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 Homework  4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          1  
Homework  4  assignment  for  ECE374  
Posted:  04/08/12  
Due:  04/15/12  
Note:  In all written assignments, please show as much of your work as you can. Even if
you get a wrong answer, you can get partial credit if you show your work. If you make a
mistake, it will also help the grader show you where you made a mistake.  
Problem  1  (15  Points):  
Consider  a  network  in  which  all  nodes  are  connected  to  three  other  nodes.  In  a  
single  time  step,  a  node  can  receive  all  transmitted  broadcast  packets  from  its  
neighbors,  duplicate  the  packets,  and  send  them  to  all  of  its  neighbors  (except  to  the  
node  that  sent  a  given  packet).  At  the  next  time  step,  neighboring  nodes  can  receive,  
duplicate,  and  forward  these  packets,  and  so  on.  Suppose  that  uncontrolled  flooding  
is  used  to  provide  broadcast  in  such  a  network.  At  time  step  t,  how  many  copies  of  
the  broadcast  packet  will  be  transmitted,  assuming  that  during  time  step  1,  a  single  
broadcast  packet  is  transmitted  by  the  source  node  to  its  three  neighbors.  
After  1  step  3  copies  are  transmitted,  after  2  steps  6  copies  are  transmitted.  After  3  
steps,  12  copies  are  transmitted,  and  so  on.    After  k  steps,  3*2^k-­‐1  copies  will  be  
transmitted  in  that  step.  




Problem  2  (30  Points):  

In  this  problem  we  are  looking  in  the  “day  in  the  life  of  a  web  request”  scenario.  
Please  refer  to  Figure  1  for  this  problem.  
a) For  the  initial  step  we  assume  that  the  connecting  laptop  needs  to  get  its  own  
IP  address,  the  address  of  the  first  hop  router,  and  the  address  of  the  
DNSserver.  Describe  in  detail,  how  this  is  achieved  by  using  the    DHCP  
b) Before  the  client  can  send  out  an  HTTP  request  to  it  has  to  
obtain  the  IP  address  for  that  hostname  via  DNS.  Describe  in  detail,  how  the  
ECE374:  Homework  4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          2  
DNS  request  is  performed.  Keep  in  mind  the  client  does  not  yet  no  the  MAC  
address  of  the  first  hop  router  interface!  
c) After  the  client  has  retrieved  the  IP  address,  it  can  finally  send  out  the  HTTP  
request.  First  describe  how  the  TCP  connection  is  setup  and  then  describe  
how  the  HTTP  request  is  being  performed.  

Figure  1  

(The   following   description   is   short,   but   contains   all   major   key   steps   and   key  
protocols  involved.)  
Your  computer  first  uses  DHCP  to  obtain  an  IP  address.  You  computer  first  creates  a  
special  IP  datagram  destined  to  in  the  DHCP  server  discovery  step,  
and  puts  it  in  a  Ethernet  frame  and  broadcast  it  in  the  Ethernet.  Then  following  the  
steps  in  the  DHCP  protocol,  you  computer  is  able  to  get  an  IP  address  with  a  given  
lease  time.    
A   DHCP   server   on   the   Ethernet   also   gives   your   computer   a   list   of   IP   addresses   of  
first-­‐hop  routers,  the  subnet  mask  of  the  subnet  where  your  computer  resides,  and  
the  addresses  of  local  DNS  servers  (if  they  exist).    
Since   your   computer’s   ARP   cache   is   initially   empty,   your   computer   will   use   ARP  
protocol  to  get  the  MAC  addresses  of  the  first-­‐hop  router  and  the  local  DNS  server.    
ECE374:  Homework  4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          3  
Your   computer   first   will   get   the   IP   address   of   the   Web   page   you   would   like   to  
download.   If   the   local   DNS   server   does   not   have   the   IP   address,   then   your   computer  
will  use  DNS  protocol  to  find  the  IP  address  of  the  Web  page.    
Once   your   computer   has   the   IP   address   of   the   Web   page,   then   it   will   send   out   the  
HTTP  request  via  the  first-­‐hop  router  if  the  Web  page  does  not  reside  in  a  local  Web  
server.   The   HTTP   request   message   will   be   segmented   and   encapsulated   into   TCP  
packets,  and  then  further  encapsulated  into  IP  packets,  and  finally  encapsulated  into  
Ethernet  frames.  Your  computer  sends  the  Ethernet  frames  destined  to  the  first-­‐hop  
router.  Once  the  router  receives  the  frames,  it  passes  them  up  into  IP  layer,  checks  
its   routing   table,   and   then   sends   the   packets   to   the   right   interface   out   of   all   of   its  
Then  your  IP  packets  will  be  routed  through  the  Internet  until  they  reach  the  Web  

