 K 0 H (j)e p e H U ,-3 a /ia
can be arranged at customer's desire. conferinte oferim si servicii/aparataj de (B M e cT m e /ib H O C T b K ) 50 h 15 u e /io ß e ic ),
Besides the projectorand flipchart traducere sincronä. Camerele au app. o ö o p y /i,O B a H H b ix n p o e K T o p a M M , cfj/inn -
in Conference rooms, we provide 25 metri pätrati cu tavanele app.3.10 uap TaM M n BceM H eo ö xo flM M b iM fl/ia
synchronous translation equipment. metri. In toate camerele sunt un LCD n p o B eflem /ifl ÖM 3Hec-M eponpnflTM M , b
Rooms are app. 25 square meters with TV 82cm, canale prin satelit, minibar, TOM MMC/ie HyX/3,aH3L14HXCfl B C HHXpO H-
ceilings app.3.10 meters. All rooms telefon, aer conditionat si safeu. Pentru hom n e p e B O fle . Bo B c e x H O M e p a x ecTb
feature LCD TV 82cm and satellite necesitätile clientilor, oferim ciupici XMflKOKpMCTa^^MMeCKMM T e /ieB M 3 o p
channels, mini-bar, telephone, air de unicä folosintä, set pentru curätat 82 cm c o cnyTH M KO BbiM Te ^ eB H /ieH M eM ,
conditioning and safes. For customers' Tncältämintea, set de cusut, periute M M HH-6 a p , Te^ec|)OH, KO H flnu,M O H ep n
needs we offer single use slippers, shoes de dinti, sampon, säpun lichid si solid, ceFic}). B p a c n o p a x e H M M r o c ie F i o flH O -
cleaning kit, sewing kit, toothbrush, plasä pentru pär, uscätor de pär si 2 p a 3 0 B b ie T a n o u K H , H a ö o p p,i\9\ mmctkh
shampoo, liquid soap and solid seturi de prosoape cu halat la solicitare. OÖ yBM , LUBeFlHblM H a ö o p , H a ö o p k o c -
hairnet hair dryer and 2 sets of towels Dormitoarele sunt dotate cu sattele MeTHKM fl/ia / in q a n T e ^ a , cfieH, 2 k o m -
bathrobe on request. The bedrooms are ortopedice importate din Turcia de n /ie K T a n o ^ o ie H e q h x a / ia T n o 3 a n p o c y .
equipped with orthopedic mattresses la uzina care deserveste asa lanturi H o M e p a o ö o p y flO B a H b i o p T o n e ß H u e -
imported from Turkey from the plant hoteliere precum: Dedeman, Hilton. ckhm m M a ip a c a M H , H M n o p TH p ye M b iM H
that Services such hotel chains as Hilton Personalul hotelului este cunoscätor H3 Typu,nn, - B TOHHOCTH T3KHM H X e ,
and Dedeman. The hotel staffspeak a limbilor: englezä, francezä, italianä, K a x y ro cTH H H M H b ix c e ie F i D e d e m a n w
fluent English, French, Italian, besides pe längä cele de bazä: rusä si romänä. H ilt o n . r ie p c o H a ^ o ie ^ a IRIS c b o ö o a h o
the essential Russian and Romanian. Hotelul este nou si mobilierul Tncä rO B O p H T Ha aHMMMCKOM, <})paHLJ,y3CKOM,
Hotel furniture is new and still retains pästreazä mirosul de prospetime, H Tanb flH C KO M , pyCCKOM H pyM bIHCKO M
the smell of freshness. The rooms are camerele fiind pentru nefumätori. La fl3b lK aX ,
nonsmoking. At the 4 floor there is a etajul 4 superior existä fumoar pentru
smoking area. clientii fumätori.


★ ★ ★ ★


& 17/2, Arheolog Ion Casian Suruceanu st r.,
Chisinau MD-2025 ©Expedier
V- +373 22 288 911.+ 373 69 049 049
£ +373 22 288 913

u i ^3 123

Villa Tulip is a small cosy hotel in Vila Tulip este un mic hotel confortabil B n / i/ ia Tulip - s t o H e ö o / ib iu a f l y io T H a a
Oriental style. We have created for in stil oriental unde am creat toate ro cT n H n q a b b o cto m h o m c r n / i e . f l / i a B a c
you all the necessary conditions for conditiile de munca si de agrement M b i c o 3 / t a / ii4 B c e y c / i o ß n a / y i a p a ö o T b i 14
work and leisure. Villa Tulip offers 9 necesare oaspetilor nostri. Hotelul ofera O T f lb ix a . K B a i u n M yc/iyraM 9 K O M c j io p T -
comfortable rooms and a unique thai- servicii personalizate tuturor oaspetilor H b lX H O M e p O B 14 y H H K a / lb H b lH THAI-SPA
spa salon. Our chefs from Thailand will sai, dispune de 9 camere, toate echipate c a / io H . B pecTopaH e Tulip n o / t a i- O T i4 3 b i-
surprise you with the most delicious cu cele mai noi facilitati, Internet de C K a H H b ie 6 / iio / t a T a n c K o n K y x H W . B 6ape
dishes of Oriental cuisine. We have mare viteza prin conexiune wireless, n / in b n p e K p a c H O M ca /ty r o e r n M o ry T
carefully thought out every detail of the aer conditionat, LCD TV. La subsolul 3 a K a 3 a T b 3 K 3 0 T n u e c K n e x o K T e n / in , a n o
design from comfortable wickerchairs imobilului, sauna si Spa Thailandez y ip a M c e p B n p y e T o i 3 a B T p a K « L U B e f lC K n t f
up to the latest technical means: wi-fi disponibile la orice moment. Bucatarii C T O / i» . M b i n p o / t y M a / w B c e / t o M e / i o u e n ,
internet access, availability of personal nostri thailandezi va vorsurprinde cu O T y / t o Ö H b ix n / i e i e H b i x K p e c e / i /to n o -
Computers and office equipment, cele mai delicioase feluri de bucate din c / ie / t H H X T e x H n u e c K n x B 0 3 M 0 X H 0 c r e i 4 :
satellite television and individual safety bucataria orientala. Pentru confortul ö e c n / ia m o r o Wi-Fi, H a / in u n a n e p c o -
deposit boxes for document storage in dumneavoastra ne-am gandit cu atentie H a / l b H b l X K O M n b H D T e p O B 14 o p n e x H U K M ,

each room. The balcony of each room la cele mai mici detalii: de la fotoliile C n y T H 1 4 K O B O r O T e ^ e B 1 4 / t e H l4 ? l 14 l4 H /tl4 B 1 4 -
offers a wonderful view over a smart confortabile impletite din rachita pana / t y a / ib H b ix c e i4 c j x ) B b x a x /to M H O M epe. C
garden and green terrace. The outdoor la computere personale, televiziune ö a ^ K O H a x a x / t o r o H O M e p a O T K p b iB a e T C f i
terrace with ethnic pavilions is part prin satelit, seifuri individuale pentru O T /l 14M HblM B14/t H a y X O X e H H b l H C a / t 14

of our restaurant and an ideal place acte prezente in fiecare camera. De la y io n a io L it y K ) b 3 e / ie H i4 T e p p a c y . O T K p b i -

for parties and festive receptions. The balconul oricarei camere se deschide T a 9\ T e p p a c a c 3 T H i4 M e c K i4 M i4 6 e c e / t K a -

ambiance is very suitable for romantic o priveliste minunata asupra unui mic m 14 — 3 to u a c T b H a i u e r o p e c T o p a H a h
dining in the fresh air. We offer all parc ingrijit si cu terasa. Terasa verde H / t e a / ib H o e M e c r o K a K / t / ia n p o B e / t e H w a

our guests emotional warmth and cu pavilioane etnice reprezinta o parte B e M e p H H O K 14 T O p x e C T B e H H b i X n p n e M O B ,

hospitality, an atmosphere of cosiness a restaurantului nostru - un loc ideal T a K 14 / y i f l p o M a H T M u e c K o r o y x i 4 H a H a
and harmony they will remember until pentru serate si festivitati, precum si CBexeM B 0 3 /ty x e .
their next arrival to us. pentru o cina romantica in aer über.

ar ^

}$ d u 9 L * u *

★ ★ ★


& 79/1, Alexandru Hajdeu st r.,
uiuinuu, i»il/ i-w~i (fÜStripadvisor*
V. +373 22 232 593,+ 373 79 112 299.
+373 22 232 593
■ nfo@,

u i ^ 3

* Located on a quiet Street in the heart Hotelul Art Rustic se aflä la doar Pacno/ioxeHHbiM Ha t h x o h y/inu,e b

of Chisinau, this boutique hotel is just 10 minute de Catedrala „Nasterea qeHTpe KmuwHeBa oie/ib A rt Rustic Ha-
alO-minute walk from the Nativity Domnului" si Arcul de Triumf, pe o XOflHTCFl BCerO B 10 MHHyTaX XOflbÖbl OT
Cathedral and the Triumphal Arch. Art stradä linistitä, Tn inima Chisinaului. Kacj)e,4 pa/ibHoro Coöopa m TpnyM<{)a/ib-
Rustic Hotel offers 13 modern-vintage Hotelul de tip boutique oferä 13 hom apKM. ByTMK-OTe/ib npefl/iaraeT 13
rooms with a traditional Romanian camere vintage moderne, cu un BMHTaXHblX M COBpeMeHHblX HOMepOB,
character. Art Rustic Hotel's rooms are caracter traditional romanesc. Camerele ocjiopM/ieHHbix b Tpa/i,HL4H0HH0M py-
decorated in warm cream colors, and hotelului Art Rustic sunt decorate in MblHCKOM CTM/ie. HOMepa OTfleKOpwpO-
feature a refrigerator with mini-bar, culori calde crem si sunt dotate cu un BaHbi b Ten/ibix ö exe ß b ix TOHax h ocHa-
flat-screen TV and satellite channels, air frigider cu minibar, TV cu ecran plat si m eH blXO/IO/JM/lbHHKOM C MHHH-ÖapOM,
conditioning and a balcony. The elegant canale prin satelit, aer conditionat si Te/ieBH3opoM c n/iocKHM aicpaHOM ia
bathrooms include luxury bathrobes, un balcon. Bäile elegante includ: halate CnyTHHKOBbIMH KaHa/iaMH, K0HflML4H-
slippers, towels, shower gel, shampoo, de baie de lux, papuci, prosoape, gel OHepoM m öa/iKOHOM. Ba^eraHTHbix
toothsbrushes & paste, non-slip mat. In de dus, sampon si non-alunecare mat. B3HHblX KOMHaTaX ecTb pOCKOUJHbie
the evenings, guests can enjoy a drink Seara, oaspetii se pot bucura de o xa/iaibi, TanouKH, no^oieHqa, Bca Heoö-
on the roof terrace or at the traditional bäuturä pe terasa de pe acoperis sau xoflHMaa Tya/ieTHaa KOCMeTHKa, a TaK xe
bar. The impeccable level of Service and la barul traditional. Nivelul impecabil HeCK0/lb3flLLi,HM KOBpMK. flo BeMepaM
a personal touch, ensure that every stay de deservire si de abordare individualä rocTH MoryT Hacna/tHTbc?) HanHTKaMH
at Art Rustic Hotel is memorable. Art asigurä ca fiecare sejur la Art Rustic Ha Teppace Ha Kpbiiue OTe/ia h/ih b
Rustic Hotel pays meticulous attention Hotel sä fie memorabil. Art Rustic Hotel TpaflMU.HOHHOM öape. B oie/ie A rt Rustic
to detail in the Service provided: fresh acordä o atentie meticuloasä detaliilor yAe/iaeTca npncia/ibHoe BHHMaHkie
flowers, complimentary afternoon in serviciul furnizat: florile proaspete, fleia^aM: b HOMepe Bcer^a ecTb CBexwe
tea and evening bar are ju st some of ceaiul de dupä-amiazä si barul de searä u,BeTbi, rocTaw npefl^araroT öecn/iaTHO
the extras that make Art Rustic hotel sunt doar cäteva dintre bonusurile care BeuepHHH 'Aa\/\ - sth m Apyrne npn?iTHbie
a particularly special boutique hotel fac Hotelul Art Rustic un hotel de tip MOMeHTbi /i,e/iaK)T npeöbißaHHe ro cien b
in a surprisingly peaceful location in boutique, deosebit de special, Tntr-o oie/ie He3aöbiBaeMbiM.
Chisinau. locatie linistitä,Tn mod surprinzätor Tn



★ ★ ★

& 49/3, Tighina st r., Chisinau, MD-2001
V. +373 22 888 273, +373 786 000 88 (fÜHripadvisoi“


u i ^3
Summit Villa has been designed to Summit Villa a fost creatä pentru a oferi K o M n /ie K C Summit Villa p a c n o /io x e H
provide extra convenience to our un plus de comoditate clien^ilor no§tri in H a T e p p n T o p n n K 0 H c))epeH L4-LJ,eH T pa

customers in organizing events with organizarea de evenimente cu vizitatori Summit Events b c a M O M u ,e H T p e Kh-
visitors from abroad, in order to de peste hotare, care au nevoie de n iH H e B a m 6 b m p a 3 p a ö o T a H , m o ö b i

assure accommodation Services in servicii de acomodare Tn inima capitalei, o ö e c n e u M T b f l o n o / i H m e / i b H o e y /to ö c T B O

the heart of the Capital. The villa's 7 Tn cadrul complexului Summit Events. ß / i f l H a iu H X K /iw e H T O B b o p ra H M 3 a u ,H M

rooms Services' meet international Cele 7 camere ale unitätii de cazare M e p o n p H f lT H H c ro c T A M M H 3 -3 a p y ö e x a ,

Standards and guarantee a warm and corespund standardelor internationale K O T O p b ie H y X /],a K 3 T C fl B rO C T H H H M H blX

great experience to visitors and experts de servicii hoteliere §i oferä o §edere y c / iy r a x . B c e 7 H O M e p o B O T e /ifl c o o T B e T -
from abroad. Each of our guest room confortabilä vizitatorilor §i oaspetilor de CTByHDT M e X f ly H a p O f lH b I M C T a H /\a p T a M

comes equipped with free Wi-Fi Internet peste hotare. Camerele sunt echipate cu r o c T M H H H H b ix y c ^ o B H H h o ö e c n e u a T
access, LCD cable TV and individual sistem individual de climatizare, acces n o c e T M T e /ia M h 3 K c n e p ia M H 3 - 3 a r p a -
climate control. Summit Events & internet gratuit prin wi-fi, TV cu o largä H H iq b i, T e n /ib iM h p a / t y u iH b it i n p i/ie M .
Conference Center aims to become diversitate de canale, bäi cu apä caldä §i H a u jM H O M e p a o c H a m e H b i 6 e c n /ia T H b iM
the favorite trusted brand on Moldova produsele necesare Tngrijirii. S e c n p o B O f lH b iM f lo c T y n o M b 1 /lH T e p -
MICE market, offering to it's clients and H eT , K a ö e /ib H b iM T e /ie B M fle H n e M h
Partners - value and complete Solutions, H H flH B H /ty a /lb H b lM K/1 H M a T -K O H T p O /ie M .
in order to build and maintain mutually KoHcJ/epeHU-qeHTp Summit Events
beneficial, long-term relationships. C T p e M H T C fl C TaTb H aH /iyM L U M M H a p b IH K e

MICE M o / if l O B b i , n p e f l / i a r a a c b o h m k / iw -
e H T 3 M H n a p T H e p a M O T B eTC TB eH H O C Tb H

K O M n /ie K C H b ie p e m e H H a p,j\9\ c o 3 /ta H H fi

h n o / i, / ] , e p x a H H f i B 3 a i4 M O B b iro /i,H b ix h

flO /ir o c p O M H b lX O TH O LLieH H H .


