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NAME: Athena Vallerie P. Servano SECTION: ST12A1

Effective Ways to Improve a College Student’s Study Habits

by Kester Mertz
April 3, 2021

Students face many challenges in their college years, and one of those challenges is studying
adequately for their classes. Students who struggle finding time and energy to study may feel like
there is no solution to their problem. However, there are several ways that college students
should adapt to be able to improve their study habits.
Studying in a quiet environment helps students improve their study habits. For example,
studying in a quiet place like a library allows students to get away from distracting noises. Also,
students are able to think better when they can hear their own thoughts. Students will do better in
their classes if they find a silent place to do their homework
Paying attention in class helps students improve their study habits. When students are alert in
the classroom, they will remember the class lectures better than those who did not listen
attentively. Also, students who take good notes in class will not have missing information when
they are studying for tests and quizzes. Successful students find that good studying starts in the
Managing their time well helps students improve their study habits. Students who set time
aside each day for the study will give them enough time to get their homework done. Students
who choose to party every night rather than work on assignments will not have a chance to meet
deadlines. Furthermore, students who use a planner to schedule their homework time will have a
better idea of what they need to do to succeed.
In conclusion, many options are available to students who truly want to develop better study
skills. Studying is not an easy activity; it takes planning, determination, and attentiveness to
study well. Fortunately, students who apply these study techniques will be happy with the
I. SUMMARIZING (Read the text above. Summarize the essay into one (1) paragraph with
a MAXIMUM of five sentences only. Paste your summary below.)

Summary (15pts):

College students must adapt in order to improve their study habits. Students can
avoid distracting noises by studying in a quiet environment, such as a library. Students who
set aside time each day for study will have enough time to complete their homework.
Students who party every night instead of working on assignments will not be able to meet
1. IDEA HEADING FORMAT - (Format your summary using this format.) (5pts)
College students must adapt in order to improve their study habits. Students can
avoid distracting noises by studying in a quiet environment, such as a library.
Students who set aside time each day for study will have enough time to
complete their homework. Students who party every night instead of working on
assignments will not be able to meet deadlines (Mertz, 2021).
2. AUTHOR HEADING FORMAT -(Format your summary using this format.) (5pts)
As stated by Mertz, college students must adapt in order to improve their study
habits. Students can avoid distracting noises by studying in a quiet environment,
such as a library. Students who set aside time each day for study will have
enough time to complete their homework. Students who party every night
instead of working on assignments will not be able to meet deadlines.
3. DATE HEADING FORMAT-(Format your summary using this format.) (5pts)
In a 2021 essay entitled Effective Ways to Improve a College Student’s Study
Habits, Mertz stated that college students must adapt in order to improve their
study habits. Students can avoid distracting noises by studying in a quiet
environment, such as a library. Students who set aside time each day for study
will have enough time to complete their homework. Students who party every
night instead of working on assignments will not be able to meet deadlines.

II. PARAPHRASING (Choose one (1) paragraph or sentence in the essay that you want to

Original Text (5pts):

(Paste below the original paragraph that you have chosen to paraphrase)
Managing their time well helps students improve their study habits. Students who set
time aside each day for the study will give them enough time to get their homework
done. Students who choose to party every night rather than work on assignments will
not have a chance to meet deadlines. Furthermore, students who use a planner to
schedule their homework time will have a better idea of what they need to do to

Paraphrased Idea (10pts): (Paste below the paraphrased idea of the paragraph that you
have chosen above.)

The study habits of students can be improved via time management. If they include
study time in their daily plans, students will have adequate time to complete their
assignments. Students won’t have a chance to meet deadlines if they decide to go out
every night rather than completing their schoolwork. Additionally, students who arrange
their homework time in a planner will be more informed of what they must do to

1. IDEA HEADING FORMAT -(Format your paraphrase idea using this format.) (5pts)

The study habits of students can be improved via time management. If they
include study time in their daily plans, students will have adequate time to
complete their assignments. Students won’t have a chance to meet deadlines if
they decide to go out every night rather than completing their schoolwork.
Additionally, students who arrange their homework time in a planner will be
more informed of what they must do to achieve (Mertz, 2021).
2. AUTHOR HEADING FORMAT- (Format your paraphrase idea using this format.)
Mertz stated that the study habits of students can be improved via time
management. If they include study time in their daily plans, students will have
adequate time to complete their assignments. Students won’t have a chance to
meet deadlines if they decide to go out every night rather than completing their
schoolwork. Additionally, students who arrange their homework time in a
planner will be more informed of what they must do to achieve.
3. DATE HEADING FORMAT- (Format your paraphrase idea using this format.) (5pts)
Mertz argued in a 2021 essay called entitled Effective Ways to Improve a College
Student’s Study Habits, that, the study habits of students can be improved via
time management. If they include study time in their daily plans, students will
have adequate time to complete their assignments. Students won’t have a
chance to meet deadlines if they decide to go out every night rather than
completing their schoolwork. Additionally, students who arrange their
homework time in a planner will be more informed of what they must do to

III. DIRECT QUOTING (Choose one (1) sentence from the essay above that you want to
quote. Make sure the sentence really could give an impact.)

Original Text (5pts):

(Paste below the original sentence that you have chosen from the essay that you want
to quote.)

Studying is not an easy activity; it takes planning, determination, and attentiveness to

study well.

1. IDEA HEADING FORMAT-(Format your quoted idea using this format.) (5)
“ Studying is not an easy activity; it takes planning, determination, and
attentiveness to study well.”(Mertz, 2021, para. 5)
2. AUTHOR HEADING FORMAT-(Format your quoted idea using this format.) (5)
Mertz (2021, para. 5) states that “ Studying is not an easy activity; it takes
planning, determination, and attentiveness to study well.”
3. DATE HEADING FORMAT-(Format your quoted idea using this format.) (5)
In a 2021 essay by Mertz called Effective Ways to Improve a College Student’s
Study Habits, he stated that “ Studying is not an easy activity; it takes planning,
determination, and attentiveness to study well.”

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