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the director of naval construction and the director of dockyards

Pictura, which are highly esteemed; but his most celebrated


party. At first strongly opposed to Pompey, he afterwards sided

death of his only son, and he died on the 15th of October 1891.

no material results, laid bare the weakness of the Italian

changed her surname, Ross, for her mother's maiden name, and, as

made any headway, however, and alpaca wool was condemned as an

San Vito) have suffered greatly from the ravages of time.

solution of either sugar or furfurol, and is intended to serve

and probably preserved in suspended animation by the survival

the highest weekly average since 1882. The minimum annual

a combined electric and percussion primer is used;

coffins, and the faience industry of Cnossus. These serve to

practice. What is certain is that, above all, they formed

position. He travelled in distant parts of the world to

directions. The hardness is 6 and the specific gravity 3.0. The

the Valley-- Fremont's (now Sigel's), Banks's and McDowell's

Byron, who had returned, sailed in hopes of saving the island,

rich merchants, between the years 1197 and 1247, and for

fleet of suitors is seen approaching; the herald arrives (with

that at Athens, was held late in summer; at Byblus, where

and succeeded in reconciling the inhabitants to Roman rule

7. Punishment cell (?). 16-19. Uncertain; perhaps offices

1.45. After two or three hours the liquid is diluted

effigy. In his writings he expounds and advocates the medical

for the milk-fat by an emulsified foreign fat, but cases of

The milk of lime is introduced at a certain distance from the

from the pass to a height of 1300 ft. Keene Valley, in

of the monarch and the virtues, wealth and loyalty of his

carving of the stone canopy which shelters the southern

amount per kilogramme of body-weight required to kill in each

corrals or spawning ground, and hunting with trained dogs and

one from another chemically by minute differences in the

west of the Transvaal, south of 22 deg. S. and east of 20 deg. E.,

as a ``help-meet'' for Adam. This, however, is most uncertain.

theorists, known as formalists, regarded beauty as formal

being. And Yahweh-Elohim planted a garden5 in Eden, eastward;

from Asia, and mostly lying within the sphere of influence

3. The congress or conference of Aix-la-Chapelle, held in the

determine the electrical state of the air, (4) the oxygenic

plying between Mexico and Spain's East Indian colonies from

urged, the aborigines of Japan. The most accurate researches

coat, (3) a mass of lymphoid tissue, which appears after

intensely offensive breath of some cases of bronchiectasis.

show or semblance (Schein) and so differs from the true, which

Admiralty Court in that respect; and all prize causes and

had held only for a few months when he died. Akbar succeeded

parallel. At the resurrection, those who drink of the life-giving

once bridged by a continuous isthmus which according to

famous law of Gortyna; but the first undoubted Aegean remains

purpose of tending the wounded and carrying away the dead.

granted, and the company became ``The Royal Niger Company,

district of Darrang and carried off several native forest

chief. Under him the Murabtis soon began to spread their

martyrs. Thus Stanislaus Hosius (1504-1579), a Polish cardinal

Victoria Nile is producing a similar effect. Albert Nyanza

or by metallic sodium (E. Bamberger, Ber., 1887, 20, p.

Norwegian chieftains Anlaf Sihtricsson and Anlaf Godfredsson,

Amazons are always represented with both breasts, although

control of it for a specified term. The person who hires a

fulfil his engagement. He framed a code which introduced

1902 3707 3660 655 6572 16,971

at the S.E. corner are numerous geysers. Along the eastern

product, which finds a ready sale in England. It may here

revived before it became attached to the family of its present

for anyone to attack him, and if he succeeded in killing him

stalactite structures, which, from their curious and fantastic

There are two varieties of sheep, both having the fat

that Adams had already calculated the planet's elements and

did much for the restoration of discipline in the monasteries


be traced in the soil wherever artificial manures have been

a hitherto obscure race. The Arabs became the custodians of

After he was defeated by the Christians at Alhandega

each number, news in addition to the essay; and there was a

sprang up everywhere independently, as if more than one ancient

In its main lines the Spanish conquest was complete by

which are current now concerning the benefits conferred upon

letter of the English alphabet. The writer is indebted to

(1873). E. Dummler has also published an authoritative

(Baptist, founded in 1827 at Rock Spring, removed to Upper

twins Romulus and Remus after they had been thrown into the
supply, however, the root-crops, gross feeders as they are,

ADOPTIANISM. As the theological doctrine of the Logos which

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