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Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)




Mathematics is an old, broad and deep discipline (field of study).

Mathematics is a broad and deep discipline that is continuing to grow in breadth

and depth. Nowadays, a Ph.D. research dissertation in mathematics is typically

narrowly focused on definitions, theorems, and proofs related to a single problem

in a narrow subfield in mathematics. Like reading and writing, math is an

important component of learning and “doing” (using one’s knowledge) in each

academic discipline. Mathematics is such a useful language and tool that it is

considered one of the basics in our formal educational system.

By nature, students are different from each other and this was introduce

by Howard Gardner in his Multiple Intelligences. One common misconception

about multiple intelligences is that it means the same thing as learning styles.

Instead, multiple intelligences represents different intellectual abilities. Learning

styles, according to Howard Gardner, are the ways in which an individual

approaches a range of tasks. They have been categorized in a number of

different ways visual, auditory, and kinesthetic, impulsive and reflective, right

brain and left brain, etc. Gardner argues that the idea of learning styles does not

contain clear criteria for how one would define a learning styles, where the styles

comes, and how it can be recognized and assessed. He phrases the idea of
Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
learning styles as “a hypothesis of how an individual approaches a range of

materials”. It is fun way to learn about how some of our tastes and interests can

influence how we take in information. Labeling creates limits, and when it comes

to learning, we want to avoid restricting how we define student potential. People

have many different intelligences, and strength in one area does not predict

weakness in another.

Likewise, students probably hate Mathematics since they’ve encountered

it. Their experience has a big influence on how they will embrace Mathematics at

present. In a whole year, math is one of the hardest subject for students who

hate numbers and analyzation. Being anxious and fearful about math can lead to

phobia or disorder. It is popularly known as “Math Anxiety”, it refers to the feeling

of worry, frustration, agitation, and fear of failure with regard to taking math class,

completing math problems, and taking math exam. Furthermore, this distraction

may affect student’s performance. Being anxious during Math classes can begin

with a child is in fourth grade and generally increases when students are in

middle or in secondary level.

Some students have focused on students as young as first grade

experiencing math anxiety (Harari, Vokovic and Bailey, 2013). In addition,

teachers and parents have been shown to influence math anxiety, and both can

assist in easing the psychological and physical symptoms children experience.

Practice with various math problems, having no time limit for exams, and being

encouraged through errors have been shown to ease math anxiety.

Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
Math anxiety is so pervasive that is has been researched for over 50 years

and more than 167,000 websites are devoted to math anxiety on any given day

to explain the causes and the remedies for the disorder. According to the study of

Ashcraft and Kirk (2001), “Math anxiety has been shown to actually disrupt

mental processes needed for doing arithmetic and drag down math competence.

“ Even though there’s a lot of studies which are related in this particular research

problem is still there. Math Anxiety is still existing and its relation to the academic

performances of the students. Many students claim not to like math, especially in

HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences) students. But for others, the issue

with math is more than simply disliking algebra or fractions.

For some students, doing math can cause negative emotions like fear of

failure. This harms their ability to perform. Even for students who don’t struggle

with math anxiety, it’s important to develop positive study habits that will help

them as math becomes more complex.

According to the anxiety model (Baroody with Coslick, 2002), math anxiety

can be regarded as personal vicious cycle unreasonable beliefs, anxiety, and

protective behavior, and emotional reaction to Mathematics, is Perhaps because

of a previous bad experience in Mathematics. While from the study of Dicdican

(2011), Mathematics teaching is both an art and science. An effective teacher

integrates theory with practice, to develop one philosophical framework for

teaching Mathematics, we begin by understanding the nature of Mathematics.

Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
Not so far from these observations are the words of Kelly and Meyer

(2001), emphasized that if the difficulty is motivating the student to study math

and trying to relate the world in some real situation that lead them to solve

Mathematics procedures.

In conducting this study, the researchers want to emphasize the Math

Anxiety itself, its causes or symptoms and how it affects the performance of the

students in terms of academics. It is relevant to know the factors and reasons

why do students tend to be anxious and fearful during Math Class. Moreover, to

know also the things that influence the students with regards to that particular

subject and how they cope up with that situation.

This research would be beneficial as it aims to discover new ideas and

things where in it help will contribute meaningfully to the students, teachers and

other researchers.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will be useful to the following entities:

To the Students. They will benefit on this study and they will be informed

from the different aspects of Math Anxiety. The students will be able to face the

reality that Mathematics is everywhere and they will gather and get reasons how

to like Math.
Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
To the Teachers. This study will provide them information and ways in

teaching Mathematics and how they could help and assist students in facing

Math Anxiety.

To the Parents. This study is essential to them, because as a parent they

would know that gathering knowledge is not just in school but must also be

cultivated at home.

To the other Researchers. This study would be of great help in their

upcoming endeavors. The facts gathered, the news shared and the interpreted

data could be their basis in gearing up a related study.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to investigate Math Anxiety and its causes and effects to

the academic performance of the students in Tipas National High School.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the difficulties that the students are experiencing during Math


2. What are the causes of Math Anxiety in most of the students?

3. How can Math Anxiety affect the performance of the students in


4. What are the suggested activity/strategy for the remediation of Math

Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focuses on the causes and effects of Math Anxiety towards the

academic performance of the selected Grade 11 HUMSS students at Tipas

National High School. Likewise, this study discusses the relationship between

math anxiety and the performance of the students. This study also talks about

the way teachers approach their students and how they teach their lessons.