The   server   hosting   the   Web   page   will   send   back   the   Web   page   to   your   computer   via  
HTTP   response   messages.   Those   messages   will   be   encapsulated   into   TCP   packets  
and   then   further   into   IP   packets.   Those   IP   packets   follow   IP   routes   and   finally   reach  
your   first-­‐hop   router,   and   then   the   router   will   forward   those   IP   packets   to   your  
computer  by  encapsulating  them  into  Ethernet  frames.        
Problem  3  (15  Points):  
Let’s  consider  the  operation  of  a  learning  switch  in  the  context  of  a  network  in  
which  6  nodes  labeled  A  through  F  are  start  connected  into  an  Ethernet  switch.  
Suppose  that  (i)  B  sends  a  frame  to  E,  (ii)  E  replies  with  a  frame  to  B,  (iii)  A  sends  a  
frame  to  B,  (iv)  B  replies  with  a  frame  to  A.  The  switch  table  is  initially  empty.  Show  
the  state  of  the  switch  table  before  and  after  each  of  these  events.  For  each  of  these  
events,  identify  the  link(s)  on  which  the  transmitted  frame  will  be  forwarded,  and  
briefly  justify  your  answers.  
Action   Switch  Table  State   Link(s)   packet   is   Explanation  
forwarded  to  
B   sends   a     Switch   learns   interface   A,  C,  D,  E,  and  F   Since   switch   table  
frame  to  E   corresponding   to   MAC   is  empty,  so  switch  
address  of  B   does   not   know   the  
corresponding   to  
MAC  address  of  E  
E   replies   with   Switch   learns   interface   B   Since   switch  
a  frame  to  B   corresponding   to   MAC   already   knows  
address  of  E   interface  
ECE374:  Homework  4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          4  
corresponding   to  
MAC  address  of  B  
A   sends   a   Switch   learns   the   B   Since   switch  
frame  to  B   interface  corresponding   already   knows   the  
to  MAC  address  of  A   interface  
corresponding   to  
MAC  address  of  B  
B   replies   with   Switch   table   state   A   Since   switch  
a  frame  to  A   remains   the   same   as   already   knows   the  
before   interface  
corresponding   to  
MAC  address  of  A  
Problem  4  (20  Points):  
Suppose  two  nodes,  A  and  B,  are  attached  to  opposite  ends  of  an  1200m  cable,  and  
that  they  each  have  one  frame  of  1,500  bits  (including  all  headers  and  preambles)  to  
send  to  each  other.  Both  nodes  attempt  to  transmit  at  time  t=0.  Suppose  there  are  
four  repeaters  between  A  and  B,  each  inserting  a  40-­‐bit  delay.  Assume  the  
transmission  rate  is  100  Mbp,  and  CSMA/CD  with  backoff  intervals  of  multiples  of  
512  bits  times  is  used.  After  the  collision,  A  draws  K=0  and  B  draws  K=1  in  the  
exponential  backoff  protocol.  Ignore  the  jam  signal  in  this  case.  
a. What  is  the  one-­‐way  propagation  delay  (including  repeater  delays)  between  
A  and  B  in  seconds?  Assume  the  signal  propagation  speed  is  2*108  m/sec.  
b. At  what  time  (in  seconds)  is  A’s  packet  completely  delivered  at  B?  
c. Now  suppose  that  only  A  has  a  packet  to  send  and  that  the  repeaters  are  
replaced  with  switches.  Suppose  that  each  switch  has  a  20-­‐bit  processing  
delay  in  addition  to  a  store-­‐and-­‐forward  delay.  At  what  time,  in  seconds,  is  
A’s  packet  delivered  at  B?  
𝟏𝟐𝟎𝟎𝒎 𝟒𝟎𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒔
+𝟒∗ Type  equation  here.
𝟐 ∗ 𝟏𝟎 𝒎/𝒔𝒆𝒄 𝟏𝟎𝟎 ∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟔 𝒃𝒑𝒔

