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Name: Cattleya T.

Peñalosa Course: MPA

Subject: PA 210: Philippine Administrative System Date: February 25, 2023

Activity 6-1

1. Do you know of government programs that undertake CBX types of programs for
communities? List at least two.

Sustainable livelihood programs implemented by the Department of Social Welfare and

Development and alternative learning system of the Department of Education.

2. Who are their immediate clients?

The immediate clients of the sustainable livelihood programs are those that belong in poor
households as identified by the National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction,
prioritizing the 4Ps participants.

The immediate clients of the Alternative Learning System asre the out-of-school kids and adults
who are literate but have not finished the 10 years of basic education required by the Philippine

3. Would you know what eventually happened to these projects?

The Sustainable Livelihood Program is considered successful and has continuously grown from
serving 46,000 families in 2011 to 340,000 in 2015 and 166,000 families in 2017. It has
supported a total of 1.3 million households since it was initiated.

According to the World Bank, between 2014 and 2016, about 60% of ALS enrollees attended
learning sessions regularly and 30% passed the Accreditation and Equivalency (A & E) exam.
Upon completion of ALS, 60% of the enrollees who passed the A&E exam enrolled in tertiary
education or vocational training.

4. Did your office use any new approaches in the implementation of these projects?

The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) has its own strategic intervention to retain the
awarded lands of agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) through increased production and
engagement in agri-based and related enterprises. The project has five major components
which include provision on common service facilities for production and processing, agri-
technology and agri-extension services, business and development services, credit facilitation,
and land tenure improvement which aims to strengthen ARB organizations by building them as
hubs of support services in the community which are expected to contribute to increasing ARB
household incomes.

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