★ ★ ★


£k 3/3, Dacia st r., Chisinau,
V. +373 22 507 375,+ 373 68 68 88 11 ©Expedier
£ + 373 22 632 106

^ 3

V illa R o s s a is o n e o f th e n e w e s t a n d V illa R o s s a re p r e z in t ä u n u l d in t r e c e le V illa R o ssa - o ^ H a m caM bix h o b h x h

m o s t c o m f o r t a b le h o te ls in C h is in a u m a i n o i §i m a i c o n f o r t a b ile h o te lu r i d in yroTHbix rocTHHi/114 K m u n H e ß a , OTKpbrraa
t h a t s t a r te d its a c t iv i t y i n F e b r u a r y C h is in a u , c a r e a c t iv e a z ä d in fe b r u a rie b cjieBpa/ie 2 0 1 2 ro ^ a . C o B p e w e H H a a
2 0 1 2 . T h e h o te l fe a t u re s a m o d e r n 2 0 1 2 . H o te lu l d is p u n e d e o a r h it e c t u rä apxm eicryp a n pocKOLUHbm p,mav\u
a r c h it e c t u re a n d a lu x u rio u s d e s ig n , m o d e r n ä §i u n d e s ig n d e lu x, c o m b in a t e B COMeTaHUM C BblCOKUM ypoBH eM
c o m b in e d w ith h ig h - le v e l S e rv ic e a n d c u d e s e r v ir e la n iv e l m a lt §i o a t m o s f e r ä c e p ß n c a n rapMOHnm-ioM a iM o ccjiep o Fi
fa m ilia r a n d h a r m o n io u s a t m o s p h e r e , fa m ilia r ä §i a r m o n io a s ä , vä a s ig u r ä o ra p a H T u p y m T BaM cnoKOM Hbifi n H e3a-
w h ic h w ill e n s u r e a p le a s a n t a n d § e d e r e p lä e u tä §i d e n e u ita t . H o te lu l ÖblBaeMblM OTßbIX.
u n fo r g e t t a b le sta y . O u r h o t e l ö fte rs to n o s t ru p u n e la d isp o zi^ ia o a sp e ^ ilo r
th e g u e sts 10 r o o m s o f d if fe r e n t s iz e , 10 c a m e r e d e d im e n s iu n i d ife r ite , c a re O Te/ib H a x o flm cfi B c e r o b 1 0 MUHyTax
w h ic h c o r r e s p o n d to fa m ily n e e d s , c o r e s p u n d n e v o ilo r fa m ilia le , d e a fa ce ri e3Abi o t a s p o n o p ia n b 5 MMHyrax o t
o r fo r b u s in e s s o r frie n d s m e e t in g . sa u a r e u n iu n ilo r d e p r ie t e n i. In fie c a re u e m p a cTO/inu,bi, pflflOM c napKOM
T h e h o t e l is p e r fe c t ly lo c a t e d c lo s e to c a m e r ä e ste : T V cu e c r a n p la t, s a fe u , «floyiM Ha P 03», ToproBbiM p e m p o M
m a jo r in fr a s t r u c t u r a l p r o je c t s , it ta k e s a e r c o n d it io n a t , m in ib a r, u s e ä t o r d e par. M a lld o v a , n /tpyruMM a ß M U H U crpaT H B-
1 0 m in u t e s fro m C h is in a u In t e r n a t io n a l D e a s e m e n e a , s u n t d o u ä s a u n e . H o te lu l HblMM 3flaHHflMH. 3 aB T p a K BXOflMT B CTO-
A ir p o r t a n d o n ly 5 m in u t e s fro m e s t e id e a l s it u a t m a p r o p ie r e d e p r o ie c te HMOCTb HOM epa n 6 y/ieT np uroTO B/ieH c
d o w n t o w n . V illa R o ssa is c lo s e , a ls o m a jo r e d e in fr a s t r u c t u r ä : e s t e s it u a t la yueTOM B aiiin x/iH M H bix np efln om eH M M
to S h o p p in g M a lld o v a C e n t r e , Park 10 m in u t e d e A e r o p o r t u l In t e r n a t io n a l n n o x e /ia m /iiT K a x flb m HOM ep o ie / ia
V a le a t r a n d a fir ilo r a n d o t h e r im p o r t a n t C h is in a u §i la d o a r 5 m in u t e d e c e n tru l V illa R o ssa o ö o p y A O B a H Te/ieBM 3opoM
g o v e r n m e n t a l b u ild in g s . O u r frie n d ly o r a § u lu i. V illa R o s s a e s t e a p r o a p e , C n/10CKHM 3KpaHOM W MMHU-ÖapOM.
s t a f f w ill a lw a y s g r e e t w it h a t t e n t io n a n d d e a s e m e n e a , d e C e n t r u l C o m e r c ia l B COÖCTBeHHOM B3HHOM KOMHaTe
h o s p it a lit y a n d m a k e y o u r s t a y s p e c ia l M a lld o v a , P a rcu l „V a lea T ra n d a f ir ilo r " §i npeflocTaB/iHKDTCf] öaH H biu xa/iaT v \ ia -
a n d m e m o r a b le . a lte c lä d iri a d m in is t r a t iv e im p o r t a n t e . noMKU. O p u rn H a ^ b H b ie npon3Be,4eHM ?i
P e rs o n a lu l n o s t ru p r ie t e n o s v ä va u cK y ccT B a w M eöe/ib m r/ia/jKOM k o x h
n A e p e B a co3/j,aK)T M3bicKaHHyro aTM Oc-
cjiepy b K a x ß O M H O M epe oTe/ia. H am ro -
CT en pnu M H bm n e p c o H a /i B C T p e im B a c
c pa/tym n eM n c^ e/iaeT n p e ö b iß a H n e b
OTe/ie H e3a6biBaeM biM n n p u m m iM .


★ ★ ★

& 26 Balcani road, Chisinau (ggstripadvisor-
V. +373 268 31 705,+ 373 268 31 706
£ +373 268 31704

^ 3

In 2007, after a complete Complexul de agrement Stejäri§ a O T K p b iT b m b 2 0 0 7 r o / jy n o c / ie x a n n -

rearrangement, the complex opened fost redeschis in anul 2007 (dupä o T a T ib H o n p e c T a B p a u , n n , r o c T M H U M H b m
its gates again undera new name reconstrucfie capitalä), extinzändu-§i K O M n / ie K C S t e j a r i s H a x o ^ m c f i b 2 5 k m
Stejaris, with a total area of 2 ha. An suprafa^a pe un teritoriu de 2 ha. Un o t K m u n H e B a , b M o / i / ia B C K H X K o / i p a x , n
ordinary 3 stars hotel, proved by the hotel, cu singura constatare cä pe 3 a H M M a e T n i i o i q a / j b 2 r a . C r u / ib H b ie a / ie -
small plate hanging on the building's frontispiciul clädirii este atärnatä o M e H T b i fle K o p a H O M e p o B , a p x n T e K iy p a ,
frontispiece which means that the pläcufä, pe care sunt configurate 3 y c / iy r n n 3 a 6 o T a n p o c jie c c u o H a / ib H o r o
respective Institution has excellent stelufe, ceea ce inseamnä cä institutja n e p c o H a / ia c / ie / ia io T B a r n e n p o x u ß a -
accommodation and Service conditions. respectivä poartä Tnsemnul unor condifii H u e b O T e ;ie S t e j a r is H e 3 a 6 b iB a e M b iM
Your expectations are about to come excelente de cazare §i deservire la n n p u f l T H b i M . B o c e M b H O M e p O B O T e / lf l
true once you've entered the hotel. cel mai malt nivel. Elementele stilate 0 0 / 1 3 / 1 ,3 hOT B C e M H e O Ö X O / jU M b lM : p o -
Stylish elements of design, architecture de design al tncäperilor, arhitectura, C KO LU H O M M e Ö e / lb K ), T e / ie B H 3 0 p O M ( 4 0 0
and high quality Service offered by this serviciile de calitate acordate de n p o r p a M M ) , K O H f ln iq n o H e p o M , T e / ie c {)0 -
institution's staff assure your comfort cätre personalul acestei institu^ii vä H O M , M U H H -Ö a p O M , flO C T y n O M B 1 4 h -
which will turn your stay in wonderful asigurä un confort ce va transforma T e p H e T . K a x / ib m H o w e p / i,e K o p n p o B a H
memories. The 18 suites of the hotel sejurul Dumneavoasträ in cele mai B H H / jU B H f ly a / l b H O M C T H / ie M U ,B e T O B O i4
are equipped with all the necessary pläcute amintiri. Cele 18 dormitoare r a M M e . P o C K O L U H b lM H yH D T H b IM H O M e p
elements meant to satisfy the most ale hotelului sunt Tnzestrate cu toate / y if l H O B O ö p a M H b ix c o c n e q u a / ib H b iM
subtle tastes. "The just married room" elementele indispensabile pentru a o c B e u / e H n e M f le K o p u p o B a H 3 / ie M e H T a -
gives to the bride and groom the satisface gusturile cele mai rafinate m h K p a c H o r o \a ö e / i o r o u ,B e T O B . T o c t u
possibility to isolate themselves in an (televizor conectat la satelit cu 400 de T o p x e c T B a M o r y T B b iö p a T b K O M H a iy b
intimate place (after the guests are programe + DVD, aer conditionat), cooTBeTCTBM H c o cbom m T e w n e p a M e H -
gone), with particular elements of „Camera pentru mire §i mireasä" oferä t o m m /ih q B e T O B b iM n p e / i,n o H T e H n e M :
design painted in red and white in the posibilitate tinerilor msurä^ei de a se p o 3 0 B y r o , a n e / i b C M H O B y i o v\nv\ c u p e H e -
spirit of the wedding night. The guests retrage (dupä alaiul nunfii) Tntr-un B y r o , 3 e / ie H y H D m /im r o / iy ö y H D . 3 f l e c b B b i
as well, after partying all night are free coll;i§or intim, special amenajat pentru n o H y B C T B y e i e c e ö f l K a K /i,O M a !
to choose the decoration and hue of ei §i decorat cu elemente in alb §i ro§u.
the room in accordance with their spirit, §i ceilaltj nunta§i, pärta§i la o petrecere,
character or mood: pink, orange, violet, T§i pot alege decorul interiorului in
green, white etc. You are welcome at corespundere cu temperamentul sau
Stejaris at any time and weather! predilectja pe care o au cätre o anumitä
culoare: roz, mov, oranj, verde, albastru
etc. La Stejäri§ e§ti binevenit Tn orice
timp §i anotimp!


& of. 14.148. Stefan cel Mare Street.
Chisinau, MD-2012
V. +373 6999 3338

^3 123

Suisse Guest House is located in the Guest House Suisse este o agentie T o cre B o Fi a o m S u is s e H a x o flm c fl H a n p o -
former "Suisse Hotel" building -o n ce imobiliarä care da in arendä t u b U e m p a / ib H o r o n a p K a LLTrecjiaH ue/i
the most famous and luxurious hotel apartamente si spatii in hostel Tn M a p e , B c e r o b 5 0 w e T p a x o t n /io u ia fln
in Chisinau. Located at the heart of regim hotelier. Firma data activeazä Tn BeiiM K oro H a p n o H a ^ b H o ro C o O p a H n a .
the city near all the major attractions - domeniul serviciilor hoteliere, preständ
Suisse Hotel building is a great heritage servicii de Tnchiriere a apartamentelor TocTflM n p e /u ia ra eT C fl n p o x u B a m / ie b
for Chisinau of significant historical Tn Chi§inäu, din categoria Deluxe si p a c n o / io x e H H b ix b q e m p e K n u in H e ß a
importance. Today it hosts public Econom. Suisse Guest House este a n a p ia M e m a x c 6ecn/iaTH biM W i-F i,
library "B.P. Hasdeu", the Suisse Guest situat la etajele 2 ale clädirii Bibliotecii Te^eBM 3opoM c nnocK U M axpaHO M n
House and other private apartments. Municipale „B.P.Hasdeu" si Tn prezent OecnnaTHbiM M Tya/ieTHO-KOCMeTMMecKH-
Since 1863 and tili World War II many este format din 4 apartamente si un m h npnH afl/iexH O CT?iM M . Cpe^M n p o u n x
famous people stayed here among hostel. Apartamentele sunt complet y flo ö cT B CTM/ibHbix anapTaM eH TO B r o -
which Feodor Chaliapin - Russian opera renovate si dotate cu echipamente c r e ß o r o flOMa S u is s e — K O H fln p n o H ep ,
singer, King Milan I of Serbia, French moderne. Fiecare apartament este cn a n b H fi, rocTMHafi 3 0H a, no/iHOCTbfo
novelist Henri Barbusse and many unic si are denumiri specifice: Spanish o ö o p y flO B a H H a a xyxH fl, co B p eM eH H a a
others. Located at the heart of the city Delight, Urban Space, African Beat si BaH H aa K O M H aia, CT up a^ bH aa Mai±ii4Ha n
near all the major attractions - Suisse Indian Dream. Apartamentele au totul r/ia/],n/ibHbie n p m - ia / y ie x i- io c ™ . r ip e f lo -
Hotel is a unique historical building pentru a face sederea confortabilä: CTaB/i^HOTCfi y c/iy rn xaM epbi xpaHeHMfl
you will enjoy your stay in. Modern and camere spatioase, paturi confortabile, ö a r a x a , T paH ccjiep o i / f l o a a p o n o p i a , a
spacious apartments are equipped with bäi moderne, LCD-TV, Wi-Fi, articole T a x x e flo c ia B K a eflbi, HannTKO B n n p e c -
everything you might need and are just de toaletä si ustensile de bucätärie, cbi b H OM ep. rio e3 A K a flo x e / ie 3 H 0 A 0 -
minutes away from parks, museums, prosoape de baie, lenjerie de pat, etc p o x H o r o B0K 3a/ia Km uM H eßa 3aH H M aeT
cinema and theaters, banks, restaurants - toate acestea sunt incluse Tn pretul 1 0 MMHyT. 3 a 2 0 MMHyT m o x h o /i,oexaTb
and cafes, clubs and any other city Tnchirierii apartamentului. Tarifele & o M e x /iy H a p o flH o ro a s p o n o p ia K m lu m -
sights. serviciilor de cazare Tn apartamentele de H eß a. B p a c n o p a x e H n n r o c ie F i ö e c n /ia T -
regim hotelier si Tn hostel includ toate H aa n a p x o B K a .
taxele si cheltuielile.

