Class Vii Model QP

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CLASS 7 Time Allotted: 2 ½ hrs
06.02.2023 Max .Marks: 80
General Instructions.
1. The question paper comprises of four sections A, B,C&D. You have to attempt all the
2. All the questions are compulsory.
3. All the answers should be written in the answer sheet provided only.


I. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Dr Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi and founder of the M.K. Gandhi Institute
for Non- violence, shared the following story:

1.I was 16 years old and living with my parents at the Institute my grandfather had
founded 18 miles outside Durban, South Africa. We were deep in the country and had no
neighbours, so my two sisters and I always looked forward to going to town.

2. One day, my father asked me to drive him to town for an all- day conference, and I
jumped at the chance. Since I was going to town, my mother gave me a list of groceries
and several pending chores. When I dropped my father off that morning, he said, “I will
meet you here at 5 p.m and we will go home together. You get the car serviced and finish
the pending chores.”

3. After hurriedly completing my chores, I went straight to the nearest movie theatre. I
got so engrossed in a John Wayne double-feature that I forgot the time. By the time I
hurried to where my father was waiting for me, it was almost 6 O’ clock. I was so ashamed
of telling him that I was watching a movie that I said, “The car wasn’t ready, so I had to

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wait,” not realizing that he had already called the garage.

4. When he caught me in the lie, he said: “There’s something wrong in the way I brought
you up that didn’t give you the confidence to tell me the truth. I will walk home 18 miles
to figure out where I went wrong with you.” He began to walk home in the dark on mostly
unpaved, unlit roads. Watching my father go through this agony for a stupid lie that I
uttered, I decided never to lie in my life. That is the power of non-violence.

A. On the basis of your reading the above passage choose the most appropriate option 1x5=5
and complete the sentences:

(i) The speaker in the above lines is _________________

a) M.K. Gandhi

b) Dr Arun Gandhi

c) Mahatma Gandhi

(ii) Who do you think is the grandfather mentioned in the passage?

a) M.K. Gandhi

b) Mahatma Gandhi

c) Dr Arun Gandhi

(iii) The speaker was 16 years old when this incident took place.

a) True

b) False

(iv) The synonym of ‘extreme pain’ from the passage is:

a) engrossed

b) agony

c) ashamed

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(V)The speaker was late in meeting his father because __________________

a) the car was not ready and he had to wait

b) he went to watch a movie

c) he was completing the chores

B.Complete the following sentences: 2

(i) The speaker’s father decided to walk home in order to___________________ .

(ii) The speaker’s mother gave him___________________________________ .

C. Answer the following questions briefly:

(i) What was the similarity between the speaker’s father and grandfather? 1

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

1. How do humans and other animals communicate with each other? Of course, humans
communicate verbally by talking and making other sounds like laughing. Most other
mammals also communicate by making sounds as well. Sophisticated intelligent
mammals, especially dolphins and whales, possess well developed verbal skills and
communicate with high pitched sounds that carry through the water.

2. Researchers are actively working on interpreting these sounds in order to understand

dolphin and whale language. Verbal communication is accompanied by non-verbal body
language that also conveys meaning and emotion. Body language includes facial
expression, posture, position of the arms and many other cues that help in understanding
the meaning of verbal communication.
3. In the absence of verbal communication, body language can be sufficient to convey
meaning. Sometimes merely a stern look from Mom or Dad or a teacher, lets you know
that you are not behaving properly; no words are necessary!

A. Choose the correct answer from the options given:

(i) Body language includes
(a) Posture

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(b) Facial expression
(c) Position of Arms
(d)All of the above

ii) Whales and dolphins communicate by using

(a) Low-pitched sounds
(b) High-pitched sounds 1
(c) No- sound
(d) None of the above

(iii) In the absence of ______ communication body language is sufficient to convey the
(a) Verbal
(b) Non- verbal 1
(c) Written
(d) None of the above

iv) How do most mammals communicate?

(a) By making sounds
(b) Laughing 1
(c) Crying
(d) None of the above

(v) Find the antonym of the word ‘foolish’ from the passage:
(a) Stern
(b) Intelligent
(c) Sophisticated
(d) Smart

B. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words from the passage to complete the
given sentences:
½ x2=1
(i) Humans as well as _______ communicate by making sounds.
(ii) Non-verbal body language also conveys ________ and emotion.

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C. Answer the following questions:
(i) Name the two mammals which possess well developed verbal skills.
(ii) What are the researchers working on? 1X2=2


You are Scout Master/Guide Captain of your school. You have decided to send a troop of
scouts and guides of your school for camping to Indian School Nizwa. Draft a notice in not
1. 4
more than 50 words to be placed on the school notice board inviting the names of those
scouts and guides who are interested to participate.

You recently lost an expensive smart watch belonging to your elder sibling. You are now

2. feeling afraid to confess. Express your feeling of anguish through a diary entry in 50 4

Write a letter of appreciation to your Principal for thanking him for organizing ISFF at your

3. school. With exceptional films and an eclectic atmosphere, come and experience the
festival in its true sense at the International Short Film Festival. Write about the events of
the day as well as the benefits you received from this competition.


Choose the appropriate MODAL Verb according to instructions given:

1._______I leave the room? (may /can/would) (Permission asked formally) 1X2=2
2.My father _________climb trees when he was young. (could/ can/ should) (past ability)

2. Choose the appropriate determiner from the options. (1x3=3)

1. I don’t think I can lift the box. I need ____________help. (a little/little/much)
2. What colour shall we have? You can pick ____ colour you like. (any/some/neither)
3. Peter has two brothers, but he doesn’t speak to _____ of them. (either/neither/both)

3. Combine the pair of sentences with a suitable conjunction: 1X3=3

1. I went to school without eating breakfast. I woke up late this morning.
2. I was tired. I went to sleep.

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3. My father was watching TV. I was reading the newspaper.