Moreover in this study, the researchers do not intend to make other strands as

the subject of their study.

This study covers the difficulties that the students are experiencing during

Math Class. Likewise, it discusses the causes of Math Anxiety in most of the

students. Furthermore, the effects of this anxiety to the student’s performance in

the subject and lastly, the researchers will suggest an activity or strategy for the

remediation of Math Anxiety.

This study is conducted at Tipas National High School, first semester of

SY 2018-2019. This particular study is conducted in this location since the

researchers were given a limited time only. Hence, their own school is applicable.

Thirty-five are made the subjects of this research. Only the HUMSS students are

the subjects of this study because most of them tend to hate Mathematics.
Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
Chapter II


Conceptual Literature

Math anxiety is a debilitating emotional reaction to mathematics that

is increasingly recognized in psychology and education. It has been

defined as “a feeling of tension and anxiety that interferes with the

manipulation of numbers and the solving of mathematical problems in

ordinary life and academic situations “. Math Anxiety is a serious and

pervasive problem, especially in the community-high school setting.

Students may experience math anxiety in many forms and degrees, from

“freezing up” during a math exam, to attempting to avoid anything having

to do with numbers.

According to Preis and Biggs (2001) Symptoms in Math anxiety may

be physical or psychological. Physical symptoms include nausea, shortness

of breath, sweating, heart palpitations and increased blood pressure. Some

psychological symptoms are memory loss, paralysis of thought, loss of

self-confidence, negative self-talk, math avoidance and isolation (thinking

you are the only one who experiences it). These symptoms and other

negative math experiences may lead to a vicious cycle in which fear of

math interferes with learning math which leads to more negative math

Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
In addition, this “vicious cycle” may lead students to delay or stop

taking math courses which often limits their educational opportunities. In

today’s increasingly technical society, it is more important than ever for

students to have an extensive knowledge of math. A recent article states

“the world is moving into a new age of numbers… just look at where the

mathematicians are now. They are helping to map out advertising

campaigns, they are changing the nature of research in newsrooms and in

biology labs and they are enabling marketers to forge new one-on-one

relationships with customers. As this occurs, more of the economy falls

into the realm of numbers.” (Baker, 2006)

Furthermore, Math anxiety essentially prompts students to do two

things at once: solve the math problem and deal with worries about the

math (including worries about getting the problem wrong, looking foolish,

and what others may think of them). As a result, students have less

working memory to devote to the math, and their math performance

suffers (Beilock & Willingham, 2014).

Similarly, the early onset of math anxiety amongst elementary

students are most likely caused by social influences and cognitive

predispositions. In cognitive, predispositions, a child will have negative

views towards math in the future as they progress in formal schooling if

they are lacking in their skills. Cognitively predisposed children are more

vulnerable to negative social influence. (Maloney & Beilock, 2015)

Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
Likewise, Polya (2000) said that “Mathematics, taught and learned

appropriately, improves the mind and implants good habits of thought”. He

also disclosed that a mathematics teacher has a great opportunity. If he

fills his allotted time with drilling his students in routine operations he kills

their interest, hampers their intellectual development and misuses his

opportunity. But if he challenges the curiosity of his students by setting

them problems proportionate to their knowledge, and helps them to solve

their problems with stimulating questions, he may give them a taste for,

and some means of, independent thinking.

Moreover, Learning to solve problems, as you will discover is not a

difficult task. It can be enjoyable and challenging. However, it does require

you to think and make a conscious effort. Also, it can only be learned

not by merely watching, but by actually doing a lot of problems. (Coronel,

et al. 2000)

The reasons for math anxiety can be classified by three main factors:

environmental, having negative experiences in math subjects or with bad

teachers personal, the lack of confidence, low self-esteem, and the influence of

previous negative experiences with mathematics or; cognitive, the innate

qualities such as failure to naturally adept at math, which fuels a sense of

inadequacy (Adelson, 2014).

Since math demands correct answers, it may bring about more anxiety

over making mistakes compared to reading and understanding (Menon, 2012).

Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
In the case of other students, factors such as the fear of not finishing a

timed test, being placed in math courses above level of competence, or feeling

not in control of one’s life situation, can also contribute to one’s math anxiety

(Diaz, 2009).

According to Pekrun (2006), a leading researcher in the area of emotions

in the classroom, the Control-Value theory of Achievement Emotions helps

explain this. The theory is centered in the trigger of achievement emotions, which

includes activity-related emotions such as enjoyment, and anxiety. There are

two: (1) how much as student values what they are doing and (2) how much

control the student believes that he or she has over a task. When a student

highly value what they are doing and has a high level of control over the task, he

would find enjoyment. On the other hand, when a student highly values a task

but has no control, anxiety is experienced.

