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El ecto chemi s hy (A2) Electrode Potentials Suppose G prece of metal fs placecl in a beotesy of wetty. Thine will be Some tim Foe the, waited cctoing to thecl ebctons anol go iede sobation Qe mrvtad fons. The obetrono will be Loft behind On the muted , The mete become nagetive anc the selttion becomes posite. The tqmation ter the veachon is: Me—> nga, + nee The reverse vicction than sorts. The, mated iota in the water ave attractret to He negative motel. The texnation fiw this reoction is Mt nae 7M.) Both above reoctions tke pla concarrnttly onal thn, Q rivesible reaction tebis place Ss pytt . Mi mest ne Evoctuolly , cyuilebnium 45 reackedl At Age librium thors is « petratial difforsme between the positive sition and the begative meted. This poterchial ifference is the elechode potential of the meted ih & Solibion of ifs ious The electrode potrtial connet be measured Menwretaont would require on decbical connection fo be macte between a voltheten and the solution by thsenting Oo meted wihe , which w olef J ne telly act a0 ccnrether ebretede with its on ebicrode potacel We con mensure the Afforsmee between two oleetrede potucials . We arhidrarly aSsign am electrode putectiol of Rive te ome particular half cell ond compare nectar half cle with the stom chard . By iubernetioned agrrcinend , the strmdowel bydbregin lechods hea bien dresin onthe reference cbtetocte, Eactors effecting Elechode petestich Nature of the mbt + Th mppecatore, «Pressure for system invdluing gra » Concinbrchion of the fous na Tesnprrotire macitainact Hig ot — ae 298 pressions ofp a oe outlet For F z hashes goa Hy inet Z pletinsn electrode. The stondocd pueee dhectrode consists of : S hayohro gin gr at [atm 1S bubbled over the plein hehe de Gone ih eyealibritin with — Ht tora of concentration [00 bet chin? eg. Has0y vith [H*] = Imoldin? ) = 4 pletinuin elichode, 18a piece of plediiurty Coatad with fihely divicheof platen block whith Cotedy tes the hol — elk reaction endl provicles Surfer onwhich the hyohog ey con be adsorbet. The platinum electrode is inert se it cots et tole pot in The eeoction The eyrilibnut is then datedliteack betwen the adsorked Laym ef hydrogen Got end hydrogen ions in the getution, The _ hell aeration for the sondord hydlrogen ebetode is 2 2Hieq + 2e” =S Hag) E°=0-00V or Htey + em = hy EW =e 00v (Notes half epuchion owes with the recta on the Lfthend sith of oy Stomdard Condchiong Tempecative > 298 Ik (25°C) Pressure: | atin , for System, Invi p aaeg Concentration of TC speutg ih Sctichin s -omeldacd Electrode 2 Plotinum is word 24 on tert obeehode ih systesas which do net coutmch a inated » The maasorse potrtial is Called The stanclorel ubetrode potmdtiol, EX (umt = volts) Standard Electrode Potentiol EF Definction: the potmdiol dfferins betwen a standard Aydrogin oletrocte oncl 0 trat olbetrode which fs itamersed ih a colchion contachitng rete fous at | mot din 3, 2IPK ancl latin Menswring Strmdlovd eleadrode potewtiels There are three morn types of hack whine E° volex Can be obdecned whan cohneted 4 a ctomdarel Pay olrrsg rm ebeetrocke + D) Howth —cethe contniling trtels ancl metal ous 2). Holp — celle Contecming poh-butaly Orel Won —tustel rons 3) He ol contacting fons of thee Seng ele tasat Th diffsront oxickastion states , Hodf ~ cette contartnrng Mutnls onck motel roig chron pf high vesistane veltuter Zine salt bridge Lines i Al [Crete cxwg | | LH | Vinci ade ep latin a LU CHET iar + Heleegs I molduc3 Th the diagram the sfonclord hydregim electrode is shown compled tp fo a zine helf Col. The voltmeter renctitig Hers the stomclorcl eAusroole potsntied of the tine al. salt brikge : filled with sedumotrel potaasium chlorite solution if enodole the ccpeutt to he cobplaiteet The electrodes are connectect throngh a high resistuwce voltinater sothet the current in the external ciralt is virally zero ancl fhe coll vegisters (tS moi maim potechial difartnee which is called the eltedrometive forces (e.m-f.) of the ak (E%u), s From the vellmetec, Eve at 25°C i's Fame to be O7eV Thaw fe Standard ebctoole potetial EL Far zefzn Half ell 8-076 Ze, toe + BET 2 leg + 22° —> Hag) a + 2H —> Zuitey ty, j- Gut [Ca half cot a Mah resistor, wolfinatir | ae om Hot T salt: bridge pe Hew aw | Clatin) a i 25° Findlaw? Po | plestilsarn ‘elactrecke Hey, [imei From yoltmety, Ev au at 25°C 7s frumel fo be O3b, Tho, tha sforcterel ebsetrode potmticl , Et fer CYC Hoh ull is FO34V Hay) —> 2Hiag + 227 Carey +20 > Ge) Carley + Haig, ——? Cato + 2Heagy From the voltmeter, EM cel at 25°C 1s found tobe 1.36, Thue, the staolarel eserves p otetial , E°fom Cia /C~ Half cel is +1-36V Hag) —> 2H lem Cloign + 2e7 ——> 21 (yy Clap) + Hag) ——> 2Cley +2H bp) Half celle contactuing Jona of the Seine elesnant in chfferent oxidotion stotes For half cot thet conning fons ot the Satna cles in differed oricedion Stotes, the potmtiol naearirad is calkrd the sterckarcl redox potttial . “Organ ee tn Pw rilge ee) Hy, PS pest eniene tetey 1 — Pees) 25°C, Fi & Fe ty Fey Hey y ir Cimetdu?)” Tel 8 From the wltmuter, EWau of 25°C 1s Found te be OT7V, Than, Hr stordord oladrods potrmtios , E Lone Fe /RO* Aa cell Fs +0-77V Hava > 2Hfag +207 Dh "ey $20 —> 2Fe'tey 2 Fett + Heyy —> Pet cy + 2Hfay Eg Cet [On™ haf cok igh resists. mettinchen | ete floss i) fp >! lo let, | 4— Pts) aoe | fs 3+ ar Hey, melt | | Crepsr ey lL} | Cl met ct?) ay From the voltmiter, Eu at 25°C is foundl to he OF V. Thea, the stonclene ebtetrode potectiol, E~for Cr¥ [Cr oll a is ~ OHV aaee vagy + 207 Wey 420° boy 2 ey + 2h —> Cu capt Hog) Stein E* yo —> reduction trkea place at the elechorle EX Ko > onidledion tokes place ot the obectrode . the. chemical Strita Species oe omrangg in oven of thein efrnclarel fects potttiels. Ml agroctions ove whiten o¢ reituetions (gathing ssn) Ee) Fay +207 <=> 2F ep +2.87V Wn Opogy +8Hey #52 Moby +H Owy — FSEV Clow + 227 = Chay ane Cri0fay Mb Ufogy tO A We, HTM + 133V Brin t 20 == 2Brinp +L07V Felboy teow = Fly +0.77V = a -S4EV Tag) + 227 == 21 ey ww a Cuhy +207 SS Cos re: 50 =O Hight positive veboe ~ but oridsry cger - A specita with a more positive potudrol (E~vabuc) will oxidice ome Creverse the rgustion) with a lower E® vole . Lg. Crop (EP = #133) vill oxidise Brod By, CEP =t97V) ak I7doI. (E™ ato s4) Botnet Cin oC, (E*= 1-36v)

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