4. Convert from Direct to Indirect Speech:

1. Joshua said, ‘I am going to meet my friend tomorrow.’ 1x2=2
2. Suraj says, ‘My brother is cooking delicious food.’

5.Convert from Active to Passive Voice:

1. Children like sweets. 1X2=2

2. The player is taking extra time.

6. Read the following sentences and change their tense as directed within the brackets.

1. My friend will see the minister. (Simple past) 1X2=2

2. He helps his father in his work. (Present continuous tense)

7.Choose the correct options and complete the sentences:
1. I _____________ him here yesterday.
a) is expecting
b) expected
c) am expect
d) will expect ½ X2=1

2. My father __________ to me every week.

a) is writing
b) wrote
c) writes
d) will be writing
8.Choose the Passive form of the sentence given in Active Voice
1.The man is watering the plants.
a. The plants are been watered by the man.
b. The plants are being watered by the man.
c. The plants is being watered by the man.
d. The plants were being watered by the man.
½ X2=1
2.They will receive a prize from the Minister.
a. A prize will be receive by them from the Minister.
b. A prize was received by them from the Minister.
c. A prize will be received by them from the Minister.

d. A prize will been received by them from the Minister

9. Do as directed. 1 x2=2

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1.Geordy  bought ________________ (Complete the sentence transitively.)
2.Moira and Jack  played ________________.( Complete the sentence intransitively.)
10. Rearrange the given words and phrases to form meaningful sentences. Write the
correct sentences.
1. inventions/our life/easier/made/many/have 1x2=2
2. time/inventions/our/effort/save/and

11.Complete the letter by filling in the blanks with one suitable word in each blank.
Dear Sir
We regret to bring to your notice that roads in Moti Colony need urgent (a) _______
(repair/repairs). The surface is badly damaged by the (b) _______ (rain/rains) we had last
month. In the night, it is dangerous to walk. Also, there are heaps of stones (c) _______
(by/on) the sides of the road. Your department (d) _______ (has/had) not taken any ½ x6=3
action so far. We would (e) ____ (be/for) highly grateful if you take necessary action
without any further (f) _______ (delayed/delay).

Yours faithfully
Residents, Moti Colony

12. Fill in with the non- finite verbs.

1. She needed  ___________  a lot of money quickly. (find) 1x2=2
2. _____________ exercise is important. (taking)

Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:

“I sit beside the fire and think of how the world will be
When winter comes without a spring that I shall ever see.

1 The season being described here is ____________. 1

2 The given lines are taken from the poem _______________ written by ______________. 1
What won’t the poet be able to see?
i. How the world will be in winter.
3 ii. How the world will be in spring. 1
iii. How the world will be in the future.
iv. How the world will be after death
4 What mood is the poet in? 1

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i) Contemplative ii) Jubilant iii) Mournful iv) Joyful
In thi I dashed across the plateau in the direction of a pool I knew of shielding my aching face and
head as best I could.

Who is ‘I’ referred to?

1. 1
i.Thomas ii. E.F.Martin iii. Higgins iv. Grandfather

2. The narrator was dashing towards the pool to save himself from the ____________. 1
3. The narrator was accompanied by one of his servants named __________. 1
The pool was situated in a ________________.
i. Snowcapped peak
4. ii. Valley forest ½
iii. Village garden
iv. Grove of trees
“It was now about two o’clock of a moonless night; clouds hung black and low. Bodwell
3. was at the window in a minute, shouting, frothing a little, shaking his fist.”

Why was Mr. Bodwell shouting, frothing a little and shaking his fist?
i. The sound of burglars screaming in the neighbour’s house disturbed him.
a ii. The sound of the narrator taking a bath in the middle of the night angered him. 1
iii. The sound of grandfather running in the garden angered him.
iv. The sound of the breaking windowpane confused him.
What did mother call out to Mr. Bodwell to clear his confusion?
b ½
i. Good night ii. Ghosts iii. Help iv. Burglars

c The narrator’s neighbour Mr. Bodwell was a ___________________. 1

Write True or False

d i. Mr. Bodwell called the police over an extension phone by his bed. ____ 1
ii. Mother had to throw another shoe to get Mr. Bodwell’s attention. _____
IV Answer any two of the following question in 30-40 words:
1. Why did George finally decide to go back home? 2x2=4
2. “The repose of the sun-embroidered green gloom slowly spread over my heart.”

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Identify any one literary device used in the expression ‘green gloom’. What does
the poet mean by the expression ‘green gloom’?
3. “….. and I laid myself down by the water
4. And stretched my tired limbs on the grass.” (The Journey)
How did the poet’s companions react when they saw him resting?
5 Give the word meanings of the following words ½ x2=1
a.yanked - --------------------------
b.magnificent - ---------------------------

Choose the correct meaning of the given words

6. a. eventually - starting, ii. beginning, iii. finally, iv. initially ½ x2=1

b. rapid - i. slow ii. quick iii. sluggish iv. gradual

Give the antonyms of the following words.

7 ½ x2=1
a. jubilantly b. intense

Complete the following poem.

a. We wear the mask that___________________________ with myriad subtleties.
8 4
b. Out of the night _______________________________ unconquerable soul.

9 Answer any one question in 40-50 words. 3

“All honour to you, heroic host of the interminable path!”
Who is being referred to as ‘heroic host’ and why?

A young woman wants to see you, sir.” Mrs. Pearce announces the arrival of a female
b. visitor.
Who is ‘sir’ referred to? Describe the visitor’s appearance.

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