On the other hand, the Western perspective was explained by Buckley

(2011) who stated that “negative community beliefs about math are often heavily

endorsed in adolescence throughout high school per culture norm”. The majority

of society share the commonality of math anxiety that it has been socially

accepted to be normal. Due to the association of math with the idea of

intelligence, the rest of society that don’t show high levels of math anxiety are

labeled as a nerd due to their enthusiasm and ability to perform better than

Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
Related Studies

The study of Stoehr, Kathleen J. (2016) entitled “Mathematics Anxiety;

One Size Does Not Fit All” used questionnaire in gathering data. This study aims

to investigate the possible outcome when mathematics educators, especially the

elementary teachers possess confidence and competence in teaching

mathematics. This study analyzes how there women prospective elementary

teachers described, explained, and related their experiences of mathematics

anxiety while learning mathematics as K-12 students and while learning to teach

mathematics. This study reveals that mathematics anxiety may reach beyond

assessment situations and impact women prospective elementary teacher’s

larger mathematical histories. This study shows how women prospective

elementary teachers may interpret mathematics anxiety as specific fears (e.g.,

loss of social belonging, loss of personal identity, or loss of practical competency)

and how specific coping strategies may be invented to cope with the fear.

In addition, the study of Abbasi and Samadzadeh (2013) entitled “Study of

Mathematic Anxiety in High School and its relationship with self-esteem and

teachers personality characteristics” attempts to study the relationship between

the mathematical anxiety among high school students and their self-esteem and

teachers personality characteristics. From among the high school students some

480 people were categorically in accordance with their characteristics and 60

mathematics teachers were also chosen through this method. The data were

collected through the use of self-esteem questionnaire of Cooper Smith and

Mathematics Anxiety Questionnaire and personality questionnaire by Neo.

Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
Furthermore, the study of Hamza and Helal (2013) entitled “Math’s Anxiety

in College Student across Majors: A Cross-cultural study” used survey data

collected from two countries, Egypt and The United States of America (USA).

There were 330 participants (162 males and 168 females), all of whom were

undergraduate students. 169 participants were studying at Tanta University,

Egypt and 161 participants at the University of Arkansas, USA. The study aimed

to investigate math’s anxiety in undergraduates with different main subjects of

study and across cultures. A 4x2 ANOVA was conducted to evaluate the effects

of the student’s country and main subject of study on math anxiety.

The study of Aldrin John Joa Estonanto, Math anxiety is characterized by

manifestations of negative behaviors of learners towards mathematical concepts.

This study investigated the relationship between math anxiety and the academic

performance in Pre-calculus of Senior High School Students taking science,

Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Strand at Sorsogon State

College Sorsogon City Campus. The research design utilized was descriptive

correlational. Eighty-eight (88) respondents out of one hundred eighty (180)

students or two (2) out of four (4) sections from the laboratory high school were

purposely selected, and took a math anxiety test seventy-seven (77) percent are

found to have math anxiety. Forty-one (41) percent had low academic

performance. Results revealed further that there is significant relationship

between math anxiety and performance of students in pre-calculus. It is

concluded that math anxiety has negative effect on the academic performance of

students in Pre-calculus.
Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
The study of Andaya, Olive Joy F. In this study aimed to identify the

factors that affects the achievements of students in the Mathematics and to

determine the relationship between the student’s achievements and individual,

instructional, classroom management and evaluation factors. The 239 Bachelor

of Elementary Education (BEE) students were the subjects of the study. The

descriptive correlational design was used. Data were subjected to statistical

analyses using t-test, Pearson r and multiple regression.


The study of Stoehr, Kathleen J. differs from the present study because

the previous study aims to investigate the possible outcomes when mathematics

educators, especially the elementary teachers possess confidence and

competence in teaching mathematics. While the present study focuses on the

causes and effects of math anxiety on the academic performance of the


The present study also differs from the study of Abbasi and Samadzadeh

because it attempts to study the relationship between the mathematical anxiety

among high school students and their self-esteem and teacher’s personality

characteristic. The previous study chose their respondents categorically in

accordance with their characteristic and them also chose 60 mathematics

teachers through this method. While the present study do not include teachers as

respondents. But both studies use questionnaire in gathering data.

Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
The study of Hamza and Helal differs from the present study because the

study aims to investigate math anxiety in undergraduate with different main

subjects of study and across cultures. Also to evaluate the effects of the

student’s country and main subject of the study on the math anxiety. But both

previous and present study use survey questionnaire to collect data.

The present study is similar to the study of Andaya, because the previous

study aimed to identify the factors that affect the achievement of student’s in

mathematics and to determine the relationship between the student’s

achievements an individual, instructional classroom management and evaluation

factors. But this study used t-test to analyze data.

Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
Conceptual Framework


1. What are the

difficulties that the

students are

experiencing during

math class?

2. What are the

causes of math The researcher will gather Suggestion of the strategies

anxiety in most of data from various types of or activities from the

the students? 3. How references and also the researchers for the

can Math Anxiety distribution of questionnaire remediation of math anxiety.

affect the to the respondents.

performance of the

students in


Figure 1

Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade

11 HUMSS Students in Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)

Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)

Math Anxiety might cause decreased performance and power

performance might elicit math anxiety. Math performance is driven by anxiety’s

devastating consequences on learning and recalling math skills. The theoretical

framework has a stars to symbolize the students who is the center of math

anxiety together with their teacher’s teaching skills.

