Electrochemical Cell A2

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Electrochemical Cel (A2) An ebretrochemical coll cobverts chemical emtray to elechicak , If com be constrrcted by combining two half-Ceble with differnt E* values. The half ceth with the more ve E~ yalue Forinn the -tve terrinal . The help cell with the mora —Ve Eo value Poet the —ve terminal Stender Cok Potertal » Eck Definchion? A measuve of the peodloneg of the, elec in to How thermvgh the echrernal. Krewt wher tive hay celks are combined, ntl stencharol condchiong of 2s%c, Jatin pressure and | met din? Concenhoation Eku cabcatadion : East = E“crnatuetio ny ~ & Conrdarhion) or Bhan = Eccothede) ~ EC omoda). Daniel Coll . Zney + 267 = Zn E*=-0-76v Cxiag +20 == — EW = t0-34V hgh Peaisti electron How “pp Zinc tr Zinc sulfete sel Copprrlll) sebfecte Seba [Len?t]= 1 molding [OM] = bling 3 fag = E (rsdduction — E Coniddiin) = 40.34 —(-0-76) ins A Zins) —? Znlag + Re Curley + 2° —7 Cus) Ens, + Caty ——> Znfyy + Cow, Cel diagram : Zmes | Zn ff Coiba, | Cosy Kok Consisting of half cel : Carag FW = Cy, ES +0.34V Aggy, t ZC SS Ayes B= FO. GOV high resi oe oo gy hishnssstine vottinots silver salt bri copper Silvee nitrate solution — copper(I) culfade solution Last] = 1 mettin? Lam] = | met in? | Een = ECraduchiony ~ E Correlation) = +0.$0 ~(40.34) =0.46 V Cue —> Cathy, #207 ZA eq +207 ——> Aas; | Causy + 2Ayteg) —> Cavtegy + Ags) | Cet dia pron Conf Coy Aye Aye Note > Dowhleng an eyuction doss net douhls the EP vals Aste +e" => Ags Er=to.$ov Dhl FEO A AAyy, EM= FOB CM diagra Cl Arde Lng [z mop || Coety | Caw) © Zine is im contact ha ecbivva wre \ thereon of copper ion MIR escent bya cett brolge is im canted wilh coppen These, ye a diagram moti raprasedtstion of whet is hopponing ih 0 call * Place the holy cell withthe more positive E*vates on the RHS fhe cell revction goes fom Laft + right +the electors go rund the extremal ciroutt fom Lyk to right ~ he coll vottege 18 Ean) Eling) + In this wag it maat be positive « oxidation fakes place at the anode, eclachion of the cathode . Conclusion 2 The remchions will proceed from Left tonight OX ideation Zari) —> Znrbey + Ze at the ANODE Reduction Catay t 2 —> Cosy at the CATHODE Electoun Ge From the onede 4 cathecle vie the external ccreuit. Call reaction Fre) + Cute, _ Te ep + Cott votinge E Crys) -E*(LHs) = TO3HV —CO%W)= Fhiov 4 Predich the feancbility ofa reaction using stondard Cellporteadiol Reactions with positive EX one thermody ramically Posile Under Standard conditions. Example 1, Will ths reaction occur sportunacusly ? Stuy + Cuegy ——? Sri + Cosy Method | + Write out the appropriate 2guctions ao reductions with their E® values. Cup +e > Cus Ev =#0.34y Srey alee = Snes EP = -0./4v + The reaction whith toke place will involve the more positive one reversing the other. Ce Clg, —> Cuysy ancl Sis) —F Soy Swip E> F018 Oxidation Zr ———> Zhey +207 E = 40-76V Rede 1 yy tZme, —> Srey +Zatey Ele t0.1540.%6 =to-91V EZ (eve), reaction 7 possible Example 32 Predict Whether hydrogen prronice is able to oxiclese the agreena breimctle job to bromche , Ho0sey + 2Hiay +2e° == 2thoy E°=+/-77U Brog, + 2e7 === 2Brey Ets to7v E Seu = E Gredusctiony — ECorrtection) = Estee — E* Cancel) 2 +I-77- C107) = +o-Tov (tve) reoction (s possible . or a —rrr—“—~—s—S——r—s=S=C Bry +2207 == UBrey Era thoyy Onidation LBrfeyy ——> Brgy 207 eduction H20si Recto +2 re ——> 2hhow HiOzey + Hey + Brey 2th0, + Brin 1-07 41-77 =+0TOV Ea =+Ve , reaction rs possible, Usto of E%eat 1. To predet cull vottrye 2. Te pradcet the divection of ebechon How From © Simple coll 3. Te predict rf @ reachion will occur. Limatshions _ofg predictions mods using ET veduca oiststr , the pradiction of reaction ds het Supportrel bey separinast be conms 1. The vemction <3 consicheradt energ ett cally favoured le beck bechatitally Untarreradile, Chigh auhivetion sntrng) 2. The dotial reaction conditions Ore het stondavd Conditions . Example | ae of, methanol do hrethanere acd by acide fied potassium dichromate). BHCHO +Cr.0, 27+ 8H* 926 Heol +Hbo Erte? The reaction iS praclictecl to be feasible . p Haweurr, in practice, there is he reaction ct rovin temprrective due do high activation energy, Harting 1s raqutred for the remction wo occur rangle? ° Oxidation of concontmtect Hel by My0, MnO, + 4H* + 2CI” > My,” + 2H +Ch, M02 + 4H*+ 2e°——> Mint 2H EW =4/-23V Cla # 2e7~ ——> 2¢17 EP atv Enus -0-13V The pradection oils because EX vale dove rut eppply whim non —ttomdlarel censhitions Ove ward Lon conunbation affectag EP valus All the E® veluce given in the Stam clarol Electrode Potetial series rifen fo Aguerna (one of Concentration Lo © bras chin? Exanmphe |. Cwrogy Ze =F Cus, E%= +0.34V IP [a] inerecssa, the positive of eguelibrion will shift to the RHS according ty Le Chatelien's principle. This will make copprr electrode mare. positively — chor ged. Hence, te cchede potrtial will bescine mere positive If CCa] decrecaen , The position of epulibr im will shift +o the LHS accer ching to Le Chateber's prinecple . This will moke the coppsr elutrocle more Kegatively - charg ad. Hence, the electrode potential will beceme move negehve The meowunedl electrode pobrmctiele for the copper half - cok and Zine half cath ot differant Cobcedrations fone concentration /moldin 3 ot | iso Cu/G.? half cot Zn [Zn7* hodf~ cold _ + standard condehoh 2 xa Clay +20 == 2Clep +0.311 |Fo.3¢0}¢0. .T4o|-0:%0 0781 | E°=4+1-36V What happen to the E° values if the concentredtion of the Cimien is okteret ? | Ces] / met dn? ELV 10.0 | jt 301 ot | ho* Lew9 +1300 ample 3 Consider the Following cells : Znn [Zniy If Cay | Ca The ture holt coll ore : Lng + 2e7 == Zne CaMey F227 SSS Coats) The redox reaction < Zine) + Cag, —> Zutags + Css Feat = EGreductiony — E Cor ideation) no = +0-3b-C0.76) = +hjov If ta concentration of Cav is incransad, the obove redex reaction will displaced to the RHS Homce, the Eten >#I/0V cased If the concentration of Cud* i's decrangad, om the concentration of Zit 18 inevacssd , the redox reaction will be displaced to the LHS Hence, the Ec < +/-/0V

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