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Lecture 3

Seismic Fundamentals II

Exercise 3.1
Seismic to Well Tie
a) Examine the reflection coefficient column and
synthetic seismogram. How do acoustic impedance
contrasts relate to the seismic trace? What polarity
(positive, or negative) and phase (zero or minimum)
are the data in?

b) The well has been tied to seismic (see figure below). Use the information in a) to pick the seismic
horizons away from the well.
Exercise 3.2

Tuning Thickness: Research some examples of how poor understanding constructive or destructive
interference of thin and thinning beds can lead to misinterpretation by a petroleum geologist. I would
like at least three examples.

Exercise 3.3

Seismic Resolution:
a) In the seismic section, the time between loops in the shallow section is
21 milliseconds. And in the lower section in 27 milliseconds. Calculate
the Frequency of the data from these Periods.
b) P-wave velocity in the shallow section is 2500 m/s, and 3000 m/s in the deeper section. Calculate
the wavelength of the seismic wave at both points.

c) Now calculate the tuning thickness from the wavelength in the shallow and deep sections.
Exercise 3.4

a) In the shot gather below, the reflected arrival time at offset zero (x0) is measured after 0.350
seconds (TWT) and receiver x2 200 m away from the source is registering a direct wave after
0.175 second. The direct wave has a velocity equivalent to the 40% of the P wave.
Using this information, calculate the depth to the reflected surface.
b) In the shot gather below, the receivers are all placed 100 m apart. Using the below equation, and
the information you calculated in a), calculate the travel time to the receivers X1 – 4.

Tx = the time to the receiver X1, X2, X3, X4, Xn (sec)
T0 = the TWT at receiver at zero offset (X0) (sec)
x = the distance to the receiver (m)
V = velocity (m/s)
c) Draw your arrival times in the time-offset diagram.

TWT (sec)
Exercise 3.5

Normal Moveout

a) Using the basic definition and the info from the figure, calculate the NMO for each of the receivers
x1 – 2 in the CMP gather.

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