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Elecholysis (A2) Elechdlysis is a proce in whick caurront 18 prasail thewugh am eleedolyte of Omi c Compoutcl either insolation om inti Ste. The electrolyte is than checomposecl solids or euclved as gasia. The conductors whith connect the elecbolyte with ths. apphind voltage are called electrocteg . The positive elechode 15 the onacle the nagective ebetrode is the cottocle . Dur is, At the cathode (— electrode) ¢ + cations(+Ve ions) travel tothe cothode(-). + reduction occurs of the cothodke + Cathocle iS connected fo the -Ve pole of the chechicety siipply. At the anode (+ ebetrode ): + anions (—ve toms) drevel to the anole C+), + oxfelation occas of the anccle + anode is connected fo the tye pote of He ehetiochy supply . Factors affecting selective ¢ his charge. ducts ebretrolysis 1. Position of fone in the electrochemical carves 2. Relative concentration of ions 3. Neture of elichode . Position of ona ih the electrochemical Stvieg BAL Ha cocthode : “In mixture of cations, the cistiona of inetd with the rcost positive E ove discharged First. Eg.) consider a mivhene amd Ay ‘oy ions © The. ewrelor of mated /ietod fora In the elechochemitad Site: of Zilog Colley Phi, Znte oe = Zn EP=-0-76y most nigchve PLY 4287 == PL -_ Ctte2e = Cu EP a40-34V ae most positive | Ayt +e" —> Et = +0. 80V P + When the mirters 8 ebectrelysct, the Ay" ore dischargad First (mest positive E°). After all the As* theve been discharged the Ca wil] ba dischergad ; followed by the Pb** ions . Finally the Zart fore will be dis charged . 5) At the anode “In a michene of onions, the anion with the most Aegech ve Ear dischared First. Ths amnion is mest easily onidhised , * Eg.) in a mixhire of Clog ond Lip jens the order of the fons in the redox sexing + T,+2e° S227 Eta +0.54V more negecive Clot Ze = 217 EPH HN BEV More positue * When the mixture is eloctolysed , the I~ jons ove discharged First C mors hegetive E°). After abl He jodide jons have been dischergrd ; the Cl” iong will ba dhischargrd . Relative concentration of ios Dering shee lysis Ca clilade. ae Nell, concentration of crm 18 low. Tharefore OW” Jona get dachorgrct at the anode onct the Os gar pioduerd. Cla42ze == 2c17 EM=tl 86 v most positive V7 02 42/bd the => Fon” EX=t0-Hoy mort negative Bd duping elecholysis of comtinfrated scution NaCl (brine) concetration of CI fon is very high . Therefore CI jows selectively get dischargad at the onode onl Cla goo produced, Raflr te Le Chetelin's priveiple, prove. to divactio, of reducing Cor], Ct deschogad to focin Cla, a Nedure. of electrode. When dilate sulfuric axl 4 elreharlyed , vai ieg graphite euoden, CH iors cre olisch ot the amode. The product ot the omede ie Os gas. 40 ay —> Oat +2trouy +4e~ IB the qrophte ebctedes ome mow replce with Copprr elechooles, tHe copprr ameele chissol ves: Cuts) > Cup, +2e7 Tha solotion Grell Chong as te blue colsve dee fo the fometion CASO. During electrolysis of soll of metela low in the clecthochemital Senies eg. silver, copper, gol, the coteode rroctions are: Ay ep + eo ——> Ag Cogs +20 ——> Cus ar ep +3e — > Aus be. | mele of elections dscharep. | mele Ay fous to grve Irnele Ay shea 2 brole of ebtectrons discharge | rage Can forma to gfe. | maple Cox oct ng 3 mole of ceetoms discharge {mole hu fous to pve [mole Av chtae In Gonsred Nog mole of Ne. of moles of rleehona mad dischorgscl No, of chongss on one ion of ebeinet The Fewrachen onch Avogadro's constant HH is possible fo measure the charge om am shebon Suppose we had [mote Ay iene ancl a currant Was passed which dischar geck all theae fone te Silvey metal. Then the bated re of electons thet poseco js L Chucgadre's constant). Lat e’ be the chergs oh one oberon ancl F ao the tht charge required to discharge | mole of these jomo. fa z aaa Far adey constont, F = 16500 C mol Avogadm constant, L = 6.02 R107 ml”! Charge on one ebctoh, @ = [-Gox io! F Coulomhs Eincking Avograde's constant by ebredtrolysis aw amineter ef" silvep | [| silver cathode fy M0 solution Set up the cercult above. Aim mater records currint asd, rheostat asd b maitoin current ot constont valus. Cecthecs 18 weighs (recep the mas). Close tha switch ancl start stopwatch. Allow current to poss Fer a ransonoble length of time. Open switch, stop the watch, racavel Currant Wael ancl Hine (ih Seeones), Remove cathode, white and diy then reweigh . The trass of silver clposited by a known chery e Comps x Secondo) /s How known » If we know | the charge ons one eketon ; we con cohetate the value for L . From the readings of Ammatin and tine raced, Q=Ixt Q + pusatily of charge produced , unit: conlemb, ¢ ——si SNOCOCiCCCtsKsst £2 Hime C ohpirateh racerdings) , Unit 2 Seeonel, § His Found by ax prrimant that 96500 coulems of chaege one vagucrad fo descharge Innela ef silver (lob g) 5 Herefora 96500 cerlombs haut be the Charge on one mole of sleethons. The rei $sv0Cmt”! Ts callech the Fowoday Constout« ramp he A civect comrent of (0-0 mA Ploiea for Hao heres Hheeugh 3 ceble in Serica. The colle contain s otuction of silver nitrate, coppael) Sulfate, onck golot(i!) nbrete , Cobewlate the Wess of deposited, betel im tack coll. Tha quadity of chovye,QzTxt= 0.6100 x hooxGoxeo =e (44 ro mate of cacdron = [tte No mole Ay deposited = qpcs mele mass Ay deposited = Git. x 10g = 01619 No mole Cu depositeet Le. m ee eee S aaa Cur deposit zo SRaEGeS X C3 5 20.0t7tg No mole Au deposited = — 4+ _ ap site 3X IGS CO rr = 4h mass Au deposited = So x 197 = 0.09809 Exerecse, A matal of Ar =27 18 deposited by eheeholysis , If 0.176 4 of the inefal iS deposited onthe cothode when 015A flows for 3-S hours, what fs He charge onthe cations of this mett ? Answers The gaontity of charge, Q > Txt = ONS XISKEOXCO = 1,890 no mole of ebechon = 1890 . EL, mole ne mole of metal deposited = S76 mole. change on the ection = wre tenle of steers re raale of mm pated Gesve KON =3 Exobpbe When a currant of 7-66 amps is proaed For | hewe, it is Pout thad 20.823 silver ave cleposited Colelat Avogadro constant. Pnswers The quandity of chorge, Q=Ixb = 766K 1X60 x60 = 27,576 C No of Aq depositacl = 30-63 hy? +0 — My [mel ebretons required fo produce (Met Ay hutrl charge ef | mel of ehehons, F= a = 2US7h ane charge of one elee boi) @ = /60 x10" “90. Felxe Avogrodo's con stant, a a _ 215% K10F Joba x hboxie = G:04KI0™ 3 inal! Volume ef gaia forma during ebretalysis Sotutions of salts igh ih ebretocheimsal Sere ewolve Aydrogen gos at He cothade on beedro lysis. The cethode press 4a° Hfey +e7 — > Hg) Followed by 2H, ——> Magy 2 moles of eleetona ort hesdud to evolve Mnwole of hagahro gen molecules s ce. 2g. of hycbogen (the inolar moars)or 22.4din? af S-b-p. (the molar volume), At Heancde concentrated soucbions f halicles evelve the hologim , ond other colts evolve onygen . When chlorine do welvads the amotle procs is Cliagy ——? Cla tem frotlowed by. 2 Clg) —7 Che electro gl For the euetiction 2 ee allan Be They ora ot st “p. Wham oxygen is euvlued, tHe andl prods is the decherge of Aydlroxidle ions, denved from ths. water itr the, solshicn Hg —> OHep, oe followed by boHag —> Ory + 2H20u, 4 roles of ebretrons oe regucrad for Ha. evolution of [ mele of oxygen molerabs; (-e. 32.09 o 22-4dm? ot s-b-p. Exsrerse : Cok eutate the volumosof goaee formed ot the cothode andl amos of ot -p. when ©.0250A of currant ore posed for #09 hewrs Hhragh a solution of sulfure accd . Answer The quently of charge, Qa Itt = 0-025 x4Kboxéo = 360C = _36 3 ne of mole of ebrcton ee, = BT3KtC mole, At cothods , At anecte. Qtytae —> Hayy bot fag —> Orig) + 2Hrdy tbe” = 3 a nh) = 373%, te n(0,)= 272R2 mete VO) = BIg V(D.)> REAP e224 = lg Xto dm? = 2.07 x16 “di!

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