This study was anchored on the point of view and theories of the following

well know authorities which are closely relevant to the researchers study.

The Reciprocal Theory. The mixture of evidence for each pf the two theories

suggests that in fact they might both play a part in the relationship between

math’s anxiety and performance. That is, math’s anxiety might cause decreased

performance and poorer performance might elicit math’s anxiety, as summarized


The deficit Theory. The deficit theory suggests that people who start out with

poorer math’s performance are more likely to develop anxiety about math.

The Debilitating Anxiety Model. The Debilitating Anxiety Model suggests that

link between math’s anxiety and math’s performance is driven by anxiety’s

devastating consequences on learning and recalling math’s skills.

Definition of Terms

Anxiety. This term refers to the state of uneasiness about what may

happen. (Collins Student’s Dictionary). In this study, it is the felling of

nervousness and being anxious to a particular subject or event.

Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
Conscious. This term refers to the way of being aware of one’s

surroundings and of oneself or being aware of something. (Collins Student’s

Dictionary). In this study, it is the way of being aware and setting the mindset on

the real world.

Extensive. This term refers to the way of gaining or having many details,

ideas or items on a particular subject. (Collins Student’s Dictionary). In this study,

extensive means enough deep and filled with content about a particular subject.

Influence. This term refers to the act or power of producing an effect

without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command. (Merriam

Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary). In this study, influence means the effects or

impact of one subject to another.

Interest. This term refers to the feeling that accompanies or causes

special attention to an object or class of object. (Merriam Webster’s Collegiate

Dictionary). In thus study, interest refers to the willingness or likeness of a person

towards one object.

Knowledge. This term refers to the facts or experiences know by a

person or group of people. (Collins Student’s Dictionary). In this study, it is our

learnings towards one subject and the way we apply it.

Mathematics. This term refers to the group of related sciences, including

algebra, geometry and calculus, which use a specialized notation to study

number, quantity, shape and space. (Collins Student’s Dictionary). In this study,
Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
mathematics demands correct answers, it may bring about more anxiety over

making mistakes compared to reading and understanding.

Progress. This term refers to the way of moving forward, to develop to a

higher, better more advanced stage. (Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary).

In this study, it refers to the development and changes with an accordance to

positive outcome.

Skills. This term refers to the special ability or expertise enabling one to

perform an activity very well. (Collins Student’s Dictionary). In this study, skills

refers to the abilities or capabilities of one person in doing something extensively

and with passion.

Vulnerable. This term, is the way of being easily influenced or tempted.

(Collins Student’s Dictionary). In this study, vulnerable means being easily

influenced to our surrounding especially when it comes in negativity.

Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
Chapter III


Research Design

According to Andales, (2008) the descriptive method of research was

used by the researcher in conducting the study to be able to arrive at a more

conclusive result. Descriptive research method is a purpose process of

gathering, analyzing, classifying and tabulating data regarding the prevailing

conditions about such data with or without the aid of statistical methods.

However, the present study employed a quantitative descriptive research

design. Descriptive research design aims to observe and report on a certain

phenomenon type of behavior or traits as it takes place or in manifest itself. The

research archives this objective by using rating scales and other means to

measure the variables as they occur.

The research will use a survey questionnaire in this study to be an

instrument in gathering data. To know the causes and effects of math anxiety on

the academic performance of hums students.

Context and Participants

The total population of Grade 11 HUMSS were 42 students but only 35

became as an active respondents of the study. This study have participants

which consist of 20 boys and 15 girls in Senior High students Grade 11, in the

academic track, HUMSS strand. The researchers did not use any method
Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
because only HUMSS Jeremiah will be the subject or the respondents of this


The respondents consist of 26 male and 16 female students. The

researcher did not use any sampling method in choosing respondents. The

abuse mentioned number of respondents are the total number of students in a


Data Gathering Instrument

The researchers will use survey questionnaire as the main instrument in

gathering data. The questionnaire contains the possible answer to the question in

the study.

The questionnaire is divided into four parts. The first part contains the

profile of the respondents, including the age, sex and the grade and section. The

second part discusses the difficulties that the students are experiencing during

math class. The third part includes the causes of Math Anxiety in most of the

students. The last part discusses on how Math Anxiety affect the performance of

the students in Mathematics.

The researchers will seek more information and gather data from the

different sources such as libraries and internet to have a clear items for the

questionnaire that the researcher will be created.

The researchers will ask for help to their teacher for further information

and suggestions that would help to broaden their study that they will conduct.

This would improve and develop the items of the questionnaire.

Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
The paper is a descriptive survey which sought to ascertain the

expectations or perceptions of the respondents towards math anxiety.

This study conducted with the help of Grade 11 HUMSS student of

Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12).There research questions guided the

study. The instrument for data collection was thirty items questionnaire

developed by the anxiety.

Construction of Questionnaire

To gather the information, the researcher made used of the questionnaire

as the primary tool. The researchers gathered relevant information from several

references such as books, handbooks and unpublished materials.

