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QUESTION 1 – Group 1
In 2021 your company recorded 1 fatality, 3 LTI
and 10 first aid cases. As a Safety and Health
Officer you were instructed by management
1. to prepare Incident Prevention Plan in order
to reduce number of accident in 2022.
2. Please make in details the Incident
Prevention Plan .
QUESTION 1 – Group 2
• As a Safety & Health Officer you are required
to advise your company on chemical
management process.
1. Please outline and write all requirements
needed based on USECHH2000 regulations
2. Prepare a complete chemical management
plan for your company to reduce the
QUESTION 5 – Group 3
• Your workplace expose to fire hazard due to
storage of big amount flammable liquid. As a
Safety and Health Officer you were asked
1. To prepare Emergency Response Plan (ERP) .
2. List down all steps and preparation that
needed in ERP.
QUESTION 2 – Group 4
• You were asked by senior management to
prepare Safety and Health plan for a
construction company.
1. Identify the requirements needed in safety
and health plan
2. Prepare a complete safety and health plan
and present to your senior management.
QUESTION 3 – Group 5
• You are working as a Safety and Health officer
at Pharmaceutical company. Recently
management has called you regarding hand
injury and amputation cases at your
1. Identify the requirements needed for
machinery safety.
2. You were asked to prepare a complete action
plans on machinery safety.
QUESTION 7 – Group 6
• You are working in a company where many
ergonomic cases were reported such as
tendonitis, Musculoskeletal disorder,
backaches and so on. As a Safety and Health
Officer you are required
1. To investigate how this can be happen and
2. Prepare the Action plans to prevent this case
from happening.
What you should do?
• Answer the questions in the assignment.
• Make a report.
• Your report must have
1. Cover page
2. Table of content
3. Introduction
4. Definition
5. Method / techniques / Answer to questions /Action plans /
6. Any information you feel good to share.
7. Conclusion


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