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Global Studies 1 Cheat Sheet

by jayb14 via

Chapter 2 Chapter 2 (cont) Chapter 2 (cont)

Fertile Cresent Delta Ancient Indias Settle​ments/ Buildings

Arch of farm land in SW Asia between the Egins about 100 miles before the river First settle​ments were built in 2500 Bc
Persian Gulf and Medite​ranian Sea enters the Medite​ranian
China Social Classes
Mesopa​tamia Pharaoh
Nobles, and Peseants
The land between the tigris and Euphrates Egyptian god-king
China writing system
each character stands for 1 symbol
City-State Govt. based on religion
China's Techno​logical advances
Political Unit, much as Indepe​ndent
Roads, and canals
Being preserved which involves embolming
China Religious beliefs
Series of Rulers in a single Family and drying the body to prevent it from
decaying Spirits of Ancestors
Cultural Diffusion

New ideas spreading from one culture to Heirog​lyphics

Chapter 1
another Earliest froms of writing
Seven large land masses also known as
Polyth​esium Papyrus
Belief in many gods a new surface of writing that grew in the
North America, South America, Asia, Africa,
Delta Surface
Empire Europe, Austra​ilia, Antartica

People, nations, or indepe​ndent states What social classes made up Egyptian

______​_____ is the line of latitude that divides
under control of one ruler the Northern Hemisphers from the Southern
Farmer and Pharaohs Hemisp​here.
Nile flooding Equator
Babbyl​onian ruler, famous for his code of
laws Every July, receeds every October leaving ______​_____ is the line of longitude that
divides the Eastern Hemisphere from the
Religion of Sumer Govt, of Egypt
Western Hemisp​here.
Polyth​eistic Theocr​acy​/Ph​araoh
Prime Meridian
Literature of Sumer Egyptians believed in __ , the eternal life force
What does the Equator Measure?
Invented first writing system Ka
Summerians writing system Subcon​tinent
What does the Prime Meridian measure?
Invented Arithmatic to build large structures landmass that includes, India, Pakistan, and
Sumer Inventions
The study of the Earth is called
Sail, Weel & Plow, Arithm​atic, and
Geography Seasonal winds that dominate Indias
Describe the process scribes used to write
A repres​ent​ation of the Earth‘s rounded surface
cuniform Harappan Civili​zation
on a flat piece of paper is called a(n)
They used sharpened reed to scratch into Indius Valley Civili​zation
pieces of wet clay
Ancient India Religion Map
Theocracy, Mother Goddess

Ancient India Economic Life

They conducted trade w/ people in the


By jayb14 Published 4th March, 2014. Sponsored by Last updated 2nd June, 2014. Measure your website readability!
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Global Studies 1 Cheat Sheet
by jayb14 via

Chapter 1 (cont) Chapter 1 (cont)

One of the four compass points: north, south, Countries

east, and west: Smaller land-m​asses surrounded by formal
political bounda​ries.

A map feature that shows the four cardinal

direct​ions: ______​___​___​___​___​_____.

Compass Rose

A person who studies the Earth:



The size of an area on a map as compared with

the area’s actual size:


The advantage of a globe is?

It is inexpe​nsive

Latitude and longitude lines help geogra​phers


Absolute location.

The most accurate way to show the Earth’s

continents and bodies of water is with a...


Which theme would geogra​phers use to study

the conseq​uences of peoples’ actions?

Human Enviro​nment Intera​ction.

The disadv​antage of a globe is that:

It is too big to fit into a pocket

On maps, what do geogra​phers use to show


a key.

Relative Location

What your location is near or relative to.

Map Key

Legend to read the map

Absolute Location

The exact location.

By jayb14 Published 4th March, 2014. Sponsored by Last updated 2nd June, 2014. Measure your website readability!
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