With the guidance of the adviser, the researchers prepared a preliminary

draft of questionnaire and presented it to the adviser for comments and


After the first draft was done, it was presented to the adviser for

improvement. The adviser gave her comments and suggestions regarding the

problem. The researchers incorporated the given suggestion of the adviser.

Validation of Questionnaire

The researchers prepared a letter for the validator of the instrument.

Afterwards, the researchers rewrote the draft, incorporated the corrections and

suggestions and then showed it to the adviser for approval. After the corrections
Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
were considered the copy was administered Grade-11 HUMSS students at Tipas

National High School (Grade 7-12)

Administrations of the Questionnaire

After the approval of the research Teacher, the researchers administered

the questionnaire and personally guided the respondents in answering the items

by explaining the directions clearly. Also the researchers clearly articulated

among the respondents the purpose of the study to assure reliable answer from


Scoring of the Responses

Option Scale Range Verbal Interpretation

4 3.26 – 4.00 Strongly Agree
3 2.51 – 3.25 Agree
2 1.76 – 2.50 Disagree
1 1.00 – 1.75 Strongly Disagree

Data Gathering Procedure

 The researcher has conformed precise procedures in the conduct of

this study.

 The researcher chose a certain title for the study it must not be too

long but still vivid. And defend it to the panelist or research teacher

until it was approved.

Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
 Researchers chose who would be the respondents of the study that

would suit to the research that they were conducting. In choosing

subject of the study, there’s no sampling method used.

 Researchers construct their survey questionnaire based on the

personal experiences of the researchers. After that, it was checked

and revised by the research teacher before distributing it.

 Researchers made schedule for them to freely distribute the

questionnaires at a specific time. And ask permission from the

principal and class adviser.

 After obtaining the permission, researchers started to distribute the

questionnaires on the respondents.

 Right after the respondents answered the copies of questionnaire,

the retrieved copies of the questionnaire were tallied and analyze.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To be able to analyze the data gathered, the following statistical

measures were used in the study:

Percentage: This was used to measure a specific variable in relation to its

total amount.

Weighted Mean: This was used to interpret data gathered and to

determine the average of responses in each item of the questionnaire.

Chapter IV
Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)

This chapter represents an analysis and interpretation of the data obtained

in the study. Its findings were based on the gathered through the questionnaire

retrieved from the respondents. Those data were then analyzed to be presented,

discussed and interpreted according to the perimeters of this research to answer

the problem sought for this study.

The topics discussed in the chapter were arranged as follows.

1. What are the difficulties that the students are experiencing during math


2. What are the causes of the Math Anxiety in most of the students?

3. How Math Anxiety can affects the performance of the students in


4. What are the suggested activity/ strategy for the remediation of Math



The following were the findings based from the study:

1. The Difficulties Experienced by the Students During Math Class.

The table 4 presents the difficulties experienced by the students during

Math class in Grade 11 HUMSS students.

Table 1
Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
The Difficulties Experienced by the students during Math class.

Items Weighted Verbal Rank

Mean Interpretation
1. I cringe when I have to go to
Math class. 3.03 Agree 5
2. I am uneasy about going to the
board in Math class. 3 Agree 6
3. I am afraid to ask questions in
math class. 3.11 Agree 2
4. I am always worried about being
called in math class. 3.06 Agree 4
5. I understand math now, but I
worry that it’s going to get really 3.6 Agree 3
difficult soon.
6. Sometimes, I plan to skip my
math class. 2.43 Disagree 10
7. I fear math test more than any
other kind of subject. 2.71 Agree 9
8. I don’t know how to review my
lessons for math tests. 2.83 Agree 8
9. The lessons are clear during
math class, but after few minutes, I
have difficulty recalling the lessons 3.26 Agree 1
we discussed like I was never
10. I’m afraid that I can’t cope up
with the lessons. 2.89 Agree 7
Composite Mean 2.99 Agree

The data in the Table 1 revealed that the difficulties experienced by the

students during Math class. Acquired a composite mean of 2.99 and has a verbal

interpretation of agree. The difficulties experienced by the students during Math

class were: I cringe when I have to go math class, (3.03); I am uneasy about

going to the board in math class, (3); I am afraid to ask questions in math class,

(3.11); I am always worried about being called in math class, (3.06); I understand

math now, but I worry that it’s going to get really difficult soon, (3.6); Sometimes,
Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
I plan to skip my math class, (2.43); I fear math test more than any other kind of

subject, (2.71); I don’t know how to review my lessons for math test, (2.83); The

lesson are clear during math class, but after few minutes, I have difficulty

recalling thee lessons we discussed like I was never there, (3.26); and I afraid

that I can’t cope up with the lessons, (2.89).

The foregoing data implied that item number 9 got the first rank and it is

oblivious that the students were able to understand math lessons during their

class hours but after that, they are not able to recall or remember it is well.

