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Name: Arienza, Jhon Marvin A.

Date: March 8, 2022

Course/Year: BSED Science 2D Score:

Charges and Fields

Activity No. 1

Introduction(You will be the one to make your own introduction for this activity. Do not copy from


1. Determine the variables that affect the strength and direction of the electric field for a static
arrangement of charges.
2. Investigate the variables that affect the strength of the electrostatic potential (voltage).
3. Explain equipotential lines and compare them to the electric field lines.
4. For an arrangement of static charges, predict the electric field lines. Verify the prediction using
vector addition.


1. Go to Charges and Fields - Electric Field | Electrostatics | Equipotential - PhET Interactive Simulations

2. Click the arrow in the above figure and you will be directed to image below.

3. Drag the + 1.0 nC and – 1.0 nC in the black region in space above. Put check (/) in “Electric

Field”, “Voltage”, “Values” and “Grid” boxes ( The figure below is my own screenshot after following
the instructions.)

4. Make sure that each charges are placed in one of the corner of the (0.5m  0.50m) box.

5. Make sure that the distance between charges, r = 150.90 cm apart. ( The figure below is my own
screenshot after following the instructions.)
Name: Arienza, Jhon Marvin A. Date: March 8, 2022

Course/Year: BSED Science 2D Score:

6. Take note of the direction of the field line. Describe it below.

 The direction of the field lines are in relation the charge that is affecting them. The lines from
the +1nC are going outward while the line from -1nC are going inward. In my observation, the
lines or field lines are coming from +1nC going towards -1nC. The lines or arrows seems to
have a parabolic trajectory going from one charge to another.

7. Try to move the negative charge to the right, where r = 250.20 cm. (There was a problem
encountered during this part because the tape measure in the website is not sensitive enough to
increase its length by .1 cm. The closest distance that I could possibly attain to have a horizontal line is
250.8. The figure below is my own screenshot after following the instructions.)

8. Drag and place the voltmeter in the following points below. Fill the table below.

Points Voltage, V (in Volts)

Points Voltage, V (in Volts) Voltage, V (in Volts)

0.5 m directly above the + charge, then click the pencil 14.3 V
1.0 m directly above the + charge, then click the pencil 5.7 V
Name: Arienza, Jhon Marvin A. Date: March 8, 2022

Course/Year: BSED Science 2D Score:

1.5 m directly above the + charge, then click the pencil 2.9 V
0.5 m left of the + charge 14.9 V
1.0 m left of the + charge 6.4 V
1.5 m left of the + charge 3.8 V
0.5 m directly below the + charge 15.2 V
1.0 m directly below the + charge 5.8 V
1.5 m directly below the + charge 2.9 V
0.5 m directly above the – charge, then click the pencil -14.6 V
1.0 m directly above the – charge, then click the pencil -5.5 V
1.5 m directly above the – charge, then click the pencil -2.9 V
0.5 m right of the – charge -14.9 V
1.0 m right of the – charge -6.4 V
1.5 m right of the – charge -3.8 V
0.5 m directly below the – charge -14.4 V
1.0 m directly below the – charge -5.6 V
1.5 m directly below the – charge -2.9 V
9. Generate your own image like below, when clicking the pencil. (The figure below is my own
screenshot after following the instructions.)


1. What are the variables that affect the strength and direction of the electric field for a static
arrangement of charges? [5]

 The electric field strength is dependent upon the quantity of charge on the source charge (Q)
and the distance of separation (d) from the source charge.

2. Explain equipotential lines and compare to the electric field lines. [5]

 Electric field lines begin on positive charges and radiate away from them toward negative
charges, where they terminate. Equipotential lines are lines connecting points of the same
electric potential. To simplify it, electric field lines show the path which the charges take to
move from positive to negative while Equipotential line are lines that show or connect the
points at which the values of electric potential are the same.
Name: Arienza, Jhon Marvin A. Date: March 8, 2022

Course/Year: BSED Science 2D Score:

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