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Republic of the Philippines

Sulucan, Bocaue, Bulacan

Employing Analytical Listening in Problem Solving
The use of adverbs in a sentence helps describe how things
appear and how things happen. With adverbs, you can add further
description, describe an action, or intensify the meaning of
another word.
In this lesson, we will discuss two of its types that could also
be applied in analytical listening in the context of new normal.
Adverb of Affirmation
It is an adverb used in a sentence to affirm it as true.
Generally, these adverbs are used to answer the questions raised
by others. Adverbs of affirmation can also be used in agreeing to
arguments or in expressing a sure or positive answer.
List of Frequently Used Words of Affirmation
absolutely certainly entirely sure/surely
affirmatively clearly exactly totally
all right completely indeed truly
assertedly decisively obviously undoubtedly
avowedly definitely positively verily
by all means doubtlessly really yes
1. The sun was positively bright and yet, only few people were there to witness it.
2. I do things not only for myself anymore, but definitely for others as well.
3. This is not the time to be unprotected and sick, so I am truly hoping that our frontliners will all remain healthy and safe.
4. Their service is indeed beyond description and I am sure that the world is grateful.
5. I exactly know the right thing to do.
Adverb of Negation
Negation is completely opposite from affirmation. It is an adverb used in a sentence to deny it as true.
Adverbs of negation can also be used in disagreeing to arguments or in expressing a disbelief or negative answer.
Words ending in ‘not’ (including contraction) and words starting with no- are also examples of negation.
Some of their examples are have not, do not, cannot, nowhere, etc.
List of Frequently Used Words of Negation
almost barely hardly never rarely
any contradictorily invalidly no/not scarcely
1. I am blessed that I am with my family, and we are all safe and not ill.
2. I barely get to see the people close to me in person these days.
3. I had the chance to bump into an old friend. We usually hug and kiss each other
in the cheek whenever we meet, but that time, we did not
even shake hands or get closer at all.
4. I almost ran out of words.
5. I would not understand the situation unless I see it for

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