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Activity #6

After performing all of these, what value have you developed? How can you relate this value in
your life? (Make a 150-word write-up)

After performing all the steps, I have developed the value of Patience, Perseverance, and
Calmness. When I was cropping and resizing the picture, making sure that it would perfectly fit on the
page, I developed the value of perseverance thinking that I had to make it fit well. I had to stay calm, at
the same time, so I can think of the caption. I also had to be patient in the process, especially in
recoloring the photo, as I had to try finding the best hue in recoloring the picture. In life, we have to be
patient in waiting for what God has prepared for us in our life because it will always be beautiful,
however, we also have to have the perseverance to keep going in this life that He has let us borrow for a
lifetime. And of course, we have to worry less and keep calm and let the Lord be the driver of our life.

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