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During the course of the last year, there have been many burglaries committed in the region around

Soton-on-industrial-Sea. A security company with an inadequate number of employees is

responsible for the region. The Town Council of Soton-on-Sea has consented to the installation of

surveillance cameras in order to serve the interests of the security company. These cameras have the

ability to spin 360 degrees and point in any direction. If you install a camera at a busy intersection,

you will be able to watch all of the streets that lead up to that point as well as those that come after

it. You will find a map of the industrial area, the borders of the area that will be monitored by

CCTV, and the 49 potential camera installation places in the next page. This map can be found on

the following page. This article makes use of the case study that was described before in order to

investigate the optimal positioning of a camera with regard to a particular setting and category of

visual activity. We concentrate on the topic of static camera placement, which includes a collection

of task-specific constraints, a variety of alternative cameras to use in the layout, and the goal of

establishing the optimal location and number of cameras for a study area. It is usual practice to plan

the location of cameras in advance in order to guarantee that online computer vision systems are

capable of completing the task at hand. The area that is being monitored may, in the broadest

possible sense, take on any three-dimensional form that can be conceived of, which can be

challenging. It's possible that this area is entirely open with no restrictions at all, that it's a restricted

section, or that it's a combination of the two. It's possible that the area has certain features, such as

voids produced by trees and columns, as well as other things strewn about that may obstruct the

vision of a potential camera. It's conceivable that some of the pieces will be stationary while others

may move. In addition, the actual room itself may undergo transformations throughout the course of

time. For instance, a floor plan may depict the erection or removal of walls as well as various pieces

of furniture. You have access to a broad variety of cameras to choose from for any particular video

sensing job (s).


Linear Model

It may be difficult to develop an algorithm that is capable of solving the most general case of the

camera placement problem for a given level of interest, despite the fact that this problem is in high

demand. As a result, we concentrate our efforts on a more manageable subset of this more general

problem, which can be described using planar sections that are indicative of a floor plan.

A polygon will be used to approximatively represent the area. It is reasonable to presume that this is

the case given that the majority of buildings and floor plans have polygonal shapes or can be

approximatively represented by a collection of polygons. When provided with a floor plan, the

objective is to quickly determine the most effective placement of cameras in order to carry out a

particular task. The application of binary optimization across a discrete problem space will be

demonstrated as one potential approach to overcoming this obstacle. Solving problems in

computational geometry, such as determining the convexity of a polygon, determining its area, and

triangulating it, can be accomplished through the use of effective techniques. In order to take into

account potential obstructions in a floor layout, such as columns, wall partitions, and other similar

features, we allowed cavities to be a part of the polygon that we studied. The conventional

techniques of linear temporal visibility, which have previously been applied with great success to

basic polygons, are not applicable in this context. Because of this, we were inspired to devise an

innovative visibility strategy that is suited for polygons that contain holes. The next part will

provide an explanation of the method in general terms.

Camera Placement Algorithm

In order to proceed, we must first represent the polygon as an occupancy grid. There are a number

of ways to depict cells, including shape (square or hexagonal cells) and pixel density (such as single

vs. multi-resolution). We've settled on using a fixed-size, square-cell representation, and a single

resolution. The major objective is to transform the constraint set C and the task T to satisfy the

following canonical 0-1 optimization model.:


min cx s.t. Ax ≥ b x ∈ {0, 1} (4)

where A is a m by n matrix with the elements of the ith row representing the coefficients of the ith

linear inequality constraint, b is a m by 1 vector with the ith element representing the right-hand-

side coefficient of constraint I, and c is a 1 by n vector with the ith element representing the cost

associated with the ith element of x, where x is a n by 1 vector with n decision variables. In this

equation, A represents the linear inequality constrain. The convex polytope P oly in n-dimensional

space, which is specified by the constraints imposed by A and b, contains all of the feasible places

where a solution may be found for the optimization problem that has been presented. 01

programming seeks to locate a binary vector x that, when applied to all of the matrices P oly, results

in the lowest possible value for the cost function. This is the end goal. Let Q represent the collection

of all the different permutations of x2.Let Q∗ ⊂ Q containing only the elements of Q found inside

P oly. Then 0-1 programming can be explained as looking for x∗ ∈ Q∗ giving the

minimum cost function value. The first step in our methodology is a phase called "sampling,"

during which we choose values from a feasible interval that satisfies the polygon P, camera specs,

and job requirements (such as position, orientation, focal length, depth of field, field of vision, etc.).

