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Submitted By Group 3:-

1. Priyank Agarwal (211122)

2. Triyasa Dutta (211152)
3. Shivesh Rai (211137)
4. Shalvi Shah (211134)
5. Sheetal Bharti (213105)
6. Akshay Chaudhari (211088)

Submitted To - Mrs. Nina Muncherji




Question 1> Identify the factors that determine how one person perceives another?

Perception is an image that a person has created regarding the opposite person, in his/her head. This image
is his understanding and interpretation of the person and is completely subjective to his/her experience with
them. However, certain factors play a huge role in determining how that image is developed. These factors
are comprehension of both internal and external stimuli. The understanding then drawn, after the analysis of
the person based on these factors and thoughts, can be biased and not the most accurate representation of
who the person is. Some of these factors, as noticed in the movie, include the following:

• Stereotypes -One of the most important and adamant ways of understanding the opposite person
and his/her choices, is by concluding him based on certain stereotypes that are already prevalent in
society. These preconceived notions entice you to think of someone in a certain way, which they may
or may not be.
In the movie, we see the Landlord mentions that he has a lot of artists which rent studios from him,
and all of them are peculiar. Through this, he concludes that Michael Gerard is peculiar as well.
Similarly, the cab driver does mention in his conversation that all politicians are crooks by nature,
which again happens to be a stereotypical point of view.

• Immediate Judgments – There are certain judgments that we draw immediately about a person,
simply by looking at him/her or the way he/she strikes us in their first move. The fact that the first
impression is the last holds very true in this particular aspect. The second impression does not play
much of a role since we have already made up an image of the person.
An example from the movie is when the waiter was called upon by Michael Gerard to ask about the
Blonde; the waiter immediately concluded based on his first conversation and his first view of Michael
Gerard talking to the lady in private, that he is philanthropic.

• Actions/Gestures – The way a person behaves in a setting, which includes his actions or responses,
as well as his facial expressions or eye movements, talks a lot about a person. It generally leads us
to draw facts about a person without knowing about him/her in detail.
We see in the movie that the cleaning lady saw the expression on Michael Gerard’s face, just before
he entered the room. She interpreted it to be a wicked smile and hence, she was of the supposition
that something worse is going to happen.

• Preoccupied with thoughts – Another way of drawing perception about a person is when we already
have an image of how he/she is because we do not analyze it properly. We are too occupied with our
current thoughts to be able to understand why a person is behaving a certain way.
Michael Gerard’s mother’s only thought process was that my son is not paying consideration to the
efforts I made in cooking him a meal, or that he disagrees to take even one muffin before rushing out
for work. This makes her not pay attention to the fact that her son is extremely excited to paint the
Blonde, and that he has found his Madonna.

• Open-minded personality – Not everyone has an open mind, and not everyone is capable of
comprehending the social scenarios with a wider lens. Certain factors are not digestible to people
since they haven’t had such an upbringing, neither had they faced a similar situation before.
Michael Gerard talks about how good morning holds an extremely different meaning to him. He also
imagines that the young lady standing in front of him is not real. All of this remains outside the
understanding of the landlord and hence, the terms him as a lunatic.

• Lack of appreciation for other people’s viewpoints – People tend to accept and get what they want.
They do not reciprocate the fact that the other person might or might not have the same desire. The
appreciation and comprehension of the opposite person’s dream are extremely crucial.
The blonde did not understand the aspiration of Michael Gerard to paint her. She tried to initiate a
move, and flirt with him, thinking that this is what he wanted as well. She did not appreciate the fact
that she was the Madonna he had been looking for.

• Projection – An important factor while drawing a perception about someone is also that we tend to
find ourselves, or resemble our attribute to others as well. Relatability is something that we all seek;
in the person, we talk to. Hence, a similar characteristic is generally taken up by a person to think of
it and the person in front of him, as something he is too.
The cab driver was a hood since he carried a holster in his coat. The holster created a bulge. He
connected the similar bulge that he saw in Michael’s coat as his own, and concluded that he too, is a
hood carrying a holster in his coat.

Question 2>. Provide detailed analysis of important characters in the film concerning the concept/topic

According to S. P. Robbins, perception can be defined as “the process by which individuals organize and
interpret their sensory impressions to give meaning to their environments.”

