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2. By definition the region inside the parabola y = 27 is the set of points (a,b) such that 16> a2. We are interested in those circles all of whose points are in this region. A bubble at a point P on the graph of y = 2? is the largest such circle that contains P. (You may ‘assume the fact that there is a unigue such circle at any given point on the parabola.) (a) A bubble at some point on the parabola has radius 1. Find the center of this bubble. (b) Find the radius of the smallest possible bubble at some point on the parabola. Justify The graph of 2x? + ary +3y?—11r ~2 is an ellipse in the first quadrant of the cy—plane. Let @ and b be the maximum and minimum values of {77a over all the points (:r,y) on the ellipse. Find the value of ag 5. [8+7=15] 27 Let the function f : (0, 1] + R be defined as so) =may {Fo osu st} eases mr letyti ——— ‘Then which of the following statements is correct? (A) fis strictly increasing on [0, 4] and strictly decreasing on [4,1]. (B fis strictly decreasing on (0, 4] and strictly increasing on [}.1]- (©) fis strictly increasing on f a and strictly decreasing on ie i (D) f is strictly decreasing on [0, 441] and strictly increasing on |4=4,1). Passage Based Questions 1a/@ne )Psin? x +x", Vee Rand Pint) fide Wx € (0, > 15. Consider the statements P: There exists some x € Rsuch that, f@)+ +x). G: Thore exists some x ¢ Rauch that, 2fG)+1=2e(1 +2). Then, (@) both Pand Qare true (b) Pis true and Qs false (©) Pisfalse and Qis true (A) both Pand Q are false 16. Which of the following is true? (@) gis increasing on (, ) (b) gis decreasing on (, =) (©) gis increasing on (1, 2) and decreasing on (2,~) (@) gis decreasing on (1, 2) and increasing on 2, ) Find the value of x > 1 for which the function 2 F@= Tin( Se increasing and decreasing. Q.13 Let f be a real valued function defined on the interval (0,00) by Sa) =Inz+ f° VT aint dt Then which of the following statements is (are) true? (A) f"(2) exists for all x € (0,0) (B) f"(z) exists for all x € (0,0) and f’ is continuons on (0,00), but not differentiable on (0,00) corinuows on (8 (C) there exists «> 1 such thad$/'(x)] <[f(2)] for all x € (0,0) (D) there exists 6 > 0 such that |f(x)|+|f/(2)| < 8 for all x € (0,00). Prove that (3) = f(cos*(2 nt) ~28cos(2/nt)+17}dt is ays an increasing function of x ER For a polynomial g(x) with real coefficients, let m, denote the number of distinct real roots of g(x). ‘Suppose S in the set ioXpet pananlods et real coefficients defined by S™ (Gx = 1)"(ag+ arx + aye’ + aye?) : ag, a1, a3, 9 € R). For a polynomial f, let f and f” denote its first and second order derivatives, respectively. Then the minimum possible value of (my +my-). where f € Sis (b) Suppose the graph of f(x) is being traced on a computer sereen with the uniform speed of 1 em per second ({-., this is how fast the length of the eurve is increasing). Show that at the moment the point corresponding to x = 1 is being drawn, the x coordinate is increasing at the rate of com per second. +s 8. A pond has been dug at the Indian Statistical Institute as an inverted truncated pyramid with a square base (see figure below). The depth of the pond is 6m. The square at the bottom has side length 2m and the top square has side length 8m. Water is filled in at a rate of 2 cubic meters per hour. At what rate is the water level rising exactly 1 hour after the water started to fill the pond? 10. Let f : R + R be a twice differentiable function such that £2) is ~ positive for all x € R, and suppose f(0) = 1, f(1) = 4. Which of the following is not a possible value of f(2)? (A) 7. (B) 8. (C9. (0) 10. ‘ Qs P(x) Prove that all roots of P(r) cannot be real "4 a,2"—! 