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1 Warm up

Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

picture A picture B

picture C picture D

1. Which pictures relate to astrology and which relate to astronomy? How are these different?
2. What did people use to believe about the sun and Earth?
3. What do you know about the astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus?

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2 Vocabulary

Complete the sentences with a noun from the box.

bishop degree planet telescopes theory universe

1. The closest to Earth is called Venus.

2. Some scientists have a that life came to Earth from outer space.
3. It would be interesting to know if there is intelligent life anywhere else in the .
4. were invented in 1608 to look at far-away stars.
5. After you complete your university studies, you receive a .
6. A is an important person in the Catholic church, which is headed by the pope.

Match the beginning and endings of these sentences and explain the meaning of the words in bold.

1. This company usually publishes a. artists and designers.

2. The researchers want to observe b. books about history and art.

3. The beautiful colours in nature often inspire c. from university she went to
work for a bank.
4. The author dedicated d. how the birds build their
5. My manager gave me permission e. the book to his parents.

6. After she graduated f. to go home early today.

How do you think these words will be used in the story of Copernicus’ life?

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3 Listening 1
You are going to listen to information about the life of Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543). Before you
listen, match the ages/years (1 - 5) with the life events (A - H). Three options are extra. Listen and
check your ideas.

1. 10 years old
2. 18 years old
3. 1503
4. 1514
5. 1543

• (A) he graduated with a degree in medicine and law

• (B) his father died
• (C) he started to work with his uncle
• (D) he started studying astronomy and mathematics in Krakow
• (E) he published a book about astronomy
• (F) he shared his new ideas about astronomy with friends
• (G) he started studying church law in Italy
• (H) he got into an argument with the Catholic church

4 Listening 2
Read the questions. Can you remember the answers? Listen again to check.

1. In what three ways was Copernicus’ uncle important in his life?

2. How did Copernicus and Novara observe the night sky?
3. Why did Copernicus start to question the Greek astronomer Ptolemy’s theories?
4. How did the publisher of his book make Copernicus angry?
5. What results did the publisher’s actions have?

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5 Language point

When you learn new words, it’s important to learn the related forms in their word families. This helps
you to rephrase sentences in different ways, for example, to avoid repeating words or copying from
an exam task. Add the missing information to this table and underline the stressed syllable.

verb noun

dedicate (1)

(2) description

graduate (3)

inspire (4)

move (5)

(6) permission

publish (7)

(8) observation

(9) understanding

Use the correct forms of the words from the table to complete these pairs of sentences as in the


1. After he graduated from university, he started to work for his uncle.

2. After his graduation from university, he started to work for his uncle.

Pair A

1. Novara and Copernicus the night sky many times.

2. Novara and Copernicus made many of the night sky.

Pair B

1. Copernicus read Ptolemy’s work, which how the sun, moon and planets moved
around the earth.
2. Copernicus read Ptolemy’s of how the sun, moon and planets moved around the

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Pair C

1. He thought Ptolemy’s theory about the earth’s around the sun was incorrect.
2. He thought Ptolemy’s theory about how the earth around the sun was incorrect.

Pair D

1. Rheticus helped him to a book.

2. Rheticus helped him with the of his book.

Pair E

1. Without their , the publisher included a note.

2. They did not the publisher to include a note.

Pair F

1. The publisher included a to the pope.

2. The publisher the book to the pope.

Pair G

1. Copernicus’ theory future astronomers.

2. Copernicus’ theory was an to future astronomers.

Pair H

1. It changed the way people man’s place in the universe.

2. It changed people’s of man’s place in the universe.

6 Talking point

Discuss these questions in pairs or small groups.

1. What do you admire the most about Copernicus?

2. What would you ask Copernicus if you could meet him?
3. Imagine that Copernicus was alive today. What do you think he would be working on?
4. How important do you think it is to graduate from university? Do you know of any other people
who had difficulty completing their studies, but then went on to do great things?
5. Explain this quote from Copernicus: To know that we know what we know, and to know that we
do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge.

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7 Optional extension

These are all things that astronomers observe. Match the word with the definition.

1. planet a. a collection of small objects that forms a circle or disc around a planet,
for example Saturn
2. star b. a large ball of burning gas, like our sun

3. ring c. a large round object that moves around a planet

4. moon d. a large round object that moves around the sun, and that has cleared the
area surrounding it
5. galaxy e. an area of space which pulls in everything near it, including light

6. comet f. a small rocky object made of ice, dust and rock that moves around the
sun and sometimes seems to have a tail
7. black hole g. a small rocky object made of rock and metal that moves around the sun

8. asteroid h. a very large group of stars

Discuss these questions in pairs.

1. Which of these things could Copernicus see without a telescope?

2. How many planets go around our sun? Do you know their names in English? Which planets have
3. Have you ever seen a comet? Have you ever used a telescope to look at space?
4. How do you feel when you look at the night sky?

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