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Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems

Dr. Guillaume Ducard

Fall 2017

Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control

ETH Zurich, Switzerland

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G. Ducard

1 Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems

Pelton Turbine: presentation
Pelton Turbine: modeling

2 Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems

Electric Oscillator

3 Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems

Permanently Excited DC Motor: introduction
Modeling of a DC Motor

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G. Ducard
Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems
Pelton Turbine: presentation
Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems
Pelton Turbine: modeling
Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems


1 Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems

Pelton Turbine: presentation
Pelton Turbine: modeling

2 Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems

Electric Oscillator

3 Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems

Permanently Excited DC Motor: introduction
Modeling of a DC Motor

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G. Ducard
Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems
Pelton Turbine: presentation
Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems
Pelton Turbine: modeling
Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems

Example: Pelton Turbine in a Hydro-electric Power Plant

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G. Ducard
Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems
Pelton Turbine: presentation
Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems
Pelton Turbine: modeling
Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems


1 Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems

Pelton Turbine: presentation
Pelton Turbine: modeling

2 Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems

Electric Oscillator

3 Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems

Permanently Excited DC Motor: introduction
Modeling of a DC Motor

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G. Ducard
Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems
Pelton Turbine: presentation
Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems
Pelton Turbine: modeling
Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems

w Rω
w − Rω

w − Rω

Figure: Pelton turbine, definition of system variables.

Questions: (answered during the class on the board)

1 What is the mean force acting on the Pelton turbine? FT = f (w, ω, V )?

2 What is the resulting wheel torque: TT = g(w, ω, V )?
3 What is the power being transferred from the fluid to the turbine?

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G. Ducard
Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems
Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems
Electric Oscillator
Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems


1 Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems

Pelton Turbine: presentation
Pelton Turbine: modeling

2 Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems

Electric Oscillator

3 Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems

Permanently Excited DC Motor: introduction
Modeling of a DC Motor

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G. Ducard
Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems
Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems
Electric Oscillator
Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems


Electromagnetic systems often can be formulated as RLC networks:

resistances (R)
inductances (L)
capacitances (C)

Two classes of reservoir elements are important:

magnetic energy: stored in magnetic fields B; and
electric energy: stored in electric fields E.

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G. Ducard
Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems
Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems
Electric Oscillator
Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems

Mathematical modeling

Element Capacitance Inductance

Energy WE = 21 C · U 2 (t) WM = 12 L · I 2 (t)

Level variable U (t) (voltage) I(t) (current)

d d
Conservation law C · dt U (t) = I(t) L · dt I(t) = U (t)

The electrical power is P (t) = U (t) · I(t).

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G. Ducard
Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems
Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems
Electric Oscillator
Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems

Working with RLC networks, two rules (“Kirchhoff’s laws”) are


1: The algebraic sum of all currents in each network node is


2: The algebraic sum of all voltages following a closed network

loop is zero.

These rules are equivalent to the energy balance and are usually
more convenient to use.

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G. Ducard
Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems
Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems
Electric Oscillator
Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems


1 Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems

Pelton Turbine: presentation
Pelton Turbine: modeling

2 Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems

Electric Oscillator

3 Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems

Permanently Excited DC Motor: introduction
Modeling of a DC Motor

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G. Ducard
Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems
Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems
Electric Oscillator
Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems

I(t) L R

u(t) UL (t) UR (t) y(t)
UC (t)

Step 1: Inputs and Outputs

1 Input: u(t), input voltage
2 Output: y(t), output voltage

Step 2: Energy reservoirs

1 Magnetic energy in L
2 Electric energy in C

Step 3: ”Equivalent energy balance”: Kirchhoff rule

UL (t) + UR (t) + UC (t) = u(t)
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G. Ducard
Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems
Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems
Electric Oscillator
Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems

Step 4: Differential equations

“C” and ”L law”:
d d
UL (t) = L · I(t), I(t) = C · UC (t)
dt dt
and Ohm’s law:
UR (t) = R · I(t)

