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Cell, Batteries anol Fuel Cok (A2) Pritam coll The. or chi any chr cols Yaak in torchen, toys and vadvos have vottges ramging from [.SV to 2.0V. Swverel of these cells ave offen headed. to produce trouigh power ancl the voltoge of Haase \hatteries’ drops grodually during thee lifetitne . A with variety of cbsctro chemical celle hove bern developad foe Sprectic. fametione in recmct ysart. Moms calls Cre sinall but thay de nt hecesaercly produce a high vettage for a long Hine. Battarica of Several lke jochedt de githey give higher veltoge but fake up mauve space - There cbrctrochelnicel ls Grr Coblad primary cella Ln Here cette the veckor reactions Comb hue wth] the reactants rinch & low concatenation ov cl voltage of the clk deckehes . The clk is then of re use Ory bore. “| carbon rod teasiede) §¢-— zinc cannistor (enwde) <1 — electrotyte paste Sheri 4 ‘Mier = anode Anocke 2 Lows) —PZn'ey +207 Cathecte 2 DM pOztgyt2NHg +22 —> 2NHs +2MnO(0H) Ovecall i Zn+2MnD, +2WH —>Z EDN Hs F2MnOCCH) Advactagt 1 Cohvenient, portable source. of elechicely, Hightly sealed so does mit Leak. Disadvantages + «corrosion % Zn by accdec elecholyte the voltage drops during rapid discharge die to the build up of products ot the eboctroole . + Cannot be recharged . Bs soli state cells Th vecont yeors , primey cells have bean abeveloped With Improved voltage ond reduced size. Cobbs with the size of a large button ore used in Aart Pocsimokers, Aeoriig aide onct other mech'cal uses 20 well as in watches oncl calewlators « —__ — have severeh advontrgyes : hey awe lightweight ancl small sthag give a high voltage, for example 2.OV Nilo), F204” Ea tO49V a. Which of these reachdus proweds in 0 for warel direction wher electrical energy Ts becng token from the coll 2 b. Predict the cell voltage , assuming thot all conditiong ave stenclard. - Write an equetion Po the Cell reaction that occurs when ebeetrcal ensrgy is bachg taken From the cell . d. Write an equotion for the ell reaction that occurs when the cell is being recharged. Ansus res - a NiO, + ZHpor2e” —? Nis +20 Aaa a hore positive Et velar, Se procesds in the Porward director 6) Eau EGrdctiony ~ EGredadiony =F 4q-(o.B) = th3ev ©) Ni0, + Cd + 2H —> MiCOH), + cd lott), d) WiCol), + CdCoH), ——? NiO, + Cd + 2HeO Keve'se 2 Lithium 1s oftim vost a the hegetive pele in ‘putton’ cells used to power wotcAss. Q. Explatn thy lithium 13 ftin osc te moka electrochaniced cells , 6. Ths help equations for @ lithium /fodne button cek are : Lig te” = Lia, ES -3.04V y . - LULU E°= 40,54) 1) Presboct the coll voltage of thes coll Yang the B® values Pow Ha tivo half —epuations above . TU) The actacl voltage ofa lithium /jecline buthh Coll is 2-BVs Sug get why thes Ps difforout From Ha Volig you Colekatacl in port a. C- Give two adlvontag 2a of & lithiun /iodbing col Compared with on evel henry coy cob _ haa avrg nogativn EP vole hecauer a) [ts hatg proton “ ae path -Theeofore it releaasa ebtetrons ifts @ vi wey” ~ bd Ean = EXrrsetion) -Eoxnatnn) = POSES one CO) pecans the concentration of electrolytes are bot 1 00mefln C) Small ond light werght, it hae a relodive pogh vottege ond mbes to macndaina a constort wltage | Secondary col Some eluchochemical cella com he recharged by pawing on electric current through them. The products are. than Changed back to renctouts so the coll con function agocn. These ably are called. Seeondhory cells or stovage cells. Bg. Secondary cell (Leack acid accumulator’) +ve terminal -ve terminal K Electrolyte(H:S0. Lend phFOT solution) with lead dioxide sulphuric acid 32, St Ph SO, F2E7 Prods > Phe) + Sq) 1 Coattacte PhO acs) +4 Hy + She, TIE Ph Mp5) FH, Overall + Phas, +2 8%) + PbO; + HH ey = PLSCaie)t 2H OU Acivontage : Rechargeable (products formed remacied in contact with electrode Desadvaninge It is Aeavy duc to the head . A cow battery 78 a Secondary CU which consists of plates of Lak and Lral(Iv) oxide immersed in Sulfuric ccd. The voltage of each eth i$ 2V. In orden to eprrate the car's starter motor, & higher voltage 18 vagurved. So a cor hatte consists of Six of Phese cells 