The Film “Eye of The Beholder” is based on the concept of “Perception”. This is the story of an artist (Michael
Gerard), who becomes involved in the killing of a girl, as he appears differently to different people. The Film
stated two sides of the story. One side of the film shows different people showing perceptions about Michael
Gerard. The other story was from the point of view of Michael Gerard. This story differentiates between
perception and the truth. It shows how one person is perceived through different eyes and how that person

Detailed Analysis of Important Characters in the Film

There are seven different characters in this Film:-

1. Michael Gerard- is the main character of the film. He is an Artist, the Painter, who is always judged
differently by different people. Here the Pre-occupation perception process comes into play because
Michael is completely engaged in his work due to which he has little or no interaction with the people
as a result people perceived him in their way.

2. Mother- Michael’s Mother describes him as a “Moody person but a Good Boy”. Like all mothers, she
always complains that her son never listens to her what she says and he never has time for her. He
is always lost in his world. She finds him very difficult to understand at times. She cooked her son’s
favorite food but Michael did not eat and ignore her mother. But still like most mothers, for her, he is
a “Good boy”. But later we found in the film that both Michael and his mother are so preoccupied with
their work that they do not listen to each other. Here Pre-Occupation perception process comes into
play as Michael and his mother were preoccupied with their work that they do not listen to each other.
Michael’s mother was completely unaware of her son’s involvement with his job.

3. Waiter at the Hotel- He perceives Michael Gerard as “The womanizer”. His Perception of Michael is
purely based on what he sees and hears things and the waiter quickly formed a judgment about him.
The waiter uses the Snap Judgment perception because he creates the first impression about
Michael Gerard that he is a Lady’s Man, as he was asking the waiter about the woman sitting at the
other table.
4. The Cab Driver- who perceives Michael as “a Hood” because of the attire of Michael Gerard, as he
wore the Black Overcoat and his conversation with the driver. The cab driver was involved in some
unsocial activities because he has possession of a gun. Here the Projection perception comes from
where cab driver’s perception of Michael being a gangster because driver sees the Michael’s
character as similar to his own.

5. Landlord- When Michael reaches his studio he is greeted by his landlord. According to him, Michael
is a lunatic as he was always lost in his world. The landlord mentions his building is full of artists and
they all are peculiar. Here he perceives Michael’s character based on prejudice perception because
he mentions that all Artists are Peculiar, so Michael is also an artist so he is also a Peculiar and
lunatic. He is completely ignorant of the work Michael and his dedication towards the work.

6. The cleaning Lady- Based on her perception Michael is a murderer and a Monster. In her behaviour,
we see “Predisposition perception” as she stated that she knows that something terrible is going to
happen and she is already prepared for it. As a result of which when she hears a scream and loud
noise, she rushes upstairs and sees a woman lying on the couch, a knife on the floor, and Michael
standing. She does not wait to see whether that woman is dead or not but immediately starts

7. The Beautiful Lady- She thought that Michael wants to meet her because she is beautiful and Michael
wants to spend time with her. She does not understand the real fact why Michael wants to meet her
in his Art studio. There is a lack of proper communication and understanding with each other and the
blunder happened. Here the Selective Perception happed because the beautiful lady is completely
unaware of Michael’s intention and she sees the things according to her perception.

Question 3>. What does this film tell us about listening, communication, human relation, leadership,
perception, etc?

Answer - Starting from listening, the film tells us that listening can’t be done having the predetermined image
or thoughts about anything this may lead to the wrong presentation of thoughts or ideas, listening is one of
the very important parts of communication there is a need to understand that what actually speaker trying to
convey because we can’t jump to the conclusion without knowing the actual reality.

After that communication, as communication is a two-way process, proper communication can only take
place when both the parties are equally involved in it, reference to the movie when in-cab Michel was busy
thinking about his painting that how he will proceed cab driver tried to have some chat with Michel but he
was not interested in that.

Human relation is something that makes you think a different way for a person that everyone thinks about
him. Reference to film Michel was Hood’ for cab driver or ‘murderer’ for cleaning women and ‘lunatic’ for
renter but he is a person of ‘good heart’ for his mother. It is human relationships that make her think in a
different way instead of the denied having the breakfast which was made by her thinking of his liking.

This film talks about leadership is that being hard and focused on only one cause can’t make u a good leader
you have to take care of happening of every event around you and perform accordingly.