Q © 0 0 ©

★ ★ ★ ★

& 69, Sverdlov str, Tiraspol city, MD-3300
V. +373 533 38000 (oigjtripadvisor*

■ info@

^3 123

Hotel RUSSIA is the perfect choice for Complexul hotelier Rusia este alegerea rocTM HUMHbin KO M n/ieicc « P o c c n a » —
a comfortable stay at the heart of the cea mai convenabilä pentru o cazare n p eKp aC H b IM B b lö o p KOM(j)OpTHOrO
business and cultural life of the city of confortabilä Tn centrul de afaceri si n p o x n ß a H M fi b caMOM u,eH Tpe .q e/io ß o n
Tiraspol. The hotel offers panoramic cultural al orasului Tiraspol. Din camerä n Ky/ibTypHOM X H 3 H H r o p o f la T n p a c -
views of the city as well as modern vi se deschide panorama orasului. noyifl. H 3 o k o h OTeyifl O TK p b iB a e T ca
conveniences for both business and Situat Tn apropierea atTt de centrele de n a H o p a M H b in b h a Ha r o p o f l. 6/iH 30CTb
pleasure. We are conveniently located distractii, cTt si de centrele de afaceri, T o p r o B b ix n p a3 B /ie K aT e /ib H b ix u,eH TpoB
nearthe state administration building, ceea ce este un avantaj atTt pentru n p w B Tie KaTe /ibH a Ka K p,j\s\ ß e /io ß b ix
Drama Theatre, and Central Library as oamenii de afaceri, cät si pentru oaspetii /u-o/jen, T a x h /ym r o c r e n , n p n e x a B iiiw x
well as the city train Station, business care vor sä se odihneascä. Fondul de Ha OT/jbix, H o w e p H o n cj)OHfl rocTH H Hu,bi
centers, and major recreational areas. camere al hotelului constituie 60 de COCTOHT H3 60 H OM epO B pa3/IHM HblX K a -
We offer 60 rooms including world numere de categorii diferite, marea T e ro p H H - O T 3KOHOM flO KTiaCCa 71HDKC, B
dass luxury suites. Most rooms have a majoritate a numerelor dispun de ÖO/lbLUHHCTBe H3 KO TOpblX eCTb Öa/IKOH.
balcony. All rooms are equipped with balcon. Toate camerele sunt dotate B ce H o w e p a ocHai_u,eHbi c o ß p e M e H H o n
modern furniture, air conditioning, an cu mobilä modernä, conditioner, cu M e ö e /ib fo , K O H A n p n o H e p aM M , cencj^aMH,
individual safe, telephone and internet, seifuri individuale, telefon si cu internet, Te/iecj)OHOM H 1/lHTepHeTOM, X H ^ K O -
TV, as well as the full set of bath and cu televizoare moderne, adicä cu tot Kp H C Ta/1/lMMeCKHMH T e/ie B H 3 o p aM H , a
body products. The staff at hotel would completul necesar pentru confortul T a x x e no/iHbiM KOMn/ieKTOM ro c T e ß b ix
be delighted to assist you in arranging d-voasträ. La dispozitia d-voasträ este n p n H a / u ie x H o c r e n . r o c t h h h 14a o ö o p y -
virtually any kind of business meeting or sala de conferintä cu capacitatea de 230 flO B a H a a B TO H O M H on e u e re mom noflaM H
social gathering imaginable. The latest de persoane pentru a petrece diferite Ten /ia n r o p f ln e n Bo/jbi. M bi n p e /u ia ra e M
in multimedia technology and a team of activitäti: business traininguri, conferinte KO H (j)epeH I4-3a/l BMeCTHTe/lbHOCTbhO flO
dedicated Professionals will help make de presä, forumuri internationale si 230 u e /io B e K /uia npoßefleHW ?! M e p o -
any event a successful and memorable primirea delegatiilor oficiale, dar si np\A9\T\A\/\ / n o ö o ro p o ^ a : 6 n 3 H e c -T p e H H H -
one. särbätorirea evenimentelor Tn grup rn , n p e cc-K O H c))e p e H L4HM, M e x ^ y H a p o ß -
si a cäsätoriilor la comandä. Sala H bie (j)OpyM bl H n p n e M b l 0 (j)WlJlH a/lbH blX
Capacity up to 230 persons. We can nemaipomenitä va fi echipatä cu strictul fle /ie ra q H H , a T a K x e K o p n o p a in B H b ie
cater your meetings with everything necesar pentru cä evenimentul sä fie M e p o n p n P T n fi n C B a fle Ö H b ie Bbie3,4Hbie
from coffee breaks, business lunches, de neuitat. Suntem gata sa ne asumäm p o c n n c n . M b i roTO Bbi B3flTb Ha c e ö fi
receptions, to full banquets. We take responsabilitatea pentru a vä organiza K O H Tp o /ib H a fl B ce M n fle ia / m M n B a iu e r o
great pride in providing our guest evenimentul de la cazarea oaspetilor M e p o n p n flT n fl. B K O M n ;ie K ce « P o c c h a »
with the outmost Professional and Tn hotelul nostru pänä la organizarea B ce n p e /iy cM O T p e H O K a K /u ia n p o ß e f le -
personalized Service. pränzurilor si a cinelor, a fourchette Tn h u ji fle /io B b ix M e p o n p n flT n n , T a K n p,j\$\
restaurantul nostru «Pocrovskie vorota». A p y x e c K o r o o ö m e H n fl.


★ ★ ★ ★

& 26, Komsomolskaya Street,
Tiraspol city, MD 3300
V. +373 533 55545, +373 775 1 33 33
■ wpclub@ edm

^ 3

W P Club - a prestigious hotel complex W P Club este unul din cele mai «BBÜ K / i y ö » - n p e c T M X H b iw r o c r u H i / m -
which is located in an ecologically prestigioase hotele din Tiraspol. Hotelul HbiM K O M n / ie K C , p a c n o / i o x e H H b i w b
comfortable residential area of the city este situat Tntr-o zonä ecologicä 3K o .n o rn M e c K M m m c to m x n T i o M paw oH e
at convenient distance from industrial si izolatä de zona industrialä si de r o p o f l a T u p a c n o / i a , H a y / io Ö H O M y / t a / ie -
enterprises and central roads. European sträzile centrale. Aid puteti beneficia HHM o t n p o M b iiD / ie H H b ix n p e /tn p M flT M W
comfort and coziness of rooms, modern de confortul european al numerelor, h p e H T p a / i b H b i x / t o p o r . E ß p o n e F ic K M H
interiors, environmentally friendly cu un interier modern, confectionat KOMCjDOpT A yHDT H O M e p O B , C O B p e M e H -
materials, high-quality Services, and fine din materiale ecologice, cu o deservire H b ie H H T e p b e p b l, 3K 0/ 10rH H e C K H M H C T b ie
cuisine are just a small part of what our de Tnaltä calitate, cu o bucätarie de M a T e p w a / ib ! , B b ic o K O K a u e c r B e H H o e
four-star hotel offers. The hotel is an neiutat- acestea sunt doar o micä parte 3
c e p B H C H o e o ö c y iy x H B a H M e , H b ic K a H H a a
excellent place for relaxation, business din ceea ce poate sa vä ofere hotelul K y x H f i — /iH LU b M a y ia a u a c T b T o r o , h t o
meetings and successful negotiations. nostru de 4 stele. Este un hotel unde 3 3
n p e / y i a r a e T H e T b ! p e x B e /i,OMHbiM o i e / i b .
There is an outdoor swimming pool puteti sä aveti o odihnä nemaipomenitä, «BBÜ K / i y ö » - O T T iH M H o e M e c T O / u ia
with water attractions, a bar, garden- sä aveti o tntälnire de afaceri cu mare O T f lb ix a , f l e / i o B b i x B C T p e u a y c n e u j H o r o
houses, barbecue facilities and a VIP succes. Pe teritoriu avem un bazin B e ß e H M fl n e p e r o ß o p o B . Ha TeppnTopnn
area for rest on the territory of the deschis cu diferite atractii de apä, bar, O T e / ifi p a c n o / i o x e H b i O T K p b iT b iM 6a c -
hotel. There are 4 saunas for those foisor cu grätar, zona de odihnä VIP. c e F m c B O /tH b iM H a r r p a K iq H O H a M M , 6a p ,
who like steam bathing. There are Oaspetii nostri pot sä beeficieze de cele ö e c e f lK M , M a H ra y i a V I P - 30H a ß / m O T ß b i-
comfortable rooms of economy-class, 4 saune. Avem la dispozitia d-voasträ x a . / lK ) 6n T e 7ie i 4n o n a p m b c a b ö a H b K e
Standard and lux at an attractive price. numere ecomon, standart si lux la un H e O C T a B flT p a B H O fly L U H b lM A
There is a free breakfast on your choice. pret avantajos. Micul dejun e la alegere 4 c a y H b i. K B a n iH M y c / i y r a M K O M (j)o p T -
Each room is equipped with WI-FI, an si gratis. La dispozitia d-voasträ avem H b ie H O M e p a K / i a c c a s k o h o m , c r a H ß a p T
air conditioning, a TV and a mini bar. Wi-Fi, conditioner, televizor, minibar. H /ll-O KC, B e c n ^ a T H b lH 33B T p a K H a B b iÖ O p .
The bathroom has toiletries, a bathrobe Camera de baie este echipatä cu B M H CTie y f l o ö c T B K a x / t o r o H O M e p a
and slippers. accessorii necesare pentru toaletä, halat Wi-Fi, K 0H fln u ,i 40H e p , T e ^ e B M 3o p h m h -
de baie si Tncältäminte pentru camerä. H H - 6a p . B B a H H o F i K O M H a ie H M e to T c a

The price, the level of comfort, In complexul nostru pretul, confortul, T y a / ie T H O —K O C M e T H u e c K H e n p n H a f l / i e x -

quietness and relaxing staying are linistea se Tmbinä optimal pentru dient. H O C T H , X a T ia T A T a n O H K H .

optimally combined in our complex.

B H a m e M K O M n y ie K c e o m v iM a / ib H O c o u e -
T 3K3TCH p e H a 14y p O B e H b K 0M<jX3p T a .


★ ★ ★

& 395a, Karl Liebknecht str,
Tiraspol city, MD-3300, ^Xgjtripadvisor*
V. + 373 533 84742, + 373 533 84548
£ + 373533 84921

The Flotel Sofia is located in the centre Complexul hotelier «Sofia» este situat ro c T U H u p a «Cocj)Hfl» p a c n o / io x e H a b
of Tiraspol city, exactly 10-minutes' in centrul orasului Tiraspol, la 1 0 min L t e m p e r o p o / ia T u p a c n o / ia , b 1 0 M i4Hy-
walk from the Kotovsky monument de la Monumentul lui G.I. Kotovskii si TaX XO flbÖbl OT n aM flTH U Ka KOTOBCKOM y
and the drama and Comedy Name de la Teatrul de Drama §i Comedie „N. n T e a T p a /tpaM bi 14 KO M e ß n n , K y c / iy ra M
of Aranetskay. Our guests can use Aronet;kaia". La dispozitia oaspetilor ro cTe ki ö e c n / ia T H a a n a p K O B K a . M bi
free Parking. The spacious rooms are avem parcare gratis. Camerele sunt n p e / y ia ra e M 1 8 n p o c r o p H b ix H O M e p o B ,
equipped with air conditioning and free spatioase si echipate cu cu acces la o c H a m e H H b ix K O H fln iq u o H e p o M 14 6 e c -
Internet access. There are 18 rooms in Internet gratis si conditioner. In hotel n^aTH b iM flo c T y n o M b l/ lm e p H e T . Bce
the hotel. Rooms and suites feature sunt 1 8 numere. Camerele si camerele H O M ep a o ö c ra B / ie H b i nHAU BM flyayibHO
individually designed furniture. The lux sunt dotate cu mobilä individualä. no,fl,o 6p aH H o i4 M e ö e /ib K). rio /ib i b h o -
floors in the suites are made of wood Podeaua Tn numerele lux este M e p a x t ilo k c B b in o ^ H e H b i 143 f le p e ß a
and patterned rugs. All room types confectionatä din lemn si decoratä cu 14 n O K p blTb l y30pH blM l4 KOBpaMM . B
include a seating area, a desk and covoare ornamentate. In toate camerele H O M e p a x B c e x K a T e ro p u k i HMef-OTCfl
a bathroom with shower. The hotel este masä de lucru si baie cu cabinä rOCTUHbM y ro ^ O K , ni4CbM eHHbli4 CTO/1 14
reception is open around the clock. It pentru dus. Sala de receptie lucreazä B a H H a a KOM HaTa c f ly iiie ß o n Kaöi4Hoi4.
offers business facilities and Services non-stop. Oaspetilor li se oferä servicii C ro k iK a p e r n c ip a p n n OTe/ia O TK p b u a
at the time of booking. We can offer business si servicii de bronare a biletelor Kpyr/iocyTO M H O . To ctam n p e / y io x a T 6143-
service to Chisinau airport also. The avia. De asemenea li se oferä transport H e c -y c / iy m n y c / iy rn n o O p o H n p o B a H n n o
train Station and bus Station are located pmä la Aeroportul International 6 n /ie T 0 B . rip e /],o cT a B ^ a e TC fl T p a H ccjie p
at 1.5 kilometers (the centre of Tiraspol Chisinau. La 1.5 km este situatä Gara flo a s p o n o p ia K u m u H e B a . B 1 .5 km o t
city). Feroviarä si autogara din Tiraspol. Noi OTe/ifl p a c n o / io x e H b i u,eHTpa/ibHbii4 x e -
comunicäm Tn limba d-voasträ! ^ e 3 H O flo p o x H b ii4 n a B T 0 B 0 K 3 a /i T u p a c -
We speak your language! noi\?\. M b i ro ß o p i4 M Ha B a iu eM fl3biKe!

o o o t ©©@

★ ★

& 3, Naberezhnaia alley,
Tiraspol city, MD-3300
V. +373 533 774 04,+ 373 777 125 03

