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I. IDENTIFICATION A – Give what is being asked.

1. ____________________ The main character in a story.
2. ____________________ A struggle with one’s self.
3. ____________________ This literary personality is notable for one kind of personality trait
or characteristic.
4. ____________________ The time and place in which the events of a story takes place.
5. ____________________ The controlling idea or central insight of a story.
6. ____________________ The sequence of events in a story.
7. ____________________ A struggle with a force outside one’s self.
8. ____________________ The character/s that represent the opposition of forces in a story.
9. ____________________ A character who changes over time or undergo change within the
10. ___________________ It is the opposition of forces which ties one incident to another and
makes the plot move.
11. ___________________ Refers to people, animal, robots, etc., who play parts in the action of
the story.
12. ___________________ A character struggles with a force of nature
13. ___________________ A character struggles gods, ghost, monsters, spirits, aliens, etc.
14. ___________________ The final outcome or untangling of events in the story.
15. ___________________ The highest point of interest and the turning point of the story.

II. IDENTIFICATION: Identify if the following sentence is a simple sentence or a

compound sentence. Encircle the conjunctions if the sentence is a compound sentence.
16. ___________________Pauleen bought a gallon of ice cream.
17. ___________________The students of 7-Dahlia are very diligent.
18. ___________________King Indarapatra begged his brother to save Mindanao so Sulayman
departed immediately.
19. ___________________Precious invited Ruth and Ashly to her birthday party.
20. ___________________Heroes are born every day and you may be one of them.
21. ___________________We need to study English for it will help in improving our
communication skills.
22. ___________________Marbie and Michelle are friends.
23. ___________________ Zaira was supposed to join the field trip but she got sick..
24. ___________________ Kevin is well-behaved.
25. ___________________Lysha loves to spell words for his favorite subject is English.

III. Multiple Choice – Choose and encircle the correct answer.

26. Mang Romy doesn’t know how to use a phone.
a. Man vs. Man b. Man vs. Society
c. Man vs. Technology
27. Jaynard slapped Ivy with a resounding smack.
a. Man vs. Man b. Man vs. Nature
c. Man vs. Self
28. Mitch is struggling against depression.
a. Man vs. Nature b. Man vs. Self
c. Man vs. Society
29. Cardo and the “Vendetta” against the government.
a. Man vs. Man b. Man vs. Nature
c. Man vs. Society
30. The people of Tacloban city and Typhoon Yolanda.
a. Man vs. Society b. Man vs. Self
c. Man vs. Nature
31. Harry Potter is what type of character.
a. Static b. Dynamic
c. Flat
32. King Indarapatra and Sulayman are the _______ of the Maranao epic.
a. Protagonist b. Antagonist
c. Terrorist
33. A kind of sentence with two complete thought.
a. Complex b. Simple
c. Compound
34. Mark Joseph is digging around for information.
a. Listening for b. Eating for
c. Looking for
35. Seeing an eclipse is a once in a blue moon experience.
a. rare b. frequent
c. always
36. Come hell and high water, I will go to the concert of Sarah Geronimo.
a. Start a new career b. Be brave
c. No matter what happens
37. Florian is barking up the wrong tree.
a. Liking the wrong person b. Accusing the wrong person
c. Accusing the right person
38. Kathlene got to school in the nick of time.
a. Just before it’s too late b. Too late
c. A little late

IV. Organization - Arrange the Parts of a Plot in Order. Write the numbers 1-5 on each
39. ________ Denouement
40. ________ Introduction
41. ________ Falling Action
42. ________ Rising Action
43. ________ Climax

V. Enumeration
Coordinating Conjunctions
44. 49.
45. 50.

God Bless! 

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