Perception is anything that a person thinks about anybody after seeing his way of behaviour or person’s
image that may be created by his action. Just as in the movie Michel had a different image to everyone as
the way he had performed to them.
Question 4>. Conclusion and recommendation on the topic based on learnings from the film

Everyone has their perspective about the same thing, as we see and interpret things in our way, views, and
imagination. Perception is the act of seeing what is there to be seen, things are not always the same as
they appear to us, as we are only part of the present moment, we can only see that part of the truth. Things
can be projected in an altered way, and we may be sometimes misleading and draw a wrong conclusion or
perception about that thing. Nothing is the same to all, it depends on us how we want to observe that thing
or event. There are two scenarios in the film one is different people showing selective perspective about
Michael Gerard, where his mother perceived him as moody and difficult, unpredictable, don’t hear a word,
and a good boy. The waiter perceived him as a ladies’ man and smooth operator. The driver is a gangster,
the owner is insane, romantic, lunatic, and Servant as murderer and monster. The other is from Michael
Gerard's point of view.
It is recommended not to judge or make selective perception at the first encounter or on a short conversation
because of the limited interaction people try to give meaning to their perception. The first impression should
not be considered the last one by completely neglecting his profession and his dedication towards his goals
to achieve it.

Question 5>. Using your analysis and evaluation of the film state a new ending for the film?

Ans. We watched Michael Girard, an ambitious painter who is entirely involved in his vocation, in the
documentary. We also saw that he is constantly preoccupied and only thinks about the perfect woman he's
been searching for his entire life, his Madonna and that he wants to paint her image to put in his den for all
to see—what the perfect woman looks like.

In a different conclusion to the story, Michael should have accepted drunk Louise's offer on the condition
that he finishes her portrait first. He should have sent her home and told her to come back the next day sober
and explain her unacceptable behaviour towards Michael. An intoxicated person has no idea what he or she
is doing at the time, and it is pointless to try to explain anything to them. So, in my opinion, Michael would
have made the best decision by agreeing to anything the lady desired by maintaining his condition. It's
undeniable that Louise was the ideal Madonna for Michael. It's immoral to let her leave without even allowing
her to clarify herself. It's occasionally acceptable to deceive someone to achieve a greater goal if the
deception is harmless and beneficial to all parties involved.


Assignment submitted to:

Prof. Nina Muncher

Assignment submitted by:

Akshay Chaudhari – 211088
(Section B, MBA-FT 2021-23)


Learnings from the Film: Different people show their own selective
perception about the short conversation. People behavior is based on own
perception of what truth is and not on the truth itself. Person who is highly
focused, deeply submerged into his own profession and have desire to put
imagination into reality is misjudged due to minimal conversation or
interaction. It leads to deriving own perspective, opinion and adding those
attribute to him. In the film Michael was not a gangster, lunatic or a
murderer but people have added those attributes to Michael’s personality.
But in real sense Michael was a painter, dreamer of painting 20th century
Madonna, ambitious, gentle man, respectful, eager, and focused on his work.
So we should avoid making haste opinion and decision before knowing the
truth. We should follow the quote “don’t judge book by its cover”, firstly we
should go through the book and then make over perception. Making
perception too early can lead to taking wrong decisions.

Contribution made to the Report: We had a discussion on film, analyzing

all aspect and characters associated with the main character. My part was to
add the conclusion and recommendation on the topic based on learning from
the film.

Going forward while working in team or in general, I will definitely apply

the concept of perspective by avoiding selective perspective for a particular
person or thing in a first/short conversation. Will give time to analyze all
aspects and attributes associated with that person before reaching to



Assignment submitted to :

Prof. Nina Muncherji

Assignment submitted by :
Priyank Agarwal – 211122
(Section B , MBA -FT 2021 -23)


Learnings from the Film: Upon viewing the entire video, it is clear that
Michael is a very dedicated painter who is completely absorbed in his
profession and has little interaction with the others we encounter. Perhaps
people's perceptions of Michael are skewed as a result of Michael's clearly
witnessed conduct. In the end, we see that Michael has nothing in common
with the characters depicted in the documentary, who have a biased
perspective of Michael's actions. The film concludes, 'People see what they
want to see, what they are prepared to see,' which is correct - we organise
and interpret our sensory impressions to give meaning to our surroundings,
but what we experience might differ greatly from objective reality.