^ 3

The hotel Aist is a six-storey building, Hotelul Aist reprezintä o clädire cu 6 rocrm-iniqa « A u ct» npeflcraB/ifleT coöoki
which is situated on the picturesque etaje plasatä pe litoralul riului Nistru i±iecTM3TaxHoe 3AaHne, KOTopoe pacno-
bank of river Dniester, in close proximity si Tn apropiere de centrul orasului si zioxeHO Ha XHBonHCHOM öepery pe km
to the central square of Tiraspol de statuia fondatorului or. Tiraspol A. AH ecrp, b HenocpeflCTBeHHOH 6/ih30cth
and the monument to Suvorov. We Suvorov. Avem la dispozitia oaspetilor o t qeHTpa/ibHOki n/iomaflM ropo^a Th-
offer our guests accommodation at numere la un pret democratic, de la pacno/ifl m naMfiTHWKa CyBopoßy. Mbi
affordable prices, in rooms from the cele econom pänä la cele cu douä npe/yiaraeM rocraM pa3Meuj,eHi4e no
category «Economy» to double rooms camere de tip lux. La etajul Tntäi avem o fleMOKpaTHHHbIM qeHaM B HOMepaX OT
of the dass «Lux». There is a new, fine, salä de banchete nouä, confortabilä si KaTeropi414 3KOHOM AO flByXKOMHaTHblX
luxurious banquet hall with an exclusive bogat decoratä, cu un design exclusiv, anapiaMeHTOB K/iacca tikdkc. Ha nepBOM
design interior, with a capacity for 200 pentru 200 de persone, unde puteti sä 3Taxe rocTi4Hi4i4bi p acno/ioxeH HOBbiw,
people on the ground floor. Here you organizati orice eveniment: cäsätorie, H3blCKaHHbli4, pOCKOLUHblH ÖaHKeTHbIM
can conduct any celebration: a wedding, zi de nastere, botez, evenimente de 3a/l C 3KCK/lK33l4BHblM fll43ai4HepCK14M
a birthday, a christening, and corporate grup. Pe längä serviciile hoteliere HHTepbepOM BMeCTMTeTlbHOCTbK) f l O 200
parties. In addition to hotel Services, acordate, hotelul Aist dispune de o salä ue/ioBex, rfle Bbi M o xe ie npoßecTM yii-o-
hotel Aist can offer a Conference room de conferinfä pentru 60 de oamenii cu 6oe TopxecTBo: CBaflböy, fleHb pox/i,e-
for 60 persons with the possibility of posibilitatea organizärii pauzelorde HH3, xpecTHHbi, xopnopaTHBHbie Beue-
organizing coffee breaks. In spring cafea. In perioada de primävarä-varä, pi4HK14. COBpeMeHHblH KOH(j)epeH14-3a/l
and in summer, the restaurant has an restaurantul nostru Tsi deschide terasa BMeiu,aeT p,o 60 nepcoH. B BeceHHe-/ieT-
open terrace with a unique view of the cu o priveleste unicalä spre räului Nistru, hmm nepnofl npi4 pecTopaHe paöoiaeT
Dniester quay, where the splash of water unde fluxul de apä te copleseste si te OTKpbiTaa Teppaca c yHHxa^bHbiM
lulls make you forget that you are in the face sä uiti cä esti Tn centrul orasului. bhaom Ha HaöepexHyto pexw A n e c ip ,
center of the city. rfle n^ecx BOflbi yöaioKHBaeT, 3aciaB n n n
33ÖblTb O TOM, MTO Bbl HaXOflHTeCb B
u,eHTpe ropofla.

©o ©• ©@©
★ ★


& 12A Gorky St., Bendery city, MD-3200
V. +373 552 200 20, (ggjtripadvisor-
m +373 552 205 35

^ 3 123

Staryie Bendery Hotel is located in Hotel «Starte Benderi»este situat in Y T o n a H D i n n T i b 3 e / ie H M o ie ^ b « C ia p b i e

the center of city, 15 minutes' walk centrul ora§ului, la 15 minute de Piafa B e H f le p b i» p a c n o ;i o x e H b p e H T p e ro p o -

from the Liberation Square and the Eliberärii §i Catedrala „Schimbarea f la , b 15 M M H y T a x x o / jb ö b i o t r i/ io in a / t n

Transfiguration Cathedral, in close la Fafä a Mäntuitorului" din Bender, O c B o ö o x /te H M ^ n r ip e o ö p a x e H C K o r o

vicinity to the Gorky Park. A piece of Tn apropierea nemijlocitä de Parcul K a c j) e f lp a / ib H o r o C o ö o p a , b H e n o c p e f l-

comfort and calmness in the center central „Gorkii". Reprezintä un colt;i§or C T B e H H O k i 6 / 1M3 0 C T H o t I l a p K a MM.

of Bendery for those who know the de confort §i lini§te Tn centrul ora§ului r o p b ic o r o . C n p o e K T M p O B a H H b iM npM

sense of true comfort and got used to Bender, pentru oameni care apreciazä yuacTM M H e M e q ic o r o a p x M T e ic r o p a , O T e ^ b

the high Standard of Service. Projected confortul adevärat §i sunt adeptji ai O T / I M M a e T C f l K O M ( j ) O p T a 6 e / lb H O C T b E O M

with participation of German architect unor standarde malte de service. Este eßponeM CKM M /i,M 3 a M H O M . K y c / i y r a M ro -

and built in 2001, it is distinguished proiectat cu participarea arhitectului c re M 10 K O M c jx a p T a ö e y ib H b ix H ow epoß: 4

by its comfort and European design. originär din Germania, a fost construit O f l H O K O M H a T H b lX , 4 ß B y X K O M H a T H b lX M 2
The multi-level arrangement of rooms Tn anul 2001, se deosebe§te printr-un s k o h o m . P a 3 H o y p o B H e B o e p a c n o / io x e -

provides good acoustic isolation. For confort §i designul european. A§ezarea HMe H O M ep o B o ö e cn e M M B a e T x o p o m y to

the convenience of guests there is an la niveluri diferite a camerelor asigurä 3 B y K 0 M3 0 /1314ME0 . ß , J \ 9\ y f l O Ö C T B a n O C T O -

autonomous heating system, there o izolatjie acusticä superbä. Pentru f l/ lb U ,e B < j) y H K U ,M O H M p y e T a B T O H O M H O e

is a reservoir for uninterrupted water confortul oaspet;ilor funcfioneazä O T o n / ie H M e , e c r b p e 3 e p ß y a p & j\s\ ö e c n e -

supply. In the four-staged building Tncälzirea autonomä, existä rezervor peöoM H O M n o /ta u M B O f lb i. B c e H O M e p a

of hotel there is a bar, a restaurant pentru asigurarea permanentä cu apä. o c H a m e H b i K O H /i,M L 4 M O H e p a M M , M e x f l y -

with European cuisine. There are 10 In blocul cu patru etaje sunt preväzute: H a p o flH O M T e / ie c j) O H H O M C B E i3 b E O , c n y T -

comfortable rooms: 4 one-room, 4 barul, restaurantul specializat Tn H M K O B b lM T e ^ e B M A O H M e M , M M H M - Ö a p O M ,

two-room and 2 economy. All rooms bucätärie europeanä. Oferim oaspetjilor Wi-Fi. B a H H b ie K O M H a T b i o ö o p y / t o B a H b i

of the hotel meet modern European no§ti 10 camere confortabile: 4 camere f ly m e B b iM M K a Ö M H a M M m c j) e H a M M , b p a c -

requirements. Room rate includes single, 4 camere düble, 2 camere nopaxeH M M ro c re M n p e / ],M e T b i/ im m h o m

breakfast and private parking for the econom. Noi vom asigura o atmosferä TM TM eH bl M T a n O U K M . B M e T b ip e X 3 T 3 X H O M

personal vehicles of guests. We will grijulie, de bunavointjä. Pentru dvs: 3 ^ aH M M o T e / ia n p e / t y c M O T p e H b i 6 a p , p e -

surround you with an atmosphere of personal prietenos, un nivel malt de C TopaH c e ß p o n e k ic K O M KyxH eM . B O Te^ e
care and kindness. For you: friendly confort, confidenfialitate, securitate. K / lM e H T M O X e T p a C C M M T b l B 3 T b H a C B e x e -

staff, high level of comfort, privacy and B b iC T M p a H H o e m B b i m a x e H H o e ö e / ib e ,

security. B K y c H y h o e ,a y m A y w e B H b iM O T f lb ix .

★ ★ ★


& 18, Pavel Tcacenco st r.,

Bender city, MD-3200
V. +373 552 29622, +373 552 29571

The hotel Prieteniya is situated in the Elotelul «Prietenia» este situat in O ie ^ b « E lp u e T e H U fl» p a c n o / io x e H b
historical center of Bender on the quay centrul istoric al or. Bender, pe malul n c T o p n u e c K O M u,eH Tpe B e H ^ e p Ha H a-
of the river Dniester, near the Church riului Nistru, aläturi de Mänästirea „ Sf. ö e p e x H o w p e K H f lH e c r p , p a/jo M c U ,e p -
of St. Peter and Paul, and of course the Apostoli Petru si Pavel" si binemteles KO Bbto C ß fiT b ix Ile T p a h ElaBTia H B e H -
Bender Fortress. We invite guests to aläturi de Cetatea Bender. Invitäm toti fle p c K o w Kp e n o cT b i-o . M bi n p n r/ia iu a e M
stay in our hotel. Friendly staff, quiet oaspetii orasului Bender sä aleagä r o c r e n r o p o ^ a o c ia H O B H T b c a b HaLuew
and comfortable atmosphere of our hotelul nostru. Personalul prietenos, ro cTH H H iq e . ripH BeT/iM BbiFi n e p c o H a / i,
hotel will help you to relax and escape atmosfera linistitä si confortabilä THxapi h yro T H a a a iM o c c j)e p a H a m e ro
from everyday problems. For their o sä vä ajute sä aveti o odihnä cät OTeyifl n o M o ry T Baw x o p o r n o O Tflo xH yT b
guests' Prieteniya offers comfortable mai pläcutä si sä uitati de rutina H OTB/ieMbCfl OT n O B C e flH e B H O H eyeTbi.
accommodation in modern rooms. It obisnuitä. Pentru locuitorii säi, hotelul O ie ^ b « E lp n e ie H n a » n p e ^ / ia r a e T k o m -
offers 84 modern rooms of different «Prietenia» propune o cazare Tn numere 4>o pTH o e p a3 M e m ,e H ne b c o ß p e M e H H b ix
categories - from Standard to luxury confortabile si moderne. La dispozitia H O M e p a x. K BaiuwM yc/iyra M 84 H o w e p a
apartments. Every room has WI-FI, a D-voasträ avem 84 de numere de p a 3 H b ix K a ie r o p H H - o t c ra H /ta p T a flo
satellite TV, a daily room Service. The diferite clase, de la cel de tip standart a n a p T aM e H TO B . B K a x ^ o M H O M e p e e cT b
proximity to major attractions, places pinä la cel de tip apartament. In fiecare B b ico K O C K o p o cT H O H Wi-Fi, CnyTHM KOBOe
of business and trade activity will numär este conectare Wi-Fi, televiziune Te^ e B H /i,e H ne . E x e / jH e B H o e o ö c n y x H -
easily allow you to plan your day, work prin satelit si deservirea zilnicä a B 3 H H e H OM epO B. B /lH 30CTb OCHO BHbiX
productively and have a good rest. We numerelor. Apropierea de destinatiile A O CTonpH M eM aTe^bH O CTeFi, a T a K x e
offer a wide ränge of different Services - orasului de bazä, locurile de afaceri M eCT fle/IOBOM H TOprOBO H aKTMBHOCTM
a billiards room, a sauna and a 10 -meter o sä vä permitä cu usurintä sä vä n o 3 B 0 7 i3 T BaM 6 e 3 Tpy/ta c n n a H i/ip o B a T b
heated pool, 2 restaurants where the planificati ziua, sä lucrati cu succes si sä fle H b , n /io flO T B o p H O n o p a ö o T a T b h
menu includes national Moldavian vä odihniti. Noi vä propunem un sird e x o p o u io O T/toxH yTb. M bi n p e ^ / ia ra e M
dishes. servicii diferse- salä de biliard, saunä LLiMpoKHFi c n e K T p y c/iy r: örnib fip /iH b iFi
cu un bazin cu apä caldä cu o suprafatä c a y io H , c a y H a c 1 0 -M e T p o B b iM Ten/ibiM
de 10 m, douä restaurante meniul ö a cceF iH O M , ß ß a p e c T o p a H a , b M eHro
cärora este bazat pe bucate traditionale KO TOpbiX BXO^PIT HaLJ,MOHa/lbHbie MO/1-
moldovenesti. A aB C K H e ö/u-o/ja.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

& 170/B, Eliberarii st r.,

mun. Orhei, MD-3501 (§jojtripad visor

V. +373 829 891
£ +373 22 829 888

Chateau Vartely is a Company that Chateau Vartely este o companie Chateau Vartely - BUHOße/ibuecKoe
combines the latest technology in care Tmbinä tehnologiile de ultima npeflnpuflTne, coueiai-omee b ceöe
the cultivation of grapes and grape generatie in cresterea vitei-de-vie si Hau,noHa/ibHbie TpaßUM^n n h o Beduine
Processing with a passion for producing prelucrarea strugurilor cu pasiunea TeXHO/lOTHH B OÖ/iaCTH B03fle71blBaHH^
high-quality wine. Once again, out of pentru producerea vinului de calitate. BHHOrpaflHHKOB MnpOM3BOflCTBa
respect for tradition and authenticity, in Din acelasi respect pentru traditii si KauecreeHHoro BHHa. \As yßaxeHHfi
2008 Chateau Vartely opened a tourist autenticitate, Chateau Vartely deschide K TpaflHiqMflM H ayTeHTMMHOCTH B
complex, located ju st 45 kilometers in 2008 un complex turistic situat la 2008 roßy Chateau Vartely OTKpbi/i
from Chisinau. The tourist complex doar45 km de Chi§inäu. Complexul COBpeMeHHbIM TypHCTHMeCKHH
has a distinct architecture and is a turistic are o arhitecturä distinctä si KOMn/iexc, pacno/ioxeHHbin b 45
truly spectacular scenery. In the hotel prezintä un adevärat deliciu peisajistic. KMTioMeipax o t KmunHeBa, b ropofle
complex, there is a hotel, which consists In cadrul Complexului se aflä un hotel, Opreeße. 3flecb h HenoBTopHMbie
of villas, built in accordance with the alcätuit din vile turistice, construite npupoflHbie /iaHflLua<J)Tbi, n yHuxa/ibHafi
traditions of the north, centre and conform traditiilor din Nordul, Centrul si apxmeicrypa, n Bbicoxi/ie eBponei/icKHe
south of Moldova. It can accommodate Sudul Moldovei. Pänä la 40 de oaspeti CTaHflapTbl. rOCTMHHHHbIM KOMn/ieKC
up to 40 guests. Guests of various pot fi gäzduiti. Oaspetii diverselor Chateau Vartely c o c t o h t H3 bm/i/i,
events, held in the complex, whose evenimente din cadrul Complexului, nOCTpoeHHblX B COOTBeTCTBHH C
loyalty is priceless for us, are rewarded fidelitatea cärora este de nepretuit, TpaflHpHfiMH ceßepa, u,eHTpa w iora
with reasonable prices and attractive sunt räsplätiti prin preturi rezonabile M0/1,^OBbl. TypHCTHHeCKHe BM/1/1bl
discounts. Here, you will find a magical si reduceri atractive. Vilele turistice roTOBbi npuHATb flo 40 roden,
and cozy atmosphere, full of traditional sunt gata sä gäzduiascä vizitatorii Tn 8 n p e flo c T a B M B h m 8 CTaH/japTHbix
elements and spectacular views. camere Standard, 4 apartamente VIP si 2 HOMepOB, 4 /lEOKCa H 2 VIP-KOMHaTbl
Details are important, so the success camere-mansardä, oferind o atmosferä Ha BepxHHX 3Taxax, a TaKxe
that we have achieved, was achieved relaxantä §i confortabilä. pacc/iaö/iaEOLMyK) h KOMcjxjpTHyi-o
through the impeccable Service, our aiMoccj)epy. To c t h pa3/iHHHbix
attitude towards our guests, as well MeponpHflTHH, npOBOflHMblX
as professionalism and enthusiasm of b KOMn/ieicce Chateau Vartely,
Chateau team. Tourist villas are ready to B03HarpaxA6Hbi npMB/iexaTe/ibHbiMH
accommodate visitors into 8 Standard CKHflKaMH.
rooms, 4 VIP rooms and 2 suites on
the upper floors, and offer to enjoy a
relaxing and comfortable atmosphere.