Step 5: Reformulation and result

Definitions: y(t) = UC (t), I(t) = dt Q(t)

d d d2
Reformulation: I(t) = C · dt y(t), dt I(t) =C· dt2 y(t)

d2 d
Result: L · C · dt2
y(t) +R·C · dt y(t) + y(t) = u(t)
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G. Ducard
Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems
Permanently Excited DC Motor: introduction
Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems
Modeling of a DC Motor
Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems


1 Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems

Pelton Turbine: presentation
Pelton Turbine: modeling

2 Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems

Electric Oscillator

3 Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems

Permanently Excited DC Motor: introduction
Modeling of a DC Motor

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G. Ducard
Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems
Permanently Excited DC Motor: introduction
Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems
Modeling of a DC Motor
Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems

Most electric motors used in control loops are rotational.

Classification: according to the commutation mechanisms used:

1 Classical DC drives have a mechanical commutation of the

current in the rotor coils and constant (permanent magnet) or
time-varying stator fields (external excitation).

2 Modern brushless DC drives have an electronic commutation

of the stator current and permanent magnet on the rotor (i.e.,
no brushes).

3 AC drives have an electronic commutation of the stator

current and use self-inductance to build up the rotor fields.

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G. Ducard
Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems
Permanently Excited DC Motor: introduction
Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems
Modeling of a DC Motor
Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems

DC motor

Figure: Principle of a DC motor (picture from Wikipedia)

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G. Ducard
Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems
Permanently Excited DC Motor: introduction
Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems
Modeling of a DC Motor
Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems

DC Motor Principle

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G. Ducard
Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems
Permanently Excited DC Motor: introduction
Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems
Modeling of a DC Motor
Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems


1 Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems

Pelton Turbine: presentation
Pelton Turbine: modeling

2 Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems

Electric Oscillator

3 Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems

Permanently Excited DC Motor: introduction
Modeling of a DC Motor

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G. Ducard
Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems
Permanently Excited DC Motor: introduction
Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems
Modeling of a DC Motor
Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems

ω(t) Tl (t)

I(t) R L Θ

UR (t) UL (t) Tm (t)

Uind (t)

Step 1: Input & Output

System input voltage u(t) (control input) and load torque
Tl (t) (disturbance).
System output measurement of rotor speed ω(t).

The motor is permanently excited, parameters κ in the motor and generator laws are constant.
The mechanical part has friction losses.
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G. Ducard
Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems
Permanently Excited DC Motor: introduction
Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems
Modeling of a DC Motor
Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems

Step 2: relevant reservoirs

the magnetic energy stored in the rotor coil, level variable I(t);
the kinetic energy stored in the rotor, level variable ω(t).

Step 3: two energy conservation laws

L· dt I(t) = −R · I(t) − Uind (t) + u(t)
Θ· dt ω(t) = Tm (t) − Tl (t) − d · ω(t)

c 20 / 22
G. Ducard
Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems
Permanently Excited DC Motor: introduction
Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems
Modeling of a DC Motor
Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems

Step 4: generator and the motor laws

Pelec = Pmech

Uind (t) · I(t) = κ · ω(t) · I(t) = Tm (t) · ω(t) (2)

→ Tm (t) = κ · I(t)
Inserting equation (2) into equation (1),
L· dt I(t) = −R · I(t) − κ · ω(t) + u(t)
Θ· dt ω(t) = κ · I(t) − Tl (t) − d · ω(t)

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G. Ducard
Lecture 5: Hydraulic Systems
Permanently Excited DC Motor: introduction
Lecture 5: Electromagnetic Systems
Modeling of a DC Motor
Lecture 5: Electromechanical Systems

Next lecture + Upcoming Exercise

Next lecture
Case study: Loudspeaker
Thermodynamics systems
Examples: Stirred Tank, Heat Exchanger, Gas Receiver

Next exercises: Hydro Power Plant

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G. Ducard

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