Contribution made to the Report: I presented my ideas to the group report

on a comprehensive analysis of key characters in the film using the notion
of "Perception." Where I talked about what Perception is. I gave a brief
overview of the film before delving into a comprehensive study of the main
characters in relation to the theme of perception.
During the preparation of my group report, I thoroughly researched the many
characters in the film "Eye Of The Beholder." I watched the video intently and
then offered a comprehensive analysis of the many perception holder
characters in the picture. I even helped with the second question of the group
assignment .

Learnings throughout the course:- Through this Organizational Behaviour

course, we learned about individual behaviour, perception, attitude, how to
measure anger, and individual personality traits. These are all very important
concepts to understand because, in today's scenario, where there is high
competition and survival is becoming extremely difficult, we need to
understand how to conduct a self-assessment of ourselves and how to take
corrective measures based on this assessment so that we can come up with
solutions and do something to improve things. This film tells us that if you
have a flaw in your perception, it may be very hazardous since you will not
perceive the true truth and will only focus on what you want to focus on. In
the real world, when a manager incorrectly perceives his subordinate, it
distorts the harmonious connection between them, therefore we must do
adequate analysis before creating any perception about someone or
MBA-FT (2021-23)

Date: 10th August 2021



Submitted to: Prof. Nina Muncherji

Submitted by: Shalvi Shah


Eye of the beholder, stands for the fact that beauty exists in the eye the observer. Beauty is only skin
deep, as we all understand. The real beauty or the real fascination that we have towards a person, is a
reflection of his/her personality and how compatible he/she is with us, and his surroundings.

People easily draw up conclusions about the opposite person based on certain factors, and certain
assumptions that they inevitably sketch in their head. My contribution towards the report was also the
same, the first question, where we talk about the various aspects which help us derive a perception
about a person. However, appearances can definitely be deceiving. The movie is a pictorial
representation of the same. During the course of the movie, we see that everyone starting from the
mother and father of Michael Gerard who thought of him as insensitive, non-appreciative and a women-
pleaser respectively, to the landlord and the cleaning lady who thought of him as a lunatic and a
monster respectively, everyone had their own viewpoint of how Michael Gerard is. A viewer watching
the first half of the movie, might have agreed to all the above-mentioned characteristics of Michael
Gerard. However, the second half of the movie baffles our mind and gives us an extremely different
perspective of him. Michael turns out be an artist who is engrossed in his art and in the search of her
Madonna. He is an imaginative person and a gentleman in a true sense, who is determined to achieve
his dreams.

The movie shows us how we often draw conclusions about a person based on only the things we see, or
we want to see. It rarely has anything to do with how his actual personality is. Relatability plays a huge
role here, since we often try to find ourselves in the opposite person. This not only helps us be sure of
how he/she is, but also makes us feel less vulnerable and a proper fit in the society. There are various
other prominent external factors as well, such as repetition of certain things or things which are in
motion catch our attention. There are internal factors too, such as learning about certain attributes as
you grow up, or decoding the personality of a person based on their values, attributes, etc.

The Organizational Behavior course has been thought-provoking, since we introspected about various
factors and things that we generally pay less attention towards. Whether it’s the fact that we all have
different personalities, Type A or B, different rank on the big five personality traits, or that we have
different understanding of the people around us. Through this assignment, we gained a better clarity of
how laid-back we are to pass judgements about someone, without knowing the entire picture. We also
understood that in order to avoid the pitfalls of developing biased perception, we need to have a
broader mindset, and communicate and comprehend the other person better. You never truly
understand someone till you actually strike a conversation with them, or stay with them for a certain
amount of time. And you might miss a chance to befriend someone who actually might have an
extremely enjoyable personality. A little understanding and communication will definitely go a long way.


Submitted to : Prof. Nina Muncherji

Submitted by : Shivesh Rai (211137)

(Section–B,MBA–FT 2021-23)
There are several things that I had learned from the film.

• Firstly that don’t jump to any of the conclusion without knowing

the truth behind that.
• Don’t be mad about one thing only .That may lead you to became
stubborn and later on you may have to bear the consequence of
losing others.
• Instead of giving preference yourself only, show some respect to
others and behave accordingly.
• Don’t make bad perception of any person in single meeting .
• Politely and equally behave to each person that you are meeting .
• Don’t be focus on one thing only, equally manage all your events
of life ,just make prioritization to work.
• Don’t have pre-decided image of any event or person that will not
help to have clear image of the situation.
• Be very clear while communicating and try to avoid barriers or
hindrances that are causing ineffectiveness in the communication.