18 2 7
★ ★ ★ ★

Purcari village, Shtefan Voda region,
MD-4229 (fÜStripadvisor-

+373 24 230 411, +373 681 208 20,


+373 601 21 221.

U l ^3
Chateau Purcari continues to be a pleas- Complexul Purcari reprezintä unul C h a t e a u P u r c a r i - n p e ic p a c H b in o a 3 i4c
ant oasis on the frontier of Europe. The dintre cele mai valoroase si renumite Ha rp aH i4 u ,e E ß p o n b i. P u r c a r i H 3 B e c re H
Chateau is again known to the whole domenii ale Europei de Est. El este B c e M y M w p y c b o h m h n p e M n a /ib H b iM H
world forits premium wines, which have recunoscut la nivel mondial prin B H H a M H , KO T o p b ie n o n y u n m 6 o / ie e
received over 200 awards and praise vinurile sale exceptionale, care au 200 H a rp a /t Ha M e x / t y H a p o / t H b ix c o -
from international competitions. On adunat pe parcursul secolelor peste p e BH O B aH H Eix. Bmhhbim 3 aB O fl o c H a m e H
the premises is built a modern facto- 200 de distinctii la cele mai prestigioase T e x H O /io m flM H n o c / ie flH e r o n o KO /ieH i4?i,
ry, equipped with the last generation concursuri internationale. Pe teritoriul HeO ÖXO/l, 14 Mbl MH npOI43BOflCTBa
technologies in wine making process. complexului este construitä o fabricä B14H3. 3 /ie C b X e , e p e A H BM HO rpaflHW COB
On the same place, in the middle of the modernä, echipatä conform recentelor p a c n o ;io x e H O m a io b o cj)paHU,y3CKOM
vineyards there is a Chateau in French norme de producere a vinurilor. Pe cri4 7 ie . M b i n p e / y ia r a e M ro c T H H H Lty c 8
style, offering guests the opportunity to längä fabricä se aflä si un Chateau Tn stil pocKO LU H biM H HO M epaM M , 2 pecTop aH a
discover the secular history and to enjoy francez, ce oferä oaspetilor posibilitatea BMeCTHTeTlbHOCTbHD OT 60 flO 120 HeTlO-
exclusive Purcari wines. We offer hotel de a-i descoperi istoria secularä si de B e « , n aTH O Ha 120, 250 v\m 300 ueno-
with 8 luxury rooms, 2 restaurants with a savura exclusivele vinuri de Purcari. B e K , OCHaLU,eHHbie CHCTeMOM Mt4KpOK71l4-
a capacity for 60 to 120 people, patios Oferim cu drag 8 camere de lux, 2 M a ia . M b i T a ic x e n p e / y ia r a e M C h a t e a u
for 120, 250 or 300 people, equipped restaurante cu capacitatea de 60 si 120 T o u r: n o c e m e H H e i4 c ro p i4 M e c K o ro b h h -
with a micro-climate system. We offer de personae, terase pentru 120, 250 H o ro n o r p e ö a c n e p c o H a /ib H b iM n p o -
also Chateau Tour: a visit to a historic si 300 persoane, echipate cu sistem (j)eC C I40H a/lbH blM THflOM , /ieKU,l4HD O n p O -
wine cellar with a personal Professional microclimä. Noi oferim si excursie la q e c c e n p o i4 3 B O flC T B a Bi4Ha h , K O H e u h o ,
guide, information session about the Chateau: vizitarea beciurilor istorice flerycTau,i4H D . B M e c ie c B e /ii4 K 0 ^ e nH b iM i4
production process and wine tasting. At cu un ghid profesionist, familiarizarea BHHaM 14 Bbi n o /iy m 4 T e n p e K p a c H b iri
the Chateau, great wines naturally meet cu procesul de producere, degustäri raCTpOHOMI4M eCKI4i4 O nb lT. /lKDÖI4Te/ll4
with great gastronomic experiences. de vinuri. La Chateau Purcari, marile e ß p o n e n c K O H K yxH H n o /i,ocTo i4H C TBy
European cuisine lovers will appreciate vinuri se TntälnescTn mod firesc cu o iq e H frr cj)i4p M eH H bie 6 /iEO/ta Black Flank
house specialties - Black Flank Steak marile experiente gastronomice. S t e a k 14 F o ie Gras, a T e , k t o n p e f ln o m 4-
and Foie Gras, and those who prefer Bucatele ca la carte acompaniate de T a e T Tpa/i,i4u,i40H H yE0 e/ty , M o ry T n o n p o -
traditional food can taste the master- minunatele vinuri Purcari vor fi apreciate ö o ß a T b Lu e/teB p b i M O /i/ja B C K o ii K yxH H . y
pieces of Moldovan cuisine. You can chiar si de cei mai gurmanzi oaspeti. H a c Bb i M o x e i e B b iö p a T b c e ö e s a n m m
choose activities: biking, hiking, tennis, Iubitorii bucätäriei europene vor Ha tihdöom B Kyc: B e y io c n n e fl, n o x o ^ b i,
table tennis, Volleyball, and games for aprecia specialitätile casei- Black Flank TeH H H C , HaCTO /lbHblH TeH H H C , BO /ieHÖ O /l.
children. Nearby lakes offer fishing, Steak si Foie Gras, iar cei care preferä O K p e c T H b ie 0 3 e p a n p e / y ia r a io T p b iö a /i-
boating, and other relaxing pursuits that bucätäria traditionalä vor putea savura K y, K a ia H H e Ha /lo /y c a x 14 /tp y rH e y ß / ie K a -
heighten the senses and offers relaxing capodoperele bucätäriei moldovenesti. Te /lb H b ie 33H9\T\A9\.

y * ? ja t r e >

★ ★ ★ ★

& Parcul Nistrean, Vadul lui Voda MD-2046
V. + 372 22 416 333, (sXgJtripadvisor-
+373 60 101 455, +373 60 506 670


^3 123

Situated in a quietarea ofVadul lui Complexul Turistic VATRA se situiazä rOCTMHUMHO-TypUCTUUeCKUM KOMn/ieKC
Voda town, on the bank of Nistru mtr-un loc pitoresc si verde in zona VATRA pacno/ioxeH b yTonaromeM 3e-
River, the Vatra-Elita resort combines de odihnä Vadul lui Voda. Aid este tot /ieHH napKOBoFi 30Hbi Bafly/i-/iyIi-BoA3.
traditional hospitality with modern necesarul pentru cä Dumneavoasträ y Hac ecTb Bce, moöbi toctu Mor/in
comfort. It is surrounded by green trees sä petreceti o vacantä pläcutä, sä npMflTHO OTAOXHyTb, OTMeTHTb HDÖH/ieM,
and fresh air. Eiere you have everything särbätoriti evenimentele principale om pa 3,AHOBaTb cßaßböy, 3aHfiTbCfl
necessary for an unforgettable holiday ale vietii - n u n ti, jubileuri, cumätrii. paöoMUMH fle/iaMM h/im npoßec™ 6m -
or efficient business-trip. Eiere you can Complexul Turistic VATRA dispune Hec-neperoBopbi. VATRA pacno/iaraeT
have business meetings, Conferences, de 30 de numere hoteliere care sunt 30 HOMepaMU, b KaxßOM m KOTopbix
workshops, official receptions as weil as dotate cu sisteme cu aer conditionat, cboFi yHUKa/ibHbiw dn/ib HHTepbepa,
banquets, weddings and other fests. The frigidere, televizoare, internet, Wi-Fi. a TaKxe bca HeoOxoflUMaa TexHUKa,
VATRA hotel offers 30 rooms of different VATRA este dotat cu siteme de Tncälzire BK/lKDMaP KOH,AMI4MOHep, XO/lOflM/lb-
categories with a modern design, si electricitate autonome. Dispunem de hmk, TV. B pacnopaxeHMM rocreFi 3
equipped with bathroom, TV, fridge 3 säli de sedinte si conferinte dotate o 6opy/i,OBaHHbix KOHcj)epeHi4-3a/ia fl/ia
and air-conditioner, including 2 VIP cu echipament modern pentru a npoßefleHna pa3/inm-ibix ceMMHapoB,
rooms. The hotel disposes of permanent petrece diferite seminare, training-uri TpeHMHroB n KOHcj)epeHi4nFi. Foctuhmm-
cold and hot water and indirect si conferinte. Pentru activitatea sportivä HO-TypMCTUMeCKMM KOMn/ieKC VATRA
heating system fo ra comfortable rest noi oferim o salä de fitness cu utilaj npe/i,/iaraeT cbomm rocraM coßpeMeH-
all year round. The three Conference contemporan european, teren de fotbal, Hbm cj)MTHec-i4eHTp, a TaKxe cj/yiöo/ib-
rooms totally equipped represent the volei, tenis de cimp si de masä, salä de Hoe n BO/ieFiöo/ibHoe no/ia, OTKpbiTbiFi
ideal place for holding of workshops, biliard, saunä, hamam, jacuzzi. Pentru öaccetiH, do/ibi fl/ia HacTO/ibHoro
trainings and meetings. The fitness cei care doresc sa se odihneasca la TeHHMCa, TeHHMCHbIM KOpT, ÖH/lbfipAHbie
gym is fit up with modern equipment. aer über este bine amenajatä o zona CTO/1bl. UMeiOTC?! COÖCTBeHHbie X3MM3M,
Also you can relax in sauna, hamam, de barbeque cu foisoare si mangale. pyccKaa öaHfl, flxaKy3M, a TaKxe 30Ha
swimming-pool, Jacuzzi. You can play Restaurantul Vatra va asteaptä si vä öapöeKHD c npocTopHbiMM öeceflKaMU
billiard, tennis, Volleyball, football. For oferä o gamä largä de bucate europene m MaHra/ioM. B M3bicKaHHOM pecTopaHe
children we offer a colored playground. si nationale. moxho OTBe^aTb 6/iiofla eßponeFicKOM
If you want to rest outside, you can use m HaquoHa/ibHoFi KyxHU.
our summer houses. Our guests can
taste national and European dishes in a
cosy and elegant restaurant.

Hotel | ^

11 Relax
★ ★ ★


iw iir H ir n f f ® n ^
& Nistru Park, Vadul lui Voda village, (fgjtripadvisor-
Chisinau mun. MD-2046
V. +373 22 417-780
+373 22-417-820


^ 3

The hotel complex IT-Relax is also a Complexul hotelier IT-Relax este unicul rocTMHUMHbm komn/iexc IT-Relax ab-
unique center of rehabilitation and centru de reabilitare si agrement situat /laeTCfl Taxxe yHHxa/ibHbiM qeHTpoM
relax located in the beautifuI place of in cel mai pitoresc loc al zonei balneare pea 6n/inTau,nn 14 OTflbixa, pacno/ioxeH-
the largest resort area of Moldova - Vadul lui Voda, la doar 63 de metri HbiM b xnBonncHoFi MacTU KpynHe14LUev\
Vadul lui Voda, ju st 63 meters from the de malul raului Nistru. Vadul lui Voda KypopTHoFi 30Hbi MoyiflOBbi Ba^y/i-
Dnister River. We offer 47 comfortable este cea mai mare statiune balnearä, /iyFi-Bo,43, Bcero b 63 Meipax ot pexn
rooms with balcony and bath. All rooms de odihnä si agrement din Republica AHecrp. B OTe/ie 47 KOM<j)opTa6e/ibHbix
include a TV with cable channels, air Moldova. Hotelul dispune de 47 camere HOMepOB C 6a/IKOHOM 14 BaHHOM. Bo
conditioning, refrigerator, hairdryer, confortabile, mobilate. Fiecare camerä Bcex HOMepax ecTb Te/ieBi43op c xa-
telephone and Wi-Fi. Business Center este complet echipatä cu balcon si baie 6e/lbHblMl4 KaHa/iaMI4, K0Hfll4U,l40Hep,
IT-Relax includes three fully equipped proprie, TV, aer conditionat, frigider, xo/i0,3,14/1bHnk, cjieH, Te/iec})OH 14 Wi-Fi.
Conference rooms with a total capacity uscätor de pär, telefon, Wi-Fi si internet Bi43Hec-u,eHTp IT-Relax BK/iroMaeT b
of 190 people, which are suitable for prin cablu. Hotelul dispune de o gamä ceöp Tpi4 nO/lHOCTbhO OÖOpy/],OBaHHblX
business events, banquets and personal largä de facilitäti, inclusiv express check­ KOH(j)epeHi4-3a/ia o6m,ei4 BMecime/ib-
events. It has a restaurant with a high in si check-out, un bar si un restaurant HOCTbHD 190 nepCOH, KOTOpbie nOflXOflHT
cuisine, which serves breakfast, lunch de Tnaltä calitate unde se serveste micul fl/ifi npoBeßeHUfl ^e/ioßbix Meponpna-
and dinner in the hotel, and a pool bar dejun, pränzul si cina; o salä de fitness 1AV\, ÖaHKeTOB 14 ZlUMHblX npa3flHI4KOB.
serving light snacks outdoor. There is si o saunä, in lobby pentru oaspeti, B OTe/ie pacno/ioxeH pecTopaH c
also a gym, sauna and relaxation room in centru de afaceri cu facilitate care BbICOKOM KyXHei4, B KOTOpOM nOflaK)T
with billiards. Guests can play Volleyball include 3 sali de conferinte complet 3aBTpaK, oöe/i, n yxi4H, a TaKxe 6ap y
and table tennis, or relax on the outdoor utilate si o camerä de recreere cu biliard. 6accei4Ha, r^e no/iaK)T zierKne 3aKycKi4.
terrace. Alte facilitäti include: o parcare in aer B pacnoppxeHnn rocien TaKxe TpeHa-
über si o piscinä cu bar unde se servesc x e ph bi i/i 3a/i, cayHa 14 KOMHaia OTflbixa
mese usoare, un teren de volei si tenis c 6i4/ibfipflOM. Tocru MoryT nourpaTb b
de masä. Oaspetii se pot relaxa la terasä, BO/iei46o/l 14 HaCTO/lbHbli4 TeHHMC 14/114
in aer über, savuränd o bäuturä, in timp OTfloxHyTb Ha OTKpbiTOki Teppace.
ce se uitä cum se joacä copii lor intr-un
loc special amenajat pentru ei.


