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Lafeisha Lewis

Art of Giving Online Feedback

Leibold and Laura Marie Schwarz, lecturers at Minnesota State University, Mankato,

published the article titled "The art of Giving Online comments." The Journal of Effective

Instruction, an academic database devoted to the finest quality schooling, released the article

as part of a volume series. All through the text, this became clear that the writer encourages

and values instructors giving feedback to students. In addition, they make a strong case for

their position by relying on the author's sense of reason, feelings, and empirical data to offer

helpful recommendations for the online teacher while giving feedback.

Leibold and Schwarz put a lot of effort into acquiring this important ability to provide

comments and suggestions that boosts learning outcomes by making sure the input is helpful

and encouraging to improve the student's perspective. The learner's growth is also guided by

remarks. As more educational institutions turn to virtual classrooms and management

systems, instructors must be knowledgeable of how vital it is to fully understand the theories,

purpose types, and practice guidelines for providing online comments in a timely,

comprehensive, and appropriate application as it affects the learner's achievement.

Despite the fact that the authors support a rich response setting, they completely agree

that this exercise must also incorporate additional options to further enhance the feedback

environment. These methods include analysing voice, giving instantaneous feedback,

informing learners of anticipations, delivering an observable grading scheme, and more.

Students can contemplate and use the advice to improve their work and get better marks as a


Additionally, there are recommendations to investigate different online interactions,

such as sound recordings, video footage, written comments, pre-set computerized review, and

live internet forums. According to Leibold and Schwarz, Edward, Perry, and Janzen (2011),

Lafeisha Lewis

this provides a chance for online educators to establish an educational environment that

emphasizes improving learning and motivates students to succeed through the proclamation

and sort of assumed questions.

Providing Quality Feedback in Virtual Learning Environment

The benefits of online feedback are discussed by Wiley University Services, particularly

how it increases teachers' visibility and shows students that they care about their careers. As a

result, they can communicate with their students using a variety of media. Students rely on

this advice because it assists them to evaluate their performance, pinpoint their strong points,

and keep them focused while engaging in digital classrooms.

The essay is composed in a formal, professional tone that expresses the author's

commitment to giving lecturers the tools they need to provide students with assessments.

Students ought to receive an evaluation that clarifies their knowledge of the concepts being

covered in class and identifies their areas of strength and weakness. References to

information pertaining to these requirements were given in the post because guidance should

also suggest ways that students can learn extra.

According to Ambrose et al., p.137, the review created by educators should adhere to

these traits in order to assist and accomplish the goals of honest criticism, according to the

article. First, the comments should be comprehensive, utilizing accurate, concise, and in-

depth remarks to students, highlighting sections that don't fulfill the duties assigned and

showing them how to fix them to fulfill the requirements of the assignment. Second,

responses must be relevant, respectfully critical, and constantly offer suggestions and ways to

advance. The criticism should be sincere but not overly harsh. Thirdly, it should be

implementable, where students are given advice, guidelines, or directions on how to enhance

Lafeisha Lewis

and amend their assigned tasks in order to advance and broaden their understanding. . Fourth,

while ideas are still fresh in students' thoughts, evaluation should be quick. Emphasizing

input and ensuring that it focuses on enhancing capabilities and skills are two further qualities

of feedback. Finally, make sure the advice is specific rather than general to help students

relate to the instructor's observations.

In closing, giving students good feedback does not involve telling them whether they

successfully answered a question, but rather motivating them to comprehend the ideas that

provide the framework for understanding.

Leibold, N., & Schwarz, L. M. (2015). JET - Leibold.

Providing Quality Feedback in Virtual Learning Environments. (2020, March 23). Wiley.

Ambrose, S. A., Bridges, M. W., DiPietro, M., Lovett, M. C., & Norman, M. K. (2010). How

learning works: Seven research-based principles for smart teaching. San Francisco, CA:


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