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In this article I will try to explain the meaning of the word Din, and substantiate my definition with verses

from Quran. I believe that understanding the word Din helps everyone to better understand the purpose of Gods guidance for human beings. Following is my opinion and the reasons for it. Let me remind you that if you have a different opinion, yours might be the right one, but following is my opinion. First let us look at some general information about this word: The origin of word Din is not quite clear, but it is believed that it is derived from Zoroastrian word Deana. In Zoroastrian, Daena is the Eternal Law, which was revealed to humanity through the Mathra-Spenta ("Holy Words"). In Hebrew the word Din stands for Law or Judgment. And one of the Islamic scholars, Fazl urRahman Malik, suggested that Dn is best considered as "the way-to-be-followed". But if one looks at the verses of Quran more closely, one will realize that Din is the way of life which one follows, this is evident by looking at the verse which contains Din+any of the pronouns i, ho ,hom kom (I.e. words such as dini, dinehom, dinekom, dinehi). It is my opinion that Din is the set of principles/beliefs/rules/guidelines that an individual (or groups of individuals) chooses to conduct his life based upon them, i.e. the way of life that a person chooses to live his life. Please refer to the end of this article to see a sample of the verses that supports this definition. Occasionally, Din carries a more specific meaning i.e. the set of principles/beliefs/rules/guidelines which is recommended by God, i.e. the way of life that is recommended by God, the true way of life, i.e. the right path. And If Din is followed by a word such as Malek (12:76) or Allah (42:2), then it may be interpreted as rules/law i.e. Kings rules or Gods rules. Among the components of Din is identification of what actions/beliefs are good and what actions/beliefs are bad, i.e. which actions/beliefs are recommended and are acceptable and which ones are unacceptable and prohibited. Another component of Din identifies the consequences and the rewards/punishment for each action/belief. Each individual balances incorporating these principles/beliefs/rules/guidelines with his/her needs and wants, and conduct his life accordingly. Some people define Din as strictly the way of God, if that was true then using combinations such as which is used 3 times in verses 3:83, 24:2, and 110:2 or which is used 4 times in verses 9:29, 9:33, 48:28, and 61:9 would make no sense, as if there is no other way than His way, then this combination is redundant. When we use that implies that there is a false Din as well, and this in contradiction with this definition of Din. But if we consider Din as the way that an individual follows then these two combinations make perfect sense, as they

are talking about the true way, the right path which if followed the individual will achieve the great success in this life and in the hereafter. Din is used a total of 92 times in Quran with two different meanings. One is the meaning of Din which I have already explained and is used 76 times. And only in a few verses out of these 78, Din carries the meaning of the principles/beliefs/rules that is recommended by God. An example of this usage would be verses 16:52, 42:13, and 42:21. And there are two instances that Din can be interpreted as law, 12:76 and 24:2. The other meaning of Din is judgment which is used 14 times. In 13 of these 14 times the word Din is used in conjunction with the word " i.e. " which is translated as the Day of Judgment, and only once in verse 51:6, Din is used to mean as judgment outside of this combination.

Following are a sample of the verses which support my opinion about the meaning of Din:


Abraham and Jacob instructed their sons to it (submitting to God), saying: my sons, God has chosen this religion for you 2:217

They will not stop fighting you until they make you give up your religion, if they can. Those of you who give up their religion and die as disbelievers will have all their works voided in this world and the hereafter. 2:256 There is no compulsion in religion (religion is not mandatory). 3:19 Indeed the religion before God is submission (Islam). 3:24

This is because they said: The fire (of hell) will only touch us for a few days. Their own fabrications (lies) deceived them in their religion.

3:73 Do not believe in anyone unless he follows your religion. 3:83 Are they looking for anything other than religion of God, 3:85

Whoever follows any religion other than submission (obeying only Gods commands unquestionably), it will not be accepted from him 4:171 Do not exaggerate in your religion 5:3 Today I finalized (perfected) your religion for you 5:54

You who believe, whoever among you turns back from his religion (is not important to God), 5:57

You who believe, do not take as protectors those who take your religion as fun and game among those who were given the Book before you and the disbelievers. 6:137

This way their partners (of God) made the killing of their children attractive for many of the polytheists, to ruin them and confuse them in their religion. 7:29 Call on Him being sincere (and devoted) to Him in the religion. 9:11

If they repent and perform the mandatory prayer and give to the mandatory charity, then they are your brothers in the religion. 9:12

If they break their oath after their contract, and taunt (insult) you in your religion, then fight the head of the disbelief 9:33

He is the one Who sent His messenger with the guidance and the true religion, to make him clear about all of the religion, even though the polytheists dislike it. 10:104

Say: people, if you are in doubt about my religion, then (know that) I do not serve (worship) those you serve (worship) other than God. 22:78

And (God) has not imposed any difficulty on you in religion. This is the faith of your father Abraham. 24:2

And do not let pity (and kindness) for them takes you away from Gods law if you believe in God and the Last Day 33:5

Call them by their fathers (name), that is more just with God. If you do not know their fathers, then they are your brothers in the religion and your friends. 39:14

Say: I serve (worship) God, being sincere (and devoted) in my religion to Him. 42:13

He prescribed to you from the religion whatever He directed Noah to it, and that which We revealed to you, and whatever We directed Abraham and Moses and Jesus to it, that you shall observe (and perform) the religion and do not be divided in it 42:21

Do they have associates (for God) who have prescribed for them in the religion that which God has not permitted it? 48:28, 61:9

He is the one Who sent His messenger with the guidance and the true religion, to make him clear about all of the religion. 60:8

God does not prohibit you from dealing kindly and fairly toward those who do not fight you about the religion and do not drive you out of your homes 60:9

God prohibits you to make friend with (and take as supporter) those who fight you about the religion and drive you out of your homes 109:6 your religion for you and my religion for me. 110:2

and you see the humans entering into God's religion in bunches.

And in the conclusion let me say that the purpose of Din is to establish justice in the society, so that there will not be any room for Tyranny, injustice, corruption, poverty, ignorance, and creation of mental anguish and degradation of human beings. If you have any questions/comment please send them to me at

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