★ ★ ★

& 20, Mihail Kogälniceanu st r.,
Soroca city, MD-3000
V. +373 230 23 456,+ 373 600 23456
+373 230 23 616

^ 3

Central Hotel is located in the heart Central Hotel este localizat Tn inima C e n t r a l H o te l p a c n o / io x e H b u ,e m p e
of the Soroca city, close to the public orasului Soroca, aproape de institutiile ro p o f la C o p o ic a , H e ^ a /ie x o o t r o c y -
institutions of the city, also easily publice ale orasului, dar si accesibil A a p c T B e H H b ix y u p e x /te H U M n o c h o b -
reachable for all those who want to pentru cei ce vor sä descopere cele H blX TypMCTUMeCKMX 14 l4CTOpi4MeCKt4X
discover the major touristic and historic mai importante atractii turistice A O C T o n p u M e M a Te /ib H o cre tf ro p o / ja .
attractions, is 10 minutes away from si istorice din nordul tärii, la 10 B c e r o b 1 0 M M H yiax x o ^ b ö b i o t OTe/ifl
the famous Soroca Fort, close to the minute de faimoasa Cetatea Soroca, H axo flflTC fl 3H aM eH H Taa C o p o K c x a p
Historical Museum and «Thanksgiving aproape de Muzeul de Istorie si K p e n O C T b , 1/lCTOpHMeCKHM My3ei4 14
Candle». Central Hotel includes 17 Etnografie si Monumentul „Lumänarea « C ß e u a ö /ia ro ^ a p e H M fl» . O Te/ib C e n t r a l
spacious rooms, which are designed Recunostintei". Hotelul include 17 p a c n o T ia r a e T 1 7 n p o cT o p H b iM M H OM e-
to meet the highest accommodation camere spatioase, care sunt amenajate paM14 C pOCKOLUHOFi 14 O ß H O B p eM eH H O
Standards by being fully equipped with pentru a atinge cele mai malte ym TH o Fi o ö c T a H O B K o i4 , K O T o p b ie c n p o -
a luxurious and cozy environment. standarde de cazare. Toate camerele e K TU p O B aH b l B COOTBeTCTBUH C CaMblMH
All rooms are equipped with air sunt dotate cu aer conditionat modern, BbICOKMM 14 CTaH flap TaM 14 pa3M em eH U fl.
conditioning, cable TV, minibar, as well TV cablu, minibar, un set de baie B ce H OM epa o c H a m e H b i c o ß p e M e H -
as necessary bathroom cosmetics and necesar si uscätor. Printre alte dotäri, HblMl4 K0Hfll4U,140HepaM14, KaOeTlbHblM
a hairdryer. The hotel has a restaurant, hotelul dispune de un restaurant, o T e/ieB H /teH n eM , M i4H i4 -6 apo M , a T a K x e
a technically equipped Conference salä de conferinte si zonä SPAcu saunä h e o 6 x 0 ,414mbim 14 BaHHbiM H n p u H a fl-
center and a SPA area with a Turkish and finlandezä si baie turceascä. Oferind un 7ieXHOCTflM14 14 CjieHOM. B o ie ;ie eCTb
Finnish sauna. Central Hotel Stands out mediu cälduros, hotelul se evidentiazä p e c T o p a H , TexHM M ecKn o ö o p y A O B a H H b ii4
through its stylish design and facilities, prin design si servicii, reprezentmd 3a/i /v/ifl KO Hc^epeHiquFi n S P A -3 0 H a c
representing the perfect choice for both alegerea perfecta atat pentru afaceri, cät Typ eu ,Ko i4 n cJim hckoFi c a y H o F i. O ie / ib
business and leisure travelers. si pentru vacante. 0T/114MaeTCfl CTMTlbHblM A143aFiHOM 14
y/i,o6cTBaM i4, n p e /ic T a B /iflfl Mflea/ibHbiFi
B b iö o p /v/ifl B c e x ro c re F i, b to m u n c/ie
/V/1fl Ö143HeC-Typi4CTOB.

Q 0 Q @ © @1 0

★ ★

& 21, Mateevici st r.,
Cahul city, MD-3900
t- +373 299 26 546.+ 373 299 23 998.
£ +373 299 24 429

^ 3

Welcome to Hotel AZALIA! The hotel Bine atl venit in Hotelul AZALIA! flo ö p o noxa/ioßaTb b rocTUHnqy
is located in the center of Cahul Hotelul este situat m centru ora§ului «A3a/ii4fl»! OHa pacnoyioxeHa b
town, Republic of Moldova. Here Cahul, Republica Moldova. Aid vetl peHTpe ropofla Kary/i, Pecnyöyinica
you will find everything you need for gäsi tot de ce avetl nevoie in timpul Mo/i/toßa. 3/tecb Bac oxi4/taeT Bce,
business or holiday, 39 comfortable cälätoriei de afaceri sau vacan^ä: 39 m o HyxHO i yifl 6n3Heca 14 OTßbixa:

rooms, bar and pizzeria with diverse camere confortabile, bar §i pizzerie cu KOM(j)opTHbie HOMepa, yhOTHbiFi 6ap,
cuisine, and of course, friendly and o bucätärie diversä, §i bineTnt;eles, vetl ni4u,u,epi4fl c i43bicKaHHOH KyxHen 14,
responsive to your needs staff. Hotel fi mtämpinatl de personalul prietenos KOHem-io x e , /toöpoxe/iaTe/ibHbm
AZALIA offers the guests rooms §i receptiv. Hotelul AZALIA vä oferä m MyTKuFi nepcoHa/i. rocTUHULta
equipped with autonomous heating, camere dotate cu Tncälzire autonomä, «A3a/ii4fl» npeflocraß/ifleT cbom m rocrflM
air conditioning, telephone, cable TV, aer conditlonat, telefon, TV prin cablu, HOMepa, OCHaLLteHHbie aBTOHOMHbIM
free Wi-Fi connection. In addition to acces gratuit la Internet Wi-Fi. Pe längä OTOn/ieHl4eM, K0H,fl,l4L4l40HepaMl4,
hotel Services, hotel AZALIA can offer a serviciile hoteliere prestate, hotelul TeTieC^OHOM 14 KaÖe/lbHbiM
Conference room with Wi-Fi connection, AZALIA dispune de o salä de conferinte, Te7ieB14/teHl4eM. riOMMMO fOCTl4H14MHbiX
with the possibility of organizing dotatä cu acces la Internet Wi-Fi, cu yc/iyr rocTHHmta «A3a;ii4fl» npe/yiaraeT
coffee breaks. For connoisseurs of posibilitatea organizärii pauzelorde KOHcj)epeHU,-3a/i c becn/iaim iM
national and European traditions, Bar cafea. Pentru cunoscätorii de tradit;ii Wi-Fi /yifl npoßefleHMa pa3/ii4MHbix
«Aquarium» and Pizzeria «Celentano» nationale §i europene, Barul «Aquarium» Meponpi4flTi4t4 14 opraHH3aLti4K)
offer Moldavian and European cuisine, §i Pizzeria «Celentano» oferä bucate Kocjie-6pei4KOB. Bap «AxBapnyM » 14
as well as a large variety of pizza and nationale §i europene, precum §i o n 14u,u,ep 14fl «He/ieHTaHO» npe/t/iarat-OT
Moldavian platsynd and pancakes. gamä largä de pizze, pläcinte §i clätite. M07i/taBCKne 14 eßponencKHe 6 j\[o p ,a , a
Hotel «Azalia» guarantees a high level Hotelul AZALIA garanteazä un nivel malt T a xx e LLii4poKi4M accopTMMeHT ni4U,l4bl 14
of service, traditional hospitality and de deservire, ospitalitate traditlonalä M07i/taBCKi4x n/iau,i4H/t, BepiyT 14 6 /ih h o b .
individual attention to each guest. We §i o atenfie individualä pentru fiecare rocTHHHLta «A3afli4fl» rapaHTHpyeT
are waiting for you! oaspete. Vä a§teptäm cu drag! BbICOKWM ypOBeHb 06c/iyXl4BaH14fl,
Tpafll4U,140HH0e rOCTenpi4l4MCTBO 14
l4H/tl4B14/tyaflbHbli4 nOßXO/t K KaXflOMy

o @@o ©@
★ ★ ★

& 204E, Lenin st r., Comrat city, MD-3805 (fgjtripadvisor-
V- +373 298 277 00,+ 373 298 260 31,
+ 373 79544606.

^ 3

The modern building complex Altin Complexul Altin Palace este situat Altin Palace
H a x o flm c fl b qei-rrpe ropofla
Palace is located in the heart of Comrat in inima ora§ului, darin acela§ timp, KoMpaT, Ha oflHow 143 THXI4 X ero y/11414. B
city, but at the same time, is sheltered adäpostit de sträzile aglomerate. PutetT npe^e/iax nemei4 npory/ixi4 ßHCKOTexa,
from the busy central streets of the sä vä relaxatl Tn barul hotelului §i sä napi4KMaxepcKafi, Me,Ai4u,i4HCKi4H iqeHTp,
city. In the evening you can relax in vä bucurati de lini§te, plimbändu-vä peHTpa/ibHbM napK, My3ei4 n ToproBbie
the hotel bar, or can enjoy a peaceful pe strada principalä. Acolo vet;i gäsi: Mara3i4Hbi. C b o h m ro cra M Mbi npe/yiara-
and quiet stroll along the main Street. discoteca, frizeria, centrul medical, eM 10 npocTopHbix, KOMcjiopiaöe/ibHbix
Within walking distance - there are parcul central, muzeul §i diverse HOMepoB, oöopyAOBaHHbix coßpe-

discos, hairdresser, medical center, a magazine. Respectabilul Altin Palace MeHHOH MeÖe/lbK), KOHflHUMOHepOM,
cultural center, central park, museums combinä ospitalitatea tradi^ionalä a Kaöe/ibHbiM Te/ieBi4/teHneM, cewcjioM,
and retail shops. 10 comfortable rooms etniei gägäuze §i high-techul hotelului Te/ie4>OHOM, Ml4H14-6apOM 14 XO/10fll4/lb-
are equipped with modern furniture, modern. Hotelul oferä 11 camere h h k o m . B B3HHoi4 KOMHaie Bbi Hatf/jeie
air conditioning, cable TV, security, spatjioase, confortabile, dotate cu Cj)l4pMeHHbli4 KOMn/ieKT Tya/ieTHblX npi4-
telephone, mini bar and refrigerator. The mobilier modern, aer conditionat, H a /u ie x H O C T e fi, cj>eH, no/ioTeHU,a, xa/iaTbi
spacious bathroom has a complete set cablu TV, seif, telefon, minibar §i 14 TanoHKM. 06c/iyxi4BaH ne anapiaivieH-
of toiletries, hair dryer and always fresh frigider. In orice baie spatloasä vet;i to b npon3BOAi4TCfl 2 4 uaca b cyiKM.
towels. Cafe Altin Palace - is a perfect gäsi un set de toaletä, uscätor de pär §i Wi-Fi flocTyneH Ha Bcei4 TeppmopHH
place to relax, meet friends or business prosoape mereu proaspete. Cafeneaua oie/ia. PecTopaH Altin Palace paöoiaeT
Partners. Its spacious modern design is §i restaurantul deschid port;ile sale c 9.00 flo 01.00 14 no/ib3yeTCfl 3ac/iy-
the favorite place for visitors and guests pentru public Tn fiecare zi,Tntre orele X e H H O W J\ L O Ö O B b K ) T O p O X a H 14 r O C T e i4
of Altin Palace. Cafe and restaurant 9.00 - 01.00. Vet;i fi pläcut surprins de r o p o ^ a . K p o M e T p a f li 4 ü ,i 4 0 H H o i 4 e ß p o -
are open from 9.00 p.m - to 01.00 a.m. bucätarii Altin Palace care preparä n e n c K O H h M O / ifla B C K O M K y x H i4 n o ß a p a
You will be pleasantly surprised by bucate nationale gägäuze, precum §i Altin P a la c e t o t o b ^ t 6 / u - o f la H a q u o H a / i b -
the Gagauz national cuisine, as well as clätite rusesti. Dacä atf ajunsin capitalä hom r a r a y 3 C K O H x y x H H , a T a x x e p y c c x w e
Russian pancakes. You will be helped to cu misiuni de afaceri, vä putem ajuta 6/114H b l. T e X H l4 H e C K I 4 O Ö O p y f l O B a H H b l H
organize a Conference or presentation Tn organizarea unei conferinte sau K O H C jie p e H L 4 - 3 a / l r O T O B B M e C T H T b ,3,0 50
in the business center, which has room prezentäri Tn business centrul ce are H e / io B e x . ß,j\9\ r o c r e n B 0 3 M O X H a o p -
for 50 seats and a Conference room spatjiu pentru 50 de persoane §i o salä r a H i4 3 a i4 H ? i T p a H c c j i e p a 14 3KCKypci4M n o
of business dass. With preliminary de conferinte. Cu acordul preliminar, K o M p a iy 14 f a r a y 3 i 4 i4 .
accommodation you can arrange pot fi aranjate transferuri, excursii prin
airport transfer or order an excursion to Gägäuzia §i Comrat.
Gagauzia and Comrat.