4... + aq is a polynomial with real coefficient Consider the polynomial p(2r) = (x + a,)(x + a3) +++ (r+ ayo) where ay is a real number for each i = 1,...,10. Suppose all of the eleven coefficients of p(x) aré positive. For each of the following statements, decide if it is true or false. Write your answers as a sequence of four letters (T/F) in correct order. AF The polynomial p(x) must have a global minimum, ‘® (ji) Each a, must be positive. (ii) All real roots of p/(r) must be negative. (iv) All roots of (x) must be real. 2. Let p,q and r be real numbers with p? +4? +r? = 1. (a) Prove the inequality 3p +3p'r+2q8+2r3 < 2. (b) Also find the smallest possible value of 3p*q + 3p*r +2q° + 2r*. Specify exactly when the smallest and the largest possible value is achieved. 30. Consider the function ‘where n > 4 is a positive integer. Which of the following statements fs corwct? (A) Shas no local extremum (B) Forevery n, f has.a local maximum at x = 0 (©) Shas no local extremum ifn is edd and has a local maximum at 2 =Owhen miseven (D) f has no local extremum ifm is even and has a local maximum at 2 =Owhen nis odd. 7. Let a, b,c be three real numbers which are roots of a cubic polynomial, and satisfy a+0-+¢= 6 and ab+be-+ac=9. Supposea chee Show that O 0 define |. Let (x) = 2° ~ 327 +27, r ER, ian { wind, 220, = f'n, 2 <0, A(z) = chlz) Sola) = ehi@), eee Sul) = edn) nla) How many roots does the equation Ze dr = 0 have in the interval (~00, 00)? (A) 1. (B) 3. (Chin +3. (D) 3n. —_t_. 2eos(z)" Determine the set {y ¢R: y = f(x), x > 0} Let ty < ty <--- < top be real numbers, and consider the function f : RR be given by f(x) =| t—f | + |} z—t2 | +--+ | w— ty |. Show that minzer f(z) = f(tso)- iv) FO)=«*2.e%C[x1) ey Yew] ii) FQx)= ex.In(ex) (i) A funtion f(2) is said to be even if f(z) = f(2) for all x. A function is said to bbe odd if f(—z) = —f(€x) foe all x (a) What symmetry does the graph y = f(x) of an even funetion have? What symmetry does the graph y = f(z) of an odd function have? (b) Use these symmetries to show that the derivative of an even piction is an ‘odd function, and that the derivative of an odd funetion is an even function, [Yon shonld not nse the chain rule} (ii) For 45° < @ < 45°, the line Z makes an angle @ with the Tine y = 2 as drawn in the figure below. Let A(@) denote the area of the triangle which is bounded by the z-axis, the line x+y = 1 and the line L. (a) Let 0.<@< 45°, Arguing geometrically, explain why AW) +A(—O) ‘eAmNGermnine a formula for A(?) MATHSNERIZNE'” cae va i coe thn te A f(x) = Ta +20) dt has in [0,27] an Tk (A) amaximum at = q & a minimum at [> B*) a maximum at + & amin at (© amaxioum at == & a minimum at “= — (D) neither a maxima nor minima 20 Let f : [0,2] + R be a continuous function such that [ S(a)de 0 Then which of the following statements must be true? (A) f must be strictly increasing. (B) fimust attain a maximum value at x = 2. (© f cannot have a minimum at x = (D) None of the above. fe" O 0. If the equation p(x) = 2* — 92? + 26x — a has three positive real roots, then a must satisfy (A)a < 27. (B)a > 8. (C)27 0 units and perimeter 2s units. Let PQRS be any rectangle such that vertices A, B,C and D respectively lie on the lines PQ,QR,RS and SP. Then the maximum area of such a rectangle PQRS in square units is given by (A) 32 (B) 2a(s—a) = (C) $—(D) $a(s—a) 30. The number of distinct real roots of the equation z sin(.r)+cos(r) = x? is (A)0 (B)2 (C) 24 (D) none of the above. viii: Functions of the form min(F(x), 4(x)) or max(F(x), 9(x)) F(xJ=min € [xl [x-2[, 2-[x-413 ea) =x+ | fxy? +359 9) dy where x andy are independent variable Find fix). A vertical line passing through the point (N, V) intersects the 2 2 ellipse 7+ yl at the points P and Q. Let the tangents tothe ellipse at P and Q meet at the point R. If A(h) = area of , A(h = mi the triangle PQR, Ay = /3eh<1 (h) and A, vtena 8 A, 8A) = then SB 1 2 6. (a) Compute Z| lat) aga (4 marks] (b) For x >0 define F(z) = J tlog(t)at. (6 marks interval(s) (if any) where F(x) is decreasing and the open ) where F() is increasing, e local minima of F(x) (if any) and the local maxima of F(r) Determine the op. interval(s) ( ii. Determine all (if any) (b) Let f be a differentiable functic Find the area evclosed by maxélx|,|¥[3<2 and ||x|-ly]|>4

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