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Answer the following Questions to Assess your understanding on the discussion of

Chapter 2.

1. What are the advantages of engaging in E-Business and Collaboration? Cite at

least 1 specific example.

The following are some of the advantages of E-Business:

1. E-Business Saves Money

2. The Office can be Anywhere
3. Cheaper Marketing, More Control
4. 24/7 Availability
5. Global Reach
6. Quick Updates
7. Customer Profiling
8. More Avenues for Making Money
9. The In-Person Experience Still Has a Place
10. It has freedom


One example of an E-business is an online selling. When the pandemic broke out countless of people
lose their jobs. So, in order to meet their daily needs they created a way to earn even just staying at

2. As a manager, how are you going to ensure the quality of your IT

Infrastracture? Please elaborate.

3. Using technology, What Innovation can you propose in order to make

significant Development in your Organization? Please expand your answer.

Nowadays, technology plays a vital role in our lives. Using technology makes our work smooth and
easy to do that will improve efficiency and productivity level. Technology is not just to give us a
comfortable life; it also helps us to improve the quality of our work or products and services to
increase its profitability.

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