★ ★ ★

& 1, Dzerzhinski S tre e t,
town Dubossary, MD-4500
^ + 373 215 343 17. + 373 215 220 12

^3 123

Hotel Dnestrovski is situated in the Hotelul Dnestrovskii Sad este situat in O ie y ib « A H e c rp o B C K w F i c a f l» p a c n o / io -

midst of the cozy town Dubossary centrul or. Dubäsari din Transnistria, x e H b caMOM p e m p e y io T H o r o r o p o ^ a
opposite the business and shopping vizavi de centrul de afaceri si aproape A y ö o c c a p b i, H a n p o T U B f le / io ß o r o h
center at a walking distance from de centrul comercial, de plaja T o p r o ß o r o u e m p a , b iu a ro B o i4 ß o c r y n -
the town market, public beach and oräsäneascä si de bazinul deschis. h o c t u o t p b iH K a , r o p o f lC K o r o n y ia x a n
outdoor pool. The hotel is situated at Hotelul se aflä la 40 km de Aeroportul O T K p b u o ro ö a c c e w H a . O re / ib HaxoßW TCfi
the distance of 40 km from the airport International Chisinau si de Gara b 40 km O T a a p o n o p ia n x e / ie 3 H O flo -
and railway Station of Chisinau city, Feroviarä a or. Chisinau si Tiraspol, p o x H o r o B O K 3 a^ a K m u n H e B a , b 65 km
at a distance of 65 km from Ti raspol iar la 200 km, a or.Odessa. Astfel de o t T n p a c n o / ifl n 200 km o t O ^ e c c b i. B

city and at a distance of 200 km from plasament in centrul orasului permite p a c n o p a x e H M U ro c re w A ByxM e cT H b ie
Odessa city. We offer to our guests comunicarea cu alte destinatii turistice, 14 ceM ei4H bie ß B yxKO M H aTH bie H O M epa,
non-smoking rooms, double and family ca de exemplu, Cetatea Bender, vinäria o c H a m e H H b ie TeyieB i43opaM H , c o ö c r ß e H -
rooms equipped with TVs, Wi-Fi, private Cricova, Fabrica de vin „Buket Moldavii" HblMH CaHy37iaM I4, B3HHOi4 KOM H3TOi4,
bathrooms, balconies. We offer also pTnä la Fabrica de vinuri si coniacuri B bixoflO M Ha ö a/iKO H 14 ö e cn /iaTH biM
two restaurant halls with a capacity of din Tiraspol„Kvint", dar si a pivnitelor flo c T y n o M b M H TepHeT. K y c / iy ra M ro c r e n
70 and 200 people and a cafe Vstrecha de casä. La dispozitia oaspetilor flß a 3 a ^ a p e c r a p a H a B M ecTH Te/ibH ocrbi-o
for 30 people where ethnic cuisine avem 18 numere. Toate camerele au ß,o 70 14 200 M eTioBeK, a T a K x e Ka<j)e
is served and a summer terrace with televizor, veceu, baie si balcon. Se « B c T p e u a » Ha 30 u e n o ß e K c H aqM O H a/ib-
a water cascade. It has possibility of permite folosirea sistemului semi- h o h KyxH ew . ZleTOM O TKpbiTa T e p p a c a c
walks along the river Dniester on boat pensiune si pensiune. Restaurantul si BO flaHbiM KacKa/i,OM. B o 3 M O X H b i o p r a -
Moskva, walking tours in the reserve cafeneaua cu terasa de varä cu havuz h 143314H n p o r y / iK H n o p e K e f lH e c r p Ha
Iagorlic, children can visit the local zoo pune la dispozitia oaspetilor bucätäria T e n y io x o ß e « M o c K B a » , n e iu i4 e a K C K y p -
and guided tour: Bendery fortress, traditionalä moldoveneascä cu un c 1414 n o s a n o ß e f lH H K y « R ro p / ib iK » , a T a K ­
Cricova cellars, winery Bouquet Moldavii asortiment bogat de bäuturi alcoolice. x e 3 K C K yp ci4 n : B e H / je p c K a a K p e n o c r b ,
to the wine-cognac plant KVINT as well Servicii aditionale: organizäm excursii si K p i4 K O B C K n e n o ^ B a / ib i, Bi4H3aBOfl « B y K e T
as private wine cellars. You will enjoy plimbäri pe riul Nistru pe vapor. M071,fl,aBi414» flO BHHHO-KOHbfIM HOrO
staying in our hotel! You will enjoy 3 aB O fla « K B M H T » , a T a K x e flO M aiiiH H e
delicious cuisine and friendly staff! B H H H b ie n o flB a /ib i. BaM y H a c n o H p a -

® § OO©©@
& 33, Dzerzhinski st r.,
town Dubossary, MD-4500
V. +373 215 23792; + 373 215 23628;

The hotel and restaurant complex Complexul Hotel-Restaurant Nistru este rOCTMHUMHO-peCTOpaHHblM KOMn/ieKC
NISTRU is an ideal place for rest, un loc ideal pentru Tntälniri relaxante, «Hl/1CTPy» - n/iea/ibHoe MecTO /uia
romantic dates and business meetings. romantice si cele de afaceri. Complexul OTflbIXa, pOMaHTWHeCKUX CBHflaHMM M
The complex is situated in the city este situat Tn centrul orasului, längä fle/ioßbix BCTpeu. KoMn/ieKC pacnoyioxeH
center, next to the Pobeda Park and the parcul Victoria si galeria de artä, b qeHTpe ropofla flyöoccapbi, pa^oM
art gallery, where various exhibitions unde putet;i vizita diverse expozitii. c napxoM «rioöefla» n KapTHHHon
are held, as well as a local history In apropiere este un muzeu, un loc ra/iepeen, r^e npoBOflmca pa3/WMHbie
museum, a children's playground and a de joacä si un lac. Complexul Nistru BbicraBKM, TaKxe pa/],OM HaxoflflTCfl
lake. The complex NISTRU provides its oferä camere de hotel, care corespund KpaeBe^MecKUM My3en, /jeTCKaa
guests hotel rooms that meet modern cerintelor moderne (aer conditionat, n/ioLuaflKa / 03epo. KoMnyieKC
requirements (an air conditioning, a TV prin satelit, acces Wi-Fi gratuit, «Hl/1CT PY» npeflocraB/iFieT rocTMHMMHbie
satellite TV, free Wi-Fi, a laundry, ironing spälätorie, masä de obiecte personale). HOMepa, cooTBeTCTByi-oinwe

of personal clothes). Those who like Pentru fanii de biliard avem la dispozit;ie COBpeMeHHbIM TpeÖOBaHWflM
billiards can visit 5 billiard tables. In our 5 mese de biliard. In restaurantul si (KOHflHUHOHep, CnyTHHKOBOe
bar-restaurant, which is also equipped barul nostrum care are, de asemenea, Te/ieBHßeHHe, öecn/iaTHbin Wi-Fi,
with a summer terrace overlooking o terasä de varä cu vedere la lac si cu c m p K a - M a x K a / ih h h u x Beinen). B
the lake and picturesque countryside, o priveli§te ruralä pitorescä, vä sunt pacnopaxeHnn /i i-o6wTeilen 6n/ib?ip,qa
you can order a national cuisine with la dispozit;ie §i traditiile bucätäriei 5 6n/ibflp,4Hbix c to / io b . B 6ape-
all Moldavian traditions. Those who moldovenesti. Cine e räsfätat de pescuit pecTopaHe, KOTopbin TaKxe oöopy/toßaH
want to treat themselves to fishing can poate fi, de asemenea, echipat pentru a zieTHen Teppacon c b h a o m Ha 03epo
also go fishing on equipped piers and pescui pe piloni. Bucätari profesionisti n xnßonncHyKD MecTHOdb, BaM 6y/],eT
Professional chefs will cook caught fresh vä vor pregäti pestele proaspät la grätar, npe/yioxeHa HapnoHanbHaa KyxHa co
fish right in front of you. pe care l-a# prins, chiar in fata ochilor BceMn MO/i/jaBCKnMn TpaßnqnflMn.
dumneavoasträ. Xe^aronne noöa/ioßaTb ceöa
pbiöayiKon TaKxe Moryr nopbiöaunTb
Ha oöopyflOBaHHbix nnpcax, a
npocjieccnoHa/ibHbie noßapa npnroTOBA T
Ha rpaiape nonMaHHyto BaMn CBexyio
pbiöy npaMO y Bac Ha r/ia3ax.


★ ★ ★

& 34, Independentei str.,
Drochia city, MD - 5201
V. +373 695 57 108
£ +373 252 25 617

Welcome to the Confort Hotel in Bine ati venit la Hotelul Confort din floöpo noxa/ioßaTb b oie/ib Confort,
Drochia town. It is situated in the center orasul Drochia, situat in centrul orasului. KOTOpblM HaXOAMTCfl
of town. This modern hotel consists of Acest hotel modern dispune de 24 b caMOM pempe ropo/ja flpoKna.

24 comfortable rooms: 8 apartments, 7 de camere confortabile, din eie: 8 B H am eM co ß pe M e H H O M v\ yroTHOM

Luxury rooms, 9 middle luxury rooms. apartamente, 7 odäi lux, 9 odäi semilux. O Te/ie b B a iu eM p a c n o p a x e H n n
Some units include a lounge to relax in Unele unitäfi de cazare au zonä de 24 KO M c{)o p Ta6e^b H b ix HO M epa:
after a busy day. Hotel öfters you Wi-fi relaxare unde vä putetj destinde dupä o 8 an a p ia M e H T O B , 7 H o w e p o B /ik d k c
and private car parking for free. Each zi plinä. Hotelul vä oferä Wi-Fi si parcare n 9 H OM epoB no/iy/ii-OKC. M bi paflbi
room has a TV and a conditioner with privatä gratuitä. Camerele elegante ale n p e / y io x m b ro cm M öecnnaTHyi-o
winter and summer settings. Bathroom Hotelului Confort sunt dotate cu TV MacTHyro n a p x o B x y , 3 0 H y /\n9\
has a necessary set of bath and body si aer condifionat cu regim iarnä/varä. öapöeKHD, a T a x x e cxopocTH O M Wi-
products and hairdryer. Breakfastwill Baia privatä include un set complet Fi Ha B ce n T e p p m o p n H OTe^p. B ce
be offered every morning. Also at the de accesorii necesare si uscätor. Toate H OM epa o cH a m eH b i Te/ieBM3opaM H
hotel Confort our guests can relax in camerele sunt izolate fonic. Micul H KOH/^HLtHOHepaM H C peXHM 3M M
Jacuzzi, in sauna or in barbecue area. dejun este oferit in fiecare dimineatä. 3HMa//ieTO. B H o w e p e Bbi H a n fle ie
Prices for rooms are variable and De asemenea, la Hotelul Confort existä M 3HHHK, B ce HeOÖXOflHMbie BaHHbie

depend on booking date, how long you o zonä pentru grätar. Oaspetii nostri npH H afl/iexH O CT H h cj^eH. B p e cra p a H e
will stay and room type. There is a 24- se pot relaxa in zona SPA, saunä sau OTe/ifi K a x f lo e y i p o B a c x ß e T BKycHbiFi
hour front desk. For more information jacuzzi. Preturile pentru cazare variazä 3 aBTpaK . rio c ^ e H acb im e H H o ro a h p
contact us please. Tn conformitate cu data, durata cazärii rocTH OTe/ia M oryT OT/toxHyrb b
si tipul cam erei, astfei preturile pot fi S P A -3 0 H e , n o n a p H T b ca b c a y H e w m
modificate färä preintämpinare din Start. paCC^aÖHTbCfl B flXaKy3M . CTOHMOCTb
np O X H B aH H fl B a p b H p y e T B 3aBHCMMOCTH
OT Ce30 H a H K 3TeropH H BblÖpaHHOrO
HOM epa.

o o ©o©©
^ Z o / ie n lin a
Boutique H otel

& 228, Independentii st r.,
Edinet city, MD-4601
V. +373 246 841 25, + 373 246 841 26

^ 3

Villa touristic Florentina is situated in Vila turisticä Florentina se aflä in nordul T y p H cri/m e cK a fl Bi47i7ia F lo re n t in a
the northern part of the Republic of Republicii Moldova, Tn Edinet. In hotel HaxoflM TCfl Ha c e ß e p e PecnyÖTiMKM
Moldova, in Edinet. There are 10 rooms, sunt 10 cam ere-4 de tip lux si 6 camere M o / iß o ß a , b r o p o f le Efli4Hi4bi.
4 four of them are lux rooms and 6 of standart. Toate camerele sunt dotate B p a c n o p a x e H H H ro cre fö 10 H O M ep o B :
them are Standard rooms. In all rooms cu Wi-Fi si televiziune prin satelit. Micul 4 7if0Kca h 6 c ra H fla p T H b ix H O M ep o B .
are available free Wi-Fi and satellite TV. dejun inclus. Toate camerele sunt K y c / iy ra M r o c r e n 6 ecn /iaT H b ii4
Breakfast included. In each room you dotate cu apa complimentar, cosmetica W i- F i Ha BceiT T e p p m o p n H , a T a ic x e
will find water complimentary, bath necesarä de baie, aer conditionat, T e /ie B l4 30 p C n/10CKl4M axp a H O M 14
products, air conditioning, hair dryer useätorde pärsi minibar. Este CnyTH14KOBblM14 KaH a/iaM H B H OM epaX.
and a minibar. We offer every possibility posibilitatea de a organiza conferinte, /3,/ifl KOM<cj)opTa r o c r e n K a x f lb ik i
to organize business meetings in the reuniuni de afaceri Tn sala de conferintä H O M ep o c H a m e H k o h a h 14140H ep o M ,
comfortable conference-hall with the cu capacitatea de 50 de locuri. Un <£eHOM, Heo6xO/Q,14MblMl4 6aHHblM l4
capacity of 50 seats. The restaurant and restaurant-bar Tn hotel vä oferä meniu npi4HaA/ieXHOCTE1M14 14 M14Hl4-6apOM.
bar offer a various menu of European cu bucate de tip european si national. Edb B 0 3 M 0 X H 0 C T b n p O B e fle H H fl
and traditional foods. Smoking is not Camerele sunt pentru nefumätori. La 6l43HeC-KOHCj)epeHL414i4, C eM H H apO B
allowed in the rooms. There is a special vila Florentina existä si o zonä de fumat. 14 A p y ri4 x fle /io B b ix M eponpi4?iTi4i4 b
place for smoking in villa Florentina. In Orasul Edinet are un parc frumos, cu o K0 M (j)0 p Ta 6 e/lb H 0 M 14 TeXH14MeCKl4
the city of Edinet there is a beautiful cascadä de lacuri, sculpturi minunate si o cH a m e H H O M KOHcj)epeHL4-3a/ie
park with a cascade of lakes, beautiful fäntäni. Acum, parcul este reconstruit BM eCTHTe/lbHOCTbEO ß,0 50 u e ^ o ß e K .
sculptures and fountains. Currently, si restaurat rapid, deoarece este un loc P e c T o p a H b 1471Ti bi F lo re n t in a p a ß
the park has been reconstructed and preferat pentru odihna si plimbarea npefl710X14Tb CB014M TOCTflM

restored because it is a favorite place locuitori, vizitatori si oaspeti. Turistii pot p a 3 H o o ö p a 3 H b ie &j\\opße B p o n e i4 C K o i4
for relax and walks of tourists. In vizita un muzeu etnografic interesant- 14 Tpa,Al414140HH0i4 MOTIflaBCKOH KyXH14.
addition, tourists can visit an interesting Muzeul Tinutului Edinet.
ethnographic museum, which is located
in Edinet.

o o o @ § @ o q
★ ★

£k 16, Suveranitatii Street,
Glodeni city MD-4901
V. +373 249 23399
£ +373 249 22029