Contribution to project : Did the brainstorming with the teammates

,divided the work accordingly, had discussion about the movie and
came up with write up of some answers that has been asked in the

Application of learning: Always keep an eye while behaving with

others because ,your behavior to others will create a image of yours to
other eyes and people will evaluate and behave to you in same way.
Be patience about every happening of the event and perform
accordingly in life because hurry will only lead you to trouble. Don’t be
harsh to anyone .Be a social person because loneliness can increase the
anger and reduce the creativity of the individual. While performing a
task keep a regular check on the performance of complementary
activities this will help in performing the activity in more efficient and
effective way.


MBA-FT (2021-23)




SUBMITTED TO: Prof. Nina Muncherji

SUBMITTED BY: Triyasa Datta – Section B (211152)

Eye of the Beholder – Individual Analysis
Based on the entire documentary, I can deduce that Michael is a dedicated painter who is
entirely immersed in his work and so has little interaction with the characters we see in the
film. People form selective perceptions of Michael as a result of this scant communication,
which they subsequently attribute to Michael's plainly observed conduct.

Michael Girard's mother sees him as an unappreciative man who doesn't want to listen to her
and is lost in his own world. However, as a mother, she also believes he is a good man.
Michael's mother is fully unaware of her son's connection with his profession, therefore the
selective perception process is at work here.

Michael Girard is regarded as the lady's man by the restaurant waiter. This man's perception is
solely based on Michael's actions in front of him, and he is absolutely unaware of Michael's
occupation or any background talk that may have occurred. This character assessment of
Michael is based on the waiter's selective vision of him, who judges him solely on what he sees.
This is also known as the "Halo effect."

Another typical example of selective perception is the cabbie's view of Michael as a gangster,
which is based on Michael's clothes and interaction with the cabbie. Cabbie is also fully
unaware of the circumstances that led Michael to act the way he did. Cabbie is involved in anti-
social activities himself (possession of gun), therefore he tries to make sense of Michael's
character by using confirmation biasing, which validates selective perception and re-affirms the
cabbie's impression of Michael as a gangster.

Mr. Cogmire is the gentleman who greets Michael in the studios and wishes him a nice
morning. Michael, he claims, is a lunatic. His perception is classified as selective perception
once again because he criticizes Michael based on a brief conversation with him. This is also
known as availability biasing, in which Michael is judged by this man based on a brief chat that
Michael had with him, despite the fact that he is fully unaware of Michael's work and
dedication to it.

Michael is a murderer according to the cleaning lady's opinion. We see selective perception as
well as availability biasing once more. We can also witness confirmation biasing in her conduct
because Michael is so absorbed in his work that he has little or no engagement with the people
who have interpreted him in their own way. People try to make sense of their own perceptions
of Michael due to the limited engagement. As a result, when the cleaning lady sees a woman
lying on the couch, a knife on the floor, and Michael standing amazed, all of this contributes to
the cleaning lady's availability biasing perception, and because of Michael's unknown character,
she refers to him as a murderer, which is a confirmation biasing perception.

After watching the complete documentary, we can see that Michael is nothing near a murderer,
gangster, or lunatic, which are the behavioural qualities given to him owing to the
documentary's selective perspective of the people in it.

I took on the challenge of narrating an alternate ending to the plot after completing a thorough
analysis and interpretation of the documentary. I presented a reasonable ending to the
scenario given in Q5 by studying Michael's character and passion to his work.


Individual Learning Analysis On


Submitted to:

Prof. Nina Muncherji

Assignment submitted by:

Sheetal Bharti – 213105

Section B, DPM-FT 2021)

Individual write up

Contribution made to the Group Report- I presented my thoughts to the group report on the detailed
Analysis of important characters in the film with reference to the concept of “Perception”. Where I
discussed about what is Perception. I provided the short summary about the Film and then I discussed in
detailed analysis of the important characters in the film with reference to the topic of Perception.
During the preparation of my group report I studied in detailed about the different characters of the Film
“Eye Of The Beholder”. I watched the film with lot of concentration and then I provided the detailed
analysis of the different perception holder characters in the film.