Therefore, there is difficulty on someone’s memorization technique or being

distracted during math class. According to Preis and Biggs (2001) Symptoms in

Math Anxiety may be physical or psychological. Physical symptoms include

nausea, shortness of breath, sweating, heart palpitations and increased bleed

pressure. Some psychological symptoms are memory loss, paralysis of thought,

loss of self-confidence negative self-talk math avoidance and isolation. While the

item number 6 got the lowest rank, therefore Grade 11 HUMSS students don’t try

to skip their math class because even mathematics is difficult to its context,

HUMSS students are willing to learn and listened math lectures. According to

Coronet, et al (2000), learning to solve problem, as you will discover is not a

difficult task. It can be enjoyable and challenging. However it does require you to

think and make a conscious effort. Also it can only be learned not by merely

watching, but by actually doing a lot of problems.

3. The Causes of Math Anxiety in Most of the Students.

Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
The table 2 presents the causes of Math anxiety in most of the student.

Table 2

The Causes of Math Anxiety in Most of the Students

Items Weighted Verbal Rank

Mean Interpretations
1. I got low grades in math since
elementary. 2.26 Disagree 10
2. I have my frustrating experience in
learning math from years ago. 2.71 Agree 8
3. There’s always an intense lectures. 2.83 Agree 5
4. Our math teacher was terror and 2.51 Agree 9
5. The tests that were given to us is
too demanding but the allotted time is 2.74 Agree 6.5
too short
6. I’m afraid to be judged by everyone
when my answer is wrong. 2.89 Agree 3
7. I’m afraid to commit mistakes. 2.86 Agree 4
8. I’ve been scolded foe getting a
wrong answer. 2.74 Agree 6.5
9. Time limit for math computations
causes emotional and physical 2.97 Agree 2
10. Our math teacher is expecting too
much from us. 3.14 Agree 1
Composite Mean 2.77 Agree

The data in table 2 discusses the causes of math anxiety in most of the

students. The situations that the students got low grade in Math since elementary

is the lowest rank that has the weighted mean of 2.26 and has a verbal

interpretation of disagree. These causes are: I got low grades in math since

elementary, (2.26); I have my frustrating experience in learning math from years

ago, (2.71); There’s always an intense lectures, (2.83); Our math teacher was
Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
terror and strict, (2.51); The tests that were given to us are too demanding but

the allotted time is too short, (2.74); I’m afraid to be judged by everyone when my

answer is wrong, (2.89); I’m afraid to commit mistakes, (2.86); I’ve been scolded

for getting a wrong answer, (2.74); Time limit for math computations causes

emotional and physical pressure,(2.97); and Our math teacher is expecting too

much from us (3.14).

The foregoing data implied that item number 10 got the first rank. And that

means that one of the most common causes of math anxiety is concerned on the

way math teacher interact with his students. If the teacher was expecting too

much from his/her students, definitely they will get worried or uneasy during math

class. According to Polya (2000) “Mathematics taught and learned appropriately

improves the mind and implants good habits of thought”. He also disclosed that a

mathematics teacher has a great opportunity. If he fills allotted time with drilling

his students in routine operations, he kills their interest, hampers their intellectual

development and misuses his opportunity. But if he challenges the curiosity of his

students by setting them problem proportionate to their knowledge, and helps

them to solve their problems with stimulating questions, he may give them a taste

for and some means of, independent thinking.

However, item number 1 got the lowest rank. It can be interpreted that

most of the Grade 11 HUMSS students doesn’t have low grades during their

elementary days. Student’s performance in Mathematics for the past few years

became good as it was and they show their active participation that was

obviously showed by their grades. According to Maloney & Beilock (2015) the
Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
early onset of math anxiety amongst elementary students are most likely caused

by social influences and cognitive predispositions. In cognitive, predispositions a

child will have negative views towards math in the future as they progress in

formal schooling if they are lacking in their skills. Cognitively predisposed

children are more vulnerable to negative social influence.

The data in the table 2 revealed that the causes of math anxiety in most of

the students acquired a composite mean of 2.77 and has a verbal interpretation

of agree.

4. The Effects of Math Anxiety on the Performance of the Students in


The table 3 presents the effects of math anxiety on the performance of the

students in mathematics.

Table 3

The Effects of Math Anxiety on the Performance of the Students in Mathematics.

Items Weighted Verbal Rank

Mean Interpretations
1. I got low grade in our math class. 2.69 Agree 8
2. I remained silent when it comes to
discussions. 2.86 Agree 3
3. I’m always worried and I can’t
focus on the lecture. 2.91 Agree 2
4. I am always distracted. 2.83 Agree 5
5. I’m losing my self-confidence. 2.63 Agree 10
6. It made me stressful. 2.83 Agree 5
7. Sometimes I believe that I can’t
accomplish any task related to math. 3.14 Agree 1
8. I feel that I’m the only one who
experiencing difficulties in math. 2.71 Agree 6.5
Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
9. I think that I cannot solve any math
problem. 2.71 Agree 6.5
10. I’m always experiencing memory Agree
loss during math class. 2.66 9
Composite Mean 2.80 Agree

The data in table 3 were about the effects of math anxiety on the

performance of the students in mathematics. These are; I got low grade in our

math class, (2.69); I remained silent when it comes to discussion, (2.86); I’m

always worried and I can’t focus on the lecture, (2.91); I am always distracted,

(2.83); I’m losing my self-confidence, (2.63); It made me stressful, (2.83);

Sometimes I believe that I can’t accomplish any task related to math, (3.14); I

feel that I’m the only one who experiencing difficulties in math, (2.71); I think that

I cannot solve any math problem, (2.71); and I’m always experiencing memory

loss during math class, (2.66).