Located right in the center of Glodeni, Amplasat chiar Tn centrul ora^ului röcruHULta Sharm pacno/ioxeHa Bcero
ju st 200 meters from the square in the Glodeni, la doar200 de metri de Piat;a b 300 Meipax ot u,empa/ibHOFi n/iom,a-
city center, Sharm Hotel features: a din centrul ora§ului, hotelul §harm py\ ropofla T/io/tfiHbi. Kyc/iyraw rocreFi
restaurant that serves Moldavian and dispune de: un restaurant ce oferä pecropaH c MO/i/taBCKoFi w eßponeFi-
European cuisine, bar, terrace, parking, preparate moldovene§ti §i europene, ckoFi KyxHeFi, 6ap, Teppaca, uacTHafi
hairdresser and free Wi-Fi. Hotel öfters bar, terasä, parcare, frizerie §i acces napxoBKa, cayHa w öecn/iaTHbiFi Wi-Fi
individually furnished rooms with TV gratuit la Wi-Fi. Hotelul Sharm oferä Ha BceFi TeppmopnH. B oie/ie paöoTaeT
(satellite, local TV) and minibar. Each camere mobilate individual, cu TV napMKMaxepcKafi. HoMepa oieyia Sharm
room has a bathroom with shower and (satelit, televiziune localä) §i minibar. MH/tWBM/tyaTlbHO MeÖ/IHpOBaHb! 14 OCHa-
free toiletries. Breakfasts, meals and Fiecare camerä are baie cu cabinä de meHbi CnyTHWKOBbIM 14 KaÖe/lbHbIM Te-
drinks are served at Sharm's restaurant, du§ §i articole de toaletä gratuite. Micile zieBH/teHMeM v\ MHHi4-6apoM. B Kax/tow
which also has a play corner for dejunuri, mese §i bäuturi sunt servite HOMepe HMeeTca BaHHaa KOMHaia c
children. la restaurantul Hotelului Sharm care /tymeBOH KaÖHHoFi 14 6ecnyiaTHbiMi4
are §i un colt; de joacä pentru copii. Tya/ieTHO-KOCMeTHHecKHMM npi4Ha/t-
Karaoke and billiards can be enjoyed in Oaspetji se pot bucura de karaoke /leXHOCTflMM. B apKO 0(j)0 pM/ieHH0M
the cozy bar with atmospheric, coloured §i de biliard la barul confortabil, cu pecTopaHe no/taKir KOHTHHeHTanbHbiFi
lighting and leather sofas. Guests can iluminat atmosferic §i colorat §i cu 3aBTpaK, a Taxxe pa37iHMHbie 6/ito/ta 14
book excursions (Rezervatja Pädurea canapele din piele. Oaspetji pot rezerva HanMTKH. 3/tecb x e oöopyßOBaH wrpo-
Domneascä, Suta de Movile, etc.) at excursii (Rezervatja stiintificä „Pädurea boFi yronoK /yin fleieFi. B 6ape oie/ia ro-
reception. Shopping malls and the Domneascä", „Suta de Movile" §.a.) la cth MoryT cneTb b xapaoxe m 14 cbirpaTb
central Stadium are within a 5-minute receptja cu program non-stop. Centrele b ÖM/ibppfl. Pa3HOLtBeTHoe ocßeuteHHe
walk. A 10-minute walk takes you to the comerciale §i Stadionul Central sunt la MxoxaHbie AMBaHbi co3flaHDT yroTHyfo
large Central Park and Glodeni Cinema. aproximativ 5 minute de mers pe jos. aiMoccjiepy. Ha xpyr/iocyTOMHoFi CToi4Ke

Oaspetji pot face o plimbare de 10 peri4CTpai4i4H moxho 3axa3aTb axcxyp-

minute pentru a ajunge la Parcul Central ci4i4. U,eHTpa^bHbiFi CTa/tHOH, napx, Top-
§i la Cinematograful din Glodeni. TOBbie U,eHTpbl 14 KMHOTeaTp HaXOflflTCfl B
5-10 MHHyiax xo/tböbi ot OTena.

★ ★

£k 5, Crinilor st r., Cricova city, MD-2084
V. +373 688 71 030

^ 3

Welcome to the VILA FAMILY. Located in Bine ati venit la VILA FAMILY. Vila flo ö p o n o xa/io ß a ib Ha BM/my FAMILY!
a quiet area, 11 km from Chisinau and Family este situatä intro zonä linistitä Bn/17ia HaXOflMTCfl B HeÖO/lbLUOM ro-
500m from the unique Underground in or.Cricova. La 11km de la mun. poflKe Kpmcoßa, b t m x o m pawoHe, b 11
complex Cricova-Vin known worldwide Chisinau si 500 metri de la Complexul k m o t K m u M H e ß a h b 5 0 0 M eipax o t
for its excellent wines. It is the perfect subteran Cricova, cunoscut in Tntreaga yHHKa/ibHoro no/ißeMHoro KOMn/ieKca
place for those who want to escape the lume pentru vinurile sale excelente. Cricova-Vin, H3BecTHoro bo BceM Mi/ipe
tiring city noise and gives to the guests Este locul perfect pentru cei care vor sä CBOHMM npeBOCXOflHblMH BMHaMM. 3TO
the opportunity, to enjoy the pleasure scape de zgomotul obositor al ora§ului Hflea/ibHoe MecTO /yia Tex, k t o xoueT
of an oasis of peace and relaxing §i oferä oaspetjlor posibilitatea de a H3ÖexaTb yTOMHTe/lbHblH ropOßCKOM
atmosphere. Villa Family offers 6 bright, savura pläcerea unei oaze de lini§te §i o cyeTbi n no-HacTO?iiu,eMy OTAOXHyTb b
spacious, well furnished rooms. The atmosferä relaxantä. VILA FAMILY oferä npn?iTHOM oöcTaHOBKe. HoMepa oc-
rooms are equipped with TV digital, flat- 6 camere luminoase, spatioase, bine H a m ,e H b i q n c } ) p o B b iM T e /ie B H 3 o p o M c
screen TV, air conditioning, hairdryer amenajate. Toate camerele sunt dotate n/10CKWM 3Kp3HOM, KOHAHLlHOHepOM,
and free WiFi. All rooms include a cu aer conditionat, minibar, TV cu ecran c))eHOM. Bo Bcex HOMepax n Ha Bcew
private bathroom equipped with a bidet plat, uscätor de pär. Accesul WiFi in TeppmopHH OTe/lfl eCTb Öecn^aTHblM
and shower. Guests can enjoy the on- intreaga proprietate si parcarea privatä Wi-Fi, B KaxAOM HOMepe oöopyflo-
site bar. Free private parking is available. sunt gratuite. Vizitati Moldova noasträ! BaHHaa BceM HeoöxoAHMbiM BaHHaa
You will find a 24-hour front desk at the KOMHaia c AyweBOH KaÖHHoFi m ÖMAe.
property. The nearest airport is Chisinau TocTfiM npeAOCTaB/ifleica Oecn^aTHaa
Airport, 24.1 km from the property. napKOBKa. B 6ape oie/ia m o x h o H a c / ia -

AHTbca OoKa/ioM npeBocxoflHoro BHHa

AJ\V\ KOKTeH/ieM Ha 71K)6oFi BKyc.

o • © ©©©
★ ★ ★

& 4 Lenin S tre e t, town Kamenka, MD-6600
V. +373 77790369, +373216 22121
£ +373 21622122

^ 3

Hotel Kolisei is situated in the town Hotelul Colizei este situat in or. rocTMHMiqa «Ko ;iM 3 e i4 » p a c n o a o x e H a b
Kamenka, in a region which is Camenca, Tntr-o localitate care se ro p o / te KaM em ce, b M e c n -io c ru , O T /in u a -
characterized by a unique landscape, prezintä cu un landsaft nemaipomenit, (OtHeklC?! H enO BTO pHM blM /laHALLiacjlTOM,
mountain relief, a special mild climate cu un relief muntos, cu un climat ro p H bIM penbec{X)M , OCOÖbIM MaTKMM
and a refreshing clean air with a healing deosebit. Hotelul pune la dispozitia K/1HM3TOM 14 MMCTbIM B 0 3 fly X 0 M C U,e-
aroma of herbs. The hotel offers its oaspetilor numere confortabile TieÖHblM apOM aTOM T p a B . EoCT14Hl4L4a
guests staying in comfortable and si frumoase de tip standart, lux si n p e / t/ia ra e T ro c ra M o cra H O B M Tb ca b
beautiful Standard rooms, suites and semilux. Numerele au aer conditionat y/toÖ H bix 14 K p a c u B b ix H O M e p a x c ra H -
semi-suites. si televiziune prin cablu. In hotel A ap T , /i i o k c 14 n o /iy/u o KC. H o M e p a o c H a -
puteti beneficia de un restaurant LLI,eHbl K0HA14U,140HepaM14 14 KaÖ e/lbHblM
Rooms are equipped with air- spatios unde se pregätesc bucate din Te/ieBMAeHneM. B rocTMHuqe UMeeTai
conditioners and cable TVs. The hotel bucätäria moldoveneascä, ruseascä, npO C TO pH b iki p e C T O p a H , B KOTOpOM
has a spacious restaurant where ucraineascä, bulgäreascä, unde puteti rOTOBflT BKyCHei4LUl4e 6/lH3Aa M O /lAaB-
delicious dishes of Moldavian, Russian, sä vä comandati micul dejun, pränzul ckom , p y c c K o i4 , y K p a u H C K O k i, ö o / ir a p -
Ukrainian, Bulgarian cuisine are cooked si cina din produse locale naturale ale CKOM KyXH14, TAe Bbl M O X e Te 3 aK a3 aTb
and where you can order breakfast, producätorilor autohtoni. In timpul 3 3 B T p a K , O Ö eA 14 yX14H 143 H aT y p a /lb H b lX
lunch and dinner from natural products cälduros al anului pentru oaspetii n p O A yK T O B M eCTHblX npOl43BOAl4Te/iei4.
of local producers. In the warm season, hotelului se deschide terasa de varä. B T e n y io e Bp eM fi ro A a k y c^ y ra M r o -
the guests of the hotel can visit a Felurile de mäncare pregätite la grätarsi CTei4 rocn4Hi4L4bi O TK pb iB aeTC fi ^ e T H a a
summer terrace. Dishes, cooked on the bäuturile räcoritoare Tmbinate cu aerul T e p p a c a . B/iKDAa, n p u ro TO B T ie H H b ie Ha
grill, and refreshing drinks, combined curat al terasei dau oaspetilor hotelului M aH ra/ie, h o c B e x a E o in w e Hani4TKi4 b
with fresh air, will give the guests of o odihnä cät mai pläcutä. Servicii coM eiaH i4i4 c o c ß e x H M B 0 3 A y xo M n o A a -
the terrace a real pleasure of the rest. aditionale: organizarea excursiilor prin p a T rocTaM T e p p a c b i H CTH H H o e H a c / ia x -
Additional Services: Organization of a or. Camenca, fondatorul cäruia este A e H n e o t OTAbixa. flo n o ^ H m e y ib H b ie
tour in the town Kamenka, the founder urmas al maresalului nobil german y c a y rk i: opraH i43ai4i4a 3KCKypci4i4 n o r o -
of which was a descendant of an ancient Peter Wittgenstein, erou al räzboiului p o A y K a M e H K a , o c H O B a ie / ie M K o io p o r o
noble German family, Field-Marshal din 1812. a ß a a e ic a noTO M O K A p e B H e r o 3 H a T H o ro
Peter Khristianovich Wittgenstein, the re p M a H C K o ro p o A a cjie ab A M a pu ja/i r i e i p
hero of the Patriotic War of 1812. Xpi4CTi4aHOBi4M Bi4TreHUJTei4H, re p o i4
OieHecTBeHHOM BOMHbi 1812 roAa.

& 1B, Dnestrovskaia Street (the quay of the
river Dniester), Kamenka town, MD 6600
V. +373 777 55808,+ 373 775 98590

^3 123

The hotel and entertainment complex Hotelul si complexul de divertisment rocTHHHMHO-pa3B/iei<aTe/ibHbiki k o m -

«Imperia»is situated in the beautiful «Imperia» este situat in cea mai n/ieicc «1/lMnepnfl» pacno/ioxeH b
historical city of Kamenka on the banks frumoasä regiune in orasul istoric KpacuBetfLueM HcropHMecxoM ropo^e
of river Dniester. We invite everyone Camenca, pe malul riului Nistru. KaMemce Ha öepery pexki flHecrp, Mbi
who wants to spend time with pleasure, Invitäm toti doritorii care vor sä Tsi npHMamaeM b to ctm Bcex, k t o xoueT
to appreciate European cuisine, to relax petreacä timpul cu folos, care vor C n071b30H npOBeCTM BpeMfl, OLjeHMTb
from everyday hassles with pleasant sä aprecieze bucatele din bucätäria ö/ifofla eßponencKOH xyxHH, OTßoxHyTb
music in a good Company, to swim in europeanä, pe acei care vor sä se o t n o ß ce flH e B H O M cy e T b i n o a n p n A T H y ro
clean water and to soak up the sun on odihneascä de rutinä, ascultänd My3bixy b xopoinen KOMnaHHH, Hcxy-
a sandy beach. The complex «Imperia» muzicä pe gustul dumneavoasträ si n aTb C fl b m h cto h Bo/te h n o H e x H T b c a
offers its guests a choice of rooms in sä Tsi petreacä timpul intr-o companie no/i /lyuaMM co/iHU,a Ha necuaHOM
wooden log cabins. One of the main interesantä si pentru acei care vor n/mxe. KoMn^exc «MMnepHfi» npe/i,-
advantages of such rooms is their sä se bäiascä si sä primeascä bäi de ziaraeT t o c ta m Ha Bbiöop HOMepa b
ecological compatibility, and considering soare pe plajä. Complexul «Imperia» AepeBfiHHbix cpyöax. O a h h m m maBHbix
the enchanting view from the window propune oaspetilor säi numere in cäsute npeMMymecTB t b k h x HOMepoB fiB/ifi-
and reasonable prices, accommodation confectionate din lemn. In cäsute este eTCa HX 3KO/10THMHOCTb, a yMHTblBaa
will become comfortable, cozy and televizor, aer conditionat, frigider, dus si 3aBOpaXHBaEOLLl,HH BHfl H3 OKH3 H
useful! The room has a TV, an air veceu. Fiecare cäsutä dispune de foisor npneM/ieMbie u,eHbi, npoxnßaHHe b
conditioning, a refrigerator, a shower, a unde puteti sä savurati si un frigärui HeM CT3HeT KOM(f)OpTHbIM, yEOTHblM A
toilet. Each house has a canopy where pregätit la grätar si sä vä Tntilniti cu no^e3HbiM. B HOMepe Te/ieBH3op, k o h -
you can enjoy a shish kebab cooked on prietenii la o masä mare, iar aläturi aveti AnpHOHep, x o t i of\AJ\bHh k , Ayui, Tya/ieT.
the grill, eat at a large table and swing la dispozitie si un leagän unde puteti y xax/joro flOMHKa ecTb Haßec, r^e Bbi
on a set of swings. In our restaurant you sä vä läsati coplesit de priveliste, liniste CMOXeTe nO/iaKOMHTbCa UJaillTlblKOM,
can order a table and have a good rest si confort. In restaurantul nostru puteti npnroTOB/ieHHbiM Ha MaHra/ie, coöpaTb-
eating dishes of national and European sä faceti o rezervä si sä savurati din Cfl 3a ÖOTlblllHM CTO/IOM H nOKaMaTbCfl
cuisine that will not leave any gourmet bucatele bucätäriei nationale si a celei Ha ycraHOBTieHHbix pp^oM Kaue/iax. B
indifferent. Our complex is second to europene, care nu o sä läse indifirent HarneM pecTopaHe Bbi MoxeTe 3axa3aTb
none resorts! pe nici un gurmand. Complexul nostru CTOT1HK H OTBeflaTb Ö^HDfla HaU,HOHa;ib-
nu rämäne in urma de la statiunile h o h h eßponencKOH KyxHH, KOTopbie He
balneare! OCTaBflT paBHOflyLUHblM h h o/],Horo ryp-
MaHa. Haiu k o m n/iexc HHMeM He ycryna-
eT OT/tbixy Ha Mopcxnx xypopTax!


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