Learning from the Film- What I get to know through this wonderful film is that different people thinks
differently for the same thing or person. Different people have different perception towards the same
situation, which has been showing by this Film. This film has two sides one side of the story was from the
different people showing their own perceptions about Michael Gerard and the other story was from the point
of view of Michael Gerard for himself. Michael Gerard is the main character of the Film and there were
other six important characters in the film Michael’s Mother, The Cab Driver, Waiter at the Hotel, Landlord
of the Art Studio of Michael, The cleaning lady of the building where Michael’s Art studio was and The
Beautiful Lady, in whose murder Michael was suspected to be accused. I already discussed in detailed about
the characters of the film in my Group Report.
I have learnt through this film is that people’s behavior is based on their own perception of reality, not on
the reality itself. Different people perceive the same situation in different manner according to their own
interests, experience or attitudes. The Film ends with this statement, “People see what they want to see, what
they are prepared to see”, which is true because people only perceives the thing according to their own
personal experiences.

One side of this film shows us the different people’s perception about Michael Gerard. Mother thought he is
a Moody person but a Good Boy, Cabbie thought he is a real Hood based on his attire, Waiter thought he is
a Lady’s Man based on his first impression, whereas Landlord thought he is a lunatic because he always lost
in his own world and Maid thought he is a Murderer because he paints strange paintings. Everyone
perceives Michael as a Bad person, rude person, has full of attitude and we also thought in the first part of
the movie that Michael is really a bad person because everybody thinks in that way only.

But in the other part of the film Michael Gerard didn’t possess any of the characteristics as mentioned
above. He was a dedicated and imaginative artist who wanted to paint the Twentieth Century Madonna. We
see him staring at the women across the table in Hotel because he was looking for the perfect model, but
waiter judged him wrongly and waiter made his perception about Michael by just seeing and hearing the
things, he did not know anything about Michael. After he found the girl who would be the perfect fit, he
became so excited that he could neither sleep that night nor eat the next morning, that’s why he ignored his
mother and her food which is specially made for him and his mother perceives Michael as a Moody person
but Good at heart. When Michael sits in the cab, despite the disturbances and interruptions, he concentrates
on his work and makes a rough sketch of his desired painting on the basis of his imagination, but the Cab
Driver perceives the Michael as a real Hood based on his attrite. When Michael reaches his Art Studio and
he was so excited because that day came when his dreams will come into reality and he will soon going to
paint his most awaited 20th century Madonna painting, but Landlord perceives Michael as lunatic because he
always involved in himself and lost in his own world. When Michael enters in his Art Studio there was a
cleaning lady who was doing her work of cleaning and she was already prepared that something will going
to be bad happen because Michael always painted strange paintings because of this that cleaning lady
perceives Michael as a Monster. Lastly the beautiful lady enters in the Michael’s Art Studio but her
intention was something different she was drunk and she tries to seduce Michael, but Michael was not at all
interested in this, his only intention is to prepare the Madonna Painting but lady did not understand this and
that’s the reason of Loud Noise and loud Screaming happened. The maid after hearing the loud sound rushes
to the upstairs and found the woman body lying on the couch and she shouts Murder.

So the other part shows that Michael is a Good person, Imaginative and a dedicated artist. He is a Humble
and polite person who respects women. He is very Passionate towards his work.

My learning through this Film is that everyone makes their perception from their own personal experiences
and interests. What they want to see they will see and what they want to hear they prefer to hear. But
perceiving someone according to your own interest is not good, it has several drawbacks as you might
wrongly perceive a good person as a bad person based on your past experiences. So never Judge a Book By
its Cover, take your time analysis the situation first and then come up with the final perception.

Learning throughout the OB Course- Through this Organisational Behavior course where several concept
has been taught to us related to Individual Behavior, Perception, Attitude, How to Measure Anger,
individual personality traits. These all concepts are very important to understand because in today’s scenario
where there is high competition exists and the survival is really becoming tough so we need to understand
how to do the self assessment of ourselves and how to take corrective measures based on this assessment so
that we can come up with the solutions and to do something for improving the things. This Film teaches us
if there is a pitfall in your perception that would be very dangerous because you will not see the actual
reality you will just focus only on those things which you want to focus. In Real world when Manager
wrongly makes his perception towards his subordinate that will distort the harmonious relationship between
them so we must to take proper analysis before making any perception about someone or something.

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