The foregoing implied that item number 7 got the first rank. It can be

concluded that once a person experience math anxiety, he loses his self-esteem

that will lead to self-downgrading. He believe that he can’t accomplish any task

related to math. According to Adelson, (2014) the reasons for math anxiety can

be classified by three main factors, environment having negative experience in

math subjects or with bad teachers personal, the lack of confidence, low self-

esteem and the influence of previous negative experiences with mathematics or,

cognitive the innate qualities such as failure to naturally adept at math, which

fuels a sense of inadequacy. However item number 5 got the lowest rank means

that HUMSS students didn’t lose their self-confidence and performed well during
Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
math class. Most of the class are participating on the class attentively and

confidently. According to Pekrun, (2006) a leading researcher in the area of

emotions in the classroom, the control value theory of Achievement Emotions

helps explain this. The theory is centered in the trigger of achievement emotions,

which includes activity related emotions such as enjoyment and anxiety. These

are two: (1) how much as student values what they are doing and (2) how much

control the students believes that he or she has over a task. When a student

highly value what they are doing and has a high level or control over task, he

would find enjoyment.

The data in the table 3 revealed that the effects of math anxiety on the

performance of the students in Mathematics acquired a complete mean of 2.80

and has a verbal interpretation of agree.


Effective Strategies to reduce Math Anxiety; reduces tension and improves

learning of the Grade 11 HUMSS students of Tipas National High School


Doing mathematics is a bit like playing sport or learning a musical

instrument. You can’t do it well immediately, it requires practice. Think of having

a mathematical muscle in your mind that with practice gradually gets strong. The

primary concern of this study is to determine the causes and effects of math

anxiety and how it affects the academic performance of Grade 11 HUMSS

students of Tipas National High School.

Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
The people involved on the activity are the Grade 11 students, math

teachers, administrators, and the parents. The proposed action plan will be the

researchers contribution. This would be beneficial to the above mentioned


The first objective is to help every student to get focused during math

class. The activity that may help the students to get focused during math class is

that the math teachers must provide energizers or a sort of stimulation the t will

give a piece of enjoyment on the whole class. Providing energizer is the activity

wherein the math teacher would show pop music videos for the students to

dance because exercise always put everyone in a good mood, made students

more comfortable with working in groups, and made them more focused and

relaxed after the tension was relieved. Based from the activities that the

researcher proposed, the expected output will increased student’s involvement,

and willingness to learn and focus during math class.

The next objective is to provide support and encouragement from the

teachers to their students. The proposed activity is open-forum. It will be help

before starting the class. The students will have the opportunity to share what

they feel about math and what they struggle with in particular, and the math

teacher will also provide encouraging words that will make the students more

comfortable in math class. Teachers will provide encouragement to all students,

emphasize that everyone makes mistakes and refrain from tying self-esteem to

success in math. Based from the activities that the researchers proposed, the
Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
expected output will motivate the students and believe that they can do math as

long as they want to.

The last objective is to promote an open culture that enables the students

to cooperatively share their views and experiences math anxiety. The school

administrators will provide a seminar for the students, that aims to educate and

motivate the students that no matter how hard the math subject is, they can

possibly do any related task to mathematics just focused on it and be

hardworking. Aside from the seminar, math teacher will provide testing sessions

regularly because by means of that, teacher trains students to become more

accustomed to working under pressure by regularly administering timed practice

tests. Based from the activities that the researchers proposed, the expected put

pull will be, the students will see that facing math every day is a normal thing and

made them realize that mathematics is a very useful tool that we use even in our

daily lives.

Table 4

Effective Strategies to Reduce Math Anxiety; Reduces Tension and Improves Learning of the

Grade 11 HUMSS Students of Tipas National High School (G7-G12)

Areas of Activities Objectives Persons Expected

Concern Involved output

Focus Energizer or - To put - Math teacher - Increased

Stimulation everyone in a and the student’
- It will be held good mood, students involvement,
before starting made students willingness to
Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
the math class. more learn and
The math comfortable focus during
teacher would with working in math class.
show pop groups and
music videos made them
for the students more focused
to dance. and relaxed
after the
tension was
Support and Open-Forum - To provide - Math teacher - It will
Encourageme - It will be help encouraging and the motivate the
nt before the words that will students. students and
class make the make them
discussion. students more believe that
Students will comfortable in they can do
have the math class. math as long
opportunity to as they want
share what to.
they feel bout
math and what
they struggle
with in
While the math
teacher will
to all the
emphasize that
Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
mistakes and
refrain from
tying self-
esteem to
success in
Knowledge Activities - To educate - Math teacher, - The students,
Seminar/ and motivate school will see that
Session the students administrator facing math
- School and also train and the every day is a
administrations students to students. normal thing
will provide a become more and made
seminar for the accustomed to them realize
students and working under that
the math pressure by mathematics is
teachers will regularly aver useful tool
provide testing administering that we use in
sessions timed practice. our daily lives.

Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)

This chapter presents the summary, conclusions of the study as well

as the recommendation base on the researcher findings


The main purpose of this study was to identify the causes and effects

of math anxiety to the academic performance of the grade11 HUMSS students in

Tipas National High School. It involved forty two (42) Grade11 HUMSS students

as respondents, but only thirty-five (35) students were actively participated the

study. The descriptive type of research was employed by the researcher with the

questionnaire as the major instruments used in gathering data. The statistical

tools used were statistical treatment, percentage and weighted mean.

Specially, this study help to access the profile of the respondents in

term of age and gender. The difficulties experienced by the students during the

Math class was also considered. Next are the causes of math anxiety in most of

the students and the effects of math anxiety on the academic performance of the

students in mathematics were also considered. Lastly, based from the findings of

the study, some suggested activities are proposed for the remediation on math


Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
Based on the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data that

had been conducted, the came up with the following result:

1. There were 35 respondents used in the study, there are 57

percent of males and 43 percent of females. It showed that males are of greater

in number than those of female respondents. In terms of their ages, there were

43 percent who were 16 years old and at the same time with those who were 17

years old, while 14 percent of the respondents were 18 and above.

2. The respondents neutrally agreed to, the lessons are clear during

math class, but after few minutes, I have difficulty recalling the lessons we

discussed like I was never there, with a weighted mean of 3.26 and was ranked

as first. While the respondents disagreed to “Sometimes, I plan to skip my math

class” with a weighted mean of 2.43 and was ranked as tenth. The data in the

table 4 revealed that the difficulties experienced by the students during math

class acquired a composite mean of 2.99 and has a verbal interpretations of


3. Based from the study, one of the causes of math anxiety was “Our

math teacher is expecting too much from us” with a weighted mean of 3.14 and

was ranked as first. While the least cause was “I got low grades in math since

elementary” with a weighted man of 2.26 and was ranked as tenth. The data in

the table 5 revealed that the causes of math anxiety acquire a composite mean

of 2.77 and has a verbal interpretation of neutral.

Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
4. Based from the study, one of the effects of math anxiety was

“Sometimes I believe that I can’t accomplish any task related to math” with a

weighted mean of 3.14 and was ranked as first. While the least effect was “I’m

losing my self-confidence” with a weighted mean of 2.63 and was ranked as

tenth. The table 6 revealed that the effects of math anxiety on the performance of

the students in mathematics acquired a composite mean of 2.81 and has a

verbal interpretations of neutral.

5. The suggested activities are deemed helpful to Grade 11 HUMSS

students in enhancing their skills and abilities during math class. It will also help

them to get focused and believe on themselves that they can do any related task

to math.


Based on the foregoing findings, the researchers gave the following


1. One of the most difficulties that the students are experiencing

during math class is, the students were able to understand math lessons during

their class hours but after that, they are not able to recall or remember it as well.

Therefore, there is difficulty on someone’s memorizations or being distracted

during math class.

2. Based from the study, the most causes of math anxiety was the

teacher’s impact towards his students, the way he interact with them. When a
Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
particular math teacher was expecting too much from his students, the tendency

is the students will feel anxious about math and feel worried all the time.

3. Being anxious and worried about math brings a lot negative effects

and one of these is losing one’s self-esteem and confidence. Students believe

that they can’t accomplish any task related to math and it leads to distresses.

4. In general, math anxiety was experienced in most of the Grade 11

HUMSS students. Most of them dislike mathematics to its context because of

their previous experiences and get used to it. Because of this anxiety, student’s

performance during math class is affected due to worries and fear that they feel.

Limitations of the Study

The researchers encountered unexpected scenarios in the conduct

of this study. This includes conflict in making schedule because Grade 11

HUMSS students do not face time. They do not have time to accommodate the

researchers for the distribution of questionnaire. But the researchers did their

best to encourage the participants of the study to answer the questionnaire. The

second struggle that the researchers encountered was, when the respondents

were incomplete during the day of distribution of questionnaire, back to the other

days and still, incomplete.

Researchers also experienced the feeling of doubts on the results of

the study because the moment that the respondents answer the questionnaire,

some of them quickly answered the questionnaire without reading it very well.

These scenarios existed because of the lack of time, all of the respondents or
Math Anxiety: Causes and Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS Students in
Tipas National High School (Grade 7-12)
students were all busy with their own task that’s why the allotted time in reading

and answering the questionnaire was not also enough.


Based on the following findings and conclusions, the researchers

suggest the following recommendations:

1. Students must be comfortable with math because it requires a

great deal of patience and hard work on the student’s part.

2. Parent should help their child’s development and build a positive

attitude in math.

3. Math teachers must provide better environment for learning since

they play a great role in the student’s success in math.

4. Students must be surrounded with positive teachers and students.

5. Teachers can have a great impact on a student’s feelings towards

math. Even if the teacher is enthusiastic about math, supplement teaching with a

qualified tutor is recommended.

6. The proposed plan of activities should be adopted by the school

administrators, math teachers, parents and students to develop student’s

knowledge, skills, self-confidence and interest towards mathematics.

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