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1.) Humans will not advance if its development is centered on defending science and technology.

computing technologies, the international economy would be significantly altered,

as the entire field of information technology would be nonexistent.

2.) The world would be quite different if computing technology did not exist.

To begin with, there would not be any email, Internet, or

or personal computers.

There would also be no GPS or other things that we take for granted.

like cell phones

it would be hard and time-consuming finishing some computing tasks manually

3.) Computers have enabled us to do a wide range of activities. In other words, we would be unable to
take online classes, conduct online research, or use technology to simplify our lives. To be honest, we
would not have had anything as simple as today, so we would have to put in more effort. Despite their
limitations, computers have made a significant impact on our lives. If computers had not been invented,
they would have made a significant difference in the world.

4.) If technology does not exist in the future, the world will be less rich and easier to live in than it is
today. Without computers, the situation would be disastrous. Those tasks, as well as many others, can
be replicated without technology. Technology has made our lives easier and more fun by allowing us to
communicate more effectively.

5.) We will not be able to learn and search through such vast amounts of knowledge about our globe. It
sharpens and expands our minds. However, it has several drawbacks, such as people, particularly
teenagers, visiting inappropriate websites, which takes them off the route to success.

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