1h Sorieo to provide I2V. The batters is rechawgact by the Corn!s alfernoter while the Con engche /S rubmiig, Leack acid hatteies ove very heavy buf ore cheap fo manufoetire . The hath -equadions Ih & head —aeith Cor batlng ave > PB ey t 227 = Ph EX -0nl3V P= #147 V Phos) tPhOyg,t 4Hégy —> 2PU%g/# 2d, Bray = FCO PbOatst HHagy +2 SPL Ey FDHhOw) Wham the battery is vechorg ect both He hath reactions are reversed Sethe oyrrall reoction dering charging iS: 2Pb (day + 242.0u ——> Phis, PbOats) +4Hey The colt voltage 1S approximately 2V, nat GOV, dus to hon stondlordl condchons . Frush Cold The. ful al is an eleebochemical clave that converts chemicel ensrgy of conventional Pele (such an hyshogin or methane) ito elictrical earpy directly oncl continucusly hy oriclotion with onygen From the air. Fest ells do net have the limited capacity of Pritoy batteries (Causect by smalk Porrtibies of reactants present) ov the storage capacity of sesoncang batteries where oxidant anol raductont Can ba regensratach hy recharging. In a Fuck clk, a continua Sepply of reactonct (Fuel ancl orggen) #5 Keedlecl. Example + agdrog on ok yg fast Col with oom aevelie electra te, pers eg electron ow porous positive . electrode coated vith platinum ] A wise eel Hee | At the anods, ty drogen gee fests ehetrong: Haig, > 2H ty + 20> The ebehons move armel the exprnol ccreut where theg cam clo a woeful gob of work, 24 dive an electric motor, The H* ions hf fuse throgh the metnborane to the cathe , The reaction ot the cothorke is: 4H oy +0 ag, +4 —92H0w The ebetrons drovel Poreugh the external cireait from tha anode to the cotrede Overall Cell Reoction : 2Hag, + 29) — 7 204, Fuck tle red adv over patu( ond disud engines + Water is Ha only product mare — no carbon cbionjcle ow Porn fuck rato gen onitles ars release . + They produce Mors energy pre gram of Pack buont thon petol engine ce. They core very AB cin —the framemission of Mors Prom the Pack coll do the meter 13 chirect. There are ho moving ports Where envgy Ts wasted as Ast Thurs ore sevreal Limadbchions 40 hy drogen —ity gs fuck colle. «High cost: the motencls voecl domake the electrortes ancl membrang Ore expensive + Mamacfecchuring of Pack celle itarrlves the production of toric. by-product. “Storage of hydrogen : hah pression, take Ors rr—r——esOC= of Pacl. At present refuelling hay to be dove prove often compared with a petrol engine. * Momufacturing Agolrogen : the hyobrogin healed for fact culls con only be produced chang ly by ming fossil Puely. + Pual cobb do not work well at low fomprratinent iff the ature fells much below O°C, He fuel oll \Prozor', Exercise 1. Ar com's Puck tank holds bokg of pebot. : [keg of petrot releages SXloT of ther gy token it beans "Only kof, of the energy velensed whan the petrt bums Fs cowerted into Useful work. "1X08 T of work i reshed te drive the cam | kin, a. How rong Gordes oF energy are released when bokg of petrol burns ? b. How many of these Fouls of enoray are available fo brove the can forward 7 C. Hew far Can the Can fravel on Hoky of petro ? 2. A Pak Coll vehicle with a similar yotutne tank can store Loo +4 of hydrogen ot high pressure. + 2g of Agdregen release 2F6OO0I of ehsray when used in the vehicle's Rack cells 160% of the energy releasad from the fact coll is convirded info useful work. "1X (0% T of work is headed to drive the Can I kin, A. How mony Goulss of ereryy ore rellenasd when 00g of hycbragin i vancl inn tha vehicle's Peas cole? b- How mony of fhtae Gowlts f-eneryy ore oven lable cto move the Car Foriword 2 5 C. Hews Pan Com Hrs cor travel on oo g of Aydroger’ 3. Compare end comment On yotr anawars to eperecse | ond 2, Answers fa) enegy = Ko x SKIOXIx(o = 2x 101 J 5) Energy to move co fovwamrel = 2X107KO-4 = &xlohJ Cc) Be. vs of D Distrrce moved by Hla com = Baie = gookm 2.0 lensed = Woon 28602 ~ 6.72 x00", ) ergy reload = Hoon 28602 = 5-72 Kt J b) enor gy to MeUE cov forward = ST? X101K OG = Bhax0e’ J €) Bretence moved hy He cor = 242K) 2 3h ahim “ree 3 The distomer movrd — - refuetling Stops Is puch Shorter than a patel Con,

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