= 𝟔 ∗ 𝟏𝟎!𝟔 + 𝟏. 𝟔 ∗ 𝟏𝟎!𝟔 𝒔𝒆𝒄  

= 𝟕. 𝟔𝝁𝒔𝒆𝒄

First note, the transmission time of a single frame is given by 1500/(100Mbps)=15 micro
sec, longer than the propagation delay of a bit.
• At time t = 0 , both A and B transmit.
ECE374:  Homework  4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          5  
• At time t = 7.6µ sec , both A and B detect a collision, and then abort.
• At time t = 15.2µ sec last bit of B 's aborted transmission arrives at A .
• At time t = 22.8µ sec first bit of A 's retransmission frame arrives at B .
• At time t = 22.8µ sec+ = 37.8µ sec A 's packet is completely
100 ×10 6 bps
delivered at B .

c) The line is divided into 5 segments by the switches, so the propagation delay between
switches or between a switch and a host is given by 𝟐∗𝟏𝟎𝟖 𝒎/𝒔𝒆𝒄 = 𝟏. 𝟐𝒎𝒊𝒄𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒄.
The delay from Host A to the first switch is given by 15micosec (transmission delay),
longer than propagation delay. Thus, the first switch will wait 16.4=15+1.2+0.2 (note, 0.2
is processing delay) till it is ready to send the frame to the second switch. Note that the
store-and-forward delay at a switch is 15 microsec. Similarly each of the other 3 switches
will wait for 16.4 microsec before ready for transmitting the frame.
The total delay is:
16.4*4 + 15+0.8=81.4 micro sec.
Problem  5  (20  Points):  
The  figure  below  shows  three  wireless  nodes  and  their  transmission  ranges.    
a. Use  the  figure  below  to  explain  the  “hidden  node”  problem.  What  happens  
when  nodes  A  and  C  start  sending  a  message  simultaneously?  
b. Use  diagram  below  to  explain  how  CSMA/CA  is  realized  in  the  case  of  the  
IEEE  802.11  protocol.  For  your  explanation,  assume  that  A  wants  to  send  a  
frame  to  the  destination.  
c. Why  are  acknowledgements  used  in  802.11  but  not  in  wired  Ethernet?  
d. Describe  the  role  of  beacon  frames  in  802.11.  


ECE374:  Homework  4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          6  

a) A  cannot  detect  a  transmission  from  C  and  vice  versa.  If  A  and  C  start  sending  
simultaneously  to  B  a  collision  at  B  will  happen  but  A  and  C  will  not  become  
aware  of  the  collision.  
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c) Usually  no  packet  loss  in  wired  Ethernet.  This  is  much  more  likely  in  a  wireless  
scenario.  Robustness  is  increased  through  retransmissions.  To  be  able  to  
perform  retransmissions  ACKs  are  required.  
d) APs  transmit  beacon  frames.  An  AP’s  beacon  frames  will  be  transmitted  over  
one  of  the  11  channels.  The  beacon  frames  permit  nearby  wireless  stations  to  
discover  and  identify  the  AP.  

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