30 Days Language Worksheets

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Related Day 1.

Talk about your family. Occupation of

Vocabulary e a c h f a m i l y m e m b e r , a g e , i n t e r e s t s ,
education, names.
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 2.
Talk about your occupation, goals and
Vocabulary i n t e r e s t s .
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 3.
Talk about your main hobby (if you
Vocabulary h a v e o n e ) o r m a i n i n t e r e s t
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 4.
Talk about traveling: where have you been, where

Vocabulary do you want to go, travel budgeting, transport,

hotels etc. Everything that you can talk about
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 5.
Talk about kitchen and cooking and
Vocabulary f o o d . K i t c h e n u t e n s i l s , r e c i p e s ,
favorite foods, drinks.
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 6.
Vocabulary T a l k a b o u t w e a t h e r
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 7.
Talk about transport. Bicycles,
Vocabulary c a r s , t r a i n s , a i r p l a n e s , b o a t s e t c .
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 8.
Talk about fashion and apparel.
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 9.
Talk about your country. Geography,
Vocabulary c u l t u r e , c l i m a t e , p e o p l e . W h a t y o u
like and dislike about your country.
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 10.
Talk about business. Business ideas,
Vocabulary a n d e v e r y t h i n g r e l a t e d t o b u s i n e s s
and money.
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 11.
Talk about politics.
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 12.
Talk about shopping. Shopping tips,
Vocabulary w h e r e t o s h o p , w h e r e y o u b o u g h t
that stuff, budgeting.
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 13.
Talk about sports. Sport games,
Vocabulary e x e r c i s e s e t c .
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 14.
Talk about your home: describe
Vocabulary r o o m s , d e c o r a n d r e p a i r , b a t h r o o m ,
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 15.
Talk about health and medicine.
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 16.
Talk about Earth, space and
Vocabulary u n i v e r s e .
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 17.
Talk about nature and outdoor
Vocabulary a c t i v i t i e s .
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 18.
Talk about your city/town/village/district. Where to

Vocabulary find a post office, police, shops, doctor, dentist, etc.

Local landmarks and interesting places, public
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 19.
Talk about what is in your bag. All items.
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 20.
Talk about electronics, describe all your
Vocabulary ec ol emc pt ruotneirc, ci teelml psh oi nn ey,o eutrch. o m e , y o u r
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 21.
Talk about books that you have read and
Vocabulary w a n t t o r e a d .
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 22.
Talk about the internet, which sites you
Vocabulary v i s i t , s o c i a l n e t w o r k s y o u u s e , a n d y o u r
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 23.
Talk about the games you play or played.
Vocabulary C o m p u t e r g a m e s , b o a r d g a m e s , j u s t
games, etc.
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 24.
Talk about music, musical instruments,
Vocabulary g e n r e s , s i n g e r s , a n d s o n g s .
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 25.
Talk about studying and education:
Vocabulary s c h o o l , u n i v e r s i t y , c o l l e g e , c o u r s e s ,
online courses, and so on.
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 26.
Talk about religion.
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 27.
Talk about the law in your
Vocabulary c o u n t r y .
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 28.
Talk about the history of
Vocabulary y o u r c o u n t r y .
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 29.
Talk about what you do
Vocabulary o n v a c a t i o n s .
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:
Related Day 30.
Talk about how you spent
Vocabulary t h e p r e v i o u s y e a r .
Word Translation Write the words related to the topic with their translations in the left sidebar. Talk about the topic aloud.
Dedicate today's practice fully to the topic.

Write a text about the topic

The most important words

The most forgettable words:

The most often used words:

The most forgettable words:

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