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NAV 327 – 55350 02-18-2023

1. Single-beam echo sounder:

• A single beam echo sounder (SBES) is a type of acoustic seafloor mapping tool
that uses sound waves to create a three-dimensional image of the seafloor. SBESs
emit short, frequency-modulated sound waves and receive the echoes that bounce
back from the seafloor surface. As each sound wave passes to the seafloor, it takes
a unique path reflecting off different structures along the way.

• Advantages: To guarantee that the seabed is thoroughly insonified, singlebeam

surveys benefit considerably from the insertion of side-scan images between the
lines of sounding. This ensures that all key features, particularly any navigational
hazards, are found.

• Disadvantages: The downside of a single beam is that features and potential

dangers located between the survey lines are excluded from the final result, and the
resolution is significantly poorer.2. Multi-beam echo sounder:

2. Multi-beam echo sounders

• A multi beam echo sounder is a type of sonar system that uses multiple beams to
create an image of the seafloor. This system can be used to map the seafloor,
identify objects and materials on the seafloor, and detect fish and other organisms
in the water column. The multi beam echo sounder has a transducer that sends
sound energy into the water. The sound waves then bounce off of objects in the
water and are received by the transducer. An array of sensors then converts the
received signals into electrical signals that can be analyzed by the computer on
board the ship.

• Advantages: Is therefore far more efficient than a single-beam echo-sounder,

especially if you wish to do a hydrographic survey with complete seabed coverage.
Unlike the single-beam echo-sounder, which emits a single broad beam at the
seafloor, the multibeam may receive many distinct beams.

• Disadvantages: The problem of utilizing a standard multi-beam echo sounder

built for ocean surveys is that the angle of coverage is quite restricted in shallow

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