To get the grid occupancy vector for polygon P at each sample point, we do the calculation. Keep in

mind that the P oly described by Ax b includes all the imaginable permutations of sample points that

meet complete coverage of P if we allow the associated grid occupancy vector of each sample point

to be a column of A and the grid occupancy vector of P to be b. In other words, if we allow the

associated grid occupancy vector of each sample point to be a column of A, then the P oly described

by Ax b includes all of the possible Then we may use the 01 programming to look for locations that

provide samples at the lowest possible cost. This indicates that the solution to the problem we had

with the original positioning of the camera is also the solution to the problem with the 0-1 model

that was generated in the fashion that was detailed.

We obtain the 0-1 model representation from a given camera location problem fol-

lowing these steps:

Step 1 Determine how the provided limitations may be represented in the form of a spatial

coverage. This is the most important stage of the problem-solving process. If C can be recast as a

problem of spatial coverage, then the approach that has been suggested may be used to find a

solution to that issue as well, provided that such a representation is viable.

The majority of the differences between the solutions for Problem 1 and Problem 2 may be seen in

this picture.

Step 2 Create a representation of an occupancy grid using the polygonal region P. Let's call this

matrix OG(P). It's a h by w binary matrix, and its I j)th element is one if the grid cell p with

coordinates (j, I is located inside P, and it's zero if it's not. Let's name this thing the occupancy grid

of P; we'll call it OG(P). It is important to note that the resolution of the occupancy grid is directly

proportional to the value of the h w parameter, which is an input parameter for the method.

Step 3 Given the characteristics of the camera and P, choose n samples at random from. Let's say

that sample sk is the kth one. Take note that the method accepts n as one of its input parameters. For

example, depending on the requirements of the activity, may be sampled using a variety of focal

lengths (many camera lenses), camera orientations, locations, apertures, and so on.

Step 4 Determine the occupancy of each sk's spatial coverage representation using C. Do this for

each sk. Considering that we are working with cameras, visibility is the most important limitation

we face. Therefore, the calculation of the visibil- ity polygon is the very first stage in the process of

calculating the spatial coverage. After that, one may calculate the spatial coverage by finding the

intersection of the visibility polygon and C (which may stand for resolution restrictions, field of

view constraints, degree of freedom constraints, and so on). Let Si be the h by w binary matrix

whose I j)th element is 1 if cell grid p with coordinates (j, I is within the spatial coverage of sk and

0 otherwise. Si's I j)th element is 1 if cell grid p with coordinates (j, I is inside the spatial coverage .

Step 5 Construct the 0-1 model. Let A be:


Let c = {c1, c2, . . . , cj , . . . , cn} where cj is the cost associated with the camera

location sj . This may be the cost of the camera, the needed bandwidth, the amount of energy it

consumes, etc. When c = 11n, the answer for the problem is to use the fewest possible cameras.

The very last thing that has to be done is to solve this model by using one of the well-established

approaches (in this instance, "Branch-and-Bound"). Let's use the notation x to refer to the best

possible solution to the model. It is important to keep in mind that the decision variable vector x

also functions as an indicator vector. This means that if the value of x I for a given issue instance is

1, then the camera position si is one of the optimum camera locations for that particular problem

instance. In the event that x = infeasible, it follows that there is no camera position configuration

that satisfies C given the samples that are currently being used.


We provide a general task-based camera placement problem, along with two instances and a

solution, using a binary optimization technique, polygonal area, and discrete solution space. We

show further that the task-based limits of the vision system may be satisfied by using our

recommended method, given that the solutions can be limited to area coverage. Although the use

price was used as the cost in the testing, alternative costs such as network bandwidth, energy usage,

etc. are equally acceptable if they are linear functions. Although the use price was used as the cost

in the tests. The model may also be used to build a layout that is suitable for a particular financial

constraint, provided that the constraint is consistent with the layout.



From distributions to linear models. (n.d.). Retrieved December 8, 2022,


Linear Model. (n.d.). Data Science, Analytics & Statistics Courses. Retrieved

December 8, 2022, from

M.K, W. (2020, August 5). The Research Methods Knowledge Base.;

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