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How to Stand Out!

The American Chamber of Commerce Shanghai Ninan Chacko CEO, PR Newswire

Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

The Need
Traditional Public Relations Model

The model has changed....

The Need
The traditional media is no longer the publics only source of information.


In 1965, 80 percent of adults could be reached with three 60 second TV spots. Today it requires117 prime time Commercials to produce the same result (Jim Stengel, CMO, P&G)

Michael Pranikoff Director, Emerging Media PR Newswire Twitter / @mpranikoff

Twitter Event Hashtag: #prncl

Video is the new Voice!

John Chambers, CEO Cisco

Principles to communicating your message today

Engagement construct
National reach with ability to focus locally
Custom Distribution

Rich Engaging Content

Rich video content that educates and activates

Robust Online Newsroom

Dynamically Updatable Content

All assets, in one location ready for rapid deployment

Engage influentials to play the message forward

Centralized Assets Deep Social Media Engagement

Listen and learn from what the audience is saying

Measurement Beyond the Numbers

Access to Industry Experts Search Optimized Content

Easy access to thoughtleaders/experts and content to complement your voice

Dominate organic search engine presence to capture information seekers and local media

Companies want: Direct access to consumers Opportunities to engage with audiences Viral messaging Analytics, ROI

Marketing Public Relations Advertising

They want to communicate in a way that combines PR, Marketing and Advertising.

2010 Marketo, Inc.

Marketo Proprietary and Confidential

Convergence in action

ARC enables viral distribution & dynamic updating

Campaign Launch Emails

Customer email all segments PR eBlast & banners on external newsletters IR eBlast & banners on external newsletters Marketing eBlast

Video & White Paper Landing Page

Collecting Leads in Marketo Database


White paper landing page with Marketo forms


Marketo Lead Database

Banners, social & search

Campaign overview
After a number of weeks, there were a total of 2,533 downloads from all marketing efforts including
ARC platform House blasts PRWeek email promo IR Magazine email promo Marketo user summit followup Launch page for social media channels Campaign advertising (online, LinkedIn, SEM)
(75 additional)

Current downloads
Content is Marketing 1,309 downloads PR Rising 675 downloads (21 additional) IR Rising 549 download (24 additional)


Campaign overview
Total Conversions Net New vs. Known Contacts
1,852 total net new contacts generated since launch
111 additional since last report

681 known contacts generated since launch

9 additional since last report

By whitepaper
Marketing is content (1,051 net new, 258 known) PR Rising (471 net new, 204 known) IR Rising (330 net new, 219 known)


Share button allows viewers to embed the ARC into their blogs or Web sites.

Updates ARC Content Distributes

blog fan site blog



news site company site

fan site


Our Shining Example NY Fan Page has hit more than 1000 fans within four hours of launching our campaign... So exciting to see such results! Gayle Nowak Haggman Advertising

The Fast-Changing Media Landscape in China

Over 60% of journalists have used social media to obtain news leads or conduct an interview in order to complete a news report 47.7% of journalists indicate that they regularly use microblogs 57.7% of journalists indicated they would follow over the long term enterprise or organization microblogs that were related to industry sectors they were in charge of covering

The Fast-Changing Media Landscape in China

When asked, "If a news lead was obtained through social media, would you seek verification before choosing to report it?" Over half (51.66%) of journalists indicated that they would "always seek verification." However, the survey also revealed that journalists considered the authority and trustworthiness of the identity of the information's "producer" and "disseminator" an important factor in whether they would seek to verify the news lead.

Social Media Communications Case in China

RT:1,653 Comment:689 Source:Sina Weibo

Social Media Communications Case in China

Nanas Green Tea Pageview:18,4000 (within 24 hours after the distribution) RT: 4,8449

Engage with the Chinese Consumers

Engage with the Chinese Consumers

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