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1. Have you observed any sexist attitudes or heard sexist comments

among boys in your school?, how about girls?
2. Are there also sexist beliefs among girls?
3. Do you think teachers, text books and the content of your lessons help to
promote sexual equality?
4. Can you think of any ideas that would help promote sexual equality
among teenagers?
5. Have you ever be annoyed by sexist comments made by your
classmates or teachers?
6. When you think of how young girls and boys relate to each other today,
do you think that we have made any progress in the way men treat
women in relation to previous generations, for example your parents’
7. Have you ever felt that your teachers, maleo r female, treated boys and
girls in a different way?
8. As a boy, what do you think we could do for boys of your same age to
advance in gender equality?
9. Do you think that the education you receive or have previously received
in your school helps to prevent sexist attitudes and progress towards real
gender equality? Can you give any concrete example of subjects,
activities, tutoring